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Power Reaper (Lich) vs Spellbreaker (video)


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Hell, I'll just go out on a limb here and show you how I lost to the Spellbreaker since it makes good learning material.

Essentially I want to show you how good the Lich is for a Power Reaper solo roaming in WvW.


I'll show you a step-by-step commentary on Power Reaper vs Spellbreaker in WvW




> @EremiteAngel.9765 said:

> Another point I wanted to share is that the Lich elite acts as a strong buffer to protect us during the 10 seconds shroud downtime.


> I think most Reaper solo roamers / duelers will probably agree with me that 10 seconds is a pretty long time for shroud to be down against good opponents.

> 7 seconds was about right.


> To make up for that 10 seconds, I chose Lich elite to fill that role.

> * From wiki: "The form also doubles base Precision and Vitality. At level 80, this adds 1000 Precision (47.6% Critical Chance) and 1000 Vitality (10 000 Health)."

> * We also get stability

> * 5% Lifeforce on enter (if traited)

> * 15% Lifeforce on exit (huge amount)

> * Lich lasts 25 seconds (traited)


> **High damage**


> With about 50% crit chance base build, you get 100% cc on every Lich hit and with procs from sigils and traits, you actually do a lot of damage (when you hit).

> In my video at the 7:36min mark, you see one Lich auto bringing the Mesmer down from 90% HP to 10% HP, or earlier against the Mirage, from 40% HP to 0% HP in one auto.


> **Massive deterrence and counter pressure during shroud down-time**


> This acts as a massive deterrence and counter pressure against opponents looking to exploit your shroud down-time. If they stay and fight, we will be trading damage and most of the time, its either evenly traded, or the damage traded is in my favor. Not to mention that I get that HP boost to tank some of his damage.


> **Trading range pressure**


> Lich also trades very decently against range opponents. You see me downing both the rifle warrior and P/P thief in the video. Admittedly stronger opponents would have given me a lot more problems but I feel the possibility is still there to trade damage against range opponents using Lich. I've not tried it much against better opponents though.


> **Holds up well against tankier melee bruisers**


> Lich 5 is also a very decent healing/damage skill against opponents in melee radius and allows damage trading even against classes like warriors. I fought a pretty decent spellbreaker recently with this spectral power build and lost by a whisker because of bad timing on my last burst and my pulsing GS blinding field triggering his Full Counter. Lich worked even against him as a strong damage trader.


> **Offers a quick range damage rotation option**


> If you had swapped to GS for example and your opponent managed to kite away from you, and you are locked from swapping back to your range weapon, entering Lich form offers a strong range damage option to continue pressuring your opponent.


> **Strong Lifeforce refill**

> 5% traited on enter + 15% on leaving. Very nice LF refill.


> **Negative points about Lich**


> * Auto misses easily at far range. But angling our characters in the direction that the opponent is moving in, or moving our lich to shoot straight (back or front) increases the chances of hitting the opponent.

> * Easy for opponents to disengage and wait for Lich form to expire. Long cool-down means the return fight you will not have Lich available. However, if an opponent disengages, as a Necro, I count it as a win =p



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> @Vitali.5039 said:

> Why not use March of Undeath to heal safely from range and then do the burst?

> Wasn't better to burst with Axe and then swapping to shroud?


You're right. I made mistakes in the fight that led to my lost. I was too eager to end the fight and tried to shroud burst him from lich without triggering his 2nd Ensure pain first.


As you said, it would be better for me to kite away with lich 3 or shroud 2 to heal before attempting to burst him again. Even taking Wurm over corrupt boon might have won me the fight there since I had triggered both his Ensure pain.


I hope I showed the potential of Lich for a power Reaper in a brawl though. The damage potential...the damage trading...the HP buffer...the shroud downtime buffer...


Imagine if you kited better than me and made better decisions in a fight =]

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> @Dadnir.5038 said:

> >! Well you died...


> It's unusual but it seem that the spellbreaker managed to be hit by the Lich auto attack. I'm not very sure that this video prove your point but at least you tried.


Lich auto always hits if you shoot behind you and the opponent is chasing you.


I know I lost but that was more a result of me making bad decisions towards the end of the fight.


Hope I showed the Lich potential though XD

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Pre HoT, warriors were always the bane of my existence when playing necro. It got to the point where the "ultimate strategy that I never had a chance to perfect" to beat a warrior was to save spectral armor for when the warrior pops berserker's stance and just stay in death shroud the entire time that he is using berserker stance to stalemate my spectral armor. Berserker stance was always what fucked me because it negates practically everything a necro can do while allowing the warrior to play as offensively as he wants.


Unfortunately, HoT and the trait merge patch came and balance as we knew it was obliterated and I never cared about mastering necro since. :anguished:

There's so much shit going on in combat now that I just no longer care to learn it all.


Props to you for continuing to roam on necro though. :+1:

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> @EremiteAngel.9765 said:

> > @Dadnir.5038 said:

> > >! Well you died...

> >

> > It's unusual but it seem that the spellbreaker managed to be hit by the Lich auto attack. I'm not very sure that this video prove your point but at least you tried.


> Lich auto always hits if you shoot behind you and the opponent is chasing you.


> I know I lost but that was more a result of me making bad decisions towards the end of the fight.


> Hope I showed the Lich potential though XD


Sadly, for me, the Lich potential, and futur, has always been the trash can... This "elite" is just bad to this point. There shouldn't be any "transform" elite in this game, anet overrate transforms way to much.

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> @Justine.6351 said:

> Well so long as they do what you did they will know how to die to a pve warrior. Not even joking, he has no wvw rank and full pve legendary gear lol.


