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Name the things you like about this game + Name the things you dislike about this game

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From the top of my head, In no particular order:



+ Events/metas.

+ The combat.

+ The 'easy-come, easy-go' casual community.

+ QoL features, especially when alting.

+ Almost all of the professions.

+ The soundtrack.

+ Mounts having a learning curve for optimal use.

+ Seeing player activity at large distances (remarkably few MMOs offer this).

+ The Deposit Mats feature.

+ No sub.

+ Currency exchange (and TP).



- "World full" / LFG still needs improvement.

- Lack of build profiles / gear sets.

- Lack of GUI options (e.g. toggling/moving GUI elements, seeing HP bars of nearby (non-grouped) allies).

- Insufficiently optimized engine (heavy CPU leaning).

- Toxic 'hardcore' community (no different from other MMOs though).

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+I met many nice people

+I like the maps and i like how Anet introduces new monsters then and when

+Southsun was awesome



+nice open world event chains

+the story in general

+waypoint system


-I met many elitist, brash and success oriented people

-Tangled Depth




-the Execution of the story

-I miss collecting elite skills from GW1

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- The Story

- Sylvari PC Voice Acting, Female Human Voice Acting

- LS Episodes

- Taimi

- Open World and its "freestyle" teamplay

- No subscription fees



- Raids and Fractals

- Gimmicky boss fights

- Gold farming (which I don't do)

- Adventures for Mastery Points

- Dragon Stand meta

- My complete lack of gaming skills with Elementalist

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**things I like**


* fractals, do daily 99&100CM + T4s + Reqs every day and it's the one thing I can't miss because I enjoy it tremendously, running a small guild just for it!

* raids, nothing felt as epic as killing my first boss and experiencing all these mechanics and conquering them, never raided in any MMO before and it is still an amazing experience.

* HoT metas, Istan metas. Doing them almost daily with the holidaysand they are pretty easy and rewarding.


**things I don't like**


* no build templates with the addition of new elite specs with PoF, it should have been a feature.

* All the useless sigils you get from salvaging greens, blues and yellows.

* Balance cadence, I think it's too slow.


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**Things i like about the game:**


1) Account bound/shared system

2) Transmutes, dye panels and wardrobe system

3) No powercreep/gear invalidation (this is essential!)

4) WvW (the game mode design itself, not touching any class or meta balance aspects)

5) Soundtracks

6) Metas and event chains



**Things I don't like about the game:**


1) No customization for on-screen UI

3) No build switching loadout system (toggle gears or builds)

4) No option to switch off/limit other players' animations

5) No Race reroll

6) Human female GS ''dragging'' animation

7) Raids (specifically, camera auto zoom issues and comp issues)

8) Fractals (specifically, camera auto zoom issues)

9) Combat system (Action camera mode made it playable for me but it needs some update: [sEE HERE](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/14431/stop-with-the-camera-auto-zoom-already "SEE HERE"))


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First off, let me state that I liked the game much, much better at release than I do now. It has been significantly dumbed down like Rift, SW-TOR, ESO, and pretty much every other game I used to play, presumably so the 12-yo kids playing the games in grandma’s basement can level faster and start using the credit card they filched from Mommy’s purse to buy things from the cash-transaction-store.

I’ve never understood why developers think throwing complexity – and fun! – out the window in order to accelerate leveling to “end game” makes for a better game. It doesn’t. Some of us happen to like “fun”; we aren’t into raiding (statistics indicate less than 5% of any game’s player base actually raids) and “shinies” (we aren’t skritts); we just want good gameplay.

Thus most of the many things I liked before are now in the “meh…” column. GW2 is now mostly a time-waster until something better comes along; but I don’t see anything on the horizon that promises to be any better.

**So, what do I still like?**

1. Lots of maps to explore with lots of different terrain, although much of the terrain is too densely populated with mobs such that you can’t even take the moment to adjust your inventory.

2. A class system that doesn’t give you a thousand-and-one useless skills that are at best situational; instead we have only a few skills per class (tied to weapon selection) to worry about, and almost all of those are situational so we don’t have to think very hard or long about playing our characters. Yeah, I actually like that… to a point.

3. Reasonable balance, given that some classes are intended to be primarily DPS “glass cannons” and others are less lethal but more survivable… although the variance is not all that great in terms of lethality or survivability.

