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question about WvW PvP


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hi guys i was thinking about trying WvW out because the youtube videos make it look fun. i am wondering how often pvp really happens. my fear is it could have took days to get the 5min worth of footage i see in the youtube clips. my thinking is that since the maps are so big it could take hours worth of dieing and running back to a point to have some good pvp situations

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If you are first time in WvW, you will die. A lot. It takes time to learn who to fight and who to avoid, when to defend objectives, when to run away, which skills to use and how to run in a zerg or fight enemy zerg.


Not really sure if OP is asking for good 1v1 PvP. Because that is quite rare. All WvW maps are free PvP zones so there is almost always more enemies around, ready to kill you (and of course more friendly players too to help you). Fights can easily go from 1v1 to 5v5 to 20v20. In general, attempting to solo play can be difficult in WvW, you should be with group or with bigger zerg most times. Larger fights are commonly more fun too, and can last long time as dead people run back from spawn and fight still goes on and on and on.


The maps are large but with gliding it takes now less time to run back to fight. And most fights commonly happen in an areas where your spawn point is within reach. Reading a map and predicting where enemies are heading also takes time to learn.

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You get into PvP situations within like... 1 minute. Maybe less maybe more depending on the time. The maps are not big. This isnt ESO where you could ride for 15 minutes (and rubberband for 10 more) and then instantly die so you have to repeat it. If you got 3 waypoints on a border you a minute from any objective.

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> @trunks.5249 said:

> hi guys i was thinking about trying WvW out because the youtube videos make it look fun. i am wondering how often pvp really happens. my fear is it could have took days to get the 5min worth of footage i see in the youtube clips. my thinking is that since the maps are so big it could take hours worth of dieing and running back to a point to have some good pvp situations


to fight like the vids, check your server's primetime. and.then play =)

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