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Farming Tools crossing the Line

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Costs for permanent tools which provide resources were at 1k per tool and discounted for 2,7k for all 3 tools (for the ones that collect Unbound Magic).


Expect to see a set of tools for volatile magic eventually in the gem store at probably that rate. When that will be the case though only arenanet knows.


I doubt we will see tolls which provide ALL the map resources (in this case Unbound and Volatile Magic).

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Sorry for the confusion.

I meant to say a single set of tools that would farm all magic and give all bonuses of special tools (jewels or gemstones). You wouldn't have to switch tool sets to gain magic from nodes; one set does it all.

An additional cost beyond the Gem cost of purchase would be added. I just thought a cost of Karma points per swing would be reasonable (instead of costing copper/silver coins). So if it costs 10 Karma per swing a regular metal node would cost 30 Karma and a rich node would be 100 Karma. And you would gain the type of magic the story would dictate.

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Why would they sell a single toolset when they can sell one per expansion, each covering the relevant new currency?


The actual feature suggested sounds expensive to develop: how would the game decide that I wanted unbound versus volatile when I was farming in core Tyria? What if I want more volatile now from all my farming, even after the third expac launches?

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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> So if it costs 10 Karma per swing

...then I'll only be able to use it about 230 times.


Why would they shoot themselves in the foot by making these all-in-one tools when people do and will still buy the perma tools that come out with different bonuses? Business-wise your idea is pretty awful, though to players yes, it would be convenient (outside of the karma use per item).

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> @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > So if it costs 10 Karma per swing

> ...then I'll only be able to use it about 230 times.


> Why would they shoot themselves in the foot by making these all-in-one tools when people do and will still buy the perma tools that come out with different bonuses? Business-wise your idea is pretty awful, though to players yes, it would be convenient (outside of the karma use per item).


I only threw that number up there as an example, not a hard fact that it would have to cost that amount. It could be 0,1, 3, or 5.

And it wouldn't have to have an additional cost at all. I just used the 'Copper-fed-omatic' and 'Silver-fed-omatic' as past practice that Anet has had permanent items costing a set amount with a per-use cost for the player.

I also only used Karma as an example of 'currency' that is easily gained, but with little use for most people other than buying stuff.



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