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Name the things you like about this game + Name the things you dislike about this game

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The things I like most about this game is:

1. The many different options for playing the game. Be it WvW, PvP, Story mode, Map completion, Achievements, Dungeons, Raids, Fractals, or grinding to get that weapon, armor, item that you want.

2. The artworks of this game

3. The stories of this game

4. The music of this game

5. The content & environment details of this game

6. The future potential of this game

7. No monthly pay-to-play fees


The things I dislike about this game is:

1. Skills animations can feel repetitive after a period of time (Not able to dual-class being the main reason. Though they patched this up with the elite specializations (another form of dual-class for the different professions), but currently there are not too much options but only two elite-specialization options per profession out there.

2. Not able to buy whatever item/weapon/armor/mount etc. skins whenever I want

3. Elite skill cooldown takes too long to recharge (Thus making elite skill less useful and less fascinating)

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Keep in mind I've only been playing for about a week, so these are basically first impressions:


+++ Awesome combat system

++ Good Market (aka trading post) system

+ Your main character speaks!

- Crafting/gathering system

-- Wonky level sync (synced players still one-shot stuff, especially those with sun symbols next to their names)

--- Resource intensive, even though the graphics don't look as good as FF XIV's or WoW's.

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+Armory and accessory-system

+Redundant Gear-progression

+active events





-all classes lack personality

-achievments are too important


-mount-skins are not accessable through playing the game

-too high resource-requirements towards legendaries

-crafting system

-events are mostly not rewarding and overall the reward is lacking

-balance with class-personality in mind is non-existent

-not that much activities besides world-exploration and killing monsters

-classes lack unique visual effects


-boons/conditions are just status-effects

-the story is actually pretty bland and is full of un-used possibilities

-story lacks rewards

-classes are able to dish out too much damage, thus pvp is an utter joke in this game, no-one likes getting killed in mere seconds with high toughness and vitality, so balance between the ability to survive, dealing damage and supporting overall doesn´t exist in this game currently



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**What I like:**

> Free to play.


> Huge massive open worlds.


> Mostly Soloable worlds to explore.


> Can change any item to look like anything.


> Most items dyable.


> No powercreep.


> Events.


> The Modern/Steampunk elements.


> Most of the music.


> Some of the NPCs.


> Divinity's Reach in general.


**What I loathe:**

> The character creator is atrocious. Faces are painted on a model so I can't put certain facial features I like on one face to another. Bodies predesigned and no vocal sliders.


> No true controller support.


> Jumping "puzzles".


> Collections


> Repeatable Hearts.


> No option to even hide hearts or anything else that you've completed before when aiming for map completion.


> Raids


> Content hidden behind raids.


> WvW


> PvP


> Content hidden behind WvW/PvP with no alternative to get them elsewhere. Having to get the triumphant top I wanted for light armour was torture as I could've only gotten it in WvW. Worst experience ever.


> Black Lion Chests and it's RNG to the point I almost never use them. Got about 3 stacks of them.


> Mount RNG Package and overpriced Mount skins for 2000 gems.


> Rotation within the Gem Store and not leaving content within the store after it's released. Would understand if it was a promo/collaboration piece that you have a limit on how long you can use a copyrighted item like... if you had a Mithra outfit from FFXI available thanks to Square, then you can only have it up for a few weeks then removed until maybe another collaboration again, but stuff you made yourself should not.


> Gold sinks for the sake of gold sinks. Like the whole 250 gold idea for the Griffon.


> "Bug Fixes" like the one they did to Mirage. Or any nerfs or fixes done outside of PvP/WvW. If the problem is people complaining in one mode, the other modes should not be affected. If that's the case, I say just separate the games as I've already heard that there were certain features and attacks/moves/ideas that had to be scrap because it wouldn't work in PvP/WvW as it would be unfair and such... That's horrible in my opinion.


> How slow crafting can take to make items. I don't get why I can make my computer lag to hell and back if I wanted to open like 500 trick or treat bags with "use all" option that even the item scroll on the side might not finish until I have to leave the zone... but for crafting, I have to sit and wait for me to take my Mithrils 250x 10 stacks and taking a long time to make them into Ingots. This is one of the fastest ones also as some others are just god awful to wait on.


