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[Suggestion] Stop making Story Bosses Hard (LS4 Spoilers)

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> @"Rubedo.8769" said:

> Its a simple fix, apply a sliding difficulty bar that the player can set their desired difficulty for their own story instances. It's not like the rewards from story instances are all that amazing to start with so it doesn't really matter. Then the players who are "zomg git gud baddie" can have their "challenging" story boss to make themselves feel uber leet, and the people who want a simpler fight scenario can do so without it affecting anything else outside their solo experience.


> The Witcher had a difficulty adjustment system that allowed players to play the game at a difficulty of their choosing and was heralded as one of the greatest games of all time. I see no reason that we couldn't have the same thing here if that's what would make the players happy. Being able to adjust difficulty on a SOLO instance would have no affect from one player to another. If you do it on the highest difficulty then great for you, if someone else does it on the lowest difficulty then hey great for them. One does not affect the other.


Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe the difficulty slider in games like Witcher all they do is increase mob damage and health and maybe affect spawn numbers. That wouldn't make story fights in GW2 more challenging. Just take a look at that encounter where the commander and Braham fight those charr soldiers in the Prologue. No amount of tinkering with health and damage would make that fight enjoyable/challenging, they were sacks of health ready to be beaten.


Such a slider is a lazy designer's option that might work well in a single player game, but it's hardly actual "difficulty". And doing a pass on all instances to give proper mechanics and skills to all encounters in a "difficult" mode would be unrealistic as it would take too much work for very little gain.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Rubedo.8769" said:

> > Its a simple fix, apply a sliding difficulty bar that the player can set their desired difficulty for their own story instances. It's not like the rewards from story instances are all that amazing to start with so it doesn't really matter. Then the players who are "zomg git gud baddie" can have their "challenging" story boss to make themselves feel uber leet, and the people who want a simpler fight scenario can do so without it affecting anything else outside their solo experience.

> >

> > The Witcher had a difficulty adjustment system that allowed players to play the game at a difficulty of their choosing and was heralded as one of the greatest games of all time. I see no reason that we couldn't have the same thing here if that's what would make the players happy. Being able to adjust difficulty on a SOLO instance would have no affect from one player to another. If you do it on the highest difficulty then great for you, if someone else does it on the lowest difficulty then hey great for them. One does not affect the other.


> Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe the difficulty slider in games like Witcher all they do is increase mob damage and health and maybe affect spawn numbers. That wouldn't make story fights in GW2 more challenging. Just take a look at that encounter where the commander and Braham fight those charr soldiers in the Prologue. No amount of tinkering with health and damage would make that fight enjoyable/challenging, they were sacks of health ready to be beaten.


> Such a slider is a lazy designer's option that might work well in a single player game, but it's hardly actual "difficulty". And doing a pass on all instances to give proper mechanics and skills to all encounters in a "difficult" mode would be unrealistic as it would take too much work for very little gain.


Mechanics wouldn't really need to change with a difficulty selector, just the mob hp and damage done by the npcs could be affected. (Obviously something like this would need playtesting, rough drafts, etc...to perfect the right balance between mechanics and mob scaling, but it could be done.) Also going back to readjust the old solo instances could provide gain for the game itself, especially with the base game being free. Revamping old content would help new players, since they are the target audience for the older solo content. Right now if a player downloads the game and finds something in a solo instance too difficult on the first try in the current system they just stop playing the game and uninstall. That doesn't help the game at all. If the game wants to survive it has to draw in new players, and telling people if their struggling with something to "git gud" does not build a decent community or draw in new players. I'm not saying that you personally would say that to someone asking for help but just looking through the forums will show you that there are a lot of people who would. Now if the player could adjust their difficulty to something slightly easier until their more knowledgeable with the game systems and mechanics it could keep them interested.


People need to lose this mindset that if something is fine for them then its perfectly acceptable for everyone and nothing should change and no other opinion should matter. Everything can be improved in some way or another. If something like this were implemented in solo instances only it would have zero affect outside of that particular player. It wouldn't matter if you did it on the hardest difficulty and someone else did it on easiest difficulty.

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> @"Rubedo.8769" said:

> Mechanics wouldn't really need to change with a difficulty selector, just the mob hp and damage done by the npcs could be affected.


