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Wintersday Balance Update: Feedback Thread

Irenio CalmonHuang.2048

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> @"Vaeo.4097" said:

> > @"Morwath.9817" said:

> > Sorry, but if you "nerf" Guardian conditions, Revenant conditions, Ranger conditons, Engineer condtions and Elementalist conditions, which are far far worse than Chronomancer as Chronomancer still is strong build in sPvP (just overshadowed by overpowered Mirage), I don't see a reason to not touch Chronomancer.


> So you think that Chronomancer burst is comparable with burn guardian or burn firebrand or condi trapper ranger burst? By the way, ranger's traps are untouched, same for guardian's torch.

> And overall condi damage for these classes is unchanged. While for chronomancer you asking 20% overall damage reduction.

> Ok you want Chronomancer to be treated as others. This means -- less stacks, more duration. Would you like to have permanent 4-6 stacks of confusion on you?

> So you not asking to treat Chronomancer same as others. You asking significant nerf to make it unviable.


Yeah, Mesmer does it MUCH better than all of those you mentioned. Burn Guard is EASILY countered by having even just reasonable condition removal seeing as all it has is Burning. You survive them jumping you and they are pretty much dead. Trapper Ranger, again is easy to take on compared to Condi Mesmer and i say Condi Mesmer because its ALL 3 specs that are strong. The only difference is: Mesmer < Chrono < Mirage in strength.


Chrono and Mirage are without a doubt in need of Confusion nerfs, I would say base Mesmer is "okay" still very strong but you can beat them because they dont have all the lovely that comes with Chrono or Mirage.


You can already get perma stacks on you because they have SO many abilities and skills that grant Confusion. If Confusion is meant to be a burst condition, then like Firebrand access to Burning it needs to be changed. You live through the Burnguard burst and they become much easier to maintain. Mesmer/Chrono/Mirage on the other hand have all that INSANE Confusion (and Torment...) stacking but they have SO much more access to easy to apply cover conditions which are constant as well. Add in blocks, invuls, stealth, teleports and high mobility. They are by FAR the strongest 1 Vs 1 Condi spec.

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> @"Turk.5460" said:


> Good duelist? Try top, equal to Core Warrior (also incredibly OP in 1v1 situations only). Condi Chrono has always been OP, and has been complained about since shortly after HoT released. The condi spam, on top of one of the best block/evasion/stealth rotations, ability to disengage quite easily, and all while wearing TB/Dire...


> There is a reason it has been the go-to solo-roam profession for all the weenies who aren't confident enough to actually play the game.


The most widely used roamers in WvW before PoF were Druid and Berserker (and thief of course). There were never as much Chrono as any of this two classes. Even scrapper was used more than Chrono. 1v1 fights in WvW are also very rare case.

In sPvP Chrono can be beaten with Daredevil, Druid and Scrapper. It's more than enough. And now Spellbreaker is huge counter to it too because of unblockable attacks

"block/evasion/stealth rotations"? Chronophantasma shatter have no stealth access!


How many matches you have in sPvP on Chrono after June 2017 patch? Looks like you almost never played it (if ever). And it's OP for you because you have zero understanding how it works.


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> @"Ghos.1326" said:

> > @"choovanski.5462" said:

> > buffed FB, Scourge and mirage- the three S tier PvP classes.

> >

> > nerfed core warrior, ele and rev. all classes that were not great.

> >

> > I'm uninstalling as we speak. the bad balance in PvP has just become even worse.

> >

> > /////

> >

> > **all the hard work done by @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" in the PvP forum, trying to give us hope. trying to make the game better. well, that's all just been undone with this patch. it's made an already bad situation even worse. great work**

> >

> > I'm sorry that this happened to you Ben. you're a cool guy, and you don't deserve to have your efforts wasted :-(


> This is a little extreme to say really. Although I agree about mirage, they actually increased the amount of stacks of confusion they can deal in one go. So they are quite strong, if not stronger, now.

> But as for the rest, I think you are just seriously angry without giving the patch a real chance.

