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PvP Discussion: Rewards

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  • ArenaNet Staff

For rewards, we have a couple things in the pipeline. Please keep in mind, the list below doesn’t include everything we have planned. It’s just what is far enough along that we feel safe talking about.


**Obsidian Weapon set**

This is a new competitive weapon set (shared with WvW). The first four weapons of the set will be available on 12/12. The weapons change effects and some detailing based on what team you’re on. (Red, Blue, Green) The set has 2 tiers. The first tier is exotic, tier 2 is ascended. Tier 2 will require grandmaster marks, the same as other ascended rewards.


**PvP Armor set 2.5**

We are working on an enhanced version of the Glorious armor. No dates on this yet, as it’s still a ways out. We’re aiming for 2 tiers. Tier 1 for Leagues and tier 2 for Tournament prizes.


**Tournament gizmos**

Our current plan is to continue changing the tournament gizmo monthly, until we have a full set. We anticipate that we will restart the cycle in July.


**Other rewards?**

We’d love to hear your thoughts on rewards and what you’d like to see. Keep in mind, some things like armor sets and weapon sets are very resource intensive and have a very long lead time.


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Unique finishers for monthly AT/PvP Season similar to the WTS ones. I also think you could add ascended shards/leauge tickets into AT's and the top in the ranked leauge. Other "maybe" rewards could be clovers or some sort of way to create legendary weapons. Similar to https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gift_of_the_Desert but a PvP version of it.


Have you discussed anything regarding enabling infusions for PvP? Theres a lot of people who play all game modes and have very expensive infusions who might want to see them but they do not work in PvP. Could also lead to potential reward in PvP from Leauge/AT's.


Unique mounts for AT's/Leauge

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Is there a possible way to expand some of the rewards given in ranked to unranked allowing people to not feel like they're losing out of loot or stop the loot farmers from messing with the matches of those looking to actively climb? Mostly just talking about the big loot chests, the bigger and prestigious rewards I agree should be locked behind ranked and tournament play.

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While you don't NEED mastery and hero points in pvp since it's not required to compete, having access to these thinga vi a pvp would be a nice quality of life upgrade for those who do both pvp and pve.


Not sure where to put them. Maybe one time reward tracks with a mastery point at the end? Receiving a mastery point for getting to gold once during a season, 2 for plat and 3 for legend? Hero points perhaps can be exchanged for some currency that is endemic to pvp.

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> @bluri.2653 said:

> Unique finishers for monthly AT/PvP Season similar to the WTS ones. I also think you could add ascended shards/leauge tickets into AT's and the top in the ranked leauge. Other "maybe" rewards could be clovers or some sort of way to create legendary weapons. Similar to https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gift_of_the_Desert but a PvP version of it.


I don't think we should focus on the Monthly winners price, it concerns a VERY small community , for the rest , it sounds like a pretty good idea

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> PvP Armor set 2.5

>We are working on an enhanced version of the Glorious armor. No dates on this yet, as it’s still a ways out. We’re aiming for 2 tiers. Tier 1 for Leagues and **tier 2 for Tournament prizes.**


Bad idea locking skins ( aesthetic in general ) behind rating, in a game like GW2.


I wouldn't mind for a big prize for the winners, but still something which is avaible in the game and not unique ( gizmo apart ).

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Black lion reward track? One ticket scrap and a possibly of a black lion key drop at the end at some relatively low chance. Might pull in the key farmers, and completing the track 10 times for a black lion ticket takes enough time that I wouldn't think it'd cause a massive hit to weapon price or gemstore sales.


Edit: As to PvP armor 2.5, as long as you guys keep sets without capes, skirts, or trench coats coming, this sounds good.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @bluri.2653 said:

> Unique finishers for monthly AT/PvP Season similar to the WTS ones. I also think you could add ascended shards/leauge tickets into AT's and the top in the ranked leauge. Other "maybe" rewards could be clovers or some sort of way to create legendary weapons. Similar to https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gift_of_the_Desert but a PvP version of it.


> Have you discussed anything regarding enabling infusions for PvP? Theres a lot of people who play all game modes and have very expensive infusions who might want to see them but they do not work in PvP. Could also lead to potential reward in PvP from Leauge/AT's.


