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Path of Fire Material Storage

Gaile Gray.6029

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This will waste so much bag space on each of your characters. Each material not stowable will waste that much space on every character that collects these items. Equation is Waste = Toons x Mats. If you have 5 toons, you're wasting 5 spaces in your bags for per material. How many types of mats are we talking here? If 5 new mats, you're wasting 25 bag spaces across 5 toons. If you micromanage the mats--well, they're forcing you micromanage them now--and pile them in your bank, then you're just wasting bank space and bag space, and the time wasted just to move the mats to the bank.



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Its the same with the trophies. No system behind them. You can sell some, some not, others you have to destroy with typing the name in a field.

You never know what to keep and what not.

If i have an achievment tracking, why do you give me a trophie in my inventory which i have to destroy? it's pointless.

The whole inventory and item system is completly broken in this game.


The only thing it's about to do is sell bags and bank places.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> With the arrival of Path of Fire, many new materials and components will be added to Material Storage. But for a handful of items, we've specifically decided not to start with them in Material Storage, and instead to add them to the storage system later. Why? Well, at the launch of Heart of Thorns, we noticed a peculiar behavior: most players will deposit first when clearing their inventory, and then proceed to take actions like salvaging, opening chests, or, crucially, putting items on the Trading Post. This tended to mean that before a player will post an item on the Trading Post, they'll wait to accrue a full stack in their Material Storage. During the early period of Heart of Thorns, this significantly contributed to the early expense of flax, which was abundantly available but, for the most part, was "warehoused" in the banks of players.


> In an experiment to see if we can combat the early steep price of a handful of materials, we will launch Path of Fire without those items being depositable. Once we are comfortable with the supply and price—which we believe should become apparent in weeks, not months—we will add them to material storage.


> We know how important inventory space is to players, and we take seriously how much of your time is spent playing versus managing your play. Hopefully, this decision will help ensure a steady supply of materials to the market, without unduly burdening your bags.



As others have said, I disagree with the practice, but am thankful for the heads up. As for using flax as a "scapegoat" for introducing this method, you also need to remember what else started when HoT first came out. It was the Halloween event that initially introduced the Nightfury Skin that many people made and also required a total of 6000 Flax seeds, so that also highly impacted the flax price at that time, and made it very necessary to "warehouse" flax, if you were going for the skin.

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> @TexZero.7910 said:

> I'd honestly prefer you didn't as saving materials is natural because the recipes are often hidden away.


> If you wanted to try something to curb anything have material supply be generous and recipes be visible instead of forcing players to use storage slots on this experiment because what's more likely to occur now is people will just hold the materials in storage spots/characters until they can be deposited making the entire point of this announcement a waste.


This is what I'm gonna do, for sure

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Well, at the launch of Heart of Thorns, we noticed a peculiar behavior: most players will deposit first when clearing their inventory, and then proceed to take actions like salvaging, opening chests, or, crucially, putting items on the Trading Post.

Hardly peculiar, Gaile - it's an obvious storage/inventory management strategy. Deposit all mats; then open chests, salvage, and deposit all again (iteratively if necessary). Once nothing is going into your bank, sell everything that's left that you don't actively want to keep.


Plus, irrespective of whether you open chests/salvage before or after depositing, there's a mind-set that I often find myself in - which is to accumulate "enough" of a bankable material "for my own needs" - and THE easiest, no-brains, hands-off way measure of "enough" is "once I've filled up my bank stack". It's not financially logical - I doubtless have heaps of mats in the bank that are worth good money, and that I'm unlikely to actually use - but it's a strategy that takes WAY less time than going through thinking about every single item (ESPECIALLY when new content has just launched, and what I mainly want to do is to keep my idle time to a minimum and get back out there and PLAY).


(Oddly enough - having expanded my stack size twice on one of my accounts - I even find myself wishing that I could slim the size back DOWN, for some individual items at least - some things I'd be happy to keep much in smaller quantities, rather than on a "one size has to fit all" basis. I mostly don't; I usually end up with way more, because actively managing my storage is simply too much work for me to bother more than once in a blue moon.)