> As for the engi changes, I think the heavy armor exploit thing, removing the way it applies vuln and swiftness is not such a great idea, though the application of might is pretty cool! It just takes away the swiftness/invigorating swiftness trait synergy in alchemy. Then again, I guess I can see why, because explosives gives a constant supply of vuln if taken. Though again, the removal of the swiftness, I think was not a very good idea. For the other changes, I actually really like them! especially no scope! #nerdOrgasm #flamethrowerEngiReturns? #rangeThreshIncrease


No he is on the dot. The nerfs to core W and rev were MASSIVE if you actually understand how the traits work.


Mutilate defenses is a big nerf due to how it synergizes with the rest of the trait line, which gives bonus damage and lifesteal for hitting targets that are vulnerable. Making this on combat enter only lowers the power of not just MD, but the entire devestation line since it is designed to work with consistent vulnerability instead of gimmicky burst.


Strength is a big nerf due to the fact that core warriors used it more than spellbreakers. Again, nerfing a build that was not OP makes zero sense.


The ele changes also were silly. Eles have plenty of might. Anet decided to take away one of their best traits and give them....more might stacks? When they already have no problem maintaining 25 might?




Oh, and not to mention what they didn't nerf.

Because conditional endurance gain on core warrior was apparently OP, but unconditional 12+ seconds of evade chaining on mirage is totally fine.

Because condi from ele traits were too strong, but scourge being able to do 5x more is perfectly A-OK

Because revenant needed less synergy with itself, but FB being able to heal off traits to keep both itself and allies alive forever is alright.


We have reached the point where we can with absolute certainty say that the balance team is either A: playing blatant class favoritism or B: doesn't know how to do their job.


This outrage is 100% justified. The balance team is out of touch with reality and has absolutely no idea what they are doing. At this point I'm convinced that even the average silver player could make better decisions than the current balance team and that's actually being lenient. Hate to say it but I don't see things getting better until the CEO of anet decides to let them go, or at the very least reassign teams and let someone else in the company take a crack at it.



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> @"ArmageddonAsh.6430" said:

> > @"Vaeo.4097" said:

> > > @"Morwath.9817" said:

> > > Sorry, but if you "nerf" Guardian conditions, Revenant conditions, Ranger conditons, Engineer condtions and Elementalist conditions, which are far far worse than Chronomancer as Chronomancer still is strong build in sPvP (just overshadowed by overpowered Mirage), I don't see a reason to not touch Chronomancer.

> >

> > So you think that Chronomancer burst is comparable with burn guardian or burn firebrand or condi trapper ranger burst? By the way, ranger's traps are untouched, same for guardian's torch.

> > And overall condi damage for these classes is unchanged. While for chronomancer you asking 20% overall damage reduction.

> > Ok you want Chronomancer to be treated as others. This means -- less stacks, more duration. Would you like to have permanent 4-6 stacks of confusion on you?

> > So you not asking to treat Chronomancer same as others. You asking significant nerf to make it unviable.


> Yeah, Mesmer does it MUCH better than all of those you mentioned. Burn Guard is EASILY countered by having even just reasonable condition removal seeing as all it has is Burning. You survive them jumping you and they are pretty much dead. Trapper Ranger, again is easy to take on compared to Condi Mesmer and i say Condi Mesmer because its ALL 3 specs that are strong. The only difference is: Mesmer < Chrono < Mirage in strength.


> Chrono and Mirage are without a doubt in need of Confusion nerfs, I would say base Mesmer is "okay" still very strong but you can beat them because they dont have all the lovely that comes with Chrono or Mirage.


> You can already get perma stacks on you because they have SO many abilities and skills that grant Confusion. If Confusion is meant to be a burst condition, then like Firebrand access to Burning it needs to be changed. You live through the Burnguard burst and they become much easier to maintain. Mesmer/Chrono/Mirage on the other hand have all that INSANE Confusion (and Torment...) stacking but they have SO much more access to easy to apply cover conditions which are constant as well. Add in blocks, invuls, stealth, teleports and high mobility. They are by FAR the strongest 1 Vs 1 Condi spec.