> Certain events like Serpents' Ire is stacked too high to the point that I would like to try/do it, but no one wants to try just to fail. Or so very little try that it fails in the attempt. LFG doesn't work when no one has a LFG up for it. Also doesn't help when I try to LFG for it and no one joins either.


> No actual way to change your map instance when you should be able to flip between which ones you want on the dime without LFG. If one person is on another map, I should be able to get to them with ease, or if I want to not be on one specific map because a squad is going on and would like to leave, I shouldn't hope yet another squad is up elsewhere or hope to leave the map, wait until it's full, then try to get back in to get on a "Dead" or different map.


> Atrocious amount of materials needed to craft certain items like precursors, and guild halls.


> To speak on Guild Halls. No scaling to guild halls that are not big that still need thousands of materials to do anything. Even worse that a lot of things a guild might not care for is gated behind things for no reason. There's no reason if a guild just want a teleporter, a node, a market, and a few other things need to get stuff like arenas and other other features they would never use.


> Clothing locked behind weights for 0 reasons. It's not a clipping reason, so don't give me that.


> There's a lot more, but I'm cooking at the moment. Might add more later.

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Thing I like:

1. Beautiful, big maps to explore freely.

2. No subscriptions or P2W!

3. Lots of humor. Love the background conversations and the dialog in the stories and events. ^^

4. Soooo many tiny little extra touches! Like, you know...having an NPC start a conversation with you based on your profession. Finding out that the golem you repaired in Rata Novus is in your home instance and can play GW1 soundtrack music. Landing on a high, remote, inaccessible spot in Verdant Brink and finding an Itzel sitting there alone playing a banjo.

5. Some really creative content in some of the renown hearts and events! (Salted among the basic fight/escort/gather missions.)

6. Lots of variety. (Before PoF I would have said incredible variety, but we now have a bunch of maps filled with desert and similar human communities, which, apart from Vabbi, do not each seem to have their own special personality the way the HoT jungle maps did. )


Things I dislike:

1. Insanely long or difficult story boss battles, especially with obtuse mechanics that you have to be a career gamer to figure out.

2. To clear maps, my character is sometimes called on to do things I consider morally reprehensible. Like slaughtering harmless ley line scavengers just to use their gizzards to make a single high jump each. Or like desecrating grawl temples just because the humans consider their gods ridiculous. Or like killing the grawl and driving them away because they are hunting game the humans want to hunt. (Why should I take the humans' side all the time? The grawl don't ask me to wipe out human villages for them. Grawl are dimwitted, but humans are jerks.)

3. Jumping puzzles. (That's just a personal dislike, not that your puzzles are bad.)

4. We just can't seem to get away from undead everywhere, can we? First storyline is about Zhaitan and the undead of Orr. Then we go to the jungle, and Mordremoth has gotten some of Zhaitan's power and is making undead plant people. And now we're fighting Joko's awakened, more undead. I can't be the only one who is not in love with the thought of reanimated corpses. In. Every. Storyline.

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**Things I like**

1. It's just generally beautiful.

2. The design of the world and the dragons and gods is very interesting.

3. Mounts, oh my gosh I wanted them for so long!

4. World bosses, I don't run them as much as I used to but it's a fun design.

5. Legendary weapons, they take a long time to make but I still have a soft spot for them.

6. Fluid combat unlike any other MMO!

7. The extra little bits of NPC fun, I love the gossiping women in Divinity's Reach.

8. Taimi! She's just a little bundle of adorable joy.



**Things I dislike**

1. Dungeons.. they died.

2. Raids. Stressful,slightly toxic, nightmarish events for me. I just can't deal with them. Personal preference I know but I just.. I hate that I can't do them.

3. The killing of my favourite character, I won't spoil for anyone that hasn't played HoT but I miss her so much.

4. The story mistakes. I generally play this game for the story but lately it just doesn't make sense and I don't find Joko threatening at all.

5. Butt capes. Just,Butt. Capes.

6. The cost of everything. I don't know how some people manage to farm so much gold but I have over 4000 hours in this game and I've always, always been poor.

