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/home/leaving?target=https%3A%2F%2Fimgur.com%2Fa%2F5snvQ" class="Popup

I been going the reward track to get some armor on my new thief and been doing pvp. finally get chest and piece of armor to select the stats on. I have been recommend Marauders, but quickly ran into problem. "Requires Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns". Really? REALLY? Recent gotten back into the game and only have the Vanilla Guild Wars . Already missing out on lot and basically feel forced into buying the expansion in order to enjoy the PvP/WvW content. There is Marauders Amulet in PvP...I am speechless....

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The problem is, you're essentially on a similar level to F2P players who haven't paid anything. Now you bought GW2 a few years ago, but the way Anet sees it, you got your money's worth out of it before HoT was released. You could've played during that time on a level playing field. You're clearly taking a more serious look into returning to the game but there's no easy answer except you'll need to buy HoT and eventually PoF to catch up.

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I know how you feel, and I was that way too when I was on core. In the end I had to get HoT, and overall I think hot is too important even if you just have pof. Like in a recent response to a thread I answered earlier, core is the skeleton, hot is the meat and pof is the potatoes. Core & pof on their own without hot feel incomplete, I think hot is too necessary to miss out on, especially if you WvW. I have much mixed feelings about this even until now, even after having gotten both expacs.

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PvP can offer expansion-stats because what gears in PvP stays in PvP. That is, whatever stats you use in PvP can't be used in the other game modes. In contrast, WvW gear is the same as PvE gear; anything you acquire through one can be used in the other.


So then the question becomes: should stats even be gated by expansion? On the one hand, it seems reasonable to say "no" — seems like a lot of effort/hassle for everyone, when it's "just stats." On the other hand, there's not all that much that's gated by purchase: new stories, new maps, new masteries, new elite specializations, and... new stats.


Then there's the question of how big a hassle this is: Marauder's is basically Berserker's stats with extra vitality. You can come close to the same stats by mixing Valkyrie and Berserker's, which was what we did before Marauder's became available.



PS if you choose to create a new thread that offers a constructive suggestion, I'd be more likely to :+1:, e.g. "Please remove gating stats by expansion: it's more of a hassle for everyone than an effective way to encourage people to buy PoF or HoT."

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It's a whole can of worms really, as balance is also something difficult to achieve, even more so now with more expansions. Some will outright tell you to just buy it if it bothers you that much (this is what happened to me) and to not expect anything if you don't. It all boils down to have and have nots. There is much disparity and it will continue to widen if the following trend is followed. I would be more comfortable if each elite spec from expacs were more in line/equal with core and acting as an alternative way to play the class, and not feeling as if each expac was a tier higher than the predecessor but these are just my opinions.

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> @"gimmick.1845" said:

> I guess they will just lose player because I am not going to get the expansion I don't have the money for it


You can still enjoy the game with core stats and professions. Yes a bunch of things are tied to masteries and expansions now but there's still a ton to do in core. I recently (months now) got back and i was in core all the way until PoF was up for preorder. I bought both expansions when i preordered PoF.


In that time i made a full set of ascended armor and trinkets, got a good deal of gold out of fractals and had a blast with side stories.


I mean i have the expansions and i use core stats. Expansions aren't that important if you only PvP, and are marginally important if you WvW, depending on your profession. I use dire in WvW and i'm fine with it.

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> @"Veprovina.4876" said:

> > @"gimmick.1845" said:

> > I guess they will just lose player because I am not going to get the expansion I don't have the money for it


> You can still enjoy the game with core stats and professions. Yes a bunch of things are tied to masteries and expansions now but there's still a ton to do in core. I recently (months now) got back and i was in core all the way until PoF was up for preorder. I bought both expansions when i preordered PoF.


> In that time i made a full set of ascended armor and trinkets, got a good deal of gold out of fractals and had a blast with side stories.


> I mean i have the expansions and i use core stats. Expansions aren't that important if you only PvP, and are marginally important if you WvW, depending on your profession. I use dire in WvW and i'm fine with it.


Maybe if had the money I would get it but still not sure

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The game needs constant cash income to pay for developers and servers. Since base base game is free, the money has to come from somewhere. If you are not happy with paying for the game every few years in the form of expansions, then don't. You can still play the base game or not play it at all.


