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What keeps you from raids?


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> @"VaaCrow.3076" said:

> > @"Polarfairy.8046" said:

> > I was always given the impression that guild wars was a game for all levels of interest and skill but it feels like they massively leave out their disabled fans which really saddens me.


> I don't mean this in a mean way, (and it probably will sound mean ). But I don't think many games are developed with disabled people in mind, purely because it doesn't make sense when 90% of the players will not be disabled. Gw2 is the most casual game I've ever played, if it was any more low effort and inclusive i really don't think i'd take any enjoyment from it at all, while i am understanding of your plight, i am happy that the game is designed as is, keeping some challenge in some content.


My partner is going blind and he agrees with you actually. He even finds games made for the visually impaired to be an insulting reminder of what he doesn't have, so he has other hobbies like programming instead. It's still sad I can't play with him, but it's just how it is.

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It's just like raiding in that "other game". All adverts are for "No scrubs, exp, 500LI or kick" and whatever. So there goes learning them. Except there's no raid finder here so anyone with disabilities, anxiety lack of exp or skill get excluded, which is a shame because I always thought of this game as one that was welcoming to all kinds of players. Even Fractals have scalable difficulties so anyone can participate...


And then you have the groups which sell Carries for gold, the very thought of which makes me feel physically ill. Not because It's expensive, but because they are exploiting the anti-newb mindset to extort gold out of desperate players, which is just shitty and toxic toward the games integrity.

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When I was in the WoW and played the raids at the mythic level, it was very much the pressure felt when doing it ... instead, in Normal and Heroic Mode it was a bit simpler and it did not require much commitment.


The raids of this game touch the mythical level of WoW in terms of commitment and dedication ... That pressure, in such a casual game as the GW2 does not make much sense, that's why this content is not very popular and at the same time a small group of players "took possession" of this content by placing barriers to entry.


If I had a more "light" version, I think many people would begin to enjoy this content.


But of course, in this game the happiness of one is the unhappiness of another (elitist)

The Devs should start thinking about how to make content more inclusive than exclusive.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> > > @"Lunateric.3708" said:

> > > > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > > > @"Lunateric.3708" said:

> > > > > > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > > > > Also should state that, I have only 2 classes I'm comfortable with. The rest of them I can barely survive/deal with in PvE.

> > > > > > That said, from the 2 classes I'm comfortable with, one of them would never be able to Raid, which would be my thief.

> > > > > > Pistol theif would get kicked out before I even load into the raid area.

> > > > > > The next is Necro and/or Scourge (I never liked Reaper and will never like Reaper).

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Necros are another if they see the symbol they would kick out.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > So there's 0 chance of me ever getting to see a raid.

> > > > >

> > > > > Back when I started raiding I did it with a marauder daredevil. Had just started with the game and was my first ascended set after hunting down achieves everywhere for it. I got in a guild that took me even with a subpar gear build like that and after a couple weeks of raiding twice a week I was comfortable enough to start migrating into full berserker's, the first month went by and I was killing every boss in wings 1, 2 and 3. Fast forward to now and I got two legendary armor sets made and enough for the third, tried every class and geared every class too even though I only just pug a full clear on reset night. What changed the game for me was joining a guild and maybe that'll help you; you'll fail, you'll most likely cause wipes and you will learn from it as long as you want to learn. I wouldn't give up

> > > >

> > > > So you're saying there's a guild out there that would allow a Necro to raid? I only have a few ascended at the moment (right now working on getting 1 more ring and 1 more amulet from living world maps to have all ascended accessories and have 3 out of 4 ascended weapons on me. My armour is still exotic though).

> > > > I've always been a condition Necro since the beginning as I liked playing condition so I've been playing/aiming for Vipers.

> > > >

> > > > Still not sure where or how to get someone to not go "Lol, Necro? No. Eat skritt and die." or something.

> > >

> > > Do you know about groups like the Raider's Inn?, they take noobs of any kind and help them get up to speed. There's also the subreddit for recruitment but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to link it.

> > >

> > > If you're on tonight I'll whisper you and get you some more groups, I don't mind. If you wanna try you will get your chance, I guarantee it.

> >

> > I have a Power Reaper, everything is Ascended, the armor is Valk while everything else is Zerker, my weapons are Great Sword/Axe/Dagger.

