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"Fractal God" Title needs a female version.

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> @Sublimatio.6981 said:

> I would prefer to have a "Fractal Goddess" title, it would fit both mine and my character's gender. It just feels like I'm left out and forgotten.

> Can we have the augmentation unlock 2 titles?

> The word God implies a male deity and is not gender neutral. Everywhere in the world, since the dawn of creation, priests of different religions described their god as male and it's now deeply rooted in our culture to associate this word with masculinity. More here: https://www.goddessariadne.org/why-women-need-the-goddess-part-1 (yes I actually browsed the net a bit just to make this thread, lol)


> Besides, if I put so much of my time, gold and passion into the title is that too much to ask?


God is a being without gender , if you cant understand literature its not an excuse ; now keep S.J..W. out of GW2 it has destroyed far too much

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> @Evolute.6239 said:

> Isn't "god" gender neutral in most contexts anyway? Godess is just the feminine exclusive version, but a female can be a "god" of something. In this game Komir is the God of Knowledge for example.


So the male version is the "default" and female is an "exclusive version"? No that's not a definition of gender neutral.

Grammatically if you have a female and male version of a word that means the male version is not neutral. The gender neutral word for "god/goddess" is "Deity".

Christian god is said to be transcending gender yet it's depicted as a male (and always has been) - *"The Blessed Trinity is the term employed to signify the central doctrine of the Christian religion -- the truth that in the unity of the Godhead there are Three truly distinct Persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit."*

In most other religions gods are gendered, especially polytheistic religions (such as the one we have in tyria).

In answer to your question, no, "god" is not gender neutral in most contexts, it's the opposite. And Kormir isn't the God of Knowledge, she is the Goddess of Knowledge, you even have it on her minipet name and in other places.


Btw. yeah spanish titles also get two-gendered versions. Why not in english? There's literally no harm (and the comments about "wasting resources" are ridiculous btw). People just QQ because of bigotry and anti-feminist values. Not cute.

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I'm actually wondering if there already is a female version for that title. Does anyone have it? Titles have both versions automatically times. I really don't mind it lol. But then, as others said, the whole topic of other genders will come up.


(calling it, in 2 years we will have games where you can select your gender out of all thousand or whatever)

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> @Sublimatio.6981 said:

> > @Akame.1073 said:


> > fractal god = context : entity , supreme being , ... it has no actual gender ; by asking for a female version makes you a sexist

> > its the same for mankind=human kind ; it includes male & female ( context ...kitten)

> > & stop playing the victim card as life will teach you stupidity aint an excuse


> your analogy isn't working. when you want to compare the word "mankind" to our context, then the word you are looking for is "godhood". god is male, goddess is female, man is male, woman is female. obstructing the female version makes YOU the sexist. so stop playing the entitled card as life will teach you stupity aint an excuse.


so to your logic you arent human ??

& did you even read my post , i em getting really confused ; clue word is CONTEXT

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The term god (as opposed to the "name" God used for the Abrahamic faiths) is gender neutral in as so far it can refer to both male and female beings, but for whatever reason we decide we needed a special one for women.


It is kinda like how everyone can be an actor, yet we insist on using actress for some silly reason when talking about women.


It is fine.

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This topic has become derailed by ranting about gender politics.


Agree or disagree, it would probably take Anet three minutes to add 'Fractal Goddess' as an additional title unlocked when 'Fractal God' is, and it seems a perfectly reasonable request.


As for the person claiming to identify as an Apache Helicopter, you know perfectly well you actually identify as a troll.

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> @Sublimatio.6981 said:

> > @TexZero.7910 said:

> > The word God is gender neutral. It wasn't until the turn 20th century that people felt the need to apply gender status to it and come up with the term Goddess.


> we live in 21st century.


That's nice. I'm glad we can agree that times change.

However, that doesn't change the fact that the word is gender neutral in 99% of cases. The only time it's not is when people feel the need to apply sexes to entities that don't have them and cover a group and not the individual.

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> @TexZero.7910 said:

> > @Sublimatio.6981 said:

> > > @Coulter.2315 said:

> >

> > > When someone disagrees with you personally that does not extend to hatred of women for being women. You are an individual and not Chaka Khan.

> >

> > thanks captain obvious. however if someone ridicules you and attacks, calls you names, that is hatred


> Yes, but instead of addressing the topic you've repeatedly turned to attacking the person and generally attempting to character assassinate them by labeling them sexist amongst other things, when it has been very nicely pointed out to you that you're personal crusade is ultimately misguided.


> The word God is gender neutral. It wasn't until the turn 20th century that people felt the need to apply gender status to it and come up with the term Goddess.


More like early 1300's.

[dictionary.com/browse/goddess](http://www.dictionary.com/browse/goddess "dictionary.com/browse/goddess")

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> @Sublimatio.6981 said:

> I would prefer to have a "Fractal Goddess" title, it would fit both mine and my character's gender. It just feels like I'm left out and forgotten.

> Can we have the augmentation unlock 2 titles?

