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PvP Discussion: Miscellaneous

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @breno.5423 said:

> > HP bar. This is all what i want.

> > How can i play a healer role if i can't see the health of my team?


> This bothers me too. At some point I asked a programmer to look into the feasibility of this, but I don't think I ever put it on the backlog. It's going there now.


That'd be a huge step forward.


Reminded me of another somewhat minor detail that could improve visibility a bit: all 4 teammate's name colors above the heads of players used to be blue in PvP, which is the default for party member name color everywhere in the game. A year or two ago for PvP it was changed to this faint green-ish color (default friendly, non-party member color) which doesn't stand out quite as much when the screen is covered in particle effects. Could we get the blue back?

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> @Smarazzinger.1403 said:

> HI ben thx for your time and efforts!

> 1) I know its kind of difficult to realize but an option to record games and to see them and to see others players games would help to learn rotation and gameplay.

> 2) A website with gw2 guides where people can post builds, rotations, guides and pvp-related stuff (with a community vote system to highlight top guides ) to help people learn pvp. You could also add an in-game link or page to go to the web-site.


this is a great ideas

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> @AngelsShadow.7360 said:

> Is there any reason why we can't see elite spec icons in games? Especially now with two sets of Elite Specs, being able to see and work around what the enemy team is running would massively help.


> @breno.5423 said:

> HP bar. This is all what i want.

> How can i play a healer role if i can't see the health of my team?


These have become a necessity I believe.


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It might not be a popular idea since I've seen requests for more venues of communication but:


There are other games out there that have a "quick communication" feature that allows for preset text communications in chat.


That's a fine suggestion at base level, but with leagues, I'd extend the suggestion to the removal of the ability to "free type" in say/map/team chat, so that it would be limited to those preset text communications.


The amount that the games in league devolve into people playing keyboard vs keyboard instead of the gamemode is staggeringly high, and with no visible system or metric on how this player toxicity is being handled, it would be nice to just simply remove the ability to communicate freely and/or with toxicity.


Which also brings me to the next point; an automated system that reports back to base players how their reports are being handled would be a nice feature that would extend beyond the confines of PvP.


A simple PvP message chain of "report has been received, report has been added to the log, report has been dealt with by system/gm" would do a lot to strengthen the community's confidence in the reporting system, where as now the in game toxicity and subsequent lack of perceived follow up has seen a lot of players simply give up or be turned away from the PvP gamemode because they see it as a place where they will be abused with no consequence to the abusers.

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> @Trendy.1694 said:

> Several QoL improvements/suggestions from my side:



> 1. While it should be hidden for enemy to see exact elite spec, I would like to see those on my team to understand, whenever I have druid or soulbeast in my team, real thief or ~~worthless~~ PP etc.

> 2. When participating in AT, could you please add some sort of mark to show, which team I played in and vs? I personally like to check out, whom I played and if they won, how they would get.

> 3. As mentioned before by many posters - saveable builds (Band-aid soluion could be ability to change those recommended to add 10 per each class)

> 4. When match is over, disconnecting people class is repalced by disconnected icon. I would like to still see their last prof, as I do not remember names, but their classes during match. For example, I see Warrior afk at base, but when all 4 left match, I cant remember which one to report after match for Idle.

> 5. In addition to Top Stat system (which might need some tinkering, but I cant suggest much), I would like to be able to commend players after match, both enemy and ally. Those who get most commendations, will get MVP title of their team and 1-2 pips and/or reward track as bonus.

> 6. Reward for ready should be increased and Ready menu should be HUGE. I understand, that this is just 1 minute of waiting, but clearly some just ingore that "ready" button.

> 7. Key bindings per game mode per profession. Maybe ability to have those "Global" for majority and allow rest of us adjust them. For example, F2 for SB and mesmer in my book have completely different required reaction time and I would love to have Parry at my most "quick" thumb


> @Smarazzinger.1403 said:


> 2) A website with gw2 guides where people can post builds, rotations, guides and pvp-related stuff (with a community vote system to highlight top guides ) to help people learn pvp. You could also add an in-game link or page to go to the web-site.


I wanted to suggest some ideas, but this thread summarized them pretty well. If I will think about something else I'll add!

