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Suggest : 5400Gem Transfer to Full Server

Jerry CCH.9816

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Counter Argument:


If they do allow people to transfer to closer servers, what would happen ?


Imagine if every bandwagoner in the game has saved up gold or real life cash, and guy gems and transfers off to BG. Their total population would increase further, but still have the same Queue limits (roughly 80 per map for 4 maps + OS).


How long would it take for guilds to realize it would be near impossible to get your guild into the same map at NA prime time, with Queue's closing in on 3 digits. You'd very likely shatter the community strength they have, simply because it would be near impossible to organize even the most organized server, when you have 500 bandwagoners in queue, shutting out the guilds and the old BG hands.


So, make medium servers free to transfer to, and BG just might de-stack itself. Simply because it's either that or play Queue-Wars. And the reason I think ANet would never actually do this, is because it would destroy one of the largest communities in the game. (It would also make whatever side BG was on in EOTM absolutely retardedly overpowered for who knows how long)

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> @Swamurabi.7890 said:

> Yes, then each transfer lowers the map cap of said server by 1-5 players.


The hilarity of BG suddenly swamped by people desperate to overstack, only to find they get queues after they have a dozen people on the map, and then having those same people flock to different servers, might break the internet.


On the plus side, it might fully fund gw3. :D

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