4. Graphics and animations… not super-duper high resolution, but more than good enough. There are memory leaks associated with the graphics, however, that will bring my 4GB graphics card to its knees after a couple hours of play. That needs to be fixed.

5. Sound… just enough; not too much… except in the story sequences. Like, shut up already!

**What do I dislike?**

_Let’s actually start with “hate”…_

1. Jumping… puzzles, vistas, etc. … height of jump, distance of jump, and whether or not the character stops at the landing point after jumping (instead of running off the edge of a cliff to his death) are unpredictable and can be wildly inconsistent, leading to extreme frustration at times. Speaking as an old engineer, ANet isn’t properly sampling the keyboard buffer (if they’re using assembly code for this; they should be if they’re not) or they’re relying on Windows keyboard events. Unfortunately, the Windows OS floods applications with keyboard and mouse events and that causes tons of problems for real time applications dependent on the keyboard and mouse… like GW2.

2. The camera… from moment to moment in the vicinity of walls, cliff-sides, trees, jumping platforms, or enemies – especially after just using a skill that moves a character to a mob – I have no idea where the damn camera is going to be looking. That’s gotten me killed more than once. Similarly, when the camera decides to zoom in or out indiscriminately, it is not only disorienting, it’s irritating.

3. Auto-targeting/auto-attack, especially in combination, and also TAB-targeting that apparently uses the same stupid algorithm as auto-targeting… it does no good to turn off auto-targeting and auto-attack. The game does whatever the kitten it wants… which pulls mobs I do not want to pull, especially when my character is badly damaged and needs to withdraw from a battle – and my character ends up dead as a result – or attacks trees and other inanimate objects or deer or anything other than what I want to attack, often leading to character death because the mob I needed to kill wasn’t being attacked. Given any sort of large battle with tons of visual effects, it’s difficult to see what the heck you’re targeting, so TAB-targeting and especially auto-targeting/auto-attack in combination work against you.

4. Mobs that spawn right on top of me out of nowhere; and mobs that re-spawn immediately after I killed them or cause a large number of additional mobs to spawn in unpredictable fashion, ESPECIALLY when they spawn behind the apex of the camera’s field-of-view such that you don’t even know they’ve joined the battle until after they’ve killed your character. Damned poor design if you asked me… that doesn’t add challenge; it only adds frustration. I for one don’t like having to resurrect at some waypoint a mile away just to need to run back to where the original battle was at. HoT is EXTREMELY bad about this.

5. Insta-death from attacks you can’t see, can’t react to, can’t dodge, can’t avoid, etc. There are lots of forms of this: sometimes little red circles appear on the ground; that’s nice when you can see them. Sometimes the red circles follow you around and you can’t avoid them. Sometimes there’s too much clutter to see them. Sometimes they don’t even exist and your character just dies… HoT is also EXTREMELY bad about this.

Fundamentally, ANet doesn’t understand the difference between challenge and frustration.

**Okay, just dislike, but don’t hate…**

1. Crafting is inconsequential and not reasonably linked to character levels; you can’t build what you need at most levels because you can’t get the resources quickly enough to do so unless you buy them. That sucks… but I’m guessing it’s deliberate to force us to go to the trading post and especially to the gem-store.

2. Invisible walls… there aren’t all that many of them, but even one is undesirable. If I can see a path up a hill/mountain/around an obstacle, I should be able to go that route… that’s actually something Rift did a hell of a lot better than GW2.

3. Slopes that can’t be climbed even though they are gentler than the one I just climbed… the unpredictable “slippery slope” effect in GW2 is irritating, especially when associated with jumping puzzles. Nothing worse than making a difficult jump just to watch your character slide down the edge of whatever you landed on – since you just missed the one magic pixel you can land on safely – to fall to its death far below… or sometimes not even a short distance below. That’s also wildly inconsistent. Characters can fall 100 feet and take almost no damage, but then they trip over their shoelace the next time and die a horrible death.

Okay, that’s enough… I’m an old dev, so I could go on and on picking GW2 apart, but it’s not worth it.


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+No P2W like some Korean MMOs

+Good artwork and fantastic environment design

+Good and very detailed lore

+Fantastic open world event system

+WvW open world PvP system


-Class balance problems make some classes totally obsolete in raids or PvP

-Community has too much elitists and perfectionists due to the reason above. Dps benchmarks are everything for them.