7. Legendary armor being stuck behind raids. I don't consider raids "end game" content. I consider it as just content. It's a separate game mode for the hard core players and they can have legendary armor but a general PvE set should be available also.

8. The fight mechanics since HoT. Why am I being constantly slapped in the face by AoE now?! I get it, it needs to be epic and worth the effort but I'm happy with a boss having set phases that I need to figure out and then moving on, constantly dodging 3 different AoE circles, as well as stuns and blinds and conditions galore is just too much.

9. My character not having enough choices. I so often disagree with my characters feelings and view of events happening. It really disconnects me with the story.

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> @"Genesis.5169" said:

> Like all this hate with condition in wvw blast some light fields or something. In fotm and raids leap or blast water fields but people cannot comprehend the idea of relying on other people. GOD I HATE THIS COMMUNITY SO MUCH.


I know right? How dare those WvWers not blast light fields fast enough! They could clear 1 condition in aoe within 2 seconds with that whopping combo!



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+ No sub

+ No ninja looting, node stealing, etc. (i.e., more cooperative coop play)

+ Small power curve between easily obtainable Exotic armor/weapons and the PITA Ascended same

+ Freest quasi-action combat movement in an MMO

+ No P2W in the GW2 store

+ Environment art




+ Chronic DC in story instances since earlier this year

+ Worst crafting in any MMO I've seen, though ESO takes a close second

+ Massive effect spam ruins group events for me, gives headaches, can't see the bosses

+ Story writing is too cliched, dialogue feels forced, and my character often chooses responses I would bite off my tongue before saying

+ After 5+ years, even with Elite Specs the professions are starting to feel hackneyed


I was going to do five of each, then remembered the art. <3

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I would be hard pressed to find much of anything I like more than others because frankly the game for the most part is in a great place.


I do have 3 pet peeves.


Balancing is very unbalanced when the DPS spread is so diverse that it leads to a raiding community that . . .


The META, completely invalidates 90% of viable builds in favor of the top dog DPS. (that is a community issue though).


Lack of tiers to Raiding that you find in Fractals, the PVP Match Making System, and every other game that has Raiding that any one takes remotely seriously as an MMO. Having T1 Raids would enable non Meta people to have fun doing the Raid content with out spoiling the Elite's Swimming Pool. A lot of Elitists might not be aware but there are tons of us that just play T1 Fractals on a regular basis because it's easy, fun, and a reliable source of Gold (the hilarious thing is talking to high end PVE'ers no one does anything below T4 other than people climbing the ladder, got news for though bottom dwellers like me exist in large enough numbers that T1 Fractals fill fast, and Open World META's have multiple full maps, so past your minority that makes your 'youtube benchmark videos' at the top, the lower tier raids would probably have a lot more traffic from players).

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- Dynamics world events, no need to join group, simply walk around and things happen all around you, whichever map you choose.

- ArenaNet's decision to make expansions for GW2 (they didn't intend to do it). The game only gets better, bigger with more to do!

- Lots of rewarding achievements, for those moments you don't feel like questing.

- So much to do, I compare this game to a huge playground.

- Much more that didn't come up in me atm.

- Affordable stuff in GW2 store for those who like to support. My favourite are Wardrobe sets, available to any toon on your account without using trnasmutation item.



- Expensive stuff in GW2 store. Expensive items are ok, there's something for anyone who likes to support the game, but looking back at last weeks I'm worried this will flood the store in time.

- Expensive stuff that are not immediately accessable account bound. Unlimited usable harvesting items. Ok it's account bound but only the toon who has the item in it's inventory can actually use it. That means transferring items when switching toons.


My preferred price for an (account bound) item purchases are 400-800 gems. Skins above that are a no buy for me.

On the other hand it's all optional! But I do hope ArenaNet will maintain a store that won't manipulate into buying expensive stuff by lowering the variety in cheaper items.


I think I spent about almost 200 euro on store items/upgrades since PoF release, which is close to a year of [insert paid MMO here] subsciption. I know there's people who spend much much more. I just want to point out that I'm loyal to support the game as long as GW2 store keeps prices reasonable (and preferrable account bound, except bag slots).

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--Everything. As in, I have never thought of the GW2 game in a negative light.



