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Raiding its time for a change, its too complicated the way it is.

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Lots of invisibile stuff kills you and no one wants to follow simple things like standing in a green circle and teleport circles why are there invisible teleport circles. Why cant we have a nice raiding game where threats are visible and avoidable. Cant play a pug game of raiding cause too many deaths and i am more impatient than most but how can so many people stand to die so many times before they supposedly learn the content. Death as a content separator is meaningless i died too many times on my main and wvw toons over all so its excessive use in raids just makes it question why its fun. Is the critical mass of dying a billion times then getting a reward supposed to impress me that raiding is fun. Why cant the mechanics be more obvious so people with lots of lis who never explain anything dont ever have to.

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> @UnbentMars.9126 said:

> Soooo...if you are dying too much to learn the content might I suggest looking up guides and videos on youtube so you know what the mechanics are?


Better join a guild and practice with ppl who wants to share and learn, maybe with voice chat and somebody able to lead.

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This is where all the Addons for WOW raiding stems from. If a person's computer isn't able to show so much animation or suffers frame rate drops do to it, they see the effects after they've happened. Every body bunches up but you don't get that animation until it's too late. There is a lot of visual spam in the game and it makes it difficult to follow action when you're trying to find your cursor or your trying to see the boss animation that means get ready to do a specific action. That is why those addons became necessary to play. If you can't see the difference in boss animation, but an addon can flash an alert with a short description of what to do, then people can pick up on it even when they don't have a great computer or momentarily distracted. So it may not just be bad players, just players that don't have the coin for a better computer or more stable internet.


As for gaming in general there are those who will lack skill and that's definitely a part of it. I don't raid, WvW, or PvP, because I'm not looking to challenge myself with game mechanics or besting someone. That's something I've cured the itch for ages ago, when I was highly completive with fighting and strategy games. Now it's about fun, and if I want a challenge it'll be a jumping puzzle or an achievement I want to knock out. I already have enough in RL I have to do without artificial barriers that can be controlled.


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> @"Egrimm Van Horstmann.7921" said:

> This is where all the Addons for WOW raiding stems from. If a person's computer isn't able to show so much animation or suffers frame rate drops do to it, they see the effects after they've happened. Every body bunches up but you don't get that animation until it's too late. There is a lot of visual spam in the game and it makes it difficult to follow action when you're trying to find your cursor or your trying to see the boss animation that means get ready to do a specific action. That is why those addons became necessary to play. If you can't see the difference in boss animation, but an addon can flash an alert with a short description of what to do, then people can pick up on it even when they don't have a great computer or momentarily distracted. So it may not just be bad players, just players that don't have the coin for a better computer or more stable internet.


> As for gaming in general there are those who will lack skill and that's definitely a part of it. I don't raid, WvW, or PvP, because I'm not looking to challenge myself with game mechanics or besting someone. That's something I've cured the itch for ages ago, when I was highly completive with fighting and strategy games. Now it's about fun, and if I want a challenge it'll be a jumping puzzle or an achievement I want to knock out. I already have enough in RL I have to do without artificial barriers that can be controlled.



Its better in the new raid to go on low end options anyways.

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??? just watch a guide man. The indicators aren't invisible obviously, if people clear it daily. There's visial queues, audio queues, time metrics, there enough tell's in the game for every mechanic that you should be able to figure it out


If you feel like you can't learn while dying, just watch a guide or join a training. There's plenty of both .


This is just another thread complaining about a non issue in raids, asking for anet to Change them to cater to you...

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> @TheRandomGuy.7246 said:

> Skill effect slider was promised some time before HoT. And it was not even that bad back then. Guess making sure that players can see is not a priority.


I play on a potato six year old PC.. it's really not that big of an issue, idk why it's being over dramatized so hard.


Can it by annoying? Yea it can, sometimes the blues at VG are hard to see, they spawn on a cycle and have alittle audio queue. There's more then enough time to react.

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> @"Egrimm Van Horstmann.7921" said:

> This is where all the Addons for WOW raiding stems from. If a person's computer isn't able to show so much animation or suffers frame rate drops do to it, they see the effects after they've happened. Every body bunches up but you don't get that animation until it's too late. There is a lot of visual spam in the game and it makes it difficult to follow action when you're trying to find your cursor or your trying to see the boss animation that means get ready to do a specific action. That is why those addons became necessary to play. If you can't see the difference in boss animation, but an addon can flash an alert with a short description of what to do, then people can pick up on it even when they don't have a great computer or momentarily distracted. So it may not just be bad players, just players that don't have the coin for a better computer or more stable internet.



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I usually have to avert my eyes when there is too much going on visually. If i cant see it that is my one and only metric. And why do i have to watch some badly made video to learn something i just want to jump into. Maybe just have a simple raid mode with only one stat that can be about pugs and just for fun instead of stat meta build glory.

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> @meeflak.9714 said:

> > @TheRandomGuy.7246 said:

> > Skill effect slider was promised some time before HoT. And it was not even that bad back then. Guess making sure that players can see is not a priority.