Exactly why it's a worthless change, increasing mob health and damage would in no way make fights more exciting and interesting when mobs already lack any skills and capabilities. A Smokescale has half the health of a Risen Thrall in Orr, yet it's way more challenging foe, a Pocket Raptor has almost 1/4th the health of a Risen Thrall yet it's a more challenging foe as well. Mechanics is what makes content interesting it's why Season 4 has interesting fights, while Season 5 so far has terrible fights.


Edit: The thread is about a Season 4 encounter, by that point the "new" player would have already played the story of both expansions (or at least one of them) and have some experience with the game's mechanics. Or at least they should. Thanks to how the game is designed and monetized a player can skip everything and go directly to the latest story, ignoring all previous content. Which is why I believe the Icebrood Saga is as terrible (challenge wise) as it is, Arenanet expects players to start playing the game with that Prologue, ignoring the rest of the game.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Rubedo.8769" said:

> > Mechanics wouldn't really need to change with a difficulty selector, just the mob hp and damage done by the npcs could be affected.


> Exactly why it's a worthless change, increasing mob health and damage would in no way make fights more exciting and interesting when mobs already lack any skills and capabilities. A Smokescale has half the health of a Risen Thrall in Orr, yet it's way more challenging foe, a Pocket Raptor has almost 1/4th the health of a Risen Thrall yet it's a more challenging foe as well. Mechanics is what makes content interesting it's why Season 4 has interesting fights, while Season 5 is terrible


What most people that want some kind of way to reduce difficulty aren't concerned with more interesting or exciting fights. Most want a simplified fight that they can actually enjoy the story itself and the exploration of the story instances. If you use the current boss fight levels are the "challenging" level of play then keep that as the hardcore version then give players to option to tone that back a little bit if their more a story driven player.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Rubedo.8769" said:

> > What most people that want some kind of way to reduce difficulty aren't concerned with more interesting or exciting fights.


> They should check the Icebrood Saga then


People shouldn't be forced into one part of the content of the game just because they don't find overly challenging solo content fun. Your starting to sound like the type of person that thinks that just because a challenging piece of content to you is what makes things fun that everyone else should feel the same way. Not everyone thinks that way, nor should they be forced to play that way if its not fun for them. This game needs to be able to play to a bigger audience in some way, otherwise it's never going to last. If opening up the solo instances and making them more enjoyable to more people helps in that respect then why hate on it so much? What effect does it have on you personally if someone else plays the solo portion of the game on a simpler difficulty than you did? MMORPG's thrive on catering to many many different styles of play, and telling people they can't play just because maybe their not as good as you is a pretty terrible way to encourage new people to try the game out.

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> @"Rubedo.8769" said:

> What effect does it have on you personally if someone else plays the solo portion of the game on a simpler difficulty than you did?


Two words: wasted developer resources. We are talking about 2+ year old content, Daybreak was released in November 2017.


> telling people they can't play just because maybe their not as good as you is a pretty terrible way to encourage new people to try the game out.


This isn't about encounters at the beginning of the game but encounters -after- the ending of the story. Unless of course what you are after is to make the Personal Story easier for some reason. Furthermore, with Path of Fire Arenanet made it literally impossible to fail encounters anymore.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Rubedo.8769" said:

> > What effect does it have on you personally if someone else plays the solo portion of the game on a simpler difficulty than you did?


> Two words: wasted developer resources. We are talking about 2+ year old content, Daybreak was released in November 2017.


> > telling people they can't play just because maybe their not as good as you is a pretty terrible way to encourage new people to try the game out.


> This isn't about encounters at the beginning of the game but encounters -after- the ending of the story. Unless of course what you are after is to make the Personal Story easier for some reason. Furthermore, with Path of Fire Arenanet made it literally impossible to fail encounters anymore.


Its not really wasted developer resources if it gets new blood into the game, and revamping old content to give more options to new players is never a bad thing if it brings players into the game, or brings players who quit back. I'm still not sure why anyone would be against giving players more options but i mean, thats your feelings on the subject.

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> @"Murtos.5342" said:

> > @"Shikaru.7618" said:

> > > @"thepenmonster.3621" said:

> > > > @"voltaicbore.8012" said:

> > > > What I have absolutely zero empathy for is the feeling that some of the above individuals have, namely that _their_ level of gameplay should somehow set the standard for discussion...

> > >

> > > This is the correct take.

> > >

> > > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > > I am an old school pen & paper role-player

> > >

> > > Hey! Me too!

> > >

> > > >and there is no real adventure without epic fights.