> >

> > All of my toxicity towards raiders is based off of people telling me Reaper is trash even though it is not only viable it is noob friendly and enables you to stay alive longer than a glass cannon QTFY hero build that would enable me to DPS the dirt for half the fight on account of being dead.


> Would also be that it's "trash" in their eyes because there isn't even Reaper up on Necro builds on quantify anymore it seems.


Benchmarks aren't everything, people should learn this. Any full dps class should be ok normally. This dps meter and quantify stuff kills the game. If you force a player that experienced with necro to play another character, they will probably fail. If you can't do that raid with a full berserker class, then we have serious issue about raid difficulty or class balance here. I hope Arenanet either makes another legendary armor set/skin for open world PvE or balances raids seperately as the 4th aspect of the game thus, people can do raids with their own classes. I personally don't care about raids except legendary armor and I think it's the same for most people here.

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> @"Kapax.3801" said:

> When I was in the WoW and played the raids at the mythic level, it was very much the pressure felt when doing it ... instead, in Normal and Heroic Mode it was a bit simpler and it did not require much commitment.


> The raids of this game touch the mythical level of WoW in terms of commitment and dedication ... That pressure, in such a casual game as the GW2 does not make much sense, that's why this content is not very popular and at the same time a small group of players "took possession" of this content by placing barriers to entry.


> If I had a more "light" version, I think many people would begin to enjoy this content.


> But of course, in this game the happiness of one is the unhappiness of another (elitist)

> The Devs should start thinking about how to make content more inclusive than exclusive.


I can tell you one thing, this sure hasn't done GW2 'S reputation any favors. People like me that are cultured when it comes to the genre and go to online publications are keeping it real by informing prospective customers about the Raiding community, I tell them if you enjoy 5 man's and immersive open world content then this is the game for you. Unfortunately most people that play Wow, FF14 etc do not mix with top tier Raiders and enjoy the lower difficulties so when they hear that they are stuck with Elites they do not even consider this game since GW2 extensive Open World content is an alien concept so all they hear is that our End Game community is toxic.

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> @"Kapax.3801" said:

> When I was in the WoW and played the raids at the mythic level, it was very much the pressure felt when doing it ... instead, in Normal and Heroic Mode it was a bit simpler and it did not require much commitment.


> The raids of this game touch the mythical level of WoW in terms of commitment and dedication ... That pressure, in such a casual game as the GW2 does not make much sense, that's why this content is not very popular and at the same time a small group of players "took possession" of this content by placing barriers to entry.


> If I had a more "light" version, I think many people would begin to enjoy this content.


> But of course, in this game the happiness of one is the unhappiness of another (elitist)

> The Devs should start thinking about how to make content more inclusive than exclusive.


Raids here are more between normal and heroic. You can clear most bosses with masterwork equipment within the timers. You loose around 45% of stats with masterwork equipment. The equipment cap prevents overgearing so groups want experienced people and don't take people that have better equipment than bosses drop and cheese mechanics.

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It's funny how so many people know that raiders are all elitist jerks, yet have no raiding experience or at most 1-2 tries with random players.


Talk about preconceptions. That's like me stating that every single open world player is terrible at this game, which ironically would be backed by more subjective experience from my side (since I do play open world events etc.) yet just as silly.


It's nice to see some people sharing their positive experiences with training runs with these oh so toxic raiders.

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Time is the major one, schedule is not as open as it once was. And having to coordinate 9 other schedules, find people, etc.


Second, Raids have always seemed to me like "lab rats running the maze" type activity- stand here when boss does this, do X at 50%, etc. Yes you need to execute, but much of the difficulty is in the initial learning and coordinating everything -once you know the script (i.e. "learn how the maze is laid out") it becomes a fairly trivial exercise aside from finding 9 other competent "rats" to run with you. For me, PvP/wvw provides far more fun dynamic and varied combat experiences when I'm after that sort of thing and the rest of PvE is suitable for relaxed play.

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I hate formality, right now even if i want to join training raid group, it seem that i have to write what classes i have, gear, time i can play, ... and im not comfortable to do those things. And let say i found a stable raid group, that mean i HAVE TO PLAY at some specific time (after all if i don't show up at that time, who will let me stay in that group ?), it's not feel good to turn some part of the game into a "job". Yup overall i hate formality and time restriction. Create my own pug group to play at my own time ? Maaaybe it could work, but have to find 9 others ppl everytime i want to run ...


