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Raids as tempest

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> @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> Hey. After pof i havent take part single raid, i have around 70LI atm. Am i still wanted in raids with my elementalist? I can play as Staff or dagger tempest and my rotations etc are at lvl where they should Be but im not that good with weaver. So do tempest still do OK in raids?


tempest is "niche" at the moment at best, while its still ok on KC for example (still outdpsd by weaver though) and i used it for throughing orb at the new wing, which worked pretty well. there are also a lot of temp healers atm, but i guess you are looking for pure dps builds, in which case, weaver is overall better.

condi classes as a whole are atm more desired in raid (we will see what happens on tuesday) but try out the weaver, it may seam complicated at first but when "it clicks" you can have a lot of fun with it.

i guess you can still try it out, but be prepared to be outdps´d by other specs and possible outcomes because of it.


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Healer tempest is slowly finding its way into raids but many raid comps will still run double druid. The healing power of tempest is simply not needed and a 2nd druid brings cc and utility.


What makes matters worse is wing 5 boss 1 where druids are often used for add management.


Otherwise tempest remains one of the steongest heal specs in game and works for most raid fights.


Damage wise you might want to start running weaver. It outperforms tempest in almost all areas.

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> @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> How about VG is weaver out dps:ing tempest badly there too?




if i am able to read correctly, weaver is on average 6k dps ahead ( which is aroung 60% more dmg than tempest) which of course doenst mean that every weaver is automaticly better then a tempest player


edit: those where the 90th percentile numbers, average would be 5k ish diffenence which would even rise the difference to about 70-80% (i suck at math)


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