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Wintersday JP


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> @"Gudy.3607" said:

> > @"Kal Spiro.9745" said:

> > For the presents, try to jump past the first row of presents, the long flat ones. Jump for the middle present on that second row

> I can not do this. Jumping, dodging, dodge-jumping, doesn't matter. Unless that first row of blue presents is there for me to jump on, I can't make that jump. I've tried. Last year and the year before. I can't.


> And since there is a noticeable delay before that last row of presents appears (*) and everyone else seems to be able to make that jump past the first row, thus starting the cascading explosion before I even make it off the candy platform, I have no chance to finish the jumping puzzle unless I happen to land in a very underpopulated instance or there is a rare lull in the near-constant stream of JP farmers whizzing past.


> I rather enjoy every other bit in that jumping puzzle both before and after those presents, but the intentionally frustrating design of that staircase of exploding presents means that I won't spend a lot, if any, time there this year.


> (*) At least there has been in previous years. I haven't been in there this year so far, but nothing I've heard about the reworked Wintersday Jumping Puzzle has given me any indication that ANET has fixed that particularly frustrating PvP aspect of the jumping puzzle.


This actually works very differently this year. The snowflakes refresh faster so there's is no waiting for them, and the presents all pop simultaneously. If you can't make it to the second row you're not out of luck, as long as you jump with everyone else. You'll still want to hussle, though, since you'll be a jump behind.


The key to making the jump, though, is to jump at the edge. I'm sure you've heard it before. It's a fine line between making it and running right off the edge. I'd say keep trying, always try for the second row, but if you fall short, you still have a chance.

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Since seeing it mentioned in this topic I've been watching where I land on the present stairs and I think I only make it to the 2nd row of presents about half the time. I think it's because I tend to start just in front of the fire to give myself a bit of a run-up before the edge. I know you don't really need that, but I find it easier to hold down W and then just focus on pushing jump. Otherwise I can do it the wrong way around and end up jumping in place and then running off the edge. But it means sometimes I'm a bit further back and don't make it all the way to the red presents.


But if I land on the stairs at all I know I'll make it to the top because even with that extra jump there's plenty of time as long as you're going straight up the middle.

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> @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> > > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > > I would like to also add that I wish they took out the freezing on Quaggan path. It's not very scenic.

> > > >

> > > > Even if they added an option for "scenic buff", that would last til you leave the instance or finish the jp, and you can only get 1 gift at the end while you have that buff on you.

> > > >

> > > > Edit:question.

> > > >

> > > > If you reach the fire by the presents jumps, is it possible to respawn there? Or do you have to repeat the snowflakes each time you fail at the gifts?

> > >

> > > It's a less than 2min jp, and ofc you can't respawn at the fire.

> >

> > A check point would've been nice, specially when the instance refreshes, which happened to me last night.

> >

> > And it might be 2 minutes for you, but some of us have a hard time with that. ..and would like to be given a lil more time, to really enjoy the puzzle at more relaxed pace..or there are those that are just unable to aim the cameras and plan their jumps in time as the health trickles away.

> >


> One word.

> Practice.


> You will eventually find some confidence by doing the JP over and over, and then you will realize that is not that hard at all ( and the time granted is fair ).

> Also, the last part is the easier ( Danikat here above made a nice post to show how to handle the JP ).


> I started with the high diff and needed more or less 30 tries to accomplish the first chest.

> Now is pretty easy though sometimes i miss something ( we are humans and it happens :lol: ).


> The Quaggan ones has 2 sticks which could be the harder part, and since you can't practice on them but you have to redo all the path it could be frustrating, i do understand.


"Not hard at all". If this was true, then ANYONE could do this puzzle in say, 100 tries. But no, that's not the case. Last year alone I tried the old version OVER 100 times and never GOT TO THE FIRE. NEVER GOT FARTHER THAN 22 MELTING SNOWFLAKES.


IS it easier? Yes. Have I made it to the fire yet? NO. I'm about 80 tries again this year, and only FOUR TIMES have I made it to the SECOND set of double candy canes. OUT OF EIGHTY ATTEMPTS. EIGHT ZERO TRIES AND FROZE TO DEATH OR FELL OFF EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

I really wish I could subject EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU (*^%$ that says that this puzzle is "easy" to something that YOU hate to do. Like say eat liver, eat broccoli, say something Nice about President Trump, get run over by a bike, SOMETHING that would DRIVE it home to you all that there are things that EVERYONE is bad at, that there are things that some of us HATE to do BECAUSE WE ARE BAD AT THEM.


Serious question.. just HOW many times would ANY of you try something and FAIL badly at before you said... "wow, I just can't do this." It is Important to KEEP in mind that YOU are failing BADLY AND KNOW IT. Whatever the task is, YOU are TOTALLY UNABLE TO COMPLETE EVEN HALF OF IT BEFORE TIME RUNS OUT. OVER AND OVER AGAIN. HOW MANY TIMES WOULD YOU TRY UNTIL YOU SAID "BLEEP THIS"?


That Is MY personal situation. And in a couple more days I'm going to shake my head again, and say bad things about the WD JP to everyone I know. I WANT to see an ALTERNATE SUCCESS METHOD ADDED To the step of Winter's Presence that currently Is TOTALLY Blocked to me by the Jumping Puzzle. **Suggestion: ** add a token to the end reward of the WD PvP / WvW reward tracks. That is, a token that is one of the reward choices for the capstone gift. Five tokens pays for BYPASSING the WD JP and GIVES you that part of the collection achievement.


Nuff said.

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> @"Cirrion.8951" said:

> > @"HnRkLnXqZ.1870" said:

> > > @"Robban.1256" said:

> > > You know that there's a 5 years old girl who did complete winters day jp last year? (= 1mode=hard) in less than 2min and 30 sec

> >

> > Congratulations, you have unlocked teabagging level 5, go to the bar and get a free milkshake ^^. You can not relate from one person to others, we are humans, not coconuts. This community has countless of elitists, who let cm fractals and raids look like childsplay. It is easy to find a person who can solo the IMPOSSIBLE in record time, and prove all complaints and nerf-requests to be invalid. But comparisons like this are not reliable in any way. And adding a ridiculous low age, just proves you have special person with greater talent than the average. I can find a 4 year old girl, beating you in a chinese language test, because it is her naitve language and not yours. Sounds fair, huh?

> >

> > I grew up with platformers in my early teens, for me the wintersday JP is a walk in the park, even on hard mode. But that is not the point. I have seen and heared from friends and guildmembers who have great struggles with the puzzle. People who have never played a platformer in their entire life, people who did competitive for years, only. People who have not the best reflexes. With training it is possible for sure. Quaggan is possible, no doubt. But how many of us have a job, or go to school/university? And how many of us have a RL, family, friends and pets who want attention. All I asked for, was to remove the debuff in the quaggan path with an NPC and a reduction of the loot if done so. For those of you who have already forgotten it, the Winters Presence is locked behind that JP. If you want the shoulder-piece, you have to complete it. And if you cannot, you are screwed.

> >

> > In this years halloween event, ANet gave us an alternative to the JP. We were able to craft the armor-parts as well. Not the best solution, but imho a good one and one into the right direction. Away from forced content. JPs are a niche at best. The majority of the community only does them for the AP and because they are dailies, and even then most rather wait for a friendly mesmer with his portal. I am a huge fan of JPs, but I do not