> The word God implies a male deity and is not gender neutral. Everywhere in the world, since the dawn of creation, priests of different religions described their god as male and it's now deeply rooted in our culture to associate this word with masculinity. More here: https://www.goddessariadne.org/why-women-need-the-goddess-part-1 (yes I actually browsed the net a bit just to make this thread, lol)


> Besides, if I put so much of my time, gold and passion into the title is that too much to ask?


The word God is indeed Gender neutral. In almost every religion it's forbidden to picture God and therefore to think about it's Gender. None i've ever met felt that God was a "male" word. Everyone was smart enough to know that God wouldn't have a Gender, except it's own ; "God".


Article quotes things like "Our beloved Father", which indicates god is male.

Then again we have the Quote " God is everything, and everywhere" , on of the most important quotes, which doenst even gets addressed here.


"Our beloved Mother Earth" - If god is everywhere, God IS the "Mother Earth"



God's our Mother, our Father, our Sistser , our Brother , our Son, our Daughter.


Instead of reading on 2000 word article, maybe read the Bible and make an own picture.

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> @kaat.8237 said:

> > @TexZero.7910 said:

> > > @Sublimatio.6981 said:

> > > > @Coulter.2315 said:

> > >

> > > > When someone disagrees with you personally that does not extend to hatred of women for being women. You are an individual and not Chaka Khan.

> > >

> > > thanks captain obvious. however if someone ridicules you and attacks, calls you names, that is hatred

> >

> > Yes, but instead of addressing the topic you've repeatedly turned to attacking the person and generally attempting to character assassinate them by labeling them sexist amongst other things, when it has been very nicely pointed out to you that you're personal crusade is ultimately misguided.

> >

> > The word God is gender neutral. It wasn't until the turn 20th century that people felt the need to apply gender status to it and come up with the term Goddess.


> More like early 1300's.

> [dictionary.com/browse/goddess](http://www.dictionary.com/browse/goddess "dictionary.com/browse/goddess")


Okay thanks for the correction it was first doctored in the 1350's.

Still doesn't change that the word God is neutral and that if anything people are adding suffixes to words to force gender identity where it never was before.


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Jesus, from the hundreds of problems this game have, this is the thing you decide it needs attention?

I do believe that "God" is a entity which dosent really have a gender, he is beyond that, we cant even comprehend his very existence...whatever if we use god as male or goddness as female, still the word in my opinion is gender neutral...i can see where you coming from, I respect your opinion, even if I completely disagree with you...dont mind if titles like "God of PvP" or "Killer Queen" switch depending on the gender of your character(Godnees of PvP and Killer King) but i do think that this is waste of time and resourses...let the devs work on stuff that actually matters, God knows that sPvP and WvW need some help asap.

Also calling people misogynistic for disagreeing with you is really pathetic...if you dont have actual arguments to change people minds then why did you bother even making this thread?

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> @Kundry.1249 said:

> > @Cyrin.1035 said:

> > I agree with OP. Also think the Berserker trait "King of Fires" should be changed. Maybe to something like "Master of Flame".


> Then someone will demand "Mistress of Flame."


Unlikely if you know the other, more common meaning of that word.


Thus, a title that can work for both genders likely without a request for gender neutrality.

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> @Sublimatio.6981 said:

> > @Felipe.1807 said:

> >God dosent really have a gender, he is beyond that



would also be correct " God doesnt really have a gender , it is beyond that"

understand grammatical rules & context (btw you used "context" wrong in response to me )

now i know you re just a troll

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> @Sykper.6583 said:

> The word 'God' is gender neutral. It's on you to interpret it in that way, thus if you perceive it as being 'male' that's not on anyone but yourself.


> We don't need to change anything about your misunderstanding.


The word 'God' is not gender neutral. It's on you to interpret it in that way, thus if you perceive it as being 'neutral' that's not on anyone but yourself.

We need to change something about your misunderstanding.


Language develops all the time. Last time (in this case), as someone linked, in 1300. "God" is currently a gendered word. Remember we're talking about the word god, not the monotheistic being from christian religion that is said to be genderless and yet depicted as bearded man. (or any other qualifying as such).

Tyria is polytheistic and character using the title most definitely has gender. And on top of that the word god is grammatically gendered. I hope you can follow the logic from here.


Edit: All that real religion in real life aside, we play in Tyria. Tyria has gods and goddesses, so give us two titles.

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There is points in time where one must take a step back and ask themselves:"What am I actually doing here? How is this cause advancing human (or woman) kind? How much net benefit am I going to gain with my current path of action?" Or simply put:"Is it worth it?"


Without personally wanting to give judgement on this issue (I am male and quite frankly don't care enough for titles to be phased even if they were to replace fractal god with fractal goddess), I have to wonder:"Is the net benefit really so high that arguing lexicology and etymology with random strangers on a game message board on a topic which likely will see no change really worth it?" This applies to both sides.



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Ok, so, simply question, why now and why just this title?


I pointed it out earlier that there are numerous inconsistencies that have existed since the start of the game.... where has your indignation been since then?


The excuse that this title was the "tipping point" is lame at best.


And no, correction of all these inconsistencies is not a trivial ... and this one instance is no less egregious than any of the others... so, again, why now?


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