-Class bullying for instanced content

-Locking legendary items behind raiding which doesn't depend on your personal effort

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I like a lot of the open world stuff, events, both big and small, and running to and fro with a big group of random people; the graphics/animations (not including the many silly armors and tendency toward goofiness as exemplified by bouncy wouncy golems); the combat, overall (however, see below); and, of course, the environments, whether snowy or sandy or swampy or grassy or woodsy, which tend to be very well done, (except for areas where no one could live without special gear, like, say inside a volcano), just to name a few things.


As for things I don't like, I'll focus mostly on CC stuff here, the stuff that evokes the most colorful of metaphors, like the ubiquitous knockback/down excrement, often chained, equally often in high places where dodging only makes matters worse (ha ha missed me oopsieeeee splat). When knocked down, it takes too long to get up, often only to get knocked back/down again IMMEDIATELY if not sooner. I hate that. Hate it. That's going to be the straw that eventually breaks this old camel's back. Also, I don't like that we can't just roll over to get out of some of the less vastly spacious AOEs (that long-lasting line of mordrem sniper fire, for example). Why must we just lie there waving one hand in the air (like we just don't care) instead of using that hand to help maneuver ourselves out of the awful killy stuff? See also: dev-ilish abuse of AOEs. AOEs within AOEs on top of AOEs. Oh, dodge out of this one into that one. Woo hoo! Awesome. AOEs that 'color outside the lines'. Why have the red circles if they don't actually tell you where the outer edge of the AOE is? Honorable mention: tired, anemic, worn out been there done that over and over and over again disable something or other so we can damage the boss when we're not otherwise too busy avoiding the endless AOE spam fight gimmickry. Ugh.


I guess that's enough for now. Whee.

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for me it is this likes



No monthly pay-to-play fees


Mostly Soloable worlds to explore.

+++ (non HoT) Open world maps.


environmental art style



now to the things i dislike the most about this game altogether

meta events


Jumping "puzzles".



Content hidden behind raids.

Repeatable Hearts.

bad not enough lore

visual effects not fully good enough

bad living story writing

bad living story acting

bad living story lore

open world, pvp, wvw

limited skill bar customization,

limited UI customization,

streamers and youtubers they are not able to really speak their minds and be honest when doing videos . with out anet slapping them back in the face for what they said

elite spec

No true controller support.

Gimmicky boss fights

Community elitists and perfectionists Dps benchmarks are everything for them.

Locking legendary items behind raiding

Graphics and animations

WvW open world PvP system

open world event system


Invisible walls

politics talk in chats

religion talk in chat


Account bound items

soul bound items

Metas and event chains





add ons like arc dps taco gw2 lunch buddy . anet can add them to the game if they wanted too.


broken reporting system

pets and guilds with improper names . like bdsm

CC stuff

spam fight gimmickry

hardly any lore

24 28 32 slot bags not able to be crafted

scribing being a guild to just use scribing

guilds noting at all for them and no rewards

anet never talking to the players

honest feed back

anet employees only speaking over on reddit only . and not here on the so called official forums


multi core cpu support

ryzen and intel support

no 4K support

no HD audio support

Balance cadence

patch cadence

security patching lack of that .

no anet in game mods

no reply to in game reports to anet

people trying to help you but getting in the way


no IPV6 use or support

bugs since the game came out in 2012 still not fixed

followers ie stockers list

4 K monitor support

internet networking very bad

950 to 1080 ti video card support

no vegas video card 56 or 64 support

maps that get laggy from meta events

mapps that get laggy from zergs and zerg events

world bosses put into pve maps

bug reporting

gem costs to move to other servers

severs that are locked

gem cost to move to low end servers

gem store

2000 gems for mount skins

700 gems for skins

400 gems for skins

not able to craft all dyes

not able to craft all skins

can not sell all items on the trade post

precursors not dropping enough

2000 gems for a skin

black lion chest rng

nodes for home not able to buy them off the trade post at a good fair price so every one has one

timed crafting

waiting 24 hours to craft a item every day







logging into multi accounts


edit to included two other items i just remembered


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+++ Lore and the world building

+++ Art style and environments

+++ Small details in the world

+++ Story

+++ Brilliant voice acting

++ Raids

++ Fractals

+++ Music and sound effects

++ Visual effects

+++ Customization, armor and weapon skins, miniatures, mount skins, glider skins, dyes

++ Fair way to change your looks, goals to work for cosmetic wise

++ Legendaries

++ Events instead of quest system

+++ Meta events

+++ Elite specializationa

+++ Classes that feel unique and fun to play

+++ Very engaging combat system. Love evades and special action skills.