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**TL;DR: We should have more WebSites with pvp data/stats**


If we want GW2 to have a good PVP community, we should have more Websites with PVP Data. I am a League of Legends player, and i often spend alot of time just visiting some websites that contains data about the game. Examples:


* Champion.gg: Winrate, Playrate, Builds, avarage damage dealt per game, damage taken, output healing etc... for every champion in the game. Those informations are created using real data collected from ranked games in all World. Its so usefull if you want to "climb" elos (or divisions) in the game.


* Probuilds.net: This site list only games played by professional players in their SoloQ's accounts. Lets say i am a fan of a specific player, i can see its historic on ranked games


* Op.gg: this one is the best IMO. Similar to Champion.gg, except by the fact you can download and WATCH the game played by a specific player. This is very important to learn rotations, decisions making and even build paths.


I know alot of people will say: "GW2 PVP is dead, dont worry about it" and all the bla bla bla, but i would like to see something at least similar for our Game. Atm the only WebSite we have is Metabattle.com, and you can only see builds tier list.


This might depend on ANET releasing an API with data from ranked games, and similar stuff.


What do you think? Is there any other GW2 PVP Website i dont know?

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Adding additional PvP titles and possibly armor/outfit/cosmetics for people who have played for a really long time. Examples:


150 matches won as a Warrior gives you Champion Legionnaire...add a special title for 1000 matches won for each class, and a special cosmetic for 2000 wins etc.


Also in general I would suggest cosmetics that stand out and make people know that you're a PvP player. Such as unique armors/weapons that are not that easly obtainable. Something to work forward to through a few seasons or so.

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Ok, it is close to balance discussion but still within your scope: since damages are increasing more and more do you consider at some point to tweak amulets stat budget to some lower values to decrease the pace of single fights within a game? Is this something you regularly test internally?

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @WilnerGW.3275 said:

> **TL;DR: We should have more WebSites with pvp data/stats**


> If we want GW2 to have a good PVP community, we should have more Websites with PVP Data. I am a League of Legends player, and i often spend alot of time just visiting some websites that contains data about the game. Examples:


> * Champion.gg: Winrate, Playrate, Builds, avarage damage dealt per game, damage taken, output healing etc... for every champion in the game. Those informations are created using real data collected from ranked games in all World. Its so usefull if you want to "climb" elos (or divisions) in the game.


> * Probuilds.net: This site list only games played by professional players in their SoloQ's accounts. Lets say i am a fan of a specific player, i can see its historic on ranked games

> .

> * Op.gg: this one is the best IMO. Similar to Champion.gg, except by the fact you can download and WATCH the game played by a specific player. This is very important to learn rotations, decisions making and even build paths.


> I know alot of people will say: "GW2 PVP is dead, dont worry about it" and all the bla bla bla, but i would like to see something at least similar for our Game. Atm the only WebSite we have is Metabattle.com, and you can only see builds tier list.


> This might depend on ANET releasing an API with data from ranked games, and similar stuff.


> What do you think? Is there any other GW2 PVP Website i dont know?


If you guys have specific API requests, we could try to follow up on them with the team that handles those. I would suggest you create a special thread to talk about API and I'll make sure some eyes get on it. I'm not too sure what the workload is for the team that works on that stuff, so no guarantees.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @serenity.4712 said:

> Adding additional PvP titles and possibly armor/outfit/cosmetics for people who have played for a really long time. Examples:


> 150 matches won as a Warrior gives you Champion Legionnaire...add a special title for 1000 matches won for each class, and a special cosmetic for 2000 wins etc.


> Also in general I would suggest cosmetics that stand out and make people know that you're a PvP player. Such as unique armors/weapons that are not that easly obtainable. Something to work forward to through a few seasons or so.


Titles are a relatively easy reward we can make and give out. I've had a feeling that we're on a bit of a title overload for PvP though. That being said, I'm not closed off to the idea.

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Are there any plans for 3v3?


And someone said, we want to support pvp team. Could we have ways to purchase items that would directly go to finance pvp team work?


Any chances to see stats like k/d/assist/decaps/caps per match in numbers?


Any plans for bot games? Player vs AI.

