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Make a new Marketing Move


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Good timeday,


When i just a jungle wurm on premade maps, I have about an hour of free time, and i watch movies on youtube or twitch. And yesterday I saw that in the top games on the twitch, unknown game from epic games, sandbox fps, with poor graphics. And my favorite GuildWars 2 have only 700 views. **_Make a contest, if the GW2 is in the top 5 twitch games, give out at the end of the first month 2000 gems, for all players_**. And give out 800 gems each other month if GuildWars will in top 5.


Okey if u givout gems u loose microtransactions.


1. Players who abandoned the game return back to you;

2. New players will come to you.

**3. GW2Team can make new sale with outfits or minis, to remove gems from the game.**

4. (this proposal is not so important, but may be like) Unbound all HoT legendary weapons and let the players sell it on black lion trade company or they can bount it back to account. Some people will spend gem exchange for it, or gem exchange for crafting new hot legendary for sale.


The game will be at everyone's ears, formally you do not pay for advertising, but reduce incomes, which will then pay off when properly filed.

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tbh people who enjoy mmorpg already know about mmorpg, and its a well known brand for those new to the genre. In saying that your ideas can do no real harm. Selling Legendary items however is not a good thing, a legendary is a prestige item that represents an important long term mmorpg goal for players (and we already have a ton of ascended gear that is easily accessible)

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> @"Morozzko.2136" said:

> Make a contest, if the GW2 is in the top 5 twitch games, give out at the end of the first month 2000 gems, for all players_**. And give out 800 gems each other month if GuildWars will in top 5.


Why should they?

And also


* We don't need gems, we need content, balance and fun.

* If you want gems you are able to get em by playing the game or by credit card.

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> @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

> tbh people who enjoy mmorpg already know about mmorpg, and its a well known brand for those new to the genre. In saying that your ideas can do no real harm. Selling Legendary items however is not a good thing, a legendary is a prestige item that represents an important long term mmorpg goal for players (and we already have a ton of ascended gear that is easily accessible)


no, a lot my friends, play mmo, and know only name of gw and think that it is 2012 game without updates etc.

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> @"Morozzko.2136" said:

> > @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

> > tbh people who enjoy mmorpg already know about mmorpg, and its a well known brand for those new to the genre. In saying that your ideas can do no real harm. Selling Legendary items however is not a good thing, a legendary is a prestige item that represents an important long term mmorpg goal for players (and we already have a ton of ascended gear that is easily accessible)


> no, a lot my friends, play mmo, and know only name of gw and think that it is 2012 game without updates etc.


Ah interesting

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> @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> > @"Morozzko.2136" said:

> > Make a contest, if the GW2 is in the top 5 twitch games, give out at the end of the first month 2000 gems, for all players_**. And give out 800 gems each other month if GuildWars will in top 5.


> Why should they?

> And also


> * We don't need gems, we need content, balance and fun.

> * If you want gems you are able to get em by playing the game or by credit card.


Because that it will increase their incomes, and the number of players.

More players more fun for me


>Should players do that for free or skin? No, but they do it for little price. All able to pay by credit card, at first week i buy 3 character slots, than i change to gold for leveling up professions, first legendary weapon etc.

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> @"Morozzko.2136" said:

> Good timeday,


> When i just a jungle wurm on premade maps, I have about an hour of free time, and i watch movies on youtube or twitch. And yesterday I saw that in the top games on the twitch, unknown game from epic games, sandbox fps, with poor graphics. And my favorite GuildWars 2 have only 700 views. **_Make a contest, if the GW2 is in the top 5 twitch games, give out at the end of the first month 2000 gems, for all players_**. And give out 800 gems each other month if GuildWars will in top 5.


> Okey if u givout gems u loose microtransactions.

> But,

> 1. Players who abandoned the game return back to you;

> 2. New players will come to you.

> **3. GW2Team can make new sale with outfits or minis, to remove gems from the game.**

> 4. (this proposal is not so important, but may be like) Unbound all HoT legendary weapons and let the players sell it on black lion trade company or they can bount it back to account. Some people will spend gem exchange for it, or gem exchange for crafting new hot legendary for sale.


> The game will be at everyone's ears, formally you do not pay for advertising, but reduce incomes, which will then pay off when properly filed.


Mmos are bad twitch games.

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> @"Morozzko.2136" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:


> > Mmos are bad twitch games.



> Some of them always on top 5 positions.




No mmos are really top 5 all the time other than popularity spikes. And thats just 1 mmo the rest will notmally range from 2k viewers to 300 depending at times.

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> @"Morozzko.2136" said:

> Because that it will increase their incomes, and the number of players.

