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Should there be a GW 3? - [Merged]


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GW2 has the inertia to last a long time, so strictly speaking, it doesn't really need a sequel. I mean, WoW is still active, and GW2 is arguably a sidegrade, if not an upgrade, upon the WoW style of MMO.


If there is a GW3, it would need to make some radical innovations and departures from convention, even though that might risk alienating some elements of the playerbase. But if a sequel is made, I hope the devteam behind it will look carefully at what has been done in GW2 in order to replicate its successes and avoid its mistakes. If that process is not undertaken carefully, and the game is not redesigned with an eye toward the future, I would rather they just keep updating GW2.

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Yes - I think there should be a GW3 because realistically speaking there's only so much optimization and improvement they can do on the current game's architecture.

Eventually graphics will need to be improved. Server architecture will need improvement. Heck - we'll need the game to be more optimized - so much more than it is today.

New technology will emerge and GW3 will need to take advantage of it.


As much as I like the current game and want to see it continued I realize there's going to be a point where the current technology that's built into the game will be too old to be viable and a new game will be needed.

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I find it useless, a Guild Wars 3 biggest choice to tell, especially the interest without the ancestral dragons ...

Guild Wars 2, and improve your choice, like a redesign of the divine promontory that is very old and frozen in time (it's the oldest card in my opinion ...) with a carnival that never happened. .. and his old textures.

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There’s an old phrase that says “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.” Meaning, a sure thing that you already have is worth much more than grand dreams of future things.


Guild Wars, as great as it might be, is a lobby game with instanced party member only content. When ANet decided to make guild wars two they wanted to have a true mmo. So what exactly would be the big change to make gw3? Better graphics? That’s not enough to make a new game and hope your player base migrates over with you, especially if they have to leave their old accounts behind with all the gems spent on account updates and start over again. New story lines? They can do that with this game.


While ANet may one day make a gw3 or a totally different game imo it will only be because this game is dying and it’s better to leave it than to stay. That point hasn’t been reached and I don’t expect it for many years. I only expect upgrades to the engine for quite a long time.

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Many people want new races, new content, and ability to tap into new technology, but keep the characters they have spent thousands of hours and hundreds of dollars building.


I think one way to do this is not a completely new GW3, but awaken a new threat that razes the land much like LS1. New races could be brought out to help combat the threat.


I don't know what is harder to program: GW3 as a whole new system or reworking the existing world and adding new world threats and playable races.


I don't know if I would go to a whole new system without my current characters either, but I said the same about GW1 -> GW2 and here I am.

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Some people don't seem to understand that a GW3 would be an entirely different game, not just a GW2.5, a better version of GW2.

Look at the difference between GW1 and GW2. Two completely different games, the only thing they share is the lore.


I like GW2, so I want them to continue updating it. I like GW2, why should I want a different game?

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I voted other. I would love a GW3. However I would like it structured differently. I want more separation of advanced players and filthy casuals like myself. I hate the red circles. I want to be able to explore maps without getting ganked by npc's. Leave the truly difficult content to dungeons, fractals, WvW, PvP. Let the open world be doable for players like myself. Orr and beyond is too much. The expansion maps are too much too hard for a filthy dirty casual like myself.

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I wouldn't mind...however with only HoT and PoF, I think it's too early to say that a GW3 is needed. ESO, and WoW has had many expansions. I would rather want a visual upgrade similar to how WoW upgraded theirs. Also if they did do a GW3, I'd hope they have GW2 bonuses similar to how GW1 players got special items.

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> @"HeadCrowned.6834" said:

> There could be a GW3. But they should really think competitive PVP through. If this game mode is good, then the game will sell itself on different media and could compete with other competitive games. If they'd make it another casual PvE scrubfest, then no thanks.


PvP-focused MMOs usually fail, so no, it wouldn't sell itself on different media for long.

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> @"nSan.4251" said:

> I wouldn't mind...however with only HoT and PoF, I think it's too early to say that a GW3 is needed. ESO, and WoW has had many expansions. I would rather want a visual upgrade similar to how WoW upgraded theirs. Also if they did do a GW3, I'd hope they have GW2 bonuses similar to how GW1 players got special items.



