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PvE Players... Do you think GW 2 would be better without PvP and WvW?


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With the way GW2 combat is designed, both modes really need to be overhauled. However, because balance in this game is incredibly sensitive doing so will require major balance changes in the professions.


Personally, PvP needs more than just conquest and stronghold. Free-for-All, Capture the Flag, Sabotage, Team vs. Team, Asura Ball, etc.

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The thing is, both WvW and PvP feel like failures. PvP never got the traction and the attention ArenaNet wanted it to (the Esports dream died a long time ago, and we never got anything even close to the big championships of the original Guild Wars). WvW has a lot of issues, its playerbase feels abandoned, and ArenaNet's attempts to deal with its issues often backfire (see the Desert map).


If both were great and thriving, I would definitely support them. But as they are right now... Maybe putting them out of their misery and focusing more on the successful side of the game would be a better use of ArenaNet's resources.

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At the moment, I'm not seeing any particular shortage of PvE content development. I am seeing a shortage for the other two game modes.


The result is that I seem to have shifted from mainly playing WvW to mainly playing PvE, but if WvW were thrown out entirely, I probably wouldn't mess around in PvE anymore with the hope that WvW might improve enough to be worth playing again. GW2's PvE is not bad, but it's not the best PvE game I can find. So if that was the extent of it, I'd be gone.

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I think GW2 will be better without the burden of heavy pve contents, like RAID and legendary precursor crafting. These contents were nice add on but the time spent developing vs actual game wide player benefit is to the negative side.


If the time invested in these content were used to balance the game, GW2 will definitely be better.

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I don't care for WvW and I think PvP is nothing but a toxic breeding ground but there are people who enjoy both of those game modes. Why would I want to take them away? That's not going to benefit PvE any and a whole bunch of players are going to leave. Let them have their content, we can have ours.

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Guild Wars 2 offers something for everyone, period end of story. And I actually feel like your poll could be seen as_slightly_ disrespectful, and almost a silent jab at those players who do prefer WVW and PVP over PVE, just by the options listed, they could be considered inflammatory.


The fact of the matter is - every single instance and mode _can_ breed toxicity. However, if we were to get rid of a mode because it seemed like a breeding ground for toxic players, this would continue until there was nothing left. The development of PVE has been stellar as of late, and it continues to open up doors that no one expected back when GW2 first came out. They do not ignore PVE for WVW/PVP, and in fact it feels like WVW and PVP seem to be put on the backburner a lot. I enjoy all three facets, along with Fractals and dungeons (I have never done raids). I would like a little bit more love given to WVW and PVP, but all in all, the fact that they offer so many different modes makes Guild Wars 2 a game for just about everyone.


Those who want to play a great game by themselves.

Those who want to play a great game with the ability to get help if needs be.

Those who want to play a great game with their friends.

Those who want to play a great game with great people.

Those who want to play against people and use strategy.

Those who want to see how they could conquer an unknown foe.


Toxic people are in every facet of life, either it be online or IRL, and the game is no different.


However, it is up to those who can make a difference - to do so. No need to fan the flames, but better to douse them and to make an enjoyable community.


To take away all but PVE or vice versa would end the game as we have all known it.

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> @"Aerlen.5326" said:

> No.


> I don't care for WvW and I think PvP is nothing but a toxic breeding ground but there are people who enjoy both of those game modes. Why would I want to take them away? That's not going to benefit PvE any and a whole bunch of players are going to leave. Let them have their content, we can have ours.


Why do you think it wouldn't benefit PvE?

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It's just discussion that ultimately helps us see why some players do or don't play these modes. So far the responses have reflected quite a bit. Therefore I feel this is a necessary discussion. If you are offended by this thread, I know of two modes in the game in which you can vent your frustration :)

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I choose "other", simply due to the fact that no, I don't want to see those modes removed, seeing as how I delve in all game modes, but I would like to see the spvp/wvw aspect separate from the pve environment. Trying to balance pve with pvp is like tuning an engine with a hammer, you are just going to break things.

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> @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

> This forum is going poll pointless... Why is there no option to remove PvE?


Well, you can always create a poll that includes that option. I'd take a guess and say that having an option to remove PvE in a thread meant for PvE players wouldn't make much sense.

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Why don't you poll just those people on guest servers, since this question is more in line with something we've already lost in relation to wvw.


Personally, over the last year and a half, I've seen a dramatic increase of old friends that either transfer regularly, don't play near as much as they used to or have stopped playing altogether. So yes, I'm sure if they took out wvw completely, a large portion of this games player base would leave and not quietly either.

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The existence of PvP and WvW have only compromised the rest of the game. Too often balance changes are made with PvP modes in mind, without regard for how they impact the PvE experience. It's not so much an issue of developer time spent on those modes, as it is an issue with developer focus.

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