> > >

> > > Long fights were the least enjoyable aspect of playing for me so I tune out when it happens. Great time to do some drawing. As the snarky saying goes: I'm a **role**-player not a **roll**-player.

> > >

> > > But here's the thing- If I spent all of my time telling the **roll**-players they're doing it wrong they would have every right to think I'm an kitten and not want to play with me because (Are you ready to have your mind blown?) I was being and kitten who was always telling them they're playing wrong.

> > >

> > > This is also why no one wants to leave open world and go play raids, PvP and fractals with all of you. Not that they're lazy carebear players. Because you guys, self-appointed representatives of those modes and champions of harder mobs, always behave like unappealing playmates.

> >

> > Unappealing slices both ways. When Newbies join these game modes, are asked to change to adapt to the game mode, but they refuse to abide by the team, that makes them the unappealing playmate who then goes on to broadcast how toxic raiders are.


> yeah always fun when you try to raid in exotic gear just to get kicked out by those ASCENDED GEAR ONLY elitists but so many people keep saying those dont exist ^^

> and i dont think too many newbies gonna have ascended gear when they get to trying to do raids


I am over 2k LI+LD combined and I have never seen anyone get kicked for wearing exotic gear.


I have seen people get kicked for poor performance or lack of knowing mechanics in higher tier groups.


If this happened it certainly was a fluke. If it keeps happening, you gear is not the issue.

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> @"Rubedo.8769" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > @"Rubedo.8769" said:

> > > What effect does it have on you personally if someone else plays the solo portion of the game on a simpler difficulty than you did?

> >

> > Two words: wasted developer resources. We are talking about 2+ year old content, Daybreak was released in November 2017.

> >

> > > telling people they can't play just because maybe their not as good as you is a pretty terrible way to encourage new people to try the game out.

> >

> > This isn't about encounters at the beginning of the game but encounters -after- the ending of the story. Unless of course what you are after is to make the Personal Story easier for some reason. Furthermore, with Path of Fire Arenanet made it literally impossible to fail encounters anymore.


> Its not really wasted developer resources if it gets new blood into the game, and revamping old content to give more options to new players is never a bad thing if it brings players into the game, or brings players who quit back. I'm still not sure why anyone would be against giving players more options but i mean, thats your feelings on the subject.


"Our Easiest Content yet!"

"Ten Man instances that can be solo'ed!"

"Story missions without Mechanics!"

"Open world maps with ZERO ambient threat!"


You really think these are good selling points for the franchise?

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> Oh, i am an old school pen & paper roleplayer as well. And you know what made those games so fun for me? The challenge was a challenge of the mind, not of the hands.


Of course it was, since pen & paper is based on a sharp mind as well as the luck of the dice. Secrets and puzzles are the best part of it.


> So, something completely opposite of arcade games.


Exactly. Then don't play computer games if they are too difficult to you? Just a thought.


> Requiring faster reaction time and faster keypressing doesn't make the fight epic. Not to me, at least.


I'm already at an age were people are considered to be "slower" than the youth. GW2 has fights that depend on a sharp mind as well (see Liadri 8 orbs), not merely on reaction time, and computer games cannot be compared to pen & paper game mechanics. Like I said, if you don't want the challenge of skilled combat play different games. I've just started "The Talos Principle" and can recommend it.


By the way, the fights in GW2 we are talking about don't require the fastest of reflexes but rather the will to actually use your mind and learn a couple of basics, which aren't hard to grasp.


> completely aside, in pen & paper RPGs you very much _can_ make a real adventure without epic fights


Of course you can, but if you are playing a lengthy _campaign_, there is no circumventing _every_ fight, especially not in the classic fantasy genre.


> Some of the greatest rpg sessions i have played in included players finding a solution that made them _avoid_ the fight, and still solve the problem)


Agreed, but Guild _Wars_ (as the title implies) is not pen & paper and certainly not a game about peace-loving. Fights are fundamental to it since GW1, and if you don't like it, that's not the developers' nor the other players' problem. No one is forcing you to play the game, go play detective adventures instead - however, even many of those require skilled fingers in certain situations, for instance when you tail a suspect.

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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > @"Rubedo.8769" said:

> > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > > @"Rubedo.8769" said:

> > > > What effect does it have on you personally if someone else plays the solo portion of the game on a simpler difficulty than you did?

> > >

> > > Two words: wasted developer resources. We are talking about 2+ year old content, Daybreak was released in November 2017.

> > >

> > > > telling people they can't play just because maybe their not as good as you is a pretty terrible way to encourage new people to try the game out.