WoW has the giant lore from the Warcraft series to fall back on and is THE reason MMORPGs are even a thing, you can't compare it to GW2 where important lore characters are added just to kill them off.

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No to GW3. One, it's not needed at all if you look at how much of the map is still to be uncovered. Two, there's quite a few people that are already invested into their accounts (hint, why do you think there's no WoW2? They know they'd lose subs if people had to start all over again) to want to switch. Three, if they do make it, they'd have to be able to do something akin to the Hall of Monuments, which could easily eat into production.

As for, what about new systems. I remember WoW had to completely nerf numbers down again because Mists of Pandaria was getting to high in numbers (raid Garrosh had a kitten of health) and it caused some people to be a bit sulky to say the least. Rebuilding the entire game to allow those huge numbers just was not feasible. The same can probably be said for GW2.


If they add anything, I think it should be a mobile app similar to WoW's armory app. You can view the trader, buy/sell, look over your character, engage in guild chat type of thing. I also think they should take some stuff from the defunct Rift app, that had lottery tickets. Once a day you could scratch off a lottery ticket and win a prize. With GW2, it'd be interesting because the prizes could be a pool of wardrobe unlocks, revive orbs, repair canisters, black lion keys, etc. However, that would all depend on how many people would use this app. Not that many would make it non-feasible as well.

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Experiencing the transition from Guild Wars to GW2: No need for a 3 if that is "yet another attempt at a B2P with added cashshop MMO".

This game has a lot of fans - Keep them happy instead, even if some of us original Guild Wars players aren't happy at all.

A mobile CORPG might be worth it but I (sadly) doubt Anet has the ability and perseverance to pull it off.


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I think Guild Wars 2 has still a lot to offer.


That being said if the devs want to move on to a Guild Wars 3 for whatever reason I hope they'll take their time, particularly to decide what their game should be, because the Guild Wars 2 we knew on release has very little in common with the Guild Wars 2 we know today, and because of that there is a lot of lackluster vanilla content in comparison with what we have today. It took them quite a while to really figure out what Guild Wars 2 should be, and in some instances they're still trying to figure it out, if Guild Wars 3 happens I want a game that knows what it should be.


Moreover I wouldn't accept a Guild Wars 3 if it wasn't unique, while sharing the forces of the two previous entry in the series, and would also emphasize the PvP experience.

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> @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> > @"HeadCrowned.6834" said:

> > There could be a GW3. But they should really think competitive PVP through. If this game mode is good, then the game will sell itself on different media and could compete with other competitive games. If they'd make it another casual PvE scrubfest, then no thanks.


> PvP-focused MMOs usually fail, so no, it wouldn't sell itself on different media for long.


The combat system and the game itself allow for competitive gameplay imo. But the balance system and the game modes don't. Don't forget that this game had a reasonable competitive scene in the past.

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> @"HeadCrowned.6834" said:

> > @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> > > @"HeadCrowned.6834" said:

> > > There could be a GW3. But they should really think competitive PVP through. If this game mode is good, then the game will sell itself on different media and could compete with other competitive games. If they'd make it another casual PvE scrubfest, then no thanks.

> >

> > PvP-focused MMOs usually fail, so no, it wouldn't sell itself on different media for long.


> The combat system and the game itself allow for competitive gameplay imo. But the balance system and the game modes don't. Don't forget that this game had a reasonable competitive scene in the past.


So did WoW, to the point of having tournaments for quite a while, yet it stopped for years.

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> @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> > @"HeadCrowned.6834" said:

> > > @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> > > So did WoW, to the point of having tournaments for quite a while, yet it stopped for years.

> >

> > WoW is much older.


> So? What does that have to do with having a reasonable competitive scene?


Making the comparison with WoW doesn't justify the statement that GW3 competitive would fail. One of the reasons behind that is that its much older.

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I believe GW2 is destined to be like WoW. With that being said, Anet needs to actually update their game engine like Blizzard has done with WoW. WoW launched in 2004....they have since updated their engine to support dx11 and now dx12 (it no longer supports dx9). Surely Anet can do the same. If not, then gw2 will start to age poorly. The game is very cpu limited, even the most high end cpu can't keep gw2 running at a high frame rate in certain circumstances. I'd definitely like to see Anet do some client side performance updates if we are suppose to see gw2 around for the next decade or so.

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