There are still games that cost money every month. Gw2 asks one payments every 2 years.

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> @"gimmick.1845" said:

> > @"Veprovina.4876" said:

> > > @"gimmick.1845" said:

> > > I guess they will just lose player because I am not going to get the expansion I don't have the money for it

> >

> > You can still enjoy the game with core stats and professions. Yes a bunch of things are tied to masteries and expansions now but there's still a ton to do in core. I recently (months now) got back and i was in core all the way until PoF was up for preorder. I bought both expansions when i preordered PoF.

> >

> > In that time i made a full set of ascended armor and trinkets, got a good deal of gold out of fractals and had a blast with side stories.

> >

> > I mean i have the expansions and i use core stats. Expansions aren't that important if you only PvP, and are marginally important if you WvW, depending on your profession. I use dire in WvW and i'm fine with it.


> Maybe if had the money I would get it but still not sure


i dont know about you, but considering the time i played this game in hours the core game + hot + pof is extremely cheap. aside from those you can buy anything with gold and can play this for thousands of hours if you wish. so if you stick to the game, i am sure you will have the money for that in a while.


> @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> It's a whole can of worms really, as balance is also something difficult to achieve, even more so now with more expansions. Some will outright tell you to just buy it if it bothers you that much (this is what happened to me) and to not expect anything if you don't. It all boils down to have and have nots. There is much disparity and it will continue to widen if the following trend is followed. I would be more comfortable if each elite spec from expacs were more in line/equal with core and acting as an alternative way to play the class, and not feeling as if each expac was a tier higher than the predecessor but these are just my opinions.


sry little offtopic i guess:

thing is you can use all core traits and stats combined with elite spec, there is no core exclusive traitline.

as the traitlines used to have stats, there was one traitline reducing cd of the class mechanic that pretty much defines the core class. if thoses lines would be made core builds exclusive (only in 3rd slot) - sure there need to be alot of balancing then, but it would give core more value. the traitlines are:

thief: trickery, mesmer: illusions, warrior: discipline, guardian: virtues, nekro: soul reaping, ranger: beast mastery, elementalist: arcane, engeneer: tools - rev was introduced after it but i think the equivalent would be invocation.





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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> sry little offtopic i guess:

> thing is you can use all core traits and stats combined with elite spec, there is no core exclusive traitline.

> as the traitlines used to have stats, there was one traitline reducing cd of the class mechanic that pretty much defines the core class. if thoses lines would be made core builds exclusive (only in 3rd slot) - sure there need to be alot of balancing then, but it would give core more value. the traitlines are:

> thief: trickery, mesmer: illusions, warrior: discipline, guardian: virtues, nekro: soul reaping, ranger: beast mastery, elementalist: arcane, engeneer: tools - rev was introduced after it but i think the equivalent would be invocation.



I always wondered instead of nerfing/buffing certain things overall, instead of doing it that way (and in order to keep things in line) maybe for certain builds it would -minus something for an attribute if you took a certain traits/specialisations. I remember in the past some rpg's used to do this in order to keep certain things in balance. So for a particular build that was strong, if you took trait 1 from specialisation A, then trait 2 on another specialisation line would have -attribute points or something (this would only follow a certain pattern for certain builds). Of course this would be aimed more towards overperforming builds but it could bring balance more in line maybe compared to nerfing/buffing something like condi dmg/power dmg or specific traits and skills that might otherwise do more harm to all classes/builds. It would probably make more sense if I had a proper example to illustrate but I hope you get what I meant. I don't know, maybe it's something the devs could think about, it would allow them to deal with builds that people complain about while not affecting others and it could maybe even bring some semblance of balance without shaking everything up too much.


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> @"gimmick.1845" said:

> > @"FogLeg.9354" said:

> > Basically you have to buy 2 expansions now to be able to compete in PvP/WvW.


> And people are ok with this why?


They aren't. The PvP/WvW communities were devastated by the expansion packs with a literal majority of their respective playerbases quitting the game due to the massive power creep introduced by them being a paywall and also just making the game less fun and diverse through mechanics which made the experience worse overall. If you play core game, you're going to be worse by a large margin. Marauder gives 15% more stat points in general than berserker/valkyrie, for example, meaning you're roughly 15% weaker in general by just not using it. It's not a spread but instead just pretty much blatantly better by a substantial margin.