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Also think this is a not so much a bad idea but an illadvised way to stabilse prices (and a subliminal prod to "buy more bank space")- I agree with Ohoni.6507 - more of "essential" items at the start of the new area then a reduction of said items as time/stuff is made/people lose interest/etc.

You already do this is more sublte ways as when we first went under "the city" (octivine) for reward chests I needed 34 keys now I only need 28... and the extra nodes (ori and ancient for example is noticable)

Me... I do not keep invertory, these days I sell almost everything over a silver and have a monthy clearout of everything else as why store cooking items if you don't cook - use that "cash" to buy items if/when you do need them - made my ascended armor and weapons long ago - not into collections unless i pick them up along the way - and will just store stuff on "unused" characters bags (cheaper than a new bank tab) if it does not store in inventory i.e all the gift of/essence of/useless stuff you have to keep "just in case".

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While i respect that stance on flax prices, I believe the main cause of the steep price was due to a small number of people trying to rush to get scribe maxed out. During a new patch/xpac, you always have those folks trying to get the new shineys as quick as possible, that, imho, was the most contributing cause of flax prices upon release. Once those folks were maxed out, the prices dropped considerably as the rest of the folks took their time levelling their scribes, decorating their ghs, etc.

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I'm thankful for the heads up, but expect me to behave exactly the contrary way. Not because I'm a troll, but because when it comes to crafting material, I *always* keep them *just in case*. So that idea will just clog my inventory, and have no functionnality at all, and my quality of life and enjoyement will be sacrificed because of economy.


That said, even if I can acknowledge what Gaile says is an issue, I think that "solution" doesn't properly aim at the roots of it. I can see 2 deeper issues in there :


* Players usually don't notice they get a new material before their collection is full. Because the inventory is usually over clogged by nonsense stuff, any player will just open it, and press "deposit all" without even browsing, just to have some space to breathe. So the "new material" goes straight to bank.

* Related topic : players won't notice there's a new material before they *need* it. It is : before they begin crafting. So it'll only be seen in the craft UI, when you first one to craft viper gear, you notice you need "Black diamonds" and you notice you already has 20 in your storage.


These are related to information, not to economy. And the _consequence_ of these is : when you notice you need more black diamonds, you'll go to TP, and notice that, as Gaile says, people are sending them to bank, so no supply, but increasing demand, so high prices. It's therefore needed to increase the information : highlight newly brought materials, and improve the tooltip with data like : "Used to craft gear with viper stats" and "current TP prices : " The old "artificer/jeweler/etc." doesn't make that much sense.


Now, I think it's a whole fuss for a stabilization that'd only take some weeks, and whatever, it's a matter of individual behaviour. As far as I'm concerned, it'll just clog my inventory because I'll just keep everything in case in need it.

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Also, if the prieces of same resources are high we have many options:


1. **Many items need that specific resource**-> the price incrases.

2. **Some items need tht specific reource, but 250+ of em per craft** -> the price incrases.

3. **The item can't be farmed and is used for some/many items** -> the price incrases.

4. **players deposit items and don't sell em, gaile's proposal** -> the price incrases ( we should understand that could mean at least 250 unit/player, unless "many players" have purchased additional material storage slots.

5. **The resource is rare, and players try to control the market** -> Speculative intentions -> the price incrases.

6. **The resource is a new one from a new expansion and seems hard to obtain** -> the price incrases.


The point made by Gaile is legit, but honestly i am not sure it's the best way to counter the high prices.

And we have to consider that it's the only modify which provvide an inconvenience for players.

I hope this try will be labeled as fail as removed asap ( to defend the market, you can't create uncomfortable situations for players. which are already low on inventory spaces and unable to buy more ).

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I mean, they want to have space in their invetories, so they want to salvage / stock in bank / and **play the fookin game.**


Price will go down by itself with time, who's crazy enough to buy super expensive items at launch btw ?

I think it'll benefit few people and will seriously bother almost everyone.

Especially those who WANT to gather a lot of new materials for crafting whatever thing you can craft with it.


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Anet, I love your game and your company but this is one of the most ridiculous ideas/rationales for a cash grab I've ever seen and it's really sad. I hope you read have a second thought on this topic before release, as you can see no one agrees that this decision makes any sense what so ever and will just annoy your player base and drive many of them away.