+++ Build diversity, trait system

++ Lot of stat options


+ WvW

++ Adventures

+ Races

++ Waypoint system, asura gates

+++ Nodes and loot chests individually available to everyone

++ World Bosses

+++ Bounties

++ Most currencies feel rewarding and are fun to acquire

++ Masteries in general

++ Gliding

+++ The way mounts feel

+++ Jumping puzzles and mini dungeons

+++ Good guild sizes, guild halls, lot of ranks and adjustment available

++ Seasonal events

+ Guild missions

++ Home instance cats

+ Gem store and marketing

+ Trading Post

++ Gold is not too easy or hard to acquire

+++ Achievements, collections

+++ Exploring and all the secrets, references

+++ NPC dialogue

+++ Bestiary and races

++ Roleplaying aspect

+ Emotes

+ Synergy with GW1

+ Music instruments



+/- Crafting system

+/- dungeons

+/- LFG could use some tuning

+/- personal story fight difficulty (too easy)

+/- Underwater. Looks pretty but still hate the combat


**Dislike: (more like nitpicks)**

- Lack of medium coat look diversity

- Silly items like "The Dreamer"

-- Some currencies feel less rewarding, like volatile magic (hopefully we will see a change to this)

--- Activities

--- Can only send 2 mails at once

- Some community (as with all MMOs)

-- Clipping on charr

-- Repetitve farms (not the game's fault per se, I just dont like running SW for 4 hours)

--- Black Lion Collections

- Cant access LWS1

--- Spiders

-- Some items/achievements can never be obtained if you didnt play at the time they were out

- 5 guilds system

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- No monthly fees.

- Active events you can join at any moment.

- You can explore and complete maps solo.

- The option to put custom music (although it might need some update).

- The architectural design of many areas is very good and very well made.

- Some races are really interesting in their design like the Skritt, the Tengu, or the Dredge.

- Fluid combat

- Voice acting. There's some really good voice acting in this game. More on that below.

- Game art is fantastic.

- You can convert in-game gold into gems and buy from the BLTC.

- No pay-to-win.

- The Wardrobe system and how easily one can acquire transmutation charges. Also the preview system.




- Character creation is basic and generic. It really needs an update.

- Voice acting. Some voice acting is bad, really bad.

- Raids (non-elitists need not apply)

- Dungeons (dead and forgotten and Anet never did anything in that regard)

- Outfits. This one is obvious because it screams laziness. When I hear comments about how long and how hard it is to create armor pieces, I invite these people to look at the mod communities for other games, like the Nexus. There you have people crafting armors, weapons, maps, characters, even new worlds, all in their spare time so I have a hard time believing a pro team is incapable of churning out armor sets.

- Races. Why are we so limited? If Anet was just a start up I would understand.

- Closed maps. It's pretty amazing, when you look at the world map to see all these regions all bordered by square and rectangular mountain formations.

- GW1 geography vs GW2 geography. Very little effort was made to retain the GW1 geography landmarks. Apart for some areas nothing looks the same.

- Mount skins. Some are ok but the disco-glitter ones can go, thank you.

- Immersion. It's very good to try and create a believable world with architecture and all, but when I see a charr wearing a tuxedo and sporting a neon green mohawk and aviator glasses, sorry.

- The story. Absolutely discombobulated and looks likes it's been written by high school students creating their first D&D session.

- Putting Hero Points in confined quarters with high level bosses.

- Ambient sound effects are atrociously bland.

- The Fus-Do-Rah conundrum. Enemies can push you off cliffs and ledges but you can't do the same.

- Hearts. Not the system per se but the content. There are Elder Dragons and their minions laying waste but here I am, feeding chickens, planting flowers in a war zone and such. Really? And let's not talk about suspicious bushes all around Tyria.

- Super Mario/Mega Man game mechanics. It seems to me like the devs have never passed the stage beyond the Nintendo mechanics when designing boss fights. Could you please grow up and craft more mature mechanics?