I wish the instance contents like dungeon, fractal and raid have the auto match-making system. In some of other games i play before (maybe ToS or BnS ?) if you use the queue, you will have ~30% more reward (most likely exp) than those who use premade party. The premade party still have it perk of playing with ppl you know is good, so the run will most likely faster.

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> @"Umut.5471" said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> > > > @"Lunateric.3708" said:

> > > > > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > > > > @"Lunateric.3708" said:

> > > > > > > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > > > > > Also should state that, I have only 2 classes I'm comfortable with. The rest of them I can barely survive/deal with in PvE.

> > > > > > > That said, from the 2 classes I'm comfortable with, one of them would never be able to Raid, which would be my thief.

> > > > > > > Pistol theif would get kicked out before I even load into the raid area.

> > > > > > > The next is Necro and/or Scourge (I never liked Reaper and will never like Reaper).

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Necros are another if they see the symbol they would kick out.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > So there's 0 chance of me ever getting to see a raid.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Back when I started raiding I did it with a marauder daredevil. Had just started with the game and was my first ascended set after hunting down achieves everywhere for it. I got in a guild that took me even with a subpar gear build like that and after a couple weeks of raiding twice a week I was comfortable enough to start migrating into full berserker's, the first month went by and I was killing every boss in wings 1, 2 and 3. Fast forward to now and I got two legendary armor sets made and enough for the third, tried every class and geared every class too even though I only just pug a full clear on reset night. What changed the game for me was joining a guild and maybe that'll help you; you'll fail, you'll most likely cause wipes and you will learn from it as long as you want to learn. I wouldn't give up

> > > > >

> > > > > So you're saying there's a guild out there that would allow a Necro to raid? I only have a few ascended at the moment (right now working on getting 1 more ring and 1 more amulet from living world maps to have all ascended accessories and have 3 out of 4 ascended weapons on me. My armour is still exotic though).

> > > > > I've always been a condition Necro since the beginning as I liked playing condition so I've been playing/aiming for Vipers.

> > > > >

> > > > > Still not sure where or how to get someone to not go "Lol, Necro? No. Eat skritt and die." or something.

> > > >

> > > > Do you know about groups like the Raider's Inn?, they take noobs of any kind and help them get up to speed. There's also the subreddit for recruitment but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to link it.

> > > >

> > > > If you're on tonight I'll whisper you and get you some more groups, I don't mind. If you wanna try you will get your chance, I guarantee it.

> > >

> > > I have a Power Reaper, everything is Ascended, the armor is Valk while everything else is Zerker, my weapons are Great Sword/Axe/Dagger.

> > >

> > > All of my toxicity towards raiders is based off of people telling me Reaper is trash even though it is not only viable it is noob friendly and enables you to stay alive longer than a glass cannon QTFY hero build that would enable me to DPS the dirt for half the fight on account of being dead.

> >

> > Would also be that it's "trash" in their eyes because there isn't even Reaper up on Necro builds on quantify anymore it seems.


> Benchmarks aren't everything, people should learn this. Any full dps class should be ok normally. This dps meter and quantify stuff kills the game. If you force a player that experienced with necro to play another character, they will probably fail. If you can't do that raid with a full berserker class, then we have serious issue about raid difficulty or class balance here. I hope Arenanet either makes another legendary armor set/skin for open world PvE or balances raids seperately as the 4th aspect of the game thus, people can do raids with their own classes. I personally don't care about raids except legendary armor and I think it's the same for most people here.


I want to try Raids for a few reasons:


1. Want to at least try everything once to see what the game has to offer. I find competitive gameplay boring, but I at least tried WvW and PvP.

Then crafting, dungeons, many metas, jumping puzzles I said I would never bother with like Mad King, etcetera.

2. There are some skins I do enjoy that seems to be raid only. One that I really like the looks of looks like a GW2-ized Proton Pack. Not on the game at the moment to say the specific name of the back item. Then there's a few weapons and such.

3. Heard there's some story to it. I want to experience the story and think it's a bit off on why they would put some of the most difficult stuff with the story. Fractals have stories to them too, but there is at least tiers. I could get to experience the stories on tiers lower than 4, but there are no tiers to raid like that.


