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What is this Asuran City north of Istan?

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> @maddoctor.2738 said:

> > @ardhikaizecson.3697 said:

> > Someone mentioned it on reddit that it was where the prison kormir yadda yadda were in gw1 but i could be wrong though


> That prison is further east, South of Vabbi


Yes, WP mentioned that in his video on map updates. South of Vabbi. This cube is not that.

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> @moonstarmac.4603 said:

> I'm wondering who the Mysterious Figure is in the First City. Perhaps a minion of Dhuum? Could it be Dhuum and Joko are allies? Hmm...a dark and foreboding future lies before us. Good thing we have our good stomping boots on.


Joko goes against literally everything Dhuum stands for. But Dhuum can be a bit of a hypocrite with his undead skeleton army...


Still, I don't think Joko is a minion of Dhuum. He's too independent.

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> @flog.3485 said:

> > @smsarasin.3468 said:

> > >! Could it be where Rox and Braham came through on their way into Istan? They mentioned that they came through a gate.


> No they came directly from tyria.


>! They specifically mention that they passed through an inquest base on their way from Tyria to the Story mission at the end and say they are going to investigate the Inquest base they passed through.


Also, to the OP... I don't know what that cube is... perhaps something coming in a future LS maybe? Answer: Yes most likely, if certain _rumors_ are to be believed.

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> @moonstarmac.4603 said:

> I'm wondering who the Mysterious Figure is in the First City.


Probably [Lonai](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Lonai). She was a powerful necromancer in the original Guild Wars, who helped rebuild the Sunspears, and has been [mentioned](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Koss_on_Koss_(Extended_Edition)) in GW2 already. Considering the amount of GW1 NPCs returning, and how we know she was within Joko's reach, not to mention the physical resemblance... It's likely her.



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