- Story could gain from being a bit more mature and serious. If you need some lessons you can play Mass Effect 2, Fallout New Vegas, The Witcher series, the Baldur's Gate series and others.

- Some other races aren't too imaginative and borrow too much on creatures seen a million times before; centaurs, minotaurs, ogres, harpies... Get creative!

- The skyboxes are boring. Except maybe Rata Sum and Elona at night, most skies in Guild Wars are banal and perfectly dull. You can remove those flat 2D textures rolling about to create the effect of clouds. It was a good tricks in Duke 3D but we're nearing 2018 now.

- You cannot forge your own path as a hero. Every decision you have to make is already made in advance and you just hop on the story railroad. Heroes aren't always pure white or pure black. There's a million shades of grey in between.

- PVP matchmaking is horrendous.

- No build-saving feature.

- Engine is highly under optimized, relies too much on CPU while refusing to offload a bit on the GPU. I remember reading an interview where Nvidia offered assistance that was flatly refused by Anet. Nvidia and ATI can only do so much with their drivers until Anet steps up.

- Too many invisible walls.


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* Rich, beautiful open world

* Active events happening all around you

* The variety of races and professions as well as the varied story lines appropriate to each

* The variety of game modes - I love pve, hate pvp, and have yet to try wvw but I can choose which I want to play :)

* Dailies that can be completed in different modes

* Not racing other players for experience, loot, or resources

* The Black Lion trading post

* Salvaging



* Combat mechanics that require fast reflexes I no longer have at my age

* Jumping puzzles that are also difficult at my age

* Boss fights that are too physically difficult

(I understand that a great many people love these kinds of challenges but not everyone does. The story line boss fights are pretty forgiving which is what enables me to stay in the game but more options for the less physically capable would be helpful.)



* an obscure and irrelevant crafting system (Generally I like crafting but in this game the dramatic lag between my character's level and her crafting level means it's simply easier to get what I need at the Trading Post rather than making it myself. Crafting thus becomes only a minor source of income.)

* Some of the story lines who's morality I very much disagree with. For example, rather than helping ex-slaves, I am required to slaughter them at one point in order to advance in my personal story line. In one active event I'm supposed to help capture sentient creatures so they can be experimented on., then attack them if they try to break free. I'm not an Imperial Storm Trooper, so why am I doing these things?

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> @"Illurim.6059" said:

> > @"Genesis.5169" said:

> > > @"Illurim.6059" said:

> > > > @"Genesis.5169" said:

> > > > > @"Illurim.6059" said:

> > > > > > @"Genesis.5169" said:

> > > > > > +++The game

> > > > > > ---- The community

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I have never seen in the history of me playing mmos which is well of north of 10years so many people so adverse to teaming up in a MMO game to the point where they destroyed 5man premades in ranked. The degree how much much raiding and hard fotm is scorned by the community at large and the vast amount of people who cry about any content that requires help from time to time HoT HP and other things.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > It really really irks me how single player minded this base is.

> > > > > > Honorable note the players are so single player minded that half the community has no intention of ever really learning or using combo fields. Like all this hate with condition in wvw blast some light fields or something. In fotm and raids leap or blast water fields but people cannot comprehend the idea of relying on other people. GOD I HATE THIS COMMUNITY SO MUCH.

> > > > >

> > > > > Back at ya. I can't help but laugh at people like you who still think there's value in being the supreme god of this game. Your ego must be so fragile in real life. Some of us don't attach value to the game; it exists just for a bit of fun here and there - it's like monopoly, literally no one cares but that one player in the family who just HAS to beat everyone and likely will flip the board when they're losing. That's what you remind me of with your post, it's hilarious.

> > > > >

> > > > > The people who log in each day, perfect their rotations, their gear, demand excellence and perfection...geez... It's like watching an elite athlete standing around a park full of people strolling casually along and having them go "LOOK HOW AWESOME I AM, I CAN DO THIS AND THIS AND THIS I'M AMAZING, ADMIRE ME" while the rest of us are like... dude, seriously, you wanna be a big fish in a tiny pond? Good for you. Ego central.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > That post had nothing to do what what i've said about teaming up.

> > > > Seriously stop projecting.