> > >

> > > This isn't about encounters at the beginning of the game but encounters -after- the ending of the story. Unless of course what you are after is to make the Personal Story easier for some reason. Furthermore, with Path of Fire Arenanet made it literally impossible to fail encounters anymore.

> >

> > Its not really wasted developer resources if it gets new blood into the game, and revamping old content to give more options to new players is never a bad thing if it brings players into the game, or brings players who quit back. I'm still not sure why anyone would be against giving players more options but i mean, thats your feelings on the subject.


> "Our Easiest Content yet!"

> "Ten Man instances that can be solo'ed!"

> "Story missions without Mechanics!"

> "Open world maps with ZERO ambient threat!"


> You really think these are good selling points for the franchise?


You obviously didn't read any of what was said earlier in the thread, I never said anything about changing group content, actually I stated that group content should remain the same, the only things that could be tuned would be the players SOLO STORY INSTANCES which has zero affect on anyone elses gameplay, if you want to do the harder content so you can show off your giant e-peen then by all means, but allow other players to play on a more tuned down version to also enjoy the story more than the mechanics if they so choose.

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> @"Rubedo.8769" said:

> > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > > @"Rubedo.8769" said:

> > > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > > > @"Rubedo.8769" said:

> > > > > What effect does it have on you personally if someone else plays the solo portion of the game on a simpler difficulty than you did?

> > > >

> > > > Two words: wasted developer resources. We are talking about 2+ year old content, Daybreak was released in November 2017.

> > > >

> > > > > telling people they can't play just because maybe their not as good as you is a pretty terrible way to encourage new people to try the game out.

> > > >

> > > > This isn't about encounters at the beginning of the game but encounters -after- the ending of the story. Unless of course what you are after is to make the Personal Story easier for some reason. Furthermore, with Path of Fire Arenanet made it literally impossible to fail encounters anymore.

> > >

> > > Its not really wasted developer resources if it gets new blood into the game, and revamping old content to give more options to new players is never a bad thing if it brings players into the game, or brings players who quit back. I'm still not sure why anyone would be against giving players more options but i mean, thats your feelings on the subject.

> >

> > "Our Easiest Content yet!"

> > "Ten Man instances that can be solo'ed!"

> > "Story missions without Mechanics!"

> > "Open world maps with ZERO ambient threat!"

> >

> > You really think these are good selling points for the franchise?


> You obviously didn't read any of what was said earlier in the thread, I never said anything about changing group content, actually I stated that group content should remain the same, the only things that could be tuned would be the players SOLO STORY INSTANCES which has zero affect on anyone elses gameplay, if you want to do the harder content so you can show off your giant e-kitten then by all means, but allow other players to play on a more tuned down version to also enjoy the story more than the mechanics if they so choose.


"Hey Mind, I hear you play a lot of GW2. I was thinking of picking it up. Have they added anything cool lately?"

"Oh totally, they've spent they last three dev cycles, retooling all their old story instances to make them easy enough that people who can't be bothered to dodge red circles can do them without slotting decent armor or using a solid build. So now not only are there no fail conditions like before, all you have to do is watch NPCs complete the fights for you."

"COOL!! How much is Path of Fire again?"


Making these story instances even easier than they already are wont be bringing anyone to this game. It would delay content to an existing playerbase that has already had the amount of content **drastically**reduced over the past 12 months.

You can paint the desire many have for a meaningful gaming experience as some kind of ego issue all you like. Some of us want to play a game, not metagame by browbeating the developers on the forums into making a series of cutscenes with loot.

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> "Hey Mind, I hear you play a lot of GW2. I was thinking of picking it up. Have they added anything cool lately?"

> "Oh totally, they've spent they last three dev cycles, retooling all their old story instances to make them easy enough that people who can't be bothered to dodge red circles can do them without slotting decent armor or using a solid build. So now not only are there no fail conditions like before, all you have to do is watch NPCs complete the fights for you."

> "COOL!! How much is Path of Fire again?"


> Making these story instances even easier than they already are wont be bringing anyone to this game. It would delay content to an existing playerbase that has already had the amount of content **drastically**reduced over the past 12 months.

> You can paint the desire many have for a meaningful gaming experience as some kind of ego issue all you like. Some of us want to play a game, not metagame by browbeating the developers on the forums into making a series of cutscenes with loot.


