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ranked is broken

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99 % of all ranked matches now are either ppl who are so new to pvp they have no idea what they're doing in any division or bots, or both, everyone's been seeing it and its more or less a joke even attempting to work on rank rather then just farm pips for money -- what about raising the requirement to do ranked to max(rank 80?) that way people in ranked would have some idea of what they're doing instead of allowing those who learned nothing at all(not even the basics) from unranked before jumping right into ranked to consistantly ruin the rating of those who would try to win instead of going mid until they lose match after match like robots?

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To max? You're salty _and_ nuts. Salted nuts! Not only would that utterly decimate the already waning PvP scene but it would also screw many players who are good but don't have time to constantly work on their rank. The issue with terrible allies in PvP is solo queuing and expecting to get matched with geniuses (like I'm sure you believe yourself to be) and that the game itself does a bad job explaining its PvP mechanics to newer players.

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i don't claim to be the best at anything, and often learn a thing or two from getting beaten.....but when your team has bots, or repeatedly goes mid or swarms their own home nonstop nearly every single match it makes ot very unfair to people who know how things work, or try, or do ranked to work on their rank rather then strap on a blindfold and faceroll the keyboard.....nuts? a little, dramatic? hardly.....the game does not do a bad job explaining anything to players and getting carried by a good team happens to everyone sometimes but is hardly regular a you imply by your dramatic post rather than helpful or informative

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> @PuppyMonkeyBabyJosephSayer.3601 said:

> i don't claim to be the best at anything, and often learn a thing or two from getting beaten.....but when your team has bots, or repeatedly goes mid or swarms their own home nonstop nearly every single match it makes ot very unfair to people who know how things work, or try, or do ranked to work on their rank rather then strap on a blindfold and faceroll the keyboard.....nuts? a little, dramatic? hardly.....the game does not do a bad job explaining anything to players and getting carried by a good team happens to everyone sometimes but is hardly regular a you imply by your dramatic post rather than helpful or informative


Because there's not much to discuss about your proposal. Making ranked only for players with the time to get to max rank would utterly decimate the number of players playing ranked. What would you say to all the sub-max players who play in ranked now that they now have to into unranked and grind out WvW ranks just to resume what they've already been doing? If you think this will somehow eliminate braindead players you're solely mistaken. They've been around since Everquest and will be around once we're all moved on from GW2. You're mad at the game because of bad players (you're salty) and you've proposed a very dangerous change to the game (which is nuts). Therefore, my expression was perfectly suited as a response.


> @thebatman.6250 said:

> I'd actually like to see the cap to ranked raised to 80. It's not a challenge, nor does it take very long to hit rank 80.


I'm about 65% games won last season (haven't really played much this season because I dislike the balance of PvP right now) and I'm only on the lower side of Bear because I can generally only play up to 3 games a day and haven't played many seasons. I've had games where I've played badly and yet I've never had someone chase me down with a private message and said "wow stop playing ranked you're not rank 80 lol". You likely don't have a grasp on just how many players you play with that you'd consider perfectly deserving to play in competitive yet are well below your qualifications to play in Ranked. And yes, getting to rank 80 is a significant investment in time I've played 832 games and let's assume they average at ten minutes each. That's 138 hours playing PvP. If you think someone who has played over 100 hours of PvP in this game doesn't deserve to play ranked you need to reassess your position.

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I agree that putting a gate like that wouldn’t be good. It would just destroy the population. I don’t have the highest win ratio, but have played several seasons all at about a 50% win ratio. That means I’m average. I’m not the best. I’m not the worst. I’m in gold, which is middle of the road. So it seems to be working.


I just hit rank 80 this week. I usually play 3-5 hours a week because I have a job and a family that take priority over a game. I don’t think it’s right to only have ranked be for people that are able to spend 20 hours a week on a game. There are plenty of people like me who have jobs and family and can only play casually, but are good enough be in an average spot.


I’m sure if I had 20 hours a week or more I could devote to the game I’d increase in skill dramatically, but that is an excessive amount of time to be spending on a game.

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80 means junk. It would only reduce population which is already small. Even with barely playing this game i have been plat every season, my alt account doesn't have rank 80 so your suggestion would lock ranked for me. No, ty.


Also, bronze/silver are for inexperienced players. I never was ranked that low but i farmed gold plenty of times ( by all means, i am not amazing) and trust me, bad players in low ranks are not issue since you can easily 1v2/1v3 there and hardcarry your team if you are any good.


Bots are diffrent issue. I don't see why normal players should be punished because of cheaters.

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> @PuppyMonkeyBabyJosephSayer.3601 said:

> 99 % of all ranked matches now are either ppl who are so new to pvp they have no idea what they're doing in any division or bots, or both, everyone's been seeing it and its more or less a joke even attempting to work on rank rather then just farm pips for money -- what about raising the requirement to do ranked to max(rank 80?) that way people in ranked would have some idea of what they're doing instead of allowing those who learned nothing at all(not even the basics) from unranked before jumping right into ranked to consistantly ruin the rating of those who would try to win instead of going mid until they lose match after match like robots?


stuff like teams zerging,feeding mid or fighting off point is what happens every season and are the top three reasons for a loss its a human problem not a pvp matching problem from what i have heard these problems are in every rank these problems will more then likely always happen it is nothing anet can fix

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