> > >

> > > You typed in capitals "GOD I HATE THIS COMMUNITY SO MUCH". Who's projecting?

> >

> > Yeah i did what does that have to do with elitism exactly?


> *facepalm* The OP asked what you like/dislike about the game. You shouted how much you hate the community because they don't play good.


No i argued about the community, and how they don't like teaming up for content i used combo fields as an example of a tool that goes unused for the most part in every game mode that requires teamwork and vastly changes how we play.


I remember back during vanilla we used to blast and leap on smoke fields to invis thru dungeons, and blast fire fields for might stacking/and light fields for aoe cleanses in wvw , we barely do things anymore. Most of the time you have to explain to people at the moment what your doing and how to add to it, these are MP 200+ people who have played the game long enough to know about how combo fields work but they don't know because of this inner disliking for any content that requires more then 1 person. And no OW doesn't count because all it is, is following a zerg.

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> @"Genesis.5169" said:

> > @"Illurim.6059" said:

> > > @"Genesis.5169" said:

> > > > @"Illurim.6059" said:

> > > > > @"Genesis.5169" said:

> > > > > > @"Illurim.6059" said:

> > > > > > > @"Genesis.5169" said:

> > > > > > > +++The game

> > > > > > > ---- The community

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > I have never seen in the history of me playing mmos which is well of north of 10years so many people so adverse to teaming up in a MMO game to the point where they destroyed 5man premades in ranked. The degree how much much raiding and hard fotm is scorned by the community at large and the vast amount of people who cry about any content that requires help from time to time HoT HP and other things.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > It really really irks me how single player minded this base is.

> > > > > > > Honorable note the players are so single player minded that half the community has no intention of ever really learning or using combo fields. Like all this hate with condition in wvw blast some light fields or something. In fotm and raids leap or blast water fields but people cannot comprehend the idea of relying on other people. GOD I HATE THIS COMMUNITY SO MUCH.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Back at ya. I can't help but laugh at people like you who still think there's value in being the supreme god of this game. Your ego must be so fragile in real life. Some of us don't attach value to the game; it exists just for a bit of fun here and there - it's like monopoly, literally no one cares but that one player in the family who just HAS to beat everyone and likely will flip the board when they're losing. That's what you remind me of with your post, it's hilarious.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > The people who log in each day, perfect their rotations, their gear, demand excellence and perfection...geez... It's like watching an elite athlete standing around a park full of people strolling casually along and having them go "LOOK HOW AWESOME I AM, I CAN DO THIS AND THIS AND THIS I'M AMAZING, ADMIRE ME" while the rest of us are like... dude, seriously, you wanna be a big fish in a tiny pond? Good for you. Ego central.

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > That post had nothing to do what what i've said about teaming up.

> > > > > Seriously stop projecting.

> > > >

> > > > You typed in capitals "GOD I HATE THIS COMMUNITY SO MUCH". Who's projecting?

> > >

> > > Yeah i did what does that have to do with elitism exactly?

> >

> > *facepalm* The OP asked what you like/dislike about the game. You shouted how much you hate the community because they don't play good.


> No i argued about the community, and how they don't like teaming up for content i used combo fields as an example of a tool that goes unused for the most part in every game mode that requires teamwork and vastly changes how we play.


> I remember back during vanilla we used to blast and leap on smoke fields to invis thru dungeons, and blast fire fields for might stacking/and light fields for aoe cleanses in wvw , we barely do things anymore. Most of the time you have to explain to people at the moment what your doing and how to add to it, these are MP 200+ people who have played the game long enough to know about how combo fields work but they don't know because of this inner disliking for any content that requires more then 1 person. And no OW doesn't count because all it is, is following a zerg.


Exactly. The only thing you don't like about the game is other people not playing well. I got it the first time.

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Things I like about it:


+The overall design/aesthetic of the world (a few maps I don't like of course)

+How chill and casual open world PvE is, don't have to have a meta build, can play how I want etc

+Easy to come back to if you take a break

+No subscription

+No pay to win items in the store

+Gold to gem exchange which makes a lot of small account upgrades available without spending real money, and the gold to do so is actually obtainable within a reasonable gameplay time, unlike some other games where it would take a lifetime to save currency for a £5 item.

+The community (some toxic players, but in my experience I find most of the time players are helpful and friendly) (I don't do PvP though, I hear that can be bad)

+Plenty of solo friendly content, with all story (core, expac, LS) fully soloable.