> I play on a potato six year old PC.. it's really not that big of an issue, idk why it's being over dramatized so hard.


> Can it by annoying? Yea it can, sometimes the blues at VG are hard to see, they spawn on a cycle and have alittle audio queue. There's more then enough time to react.


Except when you have your team mates talk over the audio queue, and their bodies blocking the view.

It's not easy to see at all. it would be better as a giant circle 2 times the current area of reach of all the small ones, than the current thing. At least a giant circle i could see and dodge.

As the tank, its actually better, because usually you don't have the press of 8 other players between you and a view of the floor, so i can spot them quite well. But when you're dpsing... God, those blue circles are annoying as hell.

So yeah, OP exaggerates a bit, but he's not wrong in saying that some of the tells are easily obscured.

Also i find it kind of incompetent from Arena Net that they allow a situation where people to raid competently need to lower their graphics just to continue. Without any changes. I mean, if they're going to be lazy, why not just do raids in 16 bit graphics? I mean, would save them the trouble, and we'd have better tells, for sure.

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You do not need to change the circle size. All you have to do is make the blue brighter and less transparent and it will fix this issue. The Cairn circles with postprocessing set to high is a perfect graphic and almost impossible to miss but the problem is is you have to set postprocessing to high to see them easier.

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I have two years where i havent stepped into raids after doing vg once for the mastery unlock, i am not exaggerating about feeling as grossly deflated then as am I now with regards to invisible visual cues and deaths. Is it seriously a nonstarter to have puggable raids with one stat and no unfair mechanics. If VG has so much juice he can teleport people everywhere why dont he just have a concentric circle of spikes.

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Easy fix: Don't stand directly next to or inside the encounter. Learn to use "max melee range". Blues on VG are easily visible and avoidable by this (dodge or walk out) - same for Cairn - and you still get the distortion share and all the buffs. There is no need to live a life like chicken in a laying battery.

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sounds like your trying to kill vale guardian op? Spirit vale was released when gw2 desperately needed some challenging content, and it does a good job of providing that. However, since then, easier encounters have been released. I suggest you start with wing 4, bastion of the penitent, you will get more immediate kills. Also, kill escort once a week to begin earning some LI.

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> @"Wandering Mist.2973" said:

> For those who think the raids in this game are hard, I'm just going to put this up there....




> enjoy :)


I like how they afked at some point to take a break :)


But yeah. No content in this game is hard once you learn it. Which is why pvp/wvw is my go to content for the unexpected :)


As to the OP. I don't really mind ppl dying to a mechanic once or twice, but 3-4 times in a row raises eyebrows :)

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> @"Lambros Augustus.6594" said:

> I usually have to avert my eyes when there is too much going on visually. If i cant see it that is my one and only metric. And why do i have to watch some badly made video to learn something i just want to jump into. Maybe just have a simple raid mode with only one stat that can be about pugs and just for fun instead of stat meta build glory.


You have the rest of the game for that. Raids are designed specifically for people who are looking for a challenge greater than "hey, can you press buttons?".

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- Get 10 people together.

- Enter raid.


There, you are now raiding.


What you are referring to is efficient raiding which looks more like this:


- Get 10 people together where class synergy covers everything needed for that wing/boss/encounter.

- Enter raid.

- **Die multiple times and multiple hours on a boss.**

- Eventually kill the boss and move on.

- Get enough practice and experience that the encounters as they are pose less challenge and you can complete them within a reasonable time frame.


It's the highlighted part where most people are unwilling (in some cases unable due to time restrictions, disabilities, age) to invest the required time.


Wing 5 is the perfect example of this. There is tons of people currently investing time into trying to kill the first boss or clear the wing. No one went in and killed the boss immediately this week and no one will unless they get severely carried in the future. Every person is on a same playing field as far as Wing 5 is concerned since it just released (except for beta testers). The difference comes from:


- some people having more past experience with this type of content

- being better at their class/the game

- being better organized thanks to a bigger social community they belong to (guild, static raid, many friends in game, etc.)

- having access to more desired classes for the Wing 5 fight


All of these points are in no way reliant on easy mode raids. Every person who is successfully raiding started off at point A with no knowledge or experience. On the contrary, many raiders had 0 tools or guides available in the past which would help them. Now you can get kill videos within hours of a new Wing release from guild like Snow Crows or Quantify or others (not to mention the huge amount of guides in both written and video form for older Wings).


EDIT: and before someone comes in complaining about:"Well you just want things to be as hard on new players as they were for veteran players". That's not the point and never has been. Raiding as far as challenging content has always worked like this in MMOs and players who enjoy raiding know that a certain amount of time is devoted to working on bosses until they get killed. This is not open world:"I get loot thrown at me constantly."

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You should have tried to figure out Dhuum early last week before there were any guides or videos. Was a blast. Some of us actually enjoy that stuff over simply watching guides or facerolling Open World bosses. Let us have our niche content.

Ask for an easy mode if you want. Most don't seem to be able to accept that there is any content in the game that is not specifically designed around their personal liking, so why should you? Just let those of us who enjoy raids have something at the current difficulty or even harder.

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