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PvP Discussion: Thanks Everyone!

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

> > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > > @"bluri.2653" said:

> > > > Thank you Ben, do you by any chance have the possibility to post what's on your current road map and how "soon" new stuff will be implemented? Even stuff that is confirmed, it could be nice to have a post with everything in it

> > >

> > > Maybe? I'll talk to some leads type people and see what they think, since I'm not sure if it's something any team as done in the past. But maybe just for the things we've talked about in the discussion posts.

> >

> > You wouldn't even have to commit to timescales, regularly publishing the top end of your backlog would be a good thing. I'm not sure why the gaming industry doesn't do a lot more of this? I'm guessing there are good reasons.


> It's mainly because plans change and people get upset when they do. Even when there are good reasons for the plans to change. However, I've got approval to post something, which I hope to get up soonish.


Ah ye i suppose there's hundreds of thousands of potential stakeholders/customers - cant please everyone all of the time! :)


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I hope you people at Anet know all that "work" you did collecting "feedback" might as well not have happened if you keep having shit patches like the one today. It's like rearranging the chairs on the Titanic while it's sinking.


Inb4 comment is removed and I get forum fucked because I mentioned topic that must not be named. Good luck selling PoF more though, it's not like everyone sees through the P2W balance patches after every expansion. Wonder if it will work the third time.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> Hi folks,


> I just wanted to write a post to thank everyone for participating in the discussions this week. We won’t be locking the discussion threads, but obviously we won’t be able to respond or post in them with the same frequency as we did this week.


> Our next steps are to take all the feedback and suggestions to a meeting and talk about each of them. Things we think that are both possible and good for the game will go on the backlog and we’ll see where they fit in priority with the things we already have planned. We won’t be able to get to all of this stuff overnight or even over the next few months. But we’ll do our best to keep you guys informed of our current priorities and I think a lot of the stuff we’ve talked about over the past few days will make it.


> Thanks again and keep posting your feedback and starting discussions. We’re always reading and watching!


> Ben



So once again, 1 shotting opponents isn't a priority? Where is 1 shotting ever good for the health of a game?

Once again; Anet Favorite classes; Mesmer+Thief are rewarded with more toxic buffs while Necromancer-the Scapegoat class conditions gets nerfed?


Anyhow, i'm not here to argue but to remind myself including others that;


It's unfair to us to keep trying to fight against toxicity in the game. So... once again; lessons and history are repeating themselves over and over again; Accept It For What It Is, & Move Forward.


In the end; ' **we chose what holds us back and what moves us forward** '


In the end, ' **we chose to either accept the truth or continue be blinded by the dark** '

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> Once again; Anet Favorite classes; Mesmer+Thief are rewarded with more toxic buffs while Necromancer-the Scapegoat class conditions gets nerfed?


If you think conditions aren't a problem; you're part of the problem.


> In the end; ' **we chose what holds us back and what moves us forward** '


> In the end, ' **we chose to either accept the truth or continue be blinded by the dark** '


You've effectively chosen the latter. There is so much data about the skewing of profession selection in pvp and you're essentially ignoring it.

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