It's not always accurate to judge a book by its cover.

The sense I got when fighting him was that he was utterly composed and knew what he needed to do.


For example, the first time I tried to shroud burst him, what did he do? Swap to GS and GS 3 evade out. Negated at least half my damage.


And, he was not spamming rotations like most average warriors do.


I felt the only thing hampering him was that he probably didn't have the proper utilities slotted or did not see fit to use it against me.

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> @Zefrost.3425 said:

> Pre HoT, warriors were always the bane of my existence when playing necro. It got to the point where the "ultimate strategy that I never had a chance to perfect" to beat a warrior was to save spectral armor for when the warrior pops berserker's stance and just stay in death shroud the entire time that he is using berserker stance to stalemate my spectral armor. Berserker stance was always what kitten me because it negates practically everything a necro can do while allowing the warrior to play as offensively as he wants.


> Unfortunately, HoT and the trait merge patch came and balance as we knew it was obliterated and I never cared about mastering necro since. :anguished:

> There's so much kitten going on in combat now that I just no longer care to learn it all.


> Props to you for continuing to roam on necro though. :+1:


Thanks man. I feel the pain too since forever. Things got better though when condi Reaper was an option...was fun while it lasted.

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> @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > @ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

> > Any good player would be able to kite your **Necro**, avoid most if not all of the potential damage or just fire from range.


> fixed it



Yep. pretty much this. I know that i have never lost to a Necro silly enough to actually use this Elite because its total trash. Do wish it was good because it looks awesome but mechanics wise? Nah. Not a viable skill at any type of WvW what so ever.

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> @ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

> > @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > > @ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

> > > Any good player would be able to kite your **Necro**, avoid most if not all of the potential damage or just fire from range.

> >

> > fixed it

> >


> Yep. pretty much this. I know that i have never lost to a Necro silly enough to actually use this Elite because its total trash. Do wish it was good because it looks awesome but mechanics wise? Nah. Not a viable skill at any type of WvW what so ever.


We clearly do not have the same taste in regard of aestetic... _Reaper shroud_ look awesome, even _death shroud_ and _reaper of grenth_ look OK, but lich? No this just look chubby and clumsy.

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> @Dadnir.5038 said:

> We clearly do not have the same taste in regard of aestetic... _Reaper shroud_ look awesome, even _death shroud_ and _reaper of grenth_ look OK, but lich? No this just look chubby and clumsy.


Reaper of Grenth is boring, just a little effect around the player. Reaper shroud does look cool, mostly due to the weapon. Lich looks cool as well, but again i have always liked Transformation skills, its just such a shame most of them are so utterly dreadful :(



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I was asking for advice to understand the fight better on the warriors forum and got a very insightful reply. Sharing it here =]


> @Torqiseknite.1380 said:

> The spellbreaker's utilities were berserker stance, endure pain, and featherfoot grace. In your footage he used berserker at 1:10, endure pain at 1:34, and featherfoot at 1:43.


> I assume by gap closing utility you mean bull's charge, which isn't really popular for the meta spellbreaker build (def/disc/spellbreaker) because it can't be traited without taking the strength line. Meta is double stance with either featherfoot or break enchantments.


> You basically had him at 1:45, most of your cooldowns were up while he'd just used everything and was at low health. If you'd healed and kited away instead of casting deathly swarm into his block while backpedaling, I'm pretty sure you would've won. Leaving shroud wasn't necessarily a mistake since he was in block and reaper shroud degens fast now, you still had enough resources to down him in your normal set. You could've potentially recovered by using corrupt boon at around 1:55 to nerf his pressure with 10 seconds of weakness, buying you enough time to heal.


> The spellbreaker actually played pretty impatiently, using shield bash immediately after the block is predictable as you noted, it also wastes a cc when you still had all your endurance/stunbreaks available. He wasted a full counter at 0:55, used it again off cooldown at 1:29 but failed to proc, and finally landed one at 2:02 when you were already pressured. Spellbreaker should generally have a favorable matchup against power reaper because it can easily proc full counter off shroud 2, axe 2, and gs 4.




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> @EremiteAngel.9765 said:

> I was asking for advice to understand the fight better on the warriors forum and got a very insightful reply. Sharing it here =]


You basically lost to a bad Spell breaker. Nothing new there, most are bad. Carried by forced bad balance and little else. Hell, Sword Weaver sucks and i wrecked a Reaper Necro - why? Because they are easy to kite, easy to lock down and easy to avoid burst. Now, this Necro could have been bad as well but Good player Vs good player, Reaper is at the disadvantage against pretty much every class and build, except maybe Scourge. Why? Because Scourge has the same issues. Dreadful defensive option, no mobility, no sustain, easy to kite. Easy to lock down.


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> @ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

> > @EremiteAngel.9765 said:

> > I was asking for advice to understand the fight better on the warriors forum and got a very insightful reply. Sharing it here =]


> You basically lost to a bad Spell breaker. Nothing new there, most are bad. Carried by forced bad balance and little else. Hell, Sword Weaver sucks and i wrecked a Reaper Necro - why? Because they are easy to kite, easy to lock down and easy to avoid burst. Now, this Necro could have been bad as well but Good player Vs good player, Reaper is at the disadvantage against pretty much every class and build, except maybe Scourge. Why? Because Scourge has the same issues. Dreadful defensive option, no mobility, no sustain, easy to kite. Easy to lock down.




Well i won against a ele from gandara, who was hiding in his camp. Sometimes you just have to bait yor enemy. The most enemys come near you, when youre low.




But i still dont like reaper these days. Way too less survivability

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