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Since the Skill Balance team apparently likes to look at class sub-forums


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I would say guardian core and DH needs something more :\ on some traitlines or some adjustments, but so many great ideas were added to the guardian subforum....

This is somewhat my wishlist to make the class more actualized since theres alot of mindless spam and alot of stuff feels undehwlming if not playing power creep based builds or spammy ones.



**Core Guardian**



** virgorous precision** and add a new trait that makes guardian gain barrier (arround 72-100barrier) per hit suffered.


**Purity of Body** to gain vigor or % of endurance every time u condi cleanse.


**Shouts changes - Make each shouts an affect icon on allies, so this way they cant stack.**


**Hold the line(8sec)**: This skill adds barrier and heals/regen? afected allies, give 150 armor, but ally looses amor boost if it moves.


** Stand your ground (6sec)**: This skill gives stability to allies, and 150 armor, while allies are afected by stand your ground, every time a chant or shout affects the ally, targets ally gain 1 - 2 second of stability.


**Retreat(10sec)**: - Grants aegis and swiftness to allies, whenever allies are moving with swiftness while under retreat they get healled for 200-300 ticks


**Save Yourselves(instant )**: Pull conditions from your allyes to yourself, gain a boost on self regen by 2%-4% per condition type pulled to you.




**Dragon Hunter**


** Soaring devastation:** reduces the F2 skill CD and add a KB on the landing and increase base damage (it is not that devastating :P)


**Pure of Sight** Your arrows travel 15% faster with damage adition:

- Damage from 0-600 increase 5%

-Damage from 600-1000 increase 10%

-Damage >1000 incrase 15%


**LongBow Skills:**

** Deflecting shot:** peirces all in straight line until it gets blocked/aborsved/reflected (like any arrow works on game)


Ohhhhh! **Spirit Weapons**...... only bow of truth is woring on combat....... and needs more than the small heals...

Whenever a guardian equipes a SW utilities on skillbar a Ghost weapon apears and follows the guardian. (keep same charges)


**Hammer of Wisdom**: cast a Spirit hammer moving arround caster doing damage and KB targets nearbt for 8 seconds.

**Sword of Justice:** needs to add a bit of criple and reduce the vulnerability stacks since it is way to easy to avoid it.

**Shield of Avenger**: simply is not working, on combat enters in CD and wont be casted and sometimes works like the old skill, it is a mess and need to be adressed,

Besides the bugs on it, dome needs to last longer and follow guardian, i would say 3-4 seconds. **

**Bow of Truth:** needs the heals a bit more tuned up OR increase to 10 target and mantain same heal base values (wish it could add 1 sec of stability as well on the healed allies XD)


I think this would make core guardian and DH as viable and more fun has true alternatives options to FB and not the underwhelming vertical design :P between them, since Valor would give barrier to FB as well.

**if fb feel to tanky with barrier that would be easy to adress as well** ;P

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To any balance team devs reading, here is a very simple bulleted list of a few of the issues that people have complained about most regarding guardian balance in pvp/wvw:


* Staff. Largely regarded as very poor in all three game modes. Could use a major rework to skills (perhaps animations as well).

* Spirit weapons: Most recent changes were very welcome, but are still very clunky to use (especially shield as a defensive utility).

* Focus: CDs are a tad bit too long.

* Scepter: skill 3 has too long of a cd, projectiles still feel a bit too slow for this to be a proper ranged weapon.

* Hammer: overall okay, however individual fixes could go a long ways (mobile hammer 5, target increase hammer 4, range increase hammer 2, decrease aftercasts).

* Torch: Heavily buff torch 5. This has repeatedly been said, but this is one of the poorest weapon skills in the game currently.

* Longbow: Buff trueshot. Right now it does too little damage for its cooldown and has a very large amount of counterplay.

* Axe: Add extra attack range to the holographic axes, increase bleeding duration slightly.

* Bunker/support Firebrand is overperforming. It is capable of tanking 1v3s and 1v4s for a considerable amount of time currently.

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> @Darknicrofia.2604 said:

> Hello Skill Balance team


> Firebrand support is fine

> Firebrand condi clease is fine

> Firebrand boon support is fine

> Everything is fine

> Buff Axe and Staff, maybe some more mobility too.


> Thanks


I disagree. Been a guardian main since launch, and where PvP is considered, Firebrand needs to lose some of it's Stability up-time at the very least. Firebrands only die to severe outnumbering situations. Or funnily enough, to Deadeye Snipers, in my case.

So, a few small changes/nerfs:


- Remove Stability from Unflinching Charge (Tome of Courage #1 skill). Spammable AoE Stability? Oh boy.

- Increase cooldown of Mantra of Liberation to 60 seconds, charge recovery to 20s.

- Have Loremaster only affect the cd of the tomes themselves, not the skills in them. Or alternatively, increase the base cooldown of all Tome of Courage/Resolve skills by 25%. ToJ isn't an issue really.

- Reduce the condi cleanse of Radiant Recovery and Eternal Oasis by 1 on each skill, so they remove 2 and 4 conditions respectively.


None of these changes would probably affect PvE in any way as PvEr's are mostly concerned about DPS which this doesn't touch upon.

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we need 5 buffs + weapon buffs:


Stoic Demeanor - Instead of slow make the aegis give 25% movement speed passive.

Mantra of liberation - Make the elite mantra giving protection for 2 sec.

Weighty terms - make the 3rd skill of mantras give chill and alacrity.

Tome of resolve (F2) - 3rd skill make a teleport 900 range.

Tome of justice (F2) - make the 2nd skill blast finisher.


Buff hammer its useless, buff staff its bad, buff axe its bad.

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> @Arcaedus.7290 said:

> > @IDKismyname.4520 said:

> > and DH needs some buff to his longbow in PvE. I know it can be pretty overwhelming in PvP, but...


> Yeah, those 3.5k crits really hurt :/


yeha right, when theres builds that do that easilly by just auto atacking way faster than bow :P.. much hurt

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The Longbow was originally released as a slow attacking weapon focused on area CC and ranged burst.


Well the area CC in LB5 got nerfed because lemmings in wvw zergs can't dodge and the burst got nerfed because...idk? Hell it was nerfed during the height of focus tempests and paladin scrappers meta of lolprojectiles.


Either reverse those nerfs or make the auto attack speed about 50% faster so it can actually pressure something.

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> @Darknicrofia.2604 said:

> The Longbow was originally released as a slow attacking weapon focused on area CC and ranged burst.


> Well the area CC in LB5 got nerfed because lemmings in wvw zergs can't dodge and the burst got nerfed because...idk? Hell it was nerfed during the height of focus tempests and paladin scrappers meta of lolprojectiles.


> Either reverse those nerfs or make the auto attack speed about 50% faster so it can actually pressure something.


Trueshot would be in a great place if one of the following changes were made:


* Restore its 4s cooldown

* Keep 6s cooldown, but increase damage by 20%

* Keep it as it currently is, but allow it to be cast while moving.

* Keep it as it currently is, but add some additional functionality to it (stability while kneeling to fire, might if it lands, etc.)


One of these changes SHOULD be made though. Darknicrofia is right, LB right now can neither pressure people, nor burst due to the nerfs it has received as well as buffs other classes have received.

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