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veteran mordrem crescent arbiter is op

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Loading up with too many conditions is just the cherry on top of the crapcake.

Lest we not forget:

* Long distance DPS tether

* Drains endurance

* 6,000 radius quick-cast AoE that stacks aforementioned every condition in the game on you

* Follows you across half the map

* Has a tendency to attract 500 other mobs


Seriously, what is balancing? It wouldn't be so bad if there were a proper trade-off between damage and defense, but he also happens to have

* As much health as Tequatl


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I've faced one on a few classes and I can say from experience:


Mesmer: Dead almost right away. Might get it down to 90% before I melt.


Guardian: No matter how many heals or cleansing I do... dead around 70% (reason is it takes it long to kill me when downed when I'm trying to revive myself.... while knowing I will not get back up... but hoping some kind soul would come by to help. They never do... they never do...)


Revenant: I ran before it could kill me. Thankfully as Renegade hoping that my Utilities can take aggro off me for a few seconds to try and get a distance.


Engineer: Dead almost instant. Worst than Mesmer.


Thief: I've killed it a couple of times, but I'm also playing as Deadeye Dual Pistol so I just keep as far from that evil thing while dodging and keeping my attacks up.


Necro: A joke. Can be him and at the very least (from what I've seen as I'm not going to "challenge" myself to see how many before I die) about 3 or 4 extras around helping him, and I can drop him without a problem. Still takes a while because he seems to have more HP than some champions I've faced on Necro solo.

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Yeah, they're not the gods that people describe them as, but something is wrong with that NPC..

I've beaten a few on my guard (DH), but usually within the edge of my health, or after getting myself back up after killing one of his (many) adds, thank god for DH cleave.

It has too much HP, too many condis, it's pretty much a PvP scourge with 10x the HP.

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I had the forced encounter during the LS personal instance with my Condi Firebrand, and I think I can safely say that I now understand how WvW/PvP players might feel about the condi spam (without having ever stepped a foot into these game modes). Got the condis faster back than my 2 of 3 Mantra charges had removed them. Defintely don't want to fight it in the regular open world...

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yeah these guys are really annoying to kill, but the worst is that they allways have a nice group of other Awakened with then...i didnt had to much trouble with the fight, so far have played with power Spellbreaker and condi Firebrand...SB is kind easy, i have lots of cc to make sure he wont attack to much, and if he condi bomb me, i have plenty of source of resistence, if I mess up, i have shield, counter, greatsword 3 and 5 to get me out of danger...FB requires a little more skill(lowest health), but is more rewarding...like allmost everthing on the game so far, you can pretty much melt him with tome of justice alone, just need to make sure that you can avoid his stuff...fighting him kind of reminds me of scourges from pvp lol

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Pssshp King Joko would be insulted by the implication these mobs are actually hard they melt like butter vs my zerker soulbeast and if their lil adds show up to help they just die that much faster I don't even bring a single condition removal trait or utility vs them. Some dual axe longbow they get pooned into the dirt they were not worthy of King Joko!

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Where are these mobs? Just curious. I know of a veteran mordant crescent arbiter event mob in the deadhouse and he is a complete joke to fight. He die in less than 10s to my p/p deadeye and I dont loose any hp at all. The stupid abomination in the room before was 10x harder. Are there stronger version of him?

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> @Dawdler.8521 said:

> Where are these mobs? Just curious. I know of a veteran mordant crescent arbiter event mob in the deadhouse and he is a complete joke to fight. He die in less than 10s to my p/p deadeye and I dont loose any hp at all. The stupid abomination in the room before was 10x harder. Are there stronger version of him?


New LWS4 zone

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> @Schewe.1673 said:

> Loading up with too many conditions is just the cherry on top of the crapcake.

> Lest we not forget:

> * Long distance DPS tether

> * Drains endurance

> * 6,000 radius quick-cast AoE that stacks aforementioned every condition in the game on you

> * Follows you across half the map

> * Has a tendency to attract 500 other mobs


> Seriously, what is balancing? It wouldn't be so bad if there were a proper trade-off between damage and defense, but he also happens to have

> * As much health as Tequatl



I actually went looking for these guys to see what the big deal is. I only fought a few of them, but they weren't giving me any trouble. So what's the best approach to handling them?


