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Should there be a GW 3? - [Merged]


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I'd like to see it, but frankly I can't imagine it happening anytime soon.


Sure Gw2 left the options to continually expand, but we have to face facts here, the player base is declining as it does in every other game after a period of time. When I walked into the PoF maps not too long after they were released on days/nights when typically you'd expect it busier (the weekend), then find barely anyone on the map, and nothing in LfG, i'd say the game is on it's last legs. At best, it doesn't seem to be holding players attention for very long. If the game is bustling with players, where are they then? They weren't in the new maps, and they weren't in WvW, are they all in PvP or running raids? I just can imagine that happening.


I think they should stop with the story, make Gw3 and have the story continue or migrate into the new world. I'd think they'd make considerable more money doing it this way, than continually producing content in Gw2.

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One thing they could do, and they don't need GW3 for that, would be to bring more mature content in term of stories. And by that I mean serious storytelling. They could also do away with the Super Mario/Mega Man gameplay mechanics which the game game hasn't evolved away from. Take a page from Mass Effect 2, the Witcher series or Baldur's Gate for examples.

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To those who says they want a GW3 already...... just why? Why would you want **another** game? This game is only and already 5 years old and that's not old in the game ages.


Better graphic some of you say... sure, they can upgrade it just like WoW did and they're still using their old Engine YET they're still launching expansion after expansion.

I disagree saying we need a graphic upgrade, this game still looks so good and beautiful.


But we haven't even explored so many places yet, so much to see, new enemies and allies, new places, and you still want another game?! :angry:

I don't get it. :confused:

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I would buy a GW3 that:


Utilized the excellent PvE combat mechanics of GW2, in terms of mobility, and the excellect PvE mechanics in GW1 in terms of focus on resource management, interrupts, and team based skill synergies.


Returned the series to a lobby-based cooperative RPG built around challenging instanced content and away from a timer-based MMO primarily built on shallow open world content.


Returned to a primarily buy to play model in stead of a primarily microtransaction model.


Made assembling builds and acquiring new build enablers (be the GW1 style skill captures and buys, gear, whatever) part of the gameplay reward loop.


Did away with the notion of NPC companions.


Recognized groups of players in its narrative in stead of pretending there's only one player character.

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> @"reikken.4961" said:

> > @"PopeUrban.2578" said:

> > I would buy a GW3 that:

> >

> > Recognized groups of players in its narrative in stead of pretending there's only one player character.


> earlier GW2 stuff did this a bit. then they moved away from it


Yeah. Sadly raids are the only place left in the game where the world actually recognizes that you're not the only important character. The player-to-player voice interactions there are pretty sweet. I'd like to see agame that went back to GW1 style 'assemble a team build' gameplay, but without the "you can totally replace a party with NPCs" problem they introduced when they came up with the hero system.


Like, I really liked henchmen. they were good to fill a few spots, but not so good that getting another player wasn't always the clearly better option.

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On one hand I'd love GW3. On another... I just started enjoying GW2.

For me the game on release was boring and I had nothing to do. My favourite class (mesmer) without elite specialization felt lacking. I left the game and came back between HOT/POF to give the game another chance.

And right now I am not bored at all. I have so many things to do I can't get enough time for all of that!

I enjoy raids, fractals, bounties, casino-blitz, Auric, Tangled Depth's and Istan meta's. Story started getting interesting!

I just miss Festival of Four Winds form old GW2.


The only thing I feel like is bad for me are jumping puzzles. Normally I would love them and I really want to love them. The thing is... I don't have a problem with how to jump , I have problem where am I supposed to go in most jumping puzzles. And watching video to check the way takes away all the fun.


If they ever make GW3 I hope they'll correct the engine and performance and give us some "end game" like raids/fractals with launch, not X years later.

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> @"Alga.6498" said:

> To those who says they want a GW3 already...... just why? Why would you want **another** game? This game is only and already 5 years old and that's not old in the game ages.


> Better graphic some of you say... sure, they can upgrade it just like WoW did and they're still using their old Engine YET they're still launching expansion after expansion.

> I disagree saying we need a graphic upgrade, this game still looks so good and beautiful.


> But we haven't even explored so many places yet, so much to see, new enemies and allies, new places, and you still want another game?! :angry:

> I don't get it. :confused:


Agree. Engine change is irrelevant, at least for as long as it does what the dev team wants it to do. Back in the days of GW the team started on another expansion called Utopia but realized the engine could not do what the team had in mind so they scraped it for GW2. Perhaps one day they'll reach that point but I think we're far from that. The current engine seems very stable and could certainly be updated.

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it was hard enough for me to start with guildwars 2. i played wow and had reached so much. but i wanted guildwars 2 instead of wow. but i quit at lvl 80 few months after its release. it takes ages to build some account value. geared chars. shared bags. bank tabs. if all payed with gold. i don’t want to imagine to do this all over again in gw3. i would quit the game. now i finally have some nice geared chars in guildwars 2 and i don’t want it ended. finally finished nevermore i wanted when i saw it first but took ages to have the gold for it.


about graphics. guildwars 2 graphics are fine. if all maxed or high. i am a gamer who wants best possible graphics but i don’t need better graphics then guildwars 2 now has.



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Quite honestly, I wish GW2 was never a thing. I consider it a failure and back step from Guild wars and I know i'm not the only one. Anet tried to strike lightning in a bottle twice and while it convinced some critics at launch that don't play for very long, it completely dropped the ball and isn't the popular success the original was.


Knowing anet, they would try to strike lightning again instead of learning what worked and improving on it.


GW2 is worth it for the maps. That is pretty much it. They also made a lot of good ones in GW1, but these are a lot better in terms of exploration and dynamic events/metas


Now, if a GW3 were to be GW1 combat system as a basis and gameplay systems with GW2 maps (AKA what many of us dreamed it would be), sure, I'd be up for it.


But Anet won't do that. Though even from a story POV we could benefit from a format where the story is more serious again.

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Don't really see it as needed or financially even viable.. Basically if there was it would be a cycle of love hate anyway just like GW2.. Would be great if they could actually improve this engine a little (though I dont really have an issue with the gfx look) but this is arenanet - I wouldnt hold my breath for anything

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> @"Alga.6498" said:

> But we haven't even explored so many places yet, so much to see, new enemies and allies, new places, and you still want another game?! :angry:

> I don't get it. :confused:


I'd wage because some of them don't feel the urge to go to those places, or do those things in **this** game anymore..and think if a new game was made it would rejuvenate the desire to play again.


For me. I just that every game will have a life cycle.. so.. it's no that I want a GW3.. but I know its' kinda what will happen.. eventually.

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The poll is a no brainer. At some point, there will _have_ to be a gw3 or something like it to modernize the game enough to keep up with times. When it comes to how I perceive GW2 longevity, I don't think it's appropriate to move on after one more expansion. The game's too good to focus all energy on something else after only 2 more years. I think 5 years or over before launching another mmo seems more appropriate. But then again, WOW's been out for 14 years, and people like it specifically because it has many things to it for having been out so long. If we got this amount of content in 5 years, theoretically, in the time to start the foundation of another game, this game's content would increase by a similar amount.

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You should only make a new version of a game if your going to significantly changes game play or how it looks. Out side of that your just trying to sell more games to ppl when they could of just been an expansion. See CoD or one of the countless new version of games with the same name and effectively same game play.


So if GW3 was say a "card base combat" (that seems to be the in thing atm) and had more of a cartoon look or more real life then now that takes a much stronger pc then yes it should be a new game. If its just more races more classes more story etc.. even a full reset of the story then no an expansion will be more then enofe.

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