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On Reddit there is big discussion with Anet emproyee about economy and bad situation with prices. Their explanation about their storage move is to reduce price for mats.

They forgott that there is another easy way to reduse price of mats. Just make it more acceable for players to gather it.

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This method will not help. If you want to know why the price is so high, look no further than the current price differences in Mithril ore and ancient wood logs, compared to the more than ten times more pricey hardened leather. The simple reason is, the supply of leather is way lower than the other 2. Now, when you introduce a new material, everyone starts at 0. Then you also introduce ways to spend that new material, and it usually takes a LOT of it. Some people want to get there really, really quickly, and want to buy as much of it as possible. However, there simply will not be enough avaiable, and so the few sellers, those that do not want to craft those new goodies or upgrade guild halls or whatever, can pretty much dictate the price until enough people have managed to amass a certain amount of the new material, upon which the price will stabilize. Having that material clog up the inventory will not change that, only lead to a shitstorm, the beginning of which you can already see in this thread.

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> @Erhnam.5732 said:

> > @TexZero.7910 said:

> > I'd honestly prefer you didn't as saving materials is natural because the recipes are often hidden away.

> >

> > If you wanted to try something to curb anything have material supply be generous and recipes be visible instead of forcing players to use storage slots on this experiment because what's more likely to occur now is people will just hold the materials in storage spots/characters until they can be deposited making the entire point of this announcement a waste.


> This is what I'm gonna do, for sure


That's something you could do, but Arena Net is doing this to the combat the habits of the more casual players who don't actively participate in the economy. So they don't necessarily care if the population of reddit or the official forums hoard. They just need to make the casual players sell to achieve their goals.


It is always important to remember on average less than 5% (based on bioware) of players visit forums.

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I appreciate the heads up on the experiment and the reasons for it, though I disagree with that reasoning. Some other factors to potentially consider might be: the cost/time ratio, if my inventory space gets completely full I'll just move to another character and do that until I no longer have characters to move to, then I will move all of my items which cannot be deposited into material storage into bank storage and from there onto a mule. I hang onto the items which I know in a weeks time I'm going to use, I feel it's a bit ridiculous to force me to give up my inventory space as an attempt to manipulate the market. Granted I remember more than a handful of scenarios where Anet just can't seem to help themselves when it comes to micromanaging their economy, if they'd leave it alone for a little bit it would have potential to flourish.

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Might as well throw my opinion into this mess as well.


1) Why did you bother creating a new forum? Seeing as you still seem to pay more attention to top 5 reddit threads then your own forum this seems to be a waste of time and effort, this Forum will end up like the previous one. A place full of Bug reports, complaints, suggestions and discussions that are just beeing discarded at some point. Maybe you shouldn't call this the "official Guildwars 2 Forum" when you don't tread it as such. I was never a big fan of reddit so I was very happy to see that there is a new official forum, but now that it doesn't get the attention it needs... oh well I guess it doesn't really change anything either way.


2) And now btt. I understand the idea behind that decision, you ~~want to sell more back and bank expansions and~~ hope that it's gonna create a more stable market for the new materials. But how would the market be stable if people are still figuring out what they need all those materials for? And there are different types of players, some that try to make a lot of money at the start of a new expansion and those who want to finish every new item the expension offers in the least amount of time possible, those two play in each others hands while the third big group of players, which I'm part of, just wants to experience the new maps and story and possibilities and doesn't bother with the new materials until I'm done with the story and everything. So for the first two groups of players, it's not gonna change anything, the market is still gonna be unstable because people are still figuring out where stuff drops and what they need stuff for while for the third group of players it's gonna ruin the expansion. Or at least the first few weeks. I just want to relax, enjoy the new maps and possibilities and not bother with inventory space, minor runes and sigils are already terrible enough, I already spend way too much time sorting through my inventory just to get rid of those (just delete them already, no one is gonna miss them...). So instead of trying to fix something that isn't broken you should maaaaybe take care of more serious issues ~~like the broken overload icons on tempest that are sometimes too small~~.

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