--People. The people who complain about small things that have already been fixed and over again, or things that will never be fixed because there are reasons that it isn't fixed (yet). Or, worse, the people who complain about things that are entirely their own fault, and will blame everyone else even after their problem is fixed. Or, even worse, the people who try to destroy the community or just don't care about it.

--Bugs. But I just post them on forums and forget about them. I know that they'll be fixed eventually.



--Everything. Oh wait, did I already say that?

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+ The world of Tyria

+ Combat is quite nice



- The story. Oh boy howdy; do I have a laundry list of everything I hated about the so-called 'story' in HoT, its LSes and PoF.

- Almost everyone in 'Dragonswatch', with the exception of Canach. Can I trade them in for something more useful and likable? Like a Legendary or some gems?

- The repeatable hearts in the newer maps

- Dungeons. They're dead, Jim

~~- Not enough revealing/skimpy armor for male characters~~

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> **What I like:**

> > Free to play.

> >

> > Huge massive open worlds.

> >

> > Mostly Soloable worlds to explore.

> >

> > Can change any item to look like anything.

> >

> > Most items dyable.

> >

> > No powercreep.

> >

> > Events.

> >

> > The Modern/Steampunk elements.

> >

> > Most of the music.

> >

> > Some of the NPCs.

> >

> > Divinity's Reach in general.


> **What I loathe:**

> > The character creator is atrocious. Faces are painted on a model so I can't put certain facial features I like on one face to another. Bodies predesigned and no vocal sliders.

> >

> > No true controller support.

> >

> > Jumping "puzzles".

> >

> > Collections

> >

> > Repeatable Hearts.

> >

> > No option to even hide hearts or anything else that you've completed before when aiming for map completion.

> >

> > Raids

> >

> > Content hidden behind raids.

> >

> > WvW

> >

> > PvP

> >

> > Content hidden behind WvW/PvP with no alternative to get them elsewhere. Having to get the triumphant top I wanted for light armour was torture as I could've only gotten it in WvW. Worst experience ever.

> >

> > Black Lion Chests and it's RNG to the point I almost never use them. Got about 3 stacks of them.

> >

> > Mount RNG Package and overpriced Mount skins for 2000 gems.

> >

> > Rotation within the Gem Store and not leaving content within the store after it's released. Would understand if it was a promo/collaboration piece that you have a limit on how long you can use a copyrighted item like... if you had a Mithra outfit from FFXI available thanks to Square, then you can only have it up for a few weeks then removed until maybe another collaboration again, but stuff you made yourself should not.

> >

> > Gold sinks for the sake of gold sinks. Like the whole 250 gold idea for the Griffon.

> >

> > "Bug Fixes" like the one they did to Mirage. Or any nerfs or fixes done outside of PvP/WvW. If the problem is people complaining in one mode, the other modes should not be affected. If that's the case, I say just separate the games as I've already heard that there were certain features and attacks/moves/ideas that had to be scrap because it wouldn't work in PvP/WvW as it would be unfair and such... That's horrible in my opinion.

> >

> > How slow crafting can take to make items. I don't get why I can make my computer lag to hell and back if I wanted to open like 500 trick or treat bags with "use all" option that even the item scroll on the side might not finish until I have to leave the zone... but for crafting, I have to sit and wait for me to take my Mithrils 250x 10 stacks and taking a long time to make them into Ingots. This is one of the fastest ones also as some others are just god awful to wait on.

> >

> > Certain events like Serpents' Ire is stacked too high to the point that I would like to try/do it, but no one wants to try just to fail. Or so very little try that it fails in the attempt. LFG doesn't work when no one has a LFG up for it. Also doesn't help when I try to LFG for it and no one joins either.

> >

> > No actual way to change your map instance when you should be able to flip between which ones you want on the dime without LFG. If one person is on another map, I should be able to get to them with ease, or if I want to not be on one specific map because a squad is going on and would like to leave, I shouldn't hope yet another squad is up elsewhere or hope to leave the map, wait until it's full, then try to get back in to get on a "Dead" or different map.

> >

> > Atrocious amount of materials needed to craft certain items like precursors, and guild halls.