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I often lose track of my asura teamates in all the clutter making it hard to heal them, is there a way to force standard friendly models so they are all humans?


Can we get ctrl+number combos so our characters can shout things like "HEAL ME", "RES ME/THEM", "FALL BACK", "STAY HERE" and the such. ctrl+t and shift+t do not seem to do it justice.

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Q: Why doesnt downstate show conditions on you?


I should know to make decisions..

Do i have blind on me?

Do i have poison on me?

Slow? Or chilled? These condies also affect downstate!.. but you cant see it..


Only way to see some is by you characater color or screen borders..


Its damn stupid if you ask me that this is still not visible while in this condi aoe bomb mess.

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> @huehuehueh.5106 said:

> I often lose track of my asura teamates in all the clutter making it hard to heal them, is there a way to force standard friendly models so they are all humans?


> Can we get ctrl+number combos so our characters can shout things like "HEAL ME", "RES ME/THEM", "FALL BACK", "STAY HERE" and the such. ctrl+t and shift+t do not seem to do it justice.


Hello this option is already in the game :)

Ow wait.. friendly.. nvm

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Hi Ben,

Thanks again, for doing this!


This is something I've harped on for ages now, but I have issues with the following, in terms of PvP:


1) The minimap is not very useful. When zoomed out to see the entire map, player icons overlap each other and you often can't see how many people are fighting over each node. Competitive PvP minimaps need to require minimal interaction, since gameplay is so fast. It also doesn't help that when you zoom in to see the nodes more clearly, the minimap snaps back to where your player is after a brief period of time.


2) The minimap pings are not useful. TICK, CROSS, ! and CROSSHAIR mostly mean the same things and I rarely see anyone use them in PvP. My suggestion would be to have SWORD, SHIELD, ! and CROSS, to denote ATTACK, DEFEND, BE CAREFUL, DO NOT GO.


3) New players generally don't look at their minimaps enough. I've made a suggestion in the past that the minimap should be enlarged upon player death, until they respawn, to guide players better when they respond. Too often do I see new players run and die to the same nodes they died at previously because they didn't consult the minimap.


and finally:


**I'd really appreciate a better tutorial system to teach new players the mechanics of Conquest. Conquest is a very nuanced game mode and it just seems like there aren't enough interactive methods of teaching players the ins and outs of things like rotation and +1.**


Any chance for any of the above to be looked at? Thanks!

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @Abelisk.4527 said:

> Is it possible to see some statistics (population of Ranked players, Unranked players, players who played at least 3 games in the past week, average deaths, most popular class , etc)


We probably can't share totals. We can look into what data we would be allowed to share. Stuff like showing class % would probably be ok.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @Cynz.9437 said:

> Are there any plans for 3v3?

We've talked about using the 2v2 maps to do 3v3 tournaments as well.


> And someone said, we want to support pvp team. Could we have ways to purchase items that would directly go to finance pvp team work?

We don't have any mechanisms in place for this, and it's probably not something we'd do.


> Any chances to see stats like k/d/assist/decaps/caps per match in numbers?

Maybe. We have a lot of this data. It depends on how much we'd want to add to the match summary before it starts becoming too much.


> Any plans for bot games? Player vs AI.

We've talked about it, so it's not off the table. It's just a long project if we want the bots to actually be good.


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When making changes to PvP, it seems there is some data being pulled out of the blue that doesn't match anything players are experiencing. Where are you getting this data and how often? The addition of the timeline was awesome, can we see more data like that in the future?



1. With every game change to PvP, a lot of it still revolves around stats which have been there from the start. Is there any thought to wipe stats per season or at least separate them by season so players can look at individual seasons rather than always lifetime?

2. From Early Access to Live, PvP stats were wiped (excluding Achievements)--bug or not. Any thoughts of offering a PvP profile reset (excluding Achievements)?



Any-thoughts of offering the **full** PvP experience for free? Meaning, most PvP rewards, chat, etc. are locked to free players but the modes, builds, runes, sigils, amulets, and specializations are not. This would potentially bring in new players who JUST want to PvP (and may entice them to buy the game to get rewards). Could have it's own login-client since the PvP lobby and the mode is mostly already separated.

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