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Server linked with 2 different servers?


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Could someone please explain to me why Gandara would be listed in Current EU matches linked with 2 different servers both Aurora Glade in one instance, and then with Underworld in another? I saw this happen on NA before as well. I just transferred to Gandara from GH to join a larger server with a more around the clock population. Has the Gandara server been split in 2? If so will they just unlink AG at the end of the month and Gandara won't be split? Any help on figuring out how all this works would be appreciated.

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We're anywhere from 3 to 4 weeks from finishing this linking depending on Holidays, but under normal circumstances are more than halfway through it, yet MOS hasn't showed the correct guest links for NA Hosts since this link cycle started in October and neither does wvwintel.


For the last 3 weeks, sometimes up to 2 days after weekly reset MOS showed the same host in multiple tiers, this week the hosts seem correct, but the links themselves are still wrong and likely will continue so till next relink.

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The API got wonked on ANet's end with the last re-link. I suspected that some people would have an experience like OP's by transferring based on information from the broken API and the broken information on the Wiki. It hasn't been fixed for over 1 month because..... it's WvW. See the wiki: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/World.


Suggest you submit a Support ticket and request a free transfer to a new server or refund of your gems ..... after they tell you which servers are actually linked to which servers. It's on them to correct this for you and to provide you with information about the actual links that are existing until the end of December.

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Thanks I might try that the thing is my boyfriend and myself both switched. We were basing the switch on KDR and linking and things like that so we knew if we would have good fights and if it was a decent server to switch to with people on all the time. I wouldn't even begin to decide where to go now. He loved GH and I suggested the change now I feel awful. The problem with GH/Aurora is it would be busy during the day for him but die at night when I was ready to get on and play more. He's in EU and I'm in Canada so it makes it hard.

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> @"SnowPumpkin.1809" said:

> I'm having a little trouble understanding it tbh. Also I'm not really sure what OCX and SEA are, aren't they guilds? Is it just saying how many players in each timezone are playing on that server? Also do you know what the numbers #1 through #12 mean? Thanks so much.


OCX, SEA, NA EST, NA PST and EU are the different primetime timezones. Since this seems to be mostly NA terminology and is not commonly used at least on the German servers I play on, I can't help you with the exact times but maybe [this](

) reddit post from a few years ago might give you an idea (notice the different length of some of the timezones though):


_The following is how i've seen BG tend to define them, based off of PST:

EST: 4pm -7pm

PST: 9pm - 12am

OCX: 1am - 5am

SEA: 6am - 10am

EU: 11am - 2pm_


The numerical numbers in brackets seem to be a measure of activity, while the bold one is simply the position of the server at a given timezome compared to the others. Keep in mind, that the statistics are freshly generated at the start of every matchup, so you might get more significant data when you observe the table at the very end of that matchup.


Hope that helps!

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> @"Pensadora.9478" said:

> The API got wonked on ANet's end with the last re-link. I suspected that some people would have an experience like OP's by transferring based on information from the broken API and the broken information on the Wiki. It hasn't been fixed for over 1 month because..... it's WvW. See the wiki: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/World.


> Suggest you submit a Support ticket and request a free transfer to a new server or refund of your gems ..... after they tell you which servers are actually linked to which servers. It's on them to correct this for you and to provide you with information about the actual links that are existing until the end of December.


You can't put in a report that all APIs are broken.


Not even GW2 score/link websites are working properly.

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