> Unique mounts for AT's/Leauge


We've talked about finishers. We can talk about it again. They are a bit more resource intensive than you would think. Adding some ascended shards/league tickets wouldn't be off the table. Adding an alternate to the Gift of the Desert would be interesting. Especially for me personally, since it's really the only piece I still need to get the Binding of Ipos. :)


When I originally designed the gizmos, I was thinking about an infusion. But I changed it to a gizmo, since that would work for any armor set in any game mode. Of course, that's only good for 10 people per month.


Mounts I can almost guarantee would never happen. Those things are horrendously expensive to make.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @bluri.2653 said:

> > Unique finishers for monthly AT/PvP Season similar to the WTS ones. I also think you could add ascended shards/leauge tickets into AT's and the top in the ranked leauge. Other "maybe" rewards could be clovers or some sort of way to create legendary weapons. Similar to https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gift_of_the_Desert but a PvP version of it.

> >

> > Have you discussed anything regarding enabling infusions for PvP? Theres a lot of people who play all game modes and have very expensive infusions who might want to see them but they do not work in PvP. Could also lead to potential reward in PvP from Leauge/AT's.

> >

> > Unique mounts for AT's/Leauge


> We've talked about finishers. We can talk about it again. They are a bit more resource intensive than you would think. Adding some ascended shards/league tickets wouldn't be off the table. Adding an alternate to the Gift of the Desert would be interesting. Especially for me personally, since it's really the only piece I still need to get the Binding of Ipos. :)


> When I originally designed the gizmos, I was thinking about an infusion. But I changed it to a gizmo, since that would work for any armor set in any game mode. Of course, that's only good for 10 people per month.


> Mounts I can almost guarantee would never happen. Those things are horrendously expensive to make.


I figured finishers takes a lot of time, I just think it's a very cool thing and lacks in general in the game as a reward hence why I loved it as a reward from WTS. Another idea is to add perhaps a "bag" as a reward with T5-T6 materials, just thinking in general a way to make PvPers able to get a chance to make legendary weapons from PvPing exclusively.


The gizmos are 10/10 love the whole idea behind it and that it goes through standard models as well.


On the topic itself, weapons awesome idea same goes with "upgrading" or fixing the look for the armor to make it look more prestigeous.


I also miss tournament of legends, is there anyway possible we can see this happen in a mAT like every 6 months or once pear year or something towards this way?

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Here to talk about something that was discussed long ago: Another legendary backpack would be cool as well.

The Year of Ascension journey has brought and keeps bringing a lot of players into PvP, some of who have stayed loyal to the mode. I think this is a great asset to the mode and should be something worth considering.

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First of all, thank you for your effort, Ben.

Have you ever considered giving the pip reward system the wvw treatment? (make it permanently but with lesser gold amounts,etc; let ppl get pips in unranked..) and give new rewards at the end of pvp seasons? For example give Players who reached Plat T1 X amount of gold/t6 mats/finishers/whatever(Top 10-100 players should actually get proper rewarded for the effort they put into climbing so high (you prolly need to adress alt smurfing then.. maybe increasing the pvp rank to lvl 40 before u can participate in ranked or something, u get the idea). Reward Players for actually playing good and reaching higher rank. Right now we only get some Titles, which noone other than pvp player recognise in this game ....

Looking forward to your response

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I mean, I know it's ascended and everything can we at least get those new weapon skins in a track?


I'd be willing to work for that while I re-learn ranger all over again. I know you want to sweeten the deal for the tournaments, but it couldn't hurt enticing people who are still practicing unranked and want to figure out what class they want to play before going into ranked, or starting out.


Mind you, just a track for the skins and not for the actual ascended.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > PvP Armor set 2.5

> >We are working on an enhanced version of the Glorious armor. No dates on this yet, as it’s still a ways out. We’re aiming for 2 tiers. Tier 1 for Leagues and **tier 2 for Tournament prizes.**


> Bad idea locking skins ( aesthetic in general ) behind rating, in a game like GW2.


I disagree here. What the pvp rewards lack is something to really show off if you are a dedicated pvper. So i hope we will get some semi-legendary skins like wvw t3 armor that is really hard to get. This should include rating to some degree at least.


