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Name the things you like about this game + Name the things you dislike about this game

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I like most of the game.

- meta events are the best public group repeatable content I’ve seen in any game. Scaling, rewards for failure/partial success, progression of event, just so much so right.

- Jumping puzzles are a great challenge that doesn’t just go down the same “how fast do you react” road as most games stay on

- Dungeons and fractals are well done. Disappointing dungeons were abandoned, but they still deserve mention.

- Older content stays relevant. Most games pretty much ignore everything other than the newest content.

- Leveling isn’t just a waste of time like many games. Do a low level map complete, you might get a BL key, which is relevant no matter how many max level characters you have. Skip leveling, and you still need to complete all the maps if you want world complete. Just a ton of ways you can level that aren’t just a total waste of time.

- Lack of punishment for death. It encourages experimentation, and willingness to help others.

- Community. People seem far more willing to help, and far less demanding.

- Gliding. It’s well done.

- Mounts. Also very well done.

- Ascended gear. Difficulty acquiring seems spot on. Not too easy, but not too hard.


I don’t like:

- mob density preventing being able to figure out where I am on newer maps. I sometimes wind up half a map away before I can stop and see if I was going the right way.

- noise level of visual effects in large group content. I often have no idea if I’m placing my ability in the correct place to even damage anything.

- Lack of a more casual tier of raiding. I have no idea if it is too hard for me personally, and I suspect I will never even get to find out.

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* the sylvari

* the charr

* some of the other lore: Glint and the Zephyrites and Exalted, poor Vlast, the kodan and their fire-spirit lore in LS3Ep3 though kodans are still arrogant as whatnot, sylvari helping to restore Orr

* some of the characters (Caithe, Treahearne, Mama Tree, Eir, Laranthir, Aurene), though most of them have died or been written out by now

* the artwork -- some zones are really stunning

* the music, especially Fear Not This Night (can we hear that again sometime?)

* gliding, especially in Bloodstone Fen with its added gliding skills

* the mounts with their different abilties and their charm (though raptor seems to have received almost all the love in the idle animations department)

* the griffon collection was fun and a nice if too-rare example of something to work towards through related activities, without being as grotesquely grindy and expensive as legendaries

* the Caladbolg mini-story, especially as a sylvari, for a little overdue HoT closure and bits of too-rare racial dialog

* individual drops and gathering nodes for each player so you don't have to compete for basic things (this is a REALLY huge plus!)

* no endless gear treadmill (likewise!)

* no subscription

* rather solo-friendly in the open world, moreso in PoF again than in HoT

* I like big "meta-event" maps and event chains sometimes too though! An organized Dragon's Stand or TTW can be great fun.

* gold to gems conversion, though I personally only used it once

* makeover kits for when you really wish you'd given your character a different look

* genuinely no P2W gemstore crap

* the megaserver system

* the material storage and wallet, and especially the way both have been _massively_ improved this year (big kudos to the dev(s) who made that their pet project!)

* the early, cultural chapters of the personal story

* the sylvari-specific HoT bits

* skin transmutations

* some JPs are quite fun, i.e. the ones that aren't too punishing, offer a nice view of the surrounding lands as an extra reward, or both (especially Morgan's Spiral, Secret Garden, Stepping Stones once I got the hang of it which admittedly took a while, the one from Siren's Landing, Winter Wonderland)

* musical instruments and people making guilds based on playing them



* GENDERED ARMOR, and the supremely stereotypical way it is handled

* the utterly ridiculous human-bias in terms of gear design, with the other races only having less than a handful of options that mostly really show their age

* the outdated, crash-prone, resource-hungry mess of an engine

* the lack of UI customization and various user-friendly quality of life tools

* the _extreme_ visual clutter via endless barrages of skill and legendary effects from players and NPCs/monsters alike as well as group nameplates that are impossible to turn off, how bloody hard to flat-out impossible it makes to see anything even in smaller groups nevermind big ones, and the deaths that result from this

* the mount lootbox fiasco

* Black Lion Chests, and account-bound items being sneaked into them

* no new non-human character creation options in what feels like _forever_, and some of the ones that were added are just the same face with three different makeup or leaf variations