> More players more fun for me


![](https://i.imgur.com/gIzrzxJ.png "")


However, those who abandoned the game didn't do that because of poor marketing or gems.

They did it because they get bored of gw2 ( really slow new content, balance, gear grind addiction which is not present in gw2, etc... ), and if you think that old and new players will come to gw2 **in order to stay there** just for 2k gems you are definitely wrong.


To me seems just a way to get gems for free, like the hypocrites who push for a monthly subscription.


The only feature i can support is the one legendary items related, but for different reasons.

I do think that players do the market, and account bound materials ( more items tbh ) and time sink events should not be forced into players. Let farm those who like to farm, and then sell the items + the hours of time spent on it.

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> @"Morozzko.2136" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:


> > No mmos are really top 5 all the time other than popularity spikes. And thats just 1 mmo the rest will notmally range from 2k viewers to 300 depending at times.


> At evening wow always on top


Here you can see the top 10 most watched games on Twitch




You can check backwards ( currently seems that november is not avaible yet, but you can instead browse the history and see how many mmos are top 10 ).

The website should be reliable.

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> @"Shirlias.8104" said:


> However, those who abandoned the game didn't do that because of poor marketing or gems.



Old players return not for the 2k gems, gems are needed for players to promote the game in the top, old players come back, becoause the new ones will appear and start discussing it, and will enter to see what new or play with friends.

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> @"Morozzko.2136" said:

> > @"Shirlias.8104" said:


> > However, those who abandoned the game didn't do that because of poor marketing or gems.



> Old players return not for the 2k gems, gems are needed for players to promote the game in the top, old players come back, becoause the new ones will appear and start discussing it, and will enter to see what new or play with friends.


I say definitely not.


If a game is boring, you tend to drop it unless you are addicted ( like those who continue to play a mmo just because of the guild, or because they don't want to start another one because they already invested many hours on the current one ).

You won't definitely come back because of more players, or because a friend of you started to play.

You will definitely return in order to claim the gems, and maybe after a while you will drop the game for the same reasons.


Just to be clear, low playerbase could be an issue expecially in mmos, but if players drop gw2 they definitely don't do this because of the playerbase, because due to the game's structure ( maps cap, content for solo, 5players or 10 players, randomqueue for many modalities, lfg system which allows you to find a group and share content, guilds, etc... ).


More players could bring different queues in SPvP, indeed ( we could have a soloq, a mixed one and a 5v5 premade only ).

About WvW it's ANET fault for speculating on server transfers instead of merging servers and reduce the number of servers for WvW.


Talking about me, when i had enough of gw2 i just logged in to unlock LS, without playing it.

I was bored enough not to do even the daily login.


That's why, though i think that they should make a better use of the marketing, i think asking for free gems for everybody would be more like a scam ( it would be only a profit for existent players ) than everything.

But, giving 2k gems for free for those who purchase the bundle ( hot + pof ) could be a good idea for starters ( or else a starter pack with infinite tools and something else, like the ones in gemstore ).



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tbh a 5 year old game that has seen its hay day come and now gone fully. what op suggests is a waste the game honestly these days is just old filler content when your bored and waiting for your newest game to update or add new content depending on that case .


players who left the game and never coming back tbh made the best move ever. giving their have been no new systems updates or hardware support add at all. tbh by anet not doing that really drove a lot of players away for that reason and others for other reasons. as well as lack of new content for long periods of time.


case in point todays filler content will offer not a new thing at all. just the same rehashed broken stuff at best. oh they might be able to add something small new in maybe but tbh not looking for it at all. even tho this filler content for other games makes a good at best holding spot for it. while waiting for your newer games to add or do server work . tbh no matter what anet or any one suggests for this game will do it no good at all . to be even more tbh like i said this game has seen its best hay days come and go and never coming back,. tbh best to enjoy the game best one can while it is still able to be enjoyed .

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I doubt there is a person with a computer and knowledge of Video games that has never heard of Guild Wars 2. PoF was a "fool me twice" situation and its going to hurt. No one cares who these random out of context quoted players are, but Anet loves the epeen points, I guess?


Now, War frame did something neat. They revealed a bunch of fan made game commercials at the video Game Awards, and they were pretty good. This is what Anet should do instead.

Marketing team is clearly a bunch on interns. Never forget the head scratcher of that live action commercials...

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> @"Nick Lentz.6982" said:

> I doubt there is a person with a computer and knowledge of Video games that has never heard of Guild Wars 2. PoF was a "fool me twice" situation and its going to hurt.


GW2 is really not that popular. Last proper mainstream exposure happened at launch 5 years ago. There was quick news flash month ago about how anet became anticonsumer and thats about it. Many people still think that game runs on biweekly update schedule or died after terribad HoT launch.

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