And yet again, you completely ignore what I actually said. It would be a optional difficulty change, like I said, if you want to do the content currently as it is and show off just how great you are to stroke your precious ego then by all means, do that. But since when was giving people options a terrible thing in an MMO? What effect does someone else doing their own solo instances in a different way from you in any way detract from your gameplay? I'll answer for you, it doesn't. Not all players are uber leet like you, so some players would appreciate at least having that option. Some players don't like having to go out third party websites for cookie cutter builds to clear content and would prefer to play how they find fun, and would like the options to do so in SOLO content that doesn't effect anyone else.


But please, continue to show how much you want the game catered to you and only you while anyone who doesn't feel the same way should have to suffer because it's not what you want. That's a great way to bring new players to the game.

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> @"Rubedo.8769" said:

> > "Hey Mind, I hear you play a lot of GW2. I was thinking of picking it up. Have they added anything cool lately?"

> > "Oh totally, they've spent they last three dev cycles, retooling all their old story instances to make them easy enough that people who can't be bothered to dodge red circles can do them without slotting decent armor or using a solid build. So now not only are there no fail conditions like before, all you have to do is watch NPCs complete the fights for you."

> > "COOL!! How much is Path of Fire again?"

> >

> > Making these story instances even easier than they already are wont be bringing anyone to this game. It would delay content to an existing playerbase that has already had the amount of content **drastically**reduced over the past 12 months.

> > You can paint the desire many have for a meaningful gaming experience as some kind of ego issue all you like. Some of us want to play a game, not metagame by browbeating the developers on the forums into making a series of cutscenes with loot.


> And yet again, you completely ignore what I actually said. It would be a optional difficulty change, like I said, if you want to do the content currently as it is and show off just how great you are to stroke your precious ego then by all means, do that. But since when was giving people options a terrible thing in an MMO? What effect does someone else doing their own solo instances in a different way from you in any way detract from your gameplay? I'll answer for you, it doesn't. Not all players are uber leet like you, so some players would appreciate at least having that option. Some players don't like having to go out third party websites for cookie cutter builds to clear content and would prefer to play how they find fun, and would like the options to do so in SOLO content that doesn't effect anyone else.


> But please, continue to show how much you want the game catered to you and only you while anyone who doesn't feel the same way should have to suffer because it's not what you want. That's a great way to bring new players to the game.


But comparing most of the story to a single player game with several difficulty options GW2 would already be tagged as "easy" since you don't even need the mentioned proper build or playing piano. Sure, some games have a "very easy" option but it's highly debatable if that option is used seriously at all. As the others have said you literally can't die anymore and in the encounters you still can the hp bar stays as before so you'll beat the content no matter what.

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> @"Rubedo.8769" said:

> > "Hey Mind, I hear you play a lot of GW2. I was thinking of picking it up. Have they added anything cool lately?"

> > "Oh totally, they've spent they last three dev cycles, retooling all their old story instances to make them easy enough that people who can't be bothered to dodge red circles can do them without slotting decent armor or using a solid build. So now not only are there no fail conditions like before, all you have to do is watch NPCs complete the fights for you."

> > "COOL!! How much is Path of Fire again?"

> >

> > Making these story instances even easier than they already are wont be bringing anyone to this game. It would delay content to an existing playerbase that has already had the amount of content **drastically**reduced over the past 12 months.

> > You can paint the desire many have for a meaningful gaming experience as some kind of ego issue all you like. Some of us want to play a game, not metagame by browbeating the developers on the forums into making a series of cutscenes with loot.


> And yet again, you completely ignore what I actually said. It would be a optional difficulty change, like I said, if you want to do the content currently as it is and show off just how great you are to stroke your precious ego then by all means, do that. But since when was giving people options a terrible thing in an MMO? What effect does someone else doing their own solo instances in a different way from you in any way detract from your gameplay? I'll answer for you, it doesn't.


and you did not read what mindcircus.1506 wrote. Optional difficulty options cost DEVELOPER RESOURCES to implement.


> @"Rubedo.8769" said:

>Not all players are uber leet like you, so some players would appreciate at least having that option. Some players don't like having to go out third party websites for cookie cutter builds to clear content and would prefer to play how they find fun, and would like the options to do so in SOLO content that doesn't effect anyone else.



I'm sorry but compared with single player games, open world and story content in GW2 is absolutely easy mode. Many single player games are vastly more difficult if you factor in the fact that they require you to learn how to play them. Let's not even get started on Souls likes or actually difficult single player games.


