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Human Gods *Spoilers*


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> @MVP.7961 said:

> Originally, Malchor was Grenth's father but it was changed to 'unnamed sculptor' later.


That's actually untrue. It was always stated to be "mortal sculptor" - Malchor was never once, ever, stated to be Grenth's father.


What *was* changed, however, was the Divinity's Reach statue of Grenth's inscription, which originally quoted Malchor but was changed about 4 months into the game to be quoting Desmina.


> @MVP.7961 said:

> Grenth couldn't kill Dhuum, and locked him up then joined the other Gods after he took Dhuum's power over death. Dhuum was the original God of death and was a worshipped figure by the Human beings along with the other Six (Abaddon, Lyssa, Dwayna, Balthazar, Malendru and Dhuum were the original ones).

> The statues were created before Grenth was born and it is possible that the statue we see of the God of Death is that of Dhuum and not Grenth.


There's nothing to indicate the statues are of Dhuum. One of the achievements for The Desolation actually has us kneel before statues of seven gods, with commentary description text saying "it would be eight, but no one could find a statue of Dhuum". Further, folks would know what Grenth looked like from his time as a demigod, if not as a god.


Not to mention that the statues don't look a thing like Dhuum, who we saw in person in GW1.


Also, we cannot say that Lyssa, Dwayna, Balthazar, Melandru, and Dhuum are original gods - it's very likely that Lyssa and Balthazar had predecessors, in fact - and we know that Abaddon had a predecessor so he definitely isn't an original god.

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> @"Ildrid Ildhjertet.2489" said:

> I haven't found this in-game but OMG it is beautiful. It would also kinda make sense for the gods to look for a new place to live for humanity, as Tyria appears to be a deathtrap. Either with Elder Dragons feasting on magic and living creatures, or with the lack of Elder Dragons upsetting the balance and destroying Tyria outright. I've also been a bit curious about the progression of the story from here, as we apparantly can't kill more Elder Dragons and now that we've finished Balthazar there doesn't seem to be a whole lot more for our character to do but retire and live happily in Amnoon.


I think where it's going is that we can't kill more dragons _yet._ Once we have a means of containing the power, then dragonslaying is back on the table.


> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> Also, we cannot say that Lyssa, Dwayna, Balthazar, Melandru, and Dhuum are original gods - it's very likely that Lyssa and Balthazar had predecessors, in fact - and we know that Abaddon had a predecessor so he definitely isn't an original god.


In fact, we're told that Melandru is the eldest, which suggests that if the six domains were formed at the same time, Melandru is the only one that _could_ be the original.


Which doesn't necessarily mean that Dwayna or Abaddon were human, mind you.

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> @"Ildrid Ildhjertet.2489" said:

> > @Athrenn.9468 said:

> > See, here's the part that everyone's missing... probably because it's buried in achievements and Kormir forgot to include it in her sales pitch to Kasmeer & Co.

> >

> > There's a book written by some follower of Kormir entitled _[The Garden of the Gods](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Garden_of_the_Gods "The Garden of the Gods")_. Frankly, it was probably quite a foolish mistake not to mention the part about leaving TEMPORARILY to secure a new home for their followers, but there you have it.

> >

> > > After long hours of prayer, the goddess of truth herself has at last revealed the answers I sought. Praise Kormir! In her name, I will share the reasons behind our gods' withdrawal from this world.

> > >

> > > And make no mistake: the gods have withdrawn. Prayers go unanswered, Ascension fails. But do not despair, or ages: our gods still love us, and it is that love that drove them to leave.

> > >

> > > When the gods first brought humanity to this world, they were planting a garden; we were the seeds, with Tyria the fertile soil in which we would thrive.

> > >

> > > Like all gardens, it would experience and demonstrate life, death, challenge, order, growth, and beauty as it matured from carefully arranged rows of potential into dynamic, evolving reality.

> > >

> > > But there was a blight below the soil the gardeners could not prepare for; a predatory threat that would consume both the garden and the nutrients that sustained it: the Elder Dragons.

> > >

> > > When the dragons rose, the gods realized a terrible truth: any effort to save the garden would instead destroy it... or them. If humanity was to endure under their guidance, it could not be here.

> > >

> > > Reluctantly, the gods withdrew. They had to find new soil to tend, that their faithful might someday see the full, resplendent bloom of this most glorious garden. Praise Kormir!

> >

> > Does anyone else think that the writers are just trying to tie up as many loose ends as possible so that they can end the story in a few years and move on to Guild Wars 3 on another world?


> I haven't found this in-game but OMG it is beautiful. It would also kinda make sense for the gods to look for a new place to live for humanity, as Tyria appears to be a deathtrap. Either with Elder Dragons feasting on magic and living creatures, or with the lack of Elder Dragons upsetting the balance and destroying Tyria outright. I've also been a bit curious about the progression of the story from here, as we apparantly can't kill more Elder Dragons and now that we've finished Balthazar there doesn't seem to be a whole lot more for our character to do but retire and live happily in Amnoon.


> I have full confidence that the writers will come up with interesting villains, as they did Balthazar. Considering how many different opinions there is on the execution of PoF shows that at least they did something right when so many are this engaged, both in favor and against. I can see Guild Wars 2 running for several more years, but the lack of "world threatening" things to kill might seem a bit dull after that's pretty much all we've been doing for the past 5 years.


Well, we do have to kill another Elder Dragon now, and it has to be Kralkatorrik, what we don't have and I think one of the things we could be doing is looking for another Scion to absorb the magic to bring balance back to the world now that Vlast is dead, Aurene can't do it alone(that was stated as much in the dialogue). That would be an interesting direction to go in.

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