And yeah, the issue I see is that unless "This site say this class/build is bad" is gone, people would just go by that and not let other classes/builds play.

Heard before on just "Get out of your comfort zone" or "Just learn how to play another class".


The problem with that is, That's like showing Amelia Earhart that she should take on boating instead of aircraft. The quickest way to make someone either hate a game OR get as toxic/bitter like some of the raid players, is making them have to play a class that they either never had a care for to begin with or a class they got used to, but despise.


Heard many stories of people making a Chrono for raids, but always hated the class and being full support that they were just made them bitter.

The issue IS balance as yes, not every single build will be optimal for everything, but each class/elite spec should at least be on par with each other and not, "Why are you Reaper/Scourge/Mirage/Scrapper/Lord Faren?"

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> It's funny how so many people know that raiders are all elitist jerks, yet have no raiding experience or at most 1-2 tries with random players.


> Talk about preconceptions. That's like me stating that every single open world player is terrible at this game, which ironically would be backed by more subjective experience from my side (since I do play open world events etc.) yet just as silly.


> It's nice to see some people sharing their positive experiences with training runs with these oh so toxic raiders.


Awesome so when do you want to invite me and my Reaper to one of your static runs, this is your chance to prove me and a whole a lot of other people wrong.


So far in my time of playing this game I have found only one player willing to put his money where his mouth is and that was Vayne who took the time to help acclimate me to Heart of Thorns.

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> @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > It's funny how so many people know that raiders are all elitist jerks, yet have no raiding experience or at most 1-2 tries with random players.

> >

> > Talk about preconceptions. That's like me stating that every single open world player is terrible at this game, which ironically would be backed by more subjective experience from my side (since I do play open world events etc.) yet just as silly.

> >

> > It's nice to see some people sharing their positive experiences with training runs with these oh so toxic raiders.


> Awesome so when do you want to invite me and my Reaper to one of your static runs, this is your chance to prove me and a whole a lot of other people wrong.


> So far in my time of playing this game I have found only one player willing to put his money where his mouth is and that was Vayne who took the time to help acclimate me to Heart of Thorns.


Sure, join the reddit guild karma initiative, sign up for one of our weekend raids and you are in. We usually do training runs on either saturday or sundays. Message me in game, I'll invite you to the guild.

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> @"STIHL.2489" said:

>Raids in today's MMO landscape is like "Oh wow.. Raids .. that's' like .. so... Umm **generic**"



Doesn't that apply for every game mode? :P Anyway I want to chime in and say I have lots of good experiences from training groups and only 1 bad one. Of course players needed to follow the meta more or less in those groups and there's set time and expectations to have 2 hours dedicated to it.


On LFG runs that I've led with or without voice chat I've allowed all kinds of builds as long as major bases were covered because I want people to have a chance to learn the mechanics and that can be done with all builds. Training runs should be training runs IMO, not kill runs. I've felt like groups like raiders inn or rti is just a convenient replacement for a static. Nothing wrong with it tho.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > It's funny how so many people know that raiders are all elitist jerks, yet have no raiding experience or at most 1-2 tries with random players.

> > >

> > > Talk about preconceptions. That's like me stating that every single open world player is terrible at this game, which ironically would be backed by more subjective experience from my side (since I do play open world events etc.) yet just as silly.

> > >

> > > It's nice to see some people sharing their positive experiences with training runs with these oh so toxic raiders.

> >

> > Awesome so when do you want to invite me and my Reaper to one of your static runs, this is your chance to prove me and a whole a lot of other people wrong.

> >

> > So far in my time of playing this game I have found only one player willing to put his money where his mouth is and that was Vayne who took the time to help acclimate me to Heart of Thorns.


> Sure, join the reddit guild karma initiative, sign up for one of our weekend raids and you are in. We usually do training runs on either saturday or sundays. Message me in game, I'll invite you to the guild.


Thanks, I'll put you on my friends list and sign up for that this week end, there's another prospective Reaper I was giving a tough love reality check to I'll tell about this, as rigid and stubborn as I come across I love to admit I'm wrong about stuff like this.

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> @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > It's funny how so many people know that raiders are all elitist jerks, yet have no raiding experience or at most 1-2 tries with random players.