> >

> > To speak on Guild Halls. No scaling to guild halls that are not big that still need thousands of materials to do anything. Even worse that a lot of things a guild might not care for is gated behind things for no reason. There's no reason if a guild just want a teleporter, a node, a market, and a few other things need to get stuff like arenas and other other features they would never use.

> >

> > Clothing locked behind weights for 0 reasons. It's not a clipping reason, so don't give me that.

> >

> > There's a lot more, but I'm cooking at the moment. Might add more later.


Not trying to belittle your preferences but, if you are very patient, you can complete wvw tracks without ever setting foot in wvw. I like the game mode but completely understand that not everyone will.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > **What I like:**

> > > Free to play.

> > >

> > > Huge massive open worlds.

> > >

> > > Mostly Soloable worlds to explore.

> > >

> > > Can change any item to look like anything.

> > >

> > > Most items dyable.

> > >

> > > No powercreep.

> > >

> > > Events.

> > >

> > > The Modern/Steampunk elements.

> > >

> > > Most of the music.

> > >

> > > Some of the NPCs.

> > >

> > > Divinity's Reach in general.

> >

> > **What I loathe:**

> > > The character creator is atrocious. Faces are painted on a model so I can't put certain facial features I like on one face to another. Bodies predesigned and no vocal sliders.

> > >

> > > No true controller support.

> > >

> > > Jumping "puzzles".

> > >

> > > Collections

> > >

> > > Repeatable Hearts.

> > >

> > > No option to even hide hearts or anything else that you've completed before when aiming for map completion.

> > >

> > > Raids

> > >

> > > Content hidden behind raids.

> > >

> > > WvW

> > >

> > > PvP

> > >

> > > Content hidden behind WvW/PvP with no alternative to get them elsewhere. Having to get the triumphant top I wanted for light armour was torture as I could've only gotten it in WvW. Worst experience ever.

> > >

> > > Black Lion Chests and it's RNG to the point I almost never use them. Got about 3 stacks of them.

> > >

> > > Mount RNG Package and overpriced Mount skins for 2000 gems.

> > >

> > > Rotation within the Gem Store and not leaving content within the store after it's released. Would understand if it was a promo/collaboration piece that you have a limit on how long you can use a copyrighted item like... if you had a Mithra outfit from FFXI available thanks to Square, then you can only have it up for a few weeks then removed until maybe another collaboration again, but stuff you made yourself should not.

> > >

> > > Gold sinks for the sake of gold sinks. Like the whole 250 gold idea for the Griffon.

> > >

> > > "Bug Fixes" like the one they did to Mirage. Or any nerfs or fixes done outside of PvP/WvW. If the problem is people complaining in one mode, the other modes should not be affected. If that's the case, I say just separate the games as I've already heard that there were certain features and attacks/moves/ideas that had to be scrap because it wouldn't work in PvP/WvW as it would be unfair and such... That's horrible in my opinion.

> > >

> > > How slow crafting can take to make items. I don't get why I can make my computer lag to hell and back if I wanted to open like 500 trick or treat bags with "use all" option that even the item scroll on the side might not finish until I have to leave the zone... but for crafting, I have to sit and wait for me to take my Mithrils 250x 10 stacks and taking a long time to make them into Ingots. This is one of the fastest ones also as some others are just god awful to wait on.

> > >

> > > Certain events like Serpents' Ire is stacked too high to the point that I would like to try/do it, but no one wants to try just to fail. Or so very little try that it fails in the attempt. LFG doesn't work when no one has a LFG up for it. Also doesn't help when I try to LFG for it and no one joins either.

> > >

> > > No actual way to change your map instance when you should be able to flip between which ones you want on the dime without LFG. If one person is on another map, I should be able to get to them with ease, or if I want to not be on one specific map because a squad is going on and would like to leave, I shouldn't hope yet another squad is up elsewhere or hope to leave the map, wait until it's full, then try to get back in to get on a "Dead" or different map.

> > >

> > > Atrocious amount of materials needed to craft certain items like precursors, and guild halls.

> > >

> > > To speak on Guild Halls. No scaling to guild halls that are not big that still need thousands of materials to do anything. Even worse that a lot of things a guild might not care for is gated behind things for no reason. There's no reason if a guild just want a teleporter, a node, a market, and a few other things need to get stuff like arenas and other other features they would never use.