The most dangerous thing they do is drop a large, ugly area effect circle that pulses many conditions at once. They appear to do this every 15 seconds. To complicate matters, they have a purple beam on a shorter (5-6s) cooldown that is low damage, but applies several conditions including slow. You will take heavy damage if you try to slow-walk out of the circle! Stay moving so you don't get caught flat-footed in the center of it. This way you should always be able to dodge to the outer edge. They also steal health from nearby allies, so if you are not using a high damage build and you're finding these guys just won't die you may want to try killing the non-veterans first.


Here is a quick video of my mirage taking one down. I run almost zero condi cleanse on this build, but it really doesn't matter when the enemy is dead before it can even land a hit!



Edit: I wanted to add that their health appears to be pretty normal for PoF veterans. I can't read it in the youtube version, but in my copy of the video the DPS meter shows that damage peaks as the arbiter and one of the non-veterans die at 9s into combat, having dealt 93.9k damage. There is another non-veteran nearby that looks to be a little above half health at that point. I couldn't detect any healing on the arbiter watching his health bar on the playback. If I'm being generous, these guys might have 70k health, which seems pretty normal.

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The AoE is the problem. It seems kind of buggy and sometimes doesn't seem to show any graphic or AoE indicator until its been up for a second or two and loaded you with every condition known to man and pretty heavy damage to boot. If you can avoid the AoE its not a huge issue fighting them, but because of the seeming issues with the AoE actually displaying properly you can end up getting nailed by invisible damage without realizing. Don't know if its an issue with the mob / attack specifically or part of the underlying lag in Istan.


They don't actually have that much health either, but that health drain is pretty strong, and I'm not entirely sure what triggers it. The description says "steals health from corrupted foes" but what does that mean, exactly? Steals health from players with conditions? Or is there a custom "corrupted" debuff that I've never noticed?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Last night I was recording video of bounties on the new maps. To my surprise, sometimes when you reach the marked location on this map, instead of the bounty champion you find a mordant crescent ambush! I was expecting a range-heavy fight and ran a reflect build that wasn't doing me any favors on this fight, but I did end up defeating this champion mordant crescent hierarch that appears to have the skills of both the arbiters and intimidators! But it wasn't pretty!




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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > @Schewe.1673 said:

> > Loading up with too many conditions is just the cherry on top of the crapcake.

> > Lest we not forget:

> > * Long distance DPS tether

> > * Drains endurance

> > * 6,000 radius quick-cast AoE that stacks aforementioned every condition in the game on you

> > * Follows you across half the map

> > * Has a tendency to attract 500 other mobs

> >

> > Seriously, what is balancing? It wouldn't be so bad if there were a proper trade-off between damage and defense, but he also happens to have

> > * As much health as Tequatl

> >


> I actually went looking for these guys to see what the big deal is. I only fought a few of them, but they weren't giving me any trouble. So what's the best approach to handling them?


> The most dangerous thing they do is drop a large, ugly area effect circle that pulses many conditions at once. They appear to do this every 15 seconds. To complicate matters, they have a purple beam on a shorter (5-6s) cooldown that is low damage, but applies several conditions including slow. You will take heavy damage if you try to slow-walk out of the circle! Stay moving so you don't get caught flat-footed in the center of it. This way you should always be able to dodge to the outer edge. They also steal health from nearby allies, so if you are not using a high damage build and you're finding these guys just won't die you may want to try killing the non-veterans first.


> Here is a quick video of my mirage taking one down. I run almost zero condi cleanse on this build, but it really doesn't matter when the enemy is dead before it can even land a hit!




> Edit: I wanted to add that their health appears to be pretty normal for PoF veterans. I can't read it in the youtube version, but in my copy of the video the DPS meter shows that damage peaks as the arbiter and one of the non-veterans die at 9s into combat, having dealt 93.9k damage. There is another non-veteran nearby that looks to be a little above half health at that point. I couldn't detect any healing on the arbiter watching his health bar on the playback. If I'm being generous, these guys might have 70k health, which seems pretty normal.


I googled Veteran Mordant Crescent Arbiter and found the same video.^^

Gladly, I refused to post it and noticed early that it was posted already.


It shows that this enemy isn´t even that much of a threat like some make it to be.

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