Depends what Gamemode we are talking. In PvP Condi Chronos damage has already been gutted before PoF, making it a simple Moa-Bot without many chances to win a fight on it's own. In the current Meta, Chrono is extremely weak because it gets smashed by nearly everything and Moa is super unreliable in TFs due to Firebrands massive block spam.


I believe that in WvW Chronos are much stronger due to Perplexity runes, a Runeset that is just as broken as many other Runes and Builds in WvW.


So i really do not think, that nerfing anything from Core Mesmer or Chrono builds is a good idea. As i mentioned in my earlier post, nerfs should be focused on Mirage and the Dueling traitline.

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When will mirage be deleted? When will explosives be deleted? When will firebrand be fixed? When will scourge get cast times? When will full counter be defensive/reactive instead of predictive/off cd use? When will the animation, adrenalin and stab change to berserker be reverted? When will renegade specc be released?

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> @"Meridian.9103" said:

> Depends what Gamemode we are talking. In PvP Condi Chronos damage has already been gutted before PoF, making it a simple Moa-Bot without many chances to win a fight on it's own. In the current Meta, Chrono is extremely weak because it gets smashed by nearly everything and Moa is super unreliable in TFs due to Firebrands massive block spam.


> I believe that in WvW Chronos are much stronger due to Perplexity runes, a Runeset that is just as broken as many other Runes and Builds in WvW.


> So i really do not think, that nerfing anything from Core Mesmer or Chrono builds is a good idea. As i mentioned in my earlier post, nerfs should be focused on Mirage and the Dueling traitline.


A chrono is wasting time using Perplexity, its not needed. They have SO much access to Confusion now that Perp isnt needed. The duration increase is nice, but its something that isnt actually needed at all. Using JUST Vipers Accessories and of course Illiusions you will get over 50% Confusion increase. That is easily enough for Mesmer, Chrono and Mirage, especially Mirage due to them having even MORE confusion application.


Then grabbing Scepter/X and Staff and you're all set, with all shatters causing Torment and confusion you are all set. Base Mesmer Vs Chrono, Chrono wins mostly due to the alacrity, the added defense and mobility while Mirage wins over all for the sheer unbalanced, unstoppable, never ending application.


Perp isnt anywhere near as broken as it was, I'd actually say its a waste these days on a Mesmer. might be okay on other classes that get limited access to confusion or conditions the nerf bat ruined it really. they should have left then 6/6 alone because at least that required effort to interrupt someone and changed the 4/6 that was always the problem, passive application for attacking someone isnt good balance design.


ALL three specs are too strong when it comes to condition builds, the problem is that HoT made Base Mesmer kinda redundant because Chrono gave more defense, mobility, damage, alacrity and everything. Mirage is stronger again than Chrono because it ups everything that Chrono had over base Mesmer. More confusion stacking, more condition, more mobility, more defense. This is how NOT to do MMO, the "sideways progression" they said the game would have was left at the door, you can also bet the next expansion will make Mirage look weak to what ever they replace it with as well.


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this why i refuse to play mirage after only playing chrono for the past few seasons, chrono was a super fun spec to play that wasnt just pure confusion spike and disengage. chrono is a much superior spec design compared to mirage. just waiting for the day it is in the meta again. elite specs need to made equal other wise we truly are doomed to power creep every expac

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> @"Obindo.6802" said:

> When will mirage be deleted? When will explosives be deleted? When will firebrand be fixed? When will scourge get cast times? When will full counter be defensive/reactive instead of predictive/off cd use? When will the animation, adrenalin and stab change to berserker be reverted? When will renegade specc be released?


I also pray for the AH change to Berserker to be reverted. it was an unreasonable nerf that was done for force us to buy PoF. I suspect this is why they gutted strength line too. anet's hunger for expansion sales has ruined our favourite class, warrior- and thusly this game just doesn't seem worth paying anymore


I'll be playing my Berserker in Black Desert until they decide to make Berserker worth playing in this game again.