In general i think that the reward system should have more incentives to play good than just to farm pips. End of season rewards based on rating could do the trick here. For example i would like to see temporary bronze/silver/gold/plat/legend finishers that are based on your rating of the previous season.

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First, I'm amused and sad that I'm learning about future WvW here and not from the WvW dev(s). I'm not blaming you though, it's always nice to have a chat with devs about competitive modes.


So my question: Are there plans to bring the grandmaster mark from the final pips chest into at least the first or first two repeats? Right now we're looking at a year+ to get enough for a full armour set and PvP gives nearly no crafting mats. We can't loot enemy corpses like in WvW and of course there are no NPCs. Of course the gold rewards do help but the prices of T6 mats are always changing and sometimes they get really expensive, which clearly devalues the PvP rewards.

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> @Meridian.9103 said:

> > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > > PvP Armor set 2.5

> > >We are working on an enhanced version of the Glorious armor. No dates on this yet, as it’s still a ways out. We’re aiming for 2 tiers. Tier 1 for Leagues and **tier 2 for Tournament prizes.**

> >

> > Bad idea locking skins ( aesthetic in general ) behind rating, in a game like GW2.


> I disagree here. What the pvp rewards lack is something to really show off if you are a dedicated pvper. So i hope we will get some semi-legendary skins like wvw t3 armor that is really hard to get. This should include rating to some degree at least.


> In general i think that the reward system should have more incentives to play good than just to farm pips. End of season rewards based on rating could do the trick here. For example i would like to see temporary bronze/silver/gold/plat/legend finishers that are based on your rating of the previous season.


With all the wintrade and unbalance ( and the low pool of players ), i doubt you could really call somebody "that" skilled ( there are not enough players to begin with ).

If top players would be able to achieve first ( and for free ) some skins, i would have no problems at all, but for one who wants a specific skin, seeing that being locked away is not a good thing.


Like skins locked behind AP.


Players should play because they like it, not in order to get something shiny that others can't.

I would definitley leave this to the others MMO, especially because this game is about fashion.


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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:



> **PvP Armor set 2.5**

> We are working on an enhanced version of the Glorious armor. No dates on this yet, as it’s still a ways out. We’re aiming for 2 tiers. Tier 1 for Leagues and tier 2 for Tournament prizes.



I hope the 2.5 won't be better than what's available in WvW, or it won't be fair. If PvP armor gets an upgrade, WvW needs the same. PvP and WvW rewards should always be equal.



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I'd like to see the ascended shards of glory more evenly spread out throughout the reward tracks. Much in the same way as tickets are given in WvW reward track if possible. For example, I needed 25 more ascended shards of glory to be able to make my Legendary Chest, but I had to finish the WHOLE diamond tier before I could get any ascended shards at all. If it were spread out more evenly, I could've gotten it sooner.


This would also cause less of a "loss" at the end of a season, when perhaps a player got 3/4ths of the way to diamond, they at least got some ascended shards from that reward tier and don't lose a lot of progress over not finishing it the tier.


Other than that, I think rewards in PvP are actually pretty good. PvP exclusive skins would be cool, either for tickets or shards. We need a sink for shards of glory anyway.

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Please add Testimonies of Heroics or some sort of way to gain hero points to PvP. I have many level 80’s and a bank full of tomes of knowledge I’ll never use, but if these were replaced or could be traded for testimonies of heroics that would be a huge QoL change for people who want to unlock elite specs on alts but don’t WvW.

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Hello PvP team,


* Since there are going to be more legendary trinkets introduced to the game over time I would like one of them to be tied to ranked PvP assuming The Ascension is the only back we'll ever get for it.


* Not sure if PvP tracks are within the scope of rewards but I'm not particularly fond of the bag-inside-bag/salvage for sigils format of most tracks. I'd be very happy if you'd add a track that just rewards mats straight away or simply avoids the container spam altogether.


Thank you for your time.



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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @MakubeC.3026 said:

> Here to talk about something that was discussed long ago: Another legendary backpack would be cool as well.

> The Year of Ascension journey has brought and keeps bringing a lot of players into PvP, some of who have stayed loyal to the mode. I think this is a great asset to the mode and should be something worth considering.


I would like to do another one eventually. But it's not likely to happen any time soon.

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