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PvE Players... Do you think GW 2 would be better without PvP and WvW?


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My answer is no, I just didn't like your no answer. :P


Let's be real, there's toxic people in every environment. You have your hardcore fractal runners who get shit on by hardcore raid runners who get shit on by hardcore WvW runners who get shit on by hardcore PvP runners who get shit on by all the PvE people because - duh - on principle we should hate PvPers! Taking out PvP and WvW isn't going to abolish toxicity.


I play all three, and I play with good people. Negativity just ruins my game time.

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> @"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:

> I'd play WoW if it was just Guild Wars 2's PvE. Any other random freemium MMO. Houses, mounts, raids, guild halls, all that jazz. Even Everquest 2 had that!


And that'd be ok, the game could afford to lose players with that mindset. The resources and developer focus spent on retaining that player population is not worth the returns. If PvP could exist entirely in a vacuum, with a budget that is ENTIRELY funded by PvP players, and without holding ANY skins or other PvE-usable rewards exclusive to those modes, and without ANY class design or balance compromises built around making PvP more fun and balanced, then sure, I'd have no issue with PvP being a part of the game, but that's not the situation we've received.



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Just need to balance each game mode separately or at least have the versus players modes balance separately to PvE. Ultimately think PvE should be the focus for development and balance should 'start' there rather than having issues relating to WvW/PvP balance feedback into PvE and adversely affect it (of course with primarily separate balance it shouldnt be too big an issue). Main thing that needs to be balanced in PvE is dps but there are multiple perimeters to deal with in PvP modes.

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> @"Ohoni.6057" said:

> The existence of PvP and WvW have only compromised the rest of the game. Too often balance changes are made with PvP modes in mind, without regard for how they impact the PvE experience. It's not so much an issue of developer time spent on those modes, as it is an issue with developer focus.


This couldn't be further from the truth. Look at the current state of (lack of) balance in wvw as well as the anemic updates and it is quite clear PvE is the driving force for balance as well as the game mode seeing all the developer attention. I don't have an issue with anyone disliking wvw or not participating, but do try to stick to the facts when presenting your case.

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> @"Erasculio.2914" said:

> The thing is, both WvW and PvP feel like failures. PvP never got the traction and the attention ArenaNet wanted it to (the Esports dream died a long time ago, and we never got anything even close to the big championships of the original Guild Wars). WvW has a lot of issues, its playerbase feels abandoned, and ArenaNet's attempts to deal with its issues often backfire (see the Desert map).


> If both were great and thriving, I would definitely support them. But as they are right now... Maybe putting them out of their misery and focusing more on the successful side of the game would be a better use of ArenaNet's resources.


PvE isn't thriving either (and really outside of aspects catering to super casual players, the majority of the PvE in this game is trash), it is just hidden better in PvE because of megaservers, I mean this game has had quarter on quarter declines in revenue for some time, HoT did not do as well as they wanted (I assume revenue will temporarily go up with PoF sales, but I doubt PoF has been a big success either) and given PvE is supposedly the bit that generates the most revenue then that should tell you all you need to know.




As for this thread, outside of them balancing around PvP for 3 years (and now they balance around PvE raids also), PvE has always had most of the resources so what is even the complaint, maybe if they spent more time on things like WvW they would have a more successful game.




One of the reasons a 13 year old MMORPG is still the most popular, even with charging a sub, is precisely because for the most part it has put meaningful resources into many areas of the game, where as also rans like GW2 don't and they reap the consequences of that by bleeding huge amounts of players, let alone ever growing the playerbase over any significant term in the way that other game did for years.

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PvP is a part of MMOs, many people enjoy it. I'm mostly a PvE player but I play unranked PvP for dailies (they're faster than most of the PvE ones!) and I used to play EotM for leveling when it was popular. The only thing we need is to separate skills in PvE and PvP/WvW for better balance.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> The game would probably be better without these modes but removing them now would be a surrender flag from Anet.