@"Master Ketsu.4569" thanks for understanding my post. I don't think I'm being unreasonable either. I was playing core warrior in PvP (no PoF) and my class has just been dumpstered, the only way for me to be competitive on my mains (warrior and engi) is to spend £30 on the new expansion, which i refuse to do as long as anet releases these awful balance patches.


the scourge + firebrand meta was awful already, but this patch just made it worse. I have absolutely no hope that things are going to change any time too. formerly fun builds like scrapper, that I really enjoyed have just been pushed out of PvP completely by how broken scourge and mirage are. basically everything I was playing PoF just doesn't work anymore.


it all just stinks of incompetent balance and decisions driven by people who don't care about the anything but expansion sales. well guess what buster, if you make the game no fun and ruin all the specs I used to enjoy I'm not going to give you £30, I'm going to get salty and uninstall. I'd rather spend my money on games where the Devs actually care about how much fun I'm having, and who want all classes to be viable- not just the ones from the new box set.


anet, I am disappointed and disgusted. so is my whole guild. we have all quit. we just mock you on discord and play other games now.

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EM untouched. Confusion untouched. Mirage buffed when they clearly need nerfs. Even mesmer community is telling you this.

Firebrand buffed where they are absolutely top spec in pvp atm.

Scourge is still ruining every aspect of competitive part of this game.

Nerfed already underperforming classes. Buffed already overperforming specs.


I don't think this patch really addressed anything that it was supposed to address.


I don't want to be mean, but are you serious? Like, do you even know what is happening in this game?

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> @"Cynz.9437" said:

> EM untouched. Confusion untouched. Mirage buffed when they clearly need nerfs. Even mesmer community is telling you this.

> Firebrand buffed where they are absolutely top spec in pvp atm.

> Scourge is still ruining every aspect of competitive part of this game.

> Nerfed already underperforming classes. Buffed already overperforming specs.


> I don't think this patch really addressed anything that it was supposed to address.


> I don't want to be mean, but are you serious? Like, do you even know what is happening in this game?


Well, they touched Firebrand yday, so I hope for more hotfixes for Mirage and Scrouge.

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> @"Morwath.9817" said:

> > @"Cynz.9437" said:

> > EM untouched. Confusion untouched. Mirage buffed when they clearly need nerfs. Even mesmer community is telling you this.

> > Firebrand buffed where they are absolutely top spec in pvp atm.

> > Scourge is still ruining every aspect of competitive part of this game.

> > Nerfed already underperforming classes. Buffed already overperforming specs.

> >

> > I don't think this patch really addressed anything that it was supposed to address.

> >

> > I don't want to be mean, but are you serious? Like, do you even know what is happening in this game?


> Well, they touched Firebrand yday, so I hope for more hotfixes for Mirage and Scrouge.


Once Fb gets to ventari/ele level as far as support goes, then we can talk about "touched".

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> @"Cynz.9437" said:

> > @"Morwath.9817" said:

> > > @"Cynz.9437" said:

> > > EM untouched. Confusion untouched. Mirage buffed when they clearly need nerfs. Even mesmer community is telling you this.

> > > Firebrand buffed where they are absolutely top spec in pvp atm.

> > > Scourge is still ruining every aspect of competitive part of this game.

> > > Nerfed already underperforming classes. Buffed already overperforming specs.

> > >

> > > I don't think this patch really addressed anything that it was supposed to address.

> > >

> > > I don't want to be mean, but are you serious? Like, do you even know what is happening in this game?

> >

> > Well, they touched Firebrand yday, so I hope for more hotfixes for Mirage and Scrouge.


> Once Fb gets to ventari/ele level as far as support goes, then we can talk about "touched".


If FB would get to current state of ventari/ele level, then it would be unplayable. I'd rather see Ventari and Tempest buffed to FB/Druid level.

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>A chrono is wasting time using Perplexity, its not needed. They have SO much access to Confusion now that Perp isnt needed. The duration increase is nice, but its something that isnt actually needed at all. Using JUST Vipers Accessories and of course Illiusions you will get over 50% Confusion increase. That is easily enough for Mesmer, Chrono and Mirage, especially Mirage due to them having even MORE confusion application.

