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Suggestion - Health and Race skill slots

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> @Tekoneiric.6817 said:

> > @DarcShriek.5829 said:

> > The problem with making racial skills useful is that it could make a particular race meta. Who wants a world where all anyone plays are norns. No one wants that.


> That wouldn't happen if things were balanced out properly. If what you said was true then everyone would be playing one profession which doesn't happen because everyone has their favorite professions. I tend to play engineer and ranger most, another might play other professions. It would be the same with cultural based skills if they were better.


We don't live in a perfect world. Balance will always be an issue. You will always have the problem of a race either being overall meta, or a class meta.

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> @Tekoneiric.6817 said:

> I've always thought it odd that the health skills aren't bound to the prominent health indicator in the center of the skills bar. If the health skills were moved to the center health indicator the skill slot could be freed up for a dedicated race skill slot. I don't see many people using race skills out in the world. If the race skills had their own dedicated slot it would give players a reason to use those skills more. I played with some screen shots and come up with this image as an example:



> ![](https://scontent-dft4-2.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s1080x1080/e15/fr/24254397_378842492573692_8987975805757816832_n.jpg "")





You have to find the root cause of the problem before you can come up with a solution for it. People don't use racial skills because in general they are significantly weaker than profession skills, and this is by design. Anet doesn't want you to feel forced to play a specific race in order to be most effective, so racial skills will always be weaker options.


If you wanted to address this, the best route is to campaign for a mastery line or something that allows us to use racial skills from any race in the game. Mastery line so you only have to do it once per account, and this way you could play whatever race you wanted, while still having access to racial skills that might actually be useful in a meta build. After this happens, then you could ask for buffs to racial skills to bring them in line with profession skills, and then people would run them more often,

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> @Funky.4861 said:

> Revenants don't have access to racial skills. Just thought i'd throw that in :)


Which is a class design flaw whose fault lies by Anet for not coming up with a proper revenant design, that works actually with Racial Skills like all other classes do work with them, marking them as the only black sheep among 8 white ones, because all what Anet cared for with the Revenant was making a class for all costs, that should be "unique" and uses a different utility skill system which by its unthoughtful design doesn't allow the option to use any racial skills, which would have been for me as a class designer in charge already a big reason to completely scrap the whole design and begin with it from start, because the whole class is just a symbol of ANets design incontinuity in my eyes

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> @Funky.4861 said:

> Revenants don't have access to racial skills. Just thought i'd throw that in :)


I haven't played the class much but that more or less makes the case of doing my suggested change because it would give the Revenant access to them. If ANet followed my suggestion what would be amusing is if a norn Revenant uses the spirit form then have that spirit talk to them.

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