* the general shortage of mature, rugged, makeup-free (for certain races) faces for female characters, nevermind scarred ones

* zones instead of a genuinely open world

* a general drought of gear/minis/mounts you can earn through related in-game activities, though thumbs up for adding minis to vendors and sometimes achievements post-vanilla

* many of the new characters, especially Taimi and Braham

* much of the story, sadly, especially all of the main beats of LS3 and the rushed mess that was HoT

* in particular, the almost complete lack of racial dialog or RP choices for the _supposed protagonist_, and their general reduction to an NPC-enabler and story vehicle without a past, a culture, genuine friends who actually care for them in any way whatsover, or quite often even a spine or a brain because that would get in the way of making the NPCs look good

* storymode dungeons not being designed for solo play (aside from the Arah makeover), which can make you miss almost all of what little there is of an DE-arc in the personal story

* raids, and story being locked away behind them

* the asura, in terms of general characterization, storyline dominance of magitech to the exclusion and thus detriment of most other forms of information-gathering or problem-solving, and over the top cutesification (especially, predictably, of the women) of what I think was originally more of an "ugly" goblin-like race?

* the "MMO-y" i.e. over the top flashy and showy skins, including most legendaries

* the what feels like the overwhelming large part of the "community" that is abusive and elitist at best, if not utterly bigoted and hateful

* I admit as an old tank who really loved that role, I'll never truly like the combat system, and have trouble finding a class that I genuinely enjoy playing


> @"Noa.7490" said:

> - The Fus-Do-Rah conundrum. Enemies can push you off cliffs and ledges but you can't do the same.


Very good point, too.


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1. Artwork

2. Excellent casual PvE

3. Underlying tech that creates a very fluid and responsive experience (although it would be great if they upgraded from DX9 and didn't rely on the CPU so much)

4. Buy to Play and NOT Pay to Win

5. Halloween and Wintersday Festivals

6. Good community



1. WvW - They scewed up it's basic design and created a mindless, boring blob game without meaning. I would play GW2 24/7 if WvW were fixed.


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# Like:

* story and lore

* graphics

* hybrid combat system

* (used to be better) pvp

* the company

* the monetization (until mounts at least)

* events system

* the way you can cooperate without having to compete for exp or loot

* the lvl and equipment caps

* fractals

* dungeons (even though they are discontinued)

* raids (when i can successfully do them all, i'll like them better ^_^)

* all the minute details and QoL systems they added like deposit all, the buyback system that doesn't charge you more than you get from selling, the account bounded-ness of most important things (although bag slots would be so much better if account bound, and some masteries lose from being bound).


# Dislike:

* Inertia in all changes. Arena Net takes too long to address problems, which allows them to snowball a lot.

* Stubborn and inflexible policies. Arena Net is too hidebound in a lot of their policies which hinders the game's improvement. (like their insistence of keeping to the quarterly balance patches).

* The all or nothing decisions (like all HoT maps have sweeping meta events, and PoF had none basically)

* The channeling of rewards towards the gemstore. Lets face it, the game isn't very rewarding, and a lot of times you have to grind for ages for really basic stuff. Or you throw money at the problem. It's not very fun or very rewarding. Winter's Presence comes to mind, for example. The drinking achievement necessary is only really completable if you grind all the events all the time, every day, and still you'll probably have to buy a chunk of items. Or you just throw a ton of gold at it and be done. Same applies to every "prestige" item. Everything is attainable easily if you just throw money at the issue. The only almost exception is Legendary Armor, and a few of the raid rewards, although these aren't a real exception because a lot of it can be sold (including the raids themselves, this time not at Anet's fault).

* The continuous dismissal of pre-mades in PvP. It's a team based mode, yet more and more you can't play as a team and are forced to suffer the RNG of who gets paired up with you. You can't even do the coolest thing you could do on the first couple of seasons, which is invite the random guys you got assigned to your team into a party for the following matches.

* The new monetization options for mounts. RNG isn't good, 2000 gems for one skin isn't good, and having the only alternative being festival mounts, is not good.

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