> > > >

> > > > Talk about preconceptions. That's like me stating that every single open world player is terrible at this game, which ironically would be backed by more subjective experience from my side (since I do play open world events etc.) yet just as silly.

> > > >

> > > > It's nice to see some people sharing their positive experiences with training runs with these oh so toxic raiders.

> > >

> > > Awesome so when do you want to invite me and my Reaper to one of your static runs, this is your chance to prove me and a whole a lot of other people wrong.

> > >

> > > So far in my time of playing this game I have found only one player willing to put his money where his mouth is and that was Vayne who took the time to help acclimate me to Heart of Thorns.

> >

> > Sure, join the reddit guild karma initiative, sign up for one of our weekend raids and you are in. We usually do training runs on either saturday or sundays. Message me in game, I'll invite you to the guild.


> Thanks, I'll put you on my friends list and sign up for that this week end, there's another prospective Reaper I was giving a tough love reality check to I'll tell about this, as rigid and stubborn as I come across I love to admit I'm wrong about stuff like this.


Next training run is this sunday. This is EU just in case I hadn't mentioned that, can't help on US. Discord (just listen) would be appreciated but we've managed with only in game chat.

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1. I can not express how much I despise doing the same thing over and over again.

2. Hate waiting for other people which is what happens at the beginning of dungeons.

3. Dislike the attitudes of many of the players who run raids.

4. With the exception of the legendary armor there are no rewards from raids that I care about even a tiny bit. The armor isn't worth the amount of time doing something I can't stand.

5. Even if I had the slightest desire to do raids, the few people I know who do them are in a different time zone.

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> @"Shard.4791" said:

> > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> >Raids in today's MMO landscape is like "Oh wow.. Raids .. that's' like .. so... Umm **generic**"



> Doesn't that apply for every game mode? :P


Not at all.


GW2 is very unique where its' Open World maps **are the game**, as opposed being little more then pointless filler between instance Dungeons and Raids.


World Bosses, Dynamic Events, and just Open world Fun, like GW2, took a massive dive after EQ, in lieu of Instance content, because most MMO's had really bad loot division. GW2 took that old school kind of play, and made it fun gain.


Raids in GW2 are a step back in progress, like.. what next. on the regressive list, Kill Stealing and Ninja Looting?

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I'd love to get into raiding but there's so much in GW2 that I already haven't done, or don't get the chance to do. I still haven't done any of the new fractals since season 3. Lately I haven't even had the time to do my Diamond box.


I'll get around to it sometime, I'm sure. At least it's not WoW where the experience is entirely ruined by the next expansion's launch.

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Two things: Time commitment and having to deal with other players.


The time commitment is generally bad enough, but then when I keep having to lose because a few players don't know what they're doing and don't belong? That's just agony. I'm playing a goddamn opera on my engineer and some people can't understand how to stay out of the red circles.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > It's funny how so many people know that raiders are all elitist jerks, yet have no raiding experience or at most 1-2 tries with random players.

> > > > >

> > > > > Talk about preconceptions. That's like me stating that every single open world player is terrible at this game, which ironically would be backed by more subjective experience from my side (since I do play open world events etc.) yet just as silly.

> > > > >

> > > > > It's nice to see some people sharing their positive experiences with training runs with these oh so toxic raiders.

> > > >

> > > > Awesome so when do you want to invite me and my Reaper to one of your static runs, this is your chance to prove me and a whole a lot of other people wrong.

> > > >

> > > > So far in my time of playing this game I have found only one player willing to put his money where his mouth is and that was Vayne who took the time to help acclimate me to Heart of Thorns.

> > >

> > > Sure, join the reddit guild karma initiative, sign up for one of our weekend raids and you are in. We usually do training runs on either saturday or sundays. Message me in game, I'll invite you to the guild.

> >

> > Thanks, I'll put you on my friends list and sign up for that this week end, there's another prospective Reaper I was giving a tough love reality check to I'll tell about this, as rigid and stubborn as I come across I love to admit I'm wrong about stuff like this.


> Next training run is this sunday. This is EU just in case I hadn't mentioned that, can't help on US. Discord (just listen) would be appreciated but we've managed with only in game chat.


I'll sign up, our schedules have to cross at some point, I work at a Hospital so I don't have have a set schedule, however working on a Med Surge floor is sort of like Raiding in real life.

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