If you were looking for a serious PvP environment, this is no longer the game you should be looking at. Everything competitive was thrown away in 2015 in the name of PvE.

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> @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > @"gimmick.1845" said:

> > > @"FogLeg.9354" said:

> > > Basically you have to buy 2 expansions now to be able to compete in PvP/WvW.

> >

> > And people are ok with this why?


> They aren't. The PvP/WvW communities were devastated by the expansion packs with a literal majority of their respective playerbases quitting the game due to the massive power creep introduced by them being a paywall and also just making the game less fun and diverse through mechanics which made the experience worse overall. If you play core game, you're going to be worse by a large margin. Marauder gives 15% more stat points in general than berserker/valkyrie, for example, meaning you're roughly 15% weaker in general by just not using it. It's not a spread but instead just pretty much blatantly better by a substantial margin.


> If you were looking for a serious PvP environment, this is no longer the game you should be looking at. Everything competitive was thrown away in 2015 in the name of PvE.


When played back in the day pvp and wvw were really fun. But from getting back into I totally see what your referring to. I real shame honestly. Been playing since Guild Wars 1 and just speechless.

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I don't know what the complaints are here. WvW is a fraction of this game, sure it's my favorite, but if I want to play the elites and use gear that were part of an expansion that cost the developers time and money, then I'm going to have to pay for it - and rightfully so. How hard is this to understand? Why should ANET have to dedicate resources to creating some new style of account that allows WvW-only w/free expansion content, just to appease a *tiny* fraction of players who won't support their business anyway? Or did you forget that games like this are products of businesses


On top of that, you do not need any of the new gear to compete. You don't need to be completely meta geared and built to compete. I'd rather have a core necro who plays well in my party than a scourge who thinks his build will play for him. It sounds like a lot of people are far too lazy to mix/match gear for some good combinations. You want something comparable to marauders? Mix/match zerk and valk. How well you play will determine if you can compete, complaining about not getting a product for free will not.


I paid for a lifetime supply of RED apples from the grocery store! But now they started selling GREEN pears, too. WHY WONT THEY GIVE ME THE GREEN PEARS AS WELL, SINCE I ALREADY PAID FOR THE RED APPLES!

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Because they promised that HoT would not bring powercreep in almost every single announcement they made about the first expansion.


I'm not salty that things got powercreeped, it's just ANet's refusal to fix what they deliberately marketed as something else and admit they massively powercreeped the game by tuning the elites and all HoT content to be comparable to core. That was the entire point about "horizontal progression."

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So let's take another look at this:

> @"gimmick.1845" said:

> /home/leaving?target=https%3A%2F%2Fimgur.com%2Fa%2F5snvQ" class="Popup

> I been going the reward track to get some armor on my new thief and been doing pvp. finally get chest and piece of armor to select the stats on. I have been recommend Marauders, but quickly ran into problem. "Requires Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns". Really? REALLY? Recent gotten back into the game and only have the Vanilla Guild Wars . Already missing out on lot and basically feel forced into buying the expansion in order to enjoy the PvP/WvW content. There is Marauders Amulet in PvP...I am speechless....


To bring this topic back into perspective:


It is unfair to hold back those who pay for and advance content and then ask that you get the same content for free for whatever reason either F2P or bought vanilla back in the day. Do you want gliding too? Perhaps mounts in WvW if they ever let them in (God forbid they let that happen ug..what a mess that would be)? It isn’t going to happen unless they redesigned WvW to work as PvP and everyone would have a level playing field. That would never happen because of the reward system and such.


As mentioned in this post PvP is different and totally separate from the rest of the content of the game. For PvP to work (some disagrees that it works) everyone has a level playing field with certain gear and stats and able to choose a build and such regardless of content release. What gear you have in regular gameplay carries over to WvW unless ofc you have dedicated sets of gear for say PvE and WvW.


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All I am trying to stay is armor combinations shouldn't be expansion based. I am not asking for mounts,armor skins,weapons. Simply expressing an opinion on armor combinations and being locked to people who do not have expansions. I have understand you are able to combine Valkyrie and Berserk.

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