So Chrono Much confusion acces is, if your talking about the classic sword/shield,staff :

* 4 on F1 if every illusions hit.

* 8 on f2 if every illusions hit.

* 4 on f3 if every illusions hit.

* 2 if you use illusion signet to reset this.

* +6 if you take scepter.

Not to mention that each are obvious attacks (or maybe you stay melee between illusions.).

I totally agree, we can remove all this shitty confusion and instead give the same direct dammage as other professions to mesmer. Cause 4 confusion stacks versus 5-10k direct dammage every attacks is nothing.

Wiki formula : https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Confusion

let say we have this setup http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNArfWncfCVohlpBeoBEgilXj68GCijreYP2lFNAypnD-jpgWABAs/QolBAA

And for WvW let say we have 1600 condi dammage.

So for a scepter 3 who give the longest confusion we have in one skill :

(0.035 * 1600) + 10 = 66 dammage/sec for 1 stack = 396 for 6 stacks.

(0.0625 * 1600) + 49.5 = 149.5 dammage per skill use for 1 stack = 897 for 6 stacks.

during 14 sec, dammage per sec does 5544. Then you have the per skill dammage who vary.

5544 over 14 sec alone is nothing. You can even double it if you want with spamming 5 attacks during confusion.

Have you ever tried do do something on direct dammage mesmer before crying, to see that there isn't viable alternatives in PvP than condi burst ?


I agree that condi spamming is a bad things but same can be said for all dammage spamming.


>When will mirage be deleted? When will explosives be deleted? When will firebrand be fixed? When will scourge get cast times? When will full counter be defensive/reactive instead of predictive/off cd use? When will the animation, adrenalin and stab change to berserker be reverted? When will renegade specc be released?

You miss the 4k unblockable evades on war.


>Even mesmer community is telling you this.

Nop, only the traditionnal forum's frustrated.


When mirage realesed, I was : wtf is this condi spam. Then I saw how is the meta and thought, well what can we do if we haven't this yet ?




On a side note, if you want to see more direct damage, maybe we can remove the passives weakness auto-proc ?

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> @"viquing.8254" said:

> >A chrono is wasting time using Perplexity, its not needed. They have SO much access to Confusion now that Perp isnt needed. The duration increase is nice, but its something that isnt actually needed at all. Using JUST Vipers Accessories and of course Illiusions you will get over 50% Confusion increase. That is easily enough for Mesmer, Chrono and Mirage, especially Mirage due to them having even MORE confusion application.

> So Chrono Much confusion acces is, if your talking about the classic sword/shield,staff :

> * 4 on F1 if every illusions hit.

> * 8 on f2 if every illusions hit.

> * 4 on f3 if every illusions hit.

> * 2 if you use illusion signet to reset this.

> * +6 if you take scepter.

> Not to mention that each are obvious attacks (or maybe you stay melee between illusions.).

> I totally agree, we can remove all this kitten confusion and instead give the same direct dammage as other professions to mesmer. Cause 4 confusion stacks versus 5-10k direct dammage every attacks is nothing.

> Wiki formula : https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Confusion

> let say we have this setup http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNArfWncfCVohlpBeoBEgilXj68GCijreYP2lFNAypnD-jpgWABAs/QolBAA

> And for WvW let say we have 1600 condi dammage.

> So for a scepter 3 who give the longest confusion we have in one skill :

> (0.035 * 1600) + 10 = 66 dammage/sec for 1 stack = 396 for 6 stacks.

> (0.0625 * 1600) + 49.5 = 149.5 dammage per skill use for 1 stack = 897 for 6 stacks.

> during 14 sec, dammage per sec does 5544. Then you have the per skill dammage who vary.

> 5544 over 14 sec alone is nothing. You can even double it if you want with spamming 5 attacks during confusion.

> Have you ever tried do do something on direct dammage mesmer before crying, to see that there isn't viable alternatives in PvP than condi burst ?