> Also, your "polls" are terribly worded and full of personal bias :)


-*Checks through Kheldorn's posts to confirm credibility and see if worth responding to legitimately. Sees most of user’s posts are whines, complaints, conflicts, and end with the same smiley face, making their response here both hypocritical and incorrect. Classifies post as troll post. Moves on to next response.*- :)

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For me Guild Wars 2 means freedom, and it's even F2P.

Freedom to play without a guild and still be part of group events.

Freedom to wander around aimlessly and still get involved into dynamic events if you want to .

Freedom to level a toon from lvl 1 to 80 on one map. Yep it's madness but you can :)

Freedom to support the game by buying things. Thanks for supporting if you do :)

Freedom to go for achievements, discovery and jumping puzzles when you feel like it.


I play unranked PvP for daily achievement. Besides that it's not my thing, it's a bit too fast paced for me.

But hell yes PvP should be part of this game, freedom to PvP!

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Why is this even a poll?

If WvW and PvP were removed I'd be furious. PvP and WvW are as much a part of my gameplay as PvE. Some of my fondest memories of the game are running with my old WvW Guild and the camaraderie of our server. Nothing PvE has to offer can compare with that; or of the feeling of being victorious in a particularly grueling match of ranked PvP.

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> @"Cyrin.1035" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > The game would probably be better without these modes but removing them now would be a surrender flag from Anet.

> >

> > Also, your "polls" are terribly worded and full of personal bias :)


> -*Checks through Kheldorn's posts to confirm credibility and see if worth responding to legitimately. Sees most of user’s posts are whines, complaints, conflicts, and end with the same smiley face, making their response here both hypocritical and incorrect. Classifies post as troll post. Moves on to next response.*- :)


You need to stop making polls. You troll too many respondents.

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> @"DarcShriek.5829" said:

> > @"Cyrin.1035" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > The game would probably be better without these modes but removing them now would be a surrender flag from Anet.

> > >

> > > Also, your "polls" are terribly worded and full of personal bias :)

> >

> > -*Checks through Kheldorn's posts to confirm credibility and see if worth responding to legitimately. Sees most of user’s posts are whines, complaints, conflicts, and end with the same smiley face, making their response here both hypocritical and incorrect. Classifies post as troll post. Moves on to next response.*- :)


> You need to stop making polls. You troll too many respondents.


O hai Darc! Thanks for coming back to my thread. :)



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> @"TexZero.7910" said:

> The game would suffer for it even if PvE saw improvement from getting the resources/staff from the other teams.


Probably not, I mean imagine if PoF had launched with NINE new elite specs, each designed to be as fun as possible in PvE content! Zero compromises due to how players might use them to stealth-kill other players, or over-buff their WvW zerg, or whatever other nonsense was being the PoF specs we got! How great would that have been?!


> @"Reverielle.3972" said:

> Looking at it objectively:

> In terms of balance; it would be undoubtedly better.

> But so would WvW and PvP be without the other two too, so I guess it's really a moot point.


Yes, but those modes could not survive without the PvE elements, so they wouldn't be at all better off, they would be dead.


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Many old timers have done the GW1 which was full of PvP and WvW. I didn't care for it. GW2 is a little different and I WvW / PvE. Tried PvP for a season but not my cup of tea. I think the player base is diverse enough to fulfill all roles. Yeah there are naysayers but all in all I think GW2 is the best MMO I've played with graphics and so much to do.

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Well i bought the game for pve. It was okay but lately feels unsatisfying lately with raids being low brow death-paywall inaccessible content and fractal iteration 6.0 and PoF, story was poor, balts mobs visually ugliest part of it. WvW was okay at times nowadays mostly just a ticket dispenser they took the roleplaying right out of it with the amount of forced time spent in there, and asking people to be on ts, and closed squads were huge turnoffs, tho immaterial to me going forward. Pvp had its very brief moments but too many balance changes and mostly toxic, should have rewarded effort even losing from the begining.

The biggest niggle atm besides no 30 pack bikini armors is weapon and armor stats there are too many mobs take to long to kill if you deviate from the meta stat. Wish there was only one stat that kill fast scaling seems bad in pve for people who have killed 2 dragons and a god.

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