+Plenty of group content as well, and grouping is easy to do when needed.

+Game/server stability. Excluding the launch week of expacs, and the two times I can remember when the servers (EU) were snowstormed etc, there doesn't seem to have really been any downtime in years of playing. And I can only think of 2-3 times I've had a DC (again outside of the expac launch weeks etc)

+The LS episodes, and the fact they're free if we login during them

+The gameplay (really including everything in this, gliding, combat, story, modes, metas, etc etc).


Stuff I dislike:

-Lack of plain/neutral skin designs. Too many flashy, oversized, wings, back items, pointy, neon 'look at me I desperately need attention' skins, outfits, mount skins etc (I understand they sell, people like them etc, but just give us a few more non obtrusive outfits to balance it out)

-Raven and Meteor gliders, if a glider is so big that it blocks another players vision/most of the screen then there's a design problem with it.

-All tonics, especially ones turning players into giant frogs or making them 3x as big etc, let's face it the only purpose ones like that serve is so players can troll others.

-Mining tools that have annoying sounds, like that stupid golem one I keep hearing when someone uses one near me.

-Charr, don't know why I just generally dislike them lol. There's a few exceptions.

-The performance drop in PoF maps. Absolutely dreadful compared to everywhere else in core, HoT and LS. (though the latest LS map is pretty bad performance too)

-Stupid RNG mount licences with no option to just buy the one skin out of thirty that we actually like.

-Lack of player housing / a proper home instance. The current home instances don't feel personal, and a guild hall is too big (and costly) for one player. While I'm sure a lot of use are in guilds and have access to a hall, it would be nice to have something similar but on an individual /personal scale.


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-art style

-no ninja looting

-wardrobe system


-good group finder



-visual clutter can’t see telegraphs

-legendaries take too many resources to complete

-gamble boxes are the devil

-current state of pvp and wvw

-no build templates

-no sigil/rune swapping

-poor profession balance

-rewards suck in general

-poor writing and laughable dialogue in the LS

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Things I like

+ Open world to explore. I love the design of OW and completing maps.

+ The events and hearts system. It gives you different things to do and a unique experience

+ I could level up wherever I wanted to in Vanilla content. I start out as a human, but want to level up in the snowy zones? Just use the starter warp point there and go!

+ Vanilla personal story and story telling. I knew when a scene ended and when it began.

+ Jumping Puzzles. I know not every one likes them but I find them enjoyable and different from other mmos.

+ No KSing and I don't have to worry about joining a party in OW. Imo this makes the in-game community so much friendlier.

+ The characters in the vanilla story. I found them enjoyable (I'm only saying this because I don't really know who anyone in HOT is past the season 1 movie on YT. So that's TBT)

+ Wardrobe and Dye system.

+ Their currency exchange system and B2P model. It's pretty solid!

+ Their still toys in the gem store. I think they're a fun little addition!

+ Meta is generally kept low-key. I can play a class how I want to and have fun. I don't need to play the way everyone says I should and it allows for classes to stay interesting for longer than your traditional mmo.

+ Their events, They put a lot more effort into them than other mmos.

+ Play style options!* Wanna raid, explore, PVP? You can do it!

+ Proficiencies!*

+ Crafting*


Things I don't like

+ Living World, or more so how it ties into the main story. New player can be blind sighted when they buy the expansions only to realize they also need to buy the living world seasons to know what's going on.

+ Lack of personal story once you reach a point in the main quest line. Yes, it needs to be stream-lined at a point. However I feel that living world would have been great at allowing it to branch out and be more personal again. Like each race would have it's own personal story not only adding re-playablity, but allowing actual world progress that could happen without new players being completely lost.

+ The way the story telling happens in post-HOT. I just started it but is frustrating when I can't tell where the dialogue ends. I'm sure I'll get used to it but that still doesn't change that it's frustrating now.

+ I wish they paid more attention certain game modes. From my understanding PVP and WVW need some love.

+ I have to learn certain proficienties in HOT content maps. I understand this is to encourage people to play through them but I don't like how it limits how I can level them.