The main difference here is: players can pick GW2 up and progress with absolutely 0 clue how to play the game. If a player is unwilling to learn how the game works on their own, they CAN use outside resources to find guidance. I'm sorry but if you are challenged by almost anything in the story,


> @"Rubedo.8769" said:

> But please, continue to show how much you want the game catered to you and only you while anyone who doesn't feel the same way should have to suffer because it's not what you want. That's a great way to bring new players to the game.


The main struggle GW2 faces at the moment is CONTENT. Diverting resources to "fix" old content for players who are not interested in any way understanding or actually playing this game beyond afk-press-1 (and even that approach works on some builds) is not a wise use of those developers assets.

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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > @"Rubedo.8769" said:

> > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > > @"Rubedo.8769" said:

> > > > What effect does it have on you personally if someone else plays the solo portion of the game on a simpler difficulty than you did?

> > >

> > > Two words: wasted developer resources. We are talking about 2+ year old content, Daybreak was released in November 2017.

> > >

> > > > telling people they can't play just because maybe their not as good as you is a pretty terrible way to encourage new people to try the game out.

> > >

> > > This isn't about encounters at the beginning of the game but encounters -after- the ending of the story. Unless of course what you are after is to make the Personal Story easier for some reason. Furthermore, with Path of Fire Arenanet made it literally impossible to fail encounters anymore.

> >

> > Its not really wasted developer resources if it gets new blood into the game, and revamping old content to give more options to new players is never a bad thing if it brings players into the game, or brings players who quit back. I'm still not sure why anyone would be against giving players more options but i mean, thats your feelings on the subject.


> "Our Easiest Content yet!"

> "Ten Man instances that can be solo'ed!"

> "Story missions without Mechanics!"

> "Open world maps with ZERO ambient threat!"


> You really think these are good selling points for the franchise?


Depends on the customer, some will enjoy it, others wont. I for one would enjoy it. You would not.

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> @"Rubedo.8769" said:

> Some players don't like having to go out third party websites for cookie cutter builds to clear content and would prefer to play how they find fun, and would like the options to do so in SOLO content that doesn't effect anyone else.

It already is this easy. Always has been.

There isn't a solo mission in the game that cant be beaten on a mish-mash build in mismatched green gear.

You already have your easy mode.

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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > @"Rubedo.8769" said:

> > Some players don't like having to go out third party websites for cookie cutter builds to clear content and would prefer to play how they find fun, and would like the options to do so in SOLO content that doesn't effect anyone else.

> It already is this easy. Always has been.

> There isn't a solo mission in the game that cant be beaten on a mish-mash build in mismatched green gear.

> You already have your easy mode.


Some players enjoy making the game harder for themselves by running special snowflake builds with no synergy. Then complain on the forum that shooting themselves in the foot makes the game too hard. And then say that those of us with uber elite egos can have our "hard" mode while they're purposely opting into hard mode by not running a build that makes any sense.

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> @"Shikaru.7618" said:

> > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > > @"Rubedo.8769" said:

> > > Some players don't like having to go out third party websites for cookie cutter builds to clear content and would prefer to play how they find fun, and would like the options to do so in SOLO content that doesn't effect anyone else.

> > It already is this easy. Always has been.

> > There isn't a solo mission in the game that cant be beaten on a mish-mash build in mismatched green gear.

> > You already have your easy mode.


> Some players enjoy making the game harder for themselves by running special snowflake builds with no synergy. Then complain on the forum that shooting themselves in the foot makes the game too hard. And then say that those of us with uber elite egos can have our "hard" mode while they're purposely opting into hard mode by not running a build that makes any sense.


It doesn't make the game that much harder though. There are no DPS checks, no fail states. The vast majority of challenging missions in this game are skill checks that have nothing to do with build and gear. Players running objectively poor builds are doing nothing but making missions take a little longer.


The irony is that if the time spent arguing on the forums to get missions nerfed were instead spent just learning mechanics and improving play, the results would likely be much more efficient. If those people arguing for easier story missions took the time they spent berating other players and instead tried to outplay the content, they would undoubtedly get much better results in terms of their time investment.


But hey... painting the developers as out of touch sadists and those wanting a meaningful game experience as having an ego problem is easier. You can even invent untold masses who would spend millions on the game if only the developers would bend to your wishes.

Metagaming the forums means never having to admit "you" may be the problem and surveys show that pretend people have tons of disposable income.

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