> I agree that condi spamming is a bad things but same can be said for all dammage spamming.


what normal condi Mesmer takes Sword? Scepter is the go to condi weapon. Perma 6 stacks of confusion potential with 50% Confusion duration (easy to get) and the Scepter Trait.


Just taking Illusions and Scepter. You get. LOADS of Confusion and Torment through auto attacks, block and Laser beam of death, shatters all proc confusion and Torment, CoF proc 2 stacks of Confusion, so that alone a full 3 illusion shatter could be 8 stacks of Confusion and 4 stacks of Torment. on a 21second cool down, Laser beam of death is up to 6stacks of confusion on a 9second cool down.


I am sure there are still Mesmers that will use it, it is however not needed for high confusion stacking and duration. Based on your build idea, you're talking about SPvP, not quite the build that most/anyone would use when it comes to WvW. Swap medics feedback for Restorative Mantras (use heal Mantra) swap Master of Fragmentation for Malicious Sorcery, more up time on Laser beam and the block meaning more confusion and Torment and swap Time Catches up for Delayed Reaction, gear wise, it will always be Bunker condi. Always.


Yeah but you have to add in the time spent spamming stealth and everything while the insane torment and everything doe all the work, hell i have hit 20+ stacks of Torment on my Mesmer as a Hybrid build because its SO eadsy to do, the same goes for Confusion. Not only is it burst damage, it is CONSTANT burst damage because of how quickly the burst is back off cool down, because of it being on such low cool downs and/or using Alacrity

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> @"Vaeo.4097" said:

> > @"Turk.5460" said:

> >

> > Good duelist? Try top, equal to Core Warrior (also incredibly OP in 1v1 situations only). Condi Chrono has always been OP, and has been complained about since shortly after HoT released. The condi spam, on top of one of the best block/evasion/stealth rotations, ability to disengage quite easily, and all while wearing TB/Dire...

> >

> > There is a reason it has been the go-to solo-roam profession for all the weenies who aren't confident enough to actually play the game.


> The most widely used roamers in WvW before PoF were Druid and Berserker (and thief of course). There were never as much Chrono as any of this two classes. Even scrapper was used more than Chrono. 1v1 fights in WvW are also very rare case.

> In sPvP Chrono can be beaten with Daredevil, Druid and Scrapper. It's more than enough. And now Spellbreaker is huge counter to it too because of unblockable attacks

> "block/evasion/stealth rotations"? Chronophantasma shatter have no stealth access!


> How many matches you have in sPvP on Chrono after June 2017 patch? Looks like you almost never played it (if ever). And it's OP for you because you have zero understanding how it works.



What unpopulated server tier did you play WvW on? And please provide backup for your so matter-of-factly stated statistics, because from *actual* experience, I saw far more Chrono's roaming than Berserkers or Druids. You think Scrapper was used more than Chrono? 1v1 fights *very* rare? Sure , now I *know* you have no idea what you're talking about.


And correct, I barely play *anything* in sPvP, considering context clues would tell you my original post was regarding WvW, where you clearly have "zero understanding" of Chrono roaming builds - which use torch in offset, as well as often decoy. I fully understand how it works, since I have thousands of hours logged solo-roaming (in which I *very* frequently encounter opportunities for 1v1), where a basic strategy is to learn what abilities your enemies will have equipped. I know how to defeat them, but that doesn't mean its not OP since the amount of effort I have to put forth is far greater than they do to succeed. I'm sorry you don't understand this aspect of the game...

Sit down.

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> @"ventusthunder.5067" said:

> Hey, I really hope one of y'all reads this. Irenio, Karl, Ben, someone. Hear me out here, balance team. I don't want to sound accusatory, but wow am I frustrated and I really don't understand this game design.


> For some reason, this patch resulted in another nerf to Power Revenant, already the worst class/build in PvP. Karl said it himself, your balance team uses Metabattle to judge game balance, so why do you refuse to notice that not only is the only rev build that was viable in high tier PvP not in the meta build section anymore, but now it is the lowest rated out of even the "great" tier builds, signifying that even secondary builds for many other classes far outperform Revenant in any capacity. I'd like to point out to you that the worst user-given average grade for any other "great" tier build is 93, and Power Shiro Revenant has an 86 and has still been dropping. I've played 25 games this season. Mid to high tier platinum. You know how many revenants I've seen in all 50 teams combined? ZERO. The class's pick rate is ZERO.


