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Do you trust the developers/publishers with WvW?


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Unfortunately, no. Tons of issue not resolved like... lag, condition designs, stealth designs, slow pace of profession development, funky profession designs that cause unnecessary balance issues, elite specs designed and balanced for pve raids first, outrageous burst numbers, poor heal and non-heal support roles and skills, ancient UI and lack of a bunch of qol UI features and options...


This game would have been better off as a pure pve game, because nothing that really matters for competitive gameplay is really addressed. Wasted opportunity to have some of the best class and combat designs of any mmo, but yeah..

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No they've repeatedly demonstrated a clear lack of either understanding of the faults of their game or an unwillingness to address them in anything resembling what I would consider a timely manner or both.


They often make what appear to me to be bizarre balance changes to classes with little to no explanation or leave clearly problematic things untouched for far too long.


They're fundamentally inconsistent which makes trust nigh impossible.

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> @Swagger.1459 said:

> Unfortunately, no. Tons of issue not resolved like... lag, condition designs, stealth designs, slow pace of profession development, funky profession designs that cause unnecessary balance issues, elite specs designed and balanced for pve raids first, outrageous burst numbers, poor heal and non-heal support roles and skills, ancient UI and lack of a bunch of qol UI features and options...


> This game would have been better off as a pure pve game, because nothing that really matters for competitive gameplay is really addressed. Wasted opportunity to have some of the best class and combat designs of any mmo, but yeah..


Whats wrong with stealth now?

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> @"Brutal Augus.5917" said:

> A better question would be do you have a choice?


It sounds like that it would be a "better" question, but it asks in a more functional manner. Since it is their product, you are forced to accept w.e. they do with it (or stop giving them money). So that's not really a question about consumer confidence (which is probably your point).


To put the poll in a different way...it asks if you like the changes to the product, and if they affect your view of the developers/publishers. This is more important for the future, than it is about your pragmatic question.

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> Actually it’s not. Pretty valid to ask about consumer confidence. Maybe watch the video and understand a bit more before slinging the “troll” accusations.


Implying this wasn't already obvious from the posts here daily.

Or the lack of any posts whatsoever from Anet.

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I think this game has lost a tremendous amount of trust with a certain someone on the reigns. Since HoT, PvP and WvW has gone downhill. This is due to the massive amount of attention towards PvE. Now, to be fair, HoT did release a new WvW map and new PvP maps. But.... DBL was a disaster. Game breaking middle event, tons of trash mobs, choke points in lords room, meandering pathways, auto upgrades, tactivators, +5 supply issue, dragon banners, and on and on. We made them aware of all of this during beta, and the only thing they changed was the amount of trash. We trusted them to do something good, heck even acceptable. Instead, what we got was terrible. Add to that OP HoT specs, and they broke our trust and lots of players left the game. Yes, many of us stuck around, but people did leave, never to return.

Eventually, they did fix everything with DBL and then some, but it was too late. The trust was already broken. I've played with people who had no idea about hay bales and shrine teleport pads because they just refused to set foot in the map. Whether you like it or not, that's subjective, but it objectively way better than upon HoT release


Since HoT, we've gotten lots of little things, that are good. Better rewards being the main thing. Squad implementation being a huge little thing. But these little things have been stuff we've been asking for forever or stuff no one asked for. They're not big feature releases, more improving the current experience. Again, that stuff is good, but compared to what happens in PvE, it feels small. PvP got a couple maps, new lobby, more rewards, ATs. Good stuff, but it need more.


Over the last year, there's been very little happening, probably do to their entire focus being on PoF. But, again, during beta, we screamed and yelled how scourge and spellbreaker will ruin this game mode and how there was an obvious power creep towards condi. Again, nothing done on release. It was obvious that PoF was rushed regarding class balance and polish, but we, as players don't care about them hitting a deadline, because, we, as players, need to live with the results. I think it's obvious from the PvP/WvW forums that lots of players were very upset with those two classes, and they had to do some serious work, which they did (doesn't matter if you agree or not) to fix bugs and tone things down. But our trust again was broken, and people left the game, as there are still issues, and playing pirate ship condi spam die in 1/2 second game play just isn't fun.


Their priorities are obviously PvE as the roll out soon after PoF launch is the new LS4.1, new raid, new fractal, new legendaries. Don't get me wrong, those are great things. If you're a PvE player. I think PvE players can have a great amount of trust in this company. They're doing a bang up job. Really doing good with the lore and providing great value. But the PvP/WvW players have lost their trust.


Can they get it back? Sure. It might be too late, though. There's a lot of activity in the PvP forums with the devs to get some pre-content release feedback. That's a good thing. But it's about 6 months late and whatever they roll out probably won't happen for another few months. There are no announcements for WvW, so if anything is gonna happen there, it will probably be 9 months from now or more, if ever. The lack of updates and caring for these game modes is another example of a break in trust. This is just too much neglect. People are moving on to other games and those other games might retain them, never to return. That's the worst case for a game that looses players.