+ I wish we could make more interesting and fun things with the crafting system. Like instruments, cute backpacks and hats. Etc. Like we where discovering things and it turns out we could make a fun toy or something. Also I'd like to customize how we navigate the crafting tab. Like instead of armor being sorted by pieces I could make it sorted my sets.


End note: sorry I sound like a vanilla junkie. There are things about LW and HOT that I like I just wish they'd done things a little differently design wise.

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- the world

- the races

- not having to join guild or team up to do most things

- sense of fighting world together, no pk-ing

- meta events/events

- none of the music annoys me, rare, so very good.

- lfg system

- fractals



- targeting system, just let me aim in direction I want to fire and hit what's there.

- lack of freedom with keybinding skills and limited number of skills per weapon/build.

- no way to turn off dialogue speech bubbles for npcs, kills immersion

- lack of ranged meta builds

- pve content in bigger groups is 0 challenge, needs better scaling, needs to be a lot harder

- badly balanced teams in pvp, if I play new character and want to test new builds, I still end up playing vs experienced players in unranked it seems.

- excessive mount sounds, especially when in large groups before meta events or world bosses, or people using raptor to go from one chest to next at end of tarir event, I turn off sound lately when I'm there.

- no way to save builds, and having to have different sets of gear for raids.

- not being able to switch from eu to us, but thanks for gem store option.

- toxic players, it's the same in every online game really. if someday they finally get ai right in computer games I will abandon multiplayer games forever.

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**L I K E S :**

+ "Viable" open world content where I can earn Gold instead of being locked away in instances (I never liked dungeons and stuff like that).

+ No monthly fee/premium account crap.

+ Combat, the amazing, dynamic combat!

+ No fight over loot/nodes.

+ Pretty maps, fun exploration.

+ Living world and story in general.

+ Constant updates.

+ Character customization (including transmutation).

+ Underwater combat (yes it is neglected but what we have is still better than any other MMO).

+ Freedom of gear (as an open world player, I am not forced to be meta).

+ No race/gender/racial skill locked classes, I can play the race I enjoy.

+ No pay to win stuff in the Gem Store.

+ Reward tracks in PvP and WvW (I casually do these to unlock some armor skins).

+ I can trade Gold for Gems.

+ Mounts and gliders.

+ No new level cap and gear tier.



**D I S L I K E S :**

- Too many Outfits, not enough armor skins.

- Raids and Legendary armor being locked behind raids.

- Mastery system (I will never enjoy grinding this thing, half of the masteries are absolutely useless).

- Some good items are locked behind BL chest RNG instead of being sold directly in the cash shop.

- Too many buttcapes and huge shoulder pieces on armor.

- Jumping puzzles.

- Hearts, especially the ones that take forever to finish for some reason (meanwhile, some of them are super fast, makes no sense).

- Allowing DPS meters was a huge mistake, Anet should punish elitist behavior instead of encouraging it!

- Neglected downed and underwater skills.

- Can't hide parts of the UI and the skill effects of other players.

- Lack of customization for animations (I want to disable my idle aniamtions or choose how often they occur like in FFXIV).

- No reliable way to earn trans charges in PvE besides completing cities over and over again (which is boring af).

- No player housing (no, Guild Hall is not the same thing).

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+Immersive, interesting environments

+Great attention to detail in soundscapes

+Some of the heart quest activities are fun and different

+No ninja looting of nodes/kills/objectives

+Casual grouping for events without all the usual logistical pain

+Incentives for kind behavior

+Mounts are a blast! Each has a unique personality

+Probably the most solo-friendly MMO I've ever played




+No subscription

+Relatively little grinding

+Convenient trading post

+Combat's fun

+Lots of action in the world -- enemies and beasties fighting, for example, instead of waiting around for players.

+Background NPC banter everywhere

+Community is one of the best I've seen in any game, aside from SWL

+Easy to pop into PVP or WvW casually if the dailies are for areas I haven't accessed yet.




- New PoF maps are overmobbed and a pain to explore. Can't pause for a second to check your map before a crowd of somethings is on you.

- Too many achievements

- Mastery system, especially in Core Tyria. So many points locked behind so much stupid trivia.

- HoT maps. Still haven't gotten beyond Verdant Brink

- Endgame in general

- Collections

- New style of boss/mob encounter design. It's adrenaline, adrenaline, adrenaline. Nonstop.

- Dailies sending you to maps you haven't explored or don't have unlocked.

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