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For the love of God fix the lag!

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Ever since the Daybreak patch, the lag is insane. This game has gone from the most astoundingly polished, professional game ive ever played to the buggiest thing on the entire internet. Every few seconds the game freezes up, and every so often it locks up completely and I have to restart my computer - manually, because it locks up my desktop too. After a while it gets so bad that I spend more time locked up than playing. I tried to do the daily a few days ago and I was getting about one second of function to every thirty seconds of lockup.

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> @Fenom.9457 said:

> Ever since the Daybreak patch, the lag is insane. This game has gone from the most astoundingly polished, professional game ive ever played to the buggiest thing on the entire internet. Every few seconds the game freezes up, and every so often it locks up completely and I have to restart my computer - manually, because it locks up my desktop too. After a while it gets so bad that I spend more time locked up than playing. I tried to do the daily a few days ago and I was getting about one second of function to every thirty seconds of lockup.


Daybreak? I've seen lag going on since Halloween.

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Is there a repair.exe in the install folder that verfifies your game data? I got serious lag since Halloween update, making (the longer/irritating) seasonal chapters unable to complete without crashing to character select screen (it's fixed now btw).

Locking up desktop is even more serious, if there is a way to verify your install give it a try! Hopefully it replaces files that are outdated.


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> @Grampybone.3716 said:

> Is there a repair.exe in the install folder that verfifies your game data? I got serious lag since Halloween update, making (the longer/irritating) seasonal chapters unable to complete without crashing to character select screen (it's fixed now btw).

> Locking up desktop is even more serious, if there is a way to verify your install give it a try! Hopefully it replaces files that are outdated.

> GL!


You can find the instructions to -repair your client via the 'Support' link above/below and 'Search - Repair'.


Good luck.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @Fenom.9457 said:

> > Ever since the Daybreak patch, the lag is insane. This game has gone from the most astoundingly polished, professional game ive ever played to the buggiest thing on the entire internet. Every few seconds the game freezes up, and every so often it locks up completely and I have to restart my computer - manually, because it locks up my desktop too. After a while it gets so bad that I spend more time locked up than playing. I tried to do the daily a few days ago and I was getting about one second of function to every thirty seconds of lockup.


> Daybreak? I've seen lag going on since Halloween.


It got worse with the post-Halloween patch. My frame rate plunges anytime there is more than a dozen people or whenever there is a event or with the over the top Daybreak effects.

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Use a program like pingplotter to determine just where your connection is slowing down. Send the data to ANet via a support ticket and they can help you with next steps. It might turn out to be something simple, like changing the port number you use when connecting. It might require speaking to your ISP's customer service. It might mean that ANet needs to take steps with their ISP. Or, it might turn out to be something more complicated.


The internet isn't just a simple one-hop cable that automatically connects you from your home to the destination server. There's a lot of things going on between us and them and any one of them could be the primary source of any individual's latency.


Without collecting data on your connection, it's impossible to rule anything out (or point fingers at anything specific, including Amazon AWS or ANet).

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> @ProtoGunner.4953 said:

> You just have kitten connections. I rarely have lags. But what I experience are freezes. The game still 'runs' at least the music, Windows runs in the background. But I can't close the game and so I have to restart my PC. Wasn't before PoF.



That's what I'm talking about! I can hear the music and can see the other tabs but I can't click on anything and I have to manually hit the power button. It started in GW2 only immediately on daybreak release and yesterday it did it a little when GW2 wasn't running

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