> > >

> > > Clothing locked behind weights for 0 reasons. It's not a clipping reason, so don't give me that.

> > >

> > > There's a lot more, but I'm cooking at the moment. Might add more later.


> Not trying to belittle your preferences but, if you are very patient, you can complete wvw tracks without ever setting foot in wvw. I like the game mode but completely understand that not everyone will.


I would really truly like to know how to do this.

Same for PvP reward tracks.

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+ business model.

+ combat system

+ environmental art style

+ character appearance (but also see the negatives below)



- limited skill bar customization, including moving skills around as well as skill choice.

- crafting

- jump puzzles and anything mario-esque with platforming aesthetics.

- ceased development of dungeons.

- addition of gear with stats greater than exotic.

- excessively flashy and/or oversized armor and weapon skins.

- crafting (yes I know its already on the list).

- visual clutter in a fight. A combat system designed around the idea of dodging televraphed attacks should not hide the tells.

- content where individual contribution is irrelevant to success.

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+ Combat system

+ Skins and dye system

+ Whoever designed the architecture in this game is my hero





- The story. It's like being forced to play through a terrible Deviantart Fan fic.

- My character in the story. I hate her so much. I always completely disagree with everything she does and says.

- Hearts are really just quests

- Dynamic events aren't dynamic

- Character customization is limited

- Can't dye weapons, mount dyes are limited to one aspect of the creature which renders most colour choices pointless

- Cannot choose a different voice.

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**Things I Like:**

-Leveling system........................you can do anything you like.

-The combat system.............. Its not smash the keyboard like BD, and not extreme Tab targeting like Wow.

-Graphics..................The graphics man, this game is beautiful.

-Lore....................I didn't like it at first, but now im in love with GW2 lore, and want to see more!

-No P2W items in the gem store.

-Customization...............................The Armor pieces, the dyes,fashion wars is well designed.

-Specialization system................It has its flaws, but it can be fixed, and opens up for more diversity.

-The professions....................Each one of them is original.

-Living World story........One of the best aspects of the game!

-Raids!.............End game hardcore content filled with salty people ! I know its weird but I love this, makes it feel like it should! hardcore content that forces you to improve and join the meta

-Achievements!.......From the ones that give you titles to the legendary armor/weapon, achievement-only Items, like the Bloodstone Visage and those things, they inspire you to explore the game.

-WVW SPVP............I love PVP and i love how the pvp in this game is not gear dependant like in other games, and actually cares about you being good with your class.

-Mounts!..............I waited years for them, now they are here :')


**Things I dont like**

-Dungeons.... they where murdered I want them back :(

-Voice acting......It gets cringy at times with some characters,(i love my human male voice tho)

-No Duels/Open world pvp........Kills immersion for me some times.

-Elite Skills........I agree with you, I play League, and your ultimate is always badazz to have, it would be cool if the Elites here felt the same

-Skill animations..........They are dull, simple, and done lazy, except on Asura! those guys have the best animations

-Balance issues.....Altough i love pvp and wvw there are a lot of things to be fixed about them, in therms of balance.

-You cant really choose your characters personality, he will always be the cheesy hero..


**Things i Hate**

-Core GW2 went f2p! dont get me wrong, im not against new players, but it opened the doors for hackers, ive seen many many hackers this days, and they can just create a new account and stay here annoying others!.

-Medium armor......TRENCHCOATS.....When are they going to STOP making trenchcoaats!! when?? :qwjebqweqe Lov you Anet, dont make more trenchcoats please...





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There are soooooooooooooooooo many things! To start a list for both what I like and dislike seems impossible to me.


So, I will just stick to one thing I do love that is part of the basic concept: The big amount of different activities, all being optional apart from some rare exceptions. It gives us the flexibility to chose doing only at we like and let aside what we don't. As for the exceptions, as in the things we don't like that are mandatory to progression (example in my case: Storylines), it is not even disturbing because we can simply get help from others to go through.


This is - to my eyes - the main about this game: We are really "free" to play what we like, to let aside what we don't, and if we have troubles with something that cannot be skipped, we simply get help.

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