> Your change to Mutilate Defenses now only gives 5 vulnerability ON ENTERING COMBAT, making us unable to maintain even a single stack of vulnerability unless we use Burst of Strength, or spam sword autoattacks. While in Staff, we don't have any ability to get vulnerability on the enemy. Same thing with Hammer. This means that Focused Siphoning and Targeted Destruction have a lot less impact on duels/small-scale fights. Now you've got lousy uptime on your Devastation passives, lowering already middling sustain and damage in PvP. What is the point of having every minor trait in Devastation involve vulnerability on the enemy if we can't keep it up without spamming 1 or using extremely risky elite skills?


> So since you previewed this trait last week, I knew it would be a net nerf to our build, but I thought there might be some saving grace in that "Expose Defenses" refreshes when you use an elite skill so I planned to use Facet of Chaos passive to do this and set up a Surge of the Mists, Precision Strike, or some other skill that I could benefit from Focused Siphoning and Targeted Destruction. HOWEVER, this trait was then revealed to be even more of a joke: You have to use Chaotic Release, the chain skill, to get a refresh. So for this build, you have to either use Chaotic Release or Jade Winds to get a measly 5 stacks. This trait used to not look like much, but it kept up our damage modifiers and siphoning for sustain.


> The other "upon entering combat" trait, Brave Stride is a garbage trait that only bad warriors take. Expose Defenses is a worse trait that all Power Revenants are now forced to take, and it replaces Mutilate Defenses, a trait that maybe wouldn't come up in your mind if you wanted to list the most important Revenant traits, but


> 5 stacks of vulnerability upon entering combat ain't gonna cut it guys. It doesn't "offer more distinct opportunities or create synergy with other traits" as Irenio said in his post. Another quote from his post: "These changes will offer chances to spike up vulnerability when it is ebbing or encourage new build styles." No, they don't. This is a garbage change for the least used class in PvP.


> But you decided to give Condi Mirage a direct buff. I'm afraid that no matter how much internal testing you do, you are losing touch with your playerbase, and the newest class you created is becoming more and more unusable every patch.


> Cross-posting this to Revenant forum as well, although I doubt you guys will read anything posted there.


Couldn't have said it any better. Revenant is dead, and has been dead for quite some time now.

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> what normal condi Mesmer takes Sword? Scepter is the go to condi weapon. Perma 6 stacks of confusion potential with 50% Confusion duration (easy to get) and the Scepter Trait.

Sword is way more used than scepter for his sustain / leap in PvP.


>LOADS of Confusion and Torment through auto attacks

Which auto ?


>block and Laser beam of death

I echange them for other professions bloc/dps skills when you want.


>Laser beam of death is up to 6stacks of confusion on a 9second cool down.

Y I'm talking about PvP, people who take malicious sorcery over master of fragmentation are really few.

And WvW Balance **is dead** since HoT 23 june/2015 patch anyway.


>I saw far more Chrono's roaming than Berserkers or Druids.

If you talk about solo roamers, I didn't saw more chrono than berserks and druids the few 4h/ week I spend on WvW during HoT.

Cause there is a giant gap in mobility between thoses professions and mobility is the key for roam.

But it can be that NA WvW is probably different than EU WvW.







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> @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

> > Please Revert it. Much of the sPvP community agrees with me on this.

> >

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/320394

> >

> Based on 10 people's opinions on forums where all you can see is negativity and whining?


sPvP crowd almost universally views this patch as bad.

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> @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

> > @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > > @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

> > > Please Revert it. Much of the sPvP community agrees with me on this.

> > >

> > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/320394

> > >

> > Based on 10 people's opinions on forums where all you can see is negativity and whining?


> sPvP crowd almost universally views this patch as bad.

No, it's your opinion, projected to everyone else. Just stop.

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