GW2 is gonna have to do something amazing, and good quality to get those players back and re-earn their trust, and stick with it over time not breaking it again.. But it's gonna take a lot of hard work and resources. Currently, there's a new game director. Hopefully, he recognizes this.

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We have noted that most of the responses in this thread related to skills and balance, and not to WvW as a gameplay mode. The topic of this thread is very broad -- too broad to have any real value -- but that does not mean that responses should cover areas that are not part of core WvW development.


Please answer in the context of WvW. Thank you.

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So... there is an inherent level of trust in buying the game, which we all did as we have forum accounts. (Might be a F2P option in here IDK)


Trust is implied by spending money.


If you bought an expac there is inherent trust.


Would be interesting to see how many people who have voted bought one of the two last expacs.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> So... there is an inherent level of trust in buying the game, which we all did as we have forum accounts. (Might be a F2P option in here IDK)


> Trust is implied by spending money.


> If you bought an expac there is inherent trust.


> Would be interesting to see how many people who have voted bought one of the two last expacs.


Yep. Or spent any real money on gems too I guess. I have not bought PoF, but I have bought HoT twice (and the original once?).


P.S. I do trust ANET half the time. I only trust the players half the time too...maybe less?

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> @"Forum Moderator.2781" said:

> We have noted that most of the responses in this thread related to skills and balance, and not to WvW as a gameplay mode. The topic of this thread is very broad -- too broad to have any real value -- but that does not mean that responses should cover areas that are not part of core WvW development.


> Please answer in the context of WvW. Thank you.


Yes. Taking one of the three polls across the forums wouldn't have "any real value" which is especially true considering the vast majority of players who are currently enjoying the game are probably left out. Why go to the forums if you understand the game, and are not having any issues?


I suppose you could eventually combine all three polls to increase their "real value," but I kept them separate. Besides, I don't think any poll less than 1000 players is enough sample size to have "real value." Alas, the limits of player polls...



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> @"Spurnshadow.3678" said:

> > @"Forum Moderator.2781" said:

> > We have noted that most of the responses in this thread related to skills and balance, and not to WvW as a gameplay mode. The topic of this thread is very broad -- too broad to have any real value -- but that does not mean that responses should cover areas that are not part of core WvW development.

> >

> > Please answer in the context of WvW. Thank you.


> Is this for real?


Yes. Their concern is probably for those threads that get overly specific with balance and end up with bickering or pages of hypothetical counter plays. It's hard to know for certain because no examples were given. Which is a real issue. I can still respect the hustle for doing their job.


Like this example may not be necessary to the topic at hand:


> @"Genesis.5169" said:

> > @Swagger.1459 said:

> > Unfortunately, no. Tons of issue not resolved like... lag, condition designs, stealth designs, slow pace of profession development, funky profession designs that cause unnecessary balance issues, elite specs designed and balanced for pve raids first, outrageous burst numbers, poor heal and non-heal support roles and skills, ancient UI and lack of a bunch of qol UI features and options...

> >

> > This game would have been better off as a pure pve game, because nothing that really matters for competitive gameplay is really addressed. Wasted opportunity to have some of the best class and combat designs of any mmo, but yeah..


> Whats wrong with stealth now?


However...players will probably jump to conclusions and dog pile him/her for it anyway. Even still, the short blip of "real value" is short-sited to me. As hinted in the video, a collection of relative inquiries would be necessary to produce somewhat meaningful data. A single poll--a single player poll--won't have "real value" in my opinion either. So future ones would be necessary.


Even still, quantity isn't the only thing that is meaningful to me (i.e. it's not just about the poll). I had my own suspicious, and this serves as a collective record so I won't shoot from the hip in near future. Reactions and inputs (even a mod's input) has "real value" to me when formulating subjects for any future polls.


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With the addition of HOT, we seen a huge change in what the Game modes ANET supports IMO. It went from PVE, PVP, WVW to Open world, Raids, and Fractals. It is sad that the three original pillars are gone, but the fact that devs have to talk to wvw community on their spare time does not make me have trust in the company leaders to dedicate time into ever getting it right. WvW players and guilds are some of the most dedicated players to the game; after being ignored or given second hand rewards from other game modes, (that are still not as good) and test PVE maps for the next expansion (desert BL) we still come out to make of it what we can. Through lag, AOE condi spam, and bad match up systems to bump "numbers" up we no longer have trust in ANET; We just have **hope** that they will see it's potential that wvw'ers know it could have. Through comrodery of a guild, the community of a server, and competition of other servers makes this mode my game type of choice so ANET please stop tearing that apart. I bought POF for hope that ANET saying "WVW will get it's own updates on it's own cycle", but that cycle should not be annual or even Bi- annual. because I still see it as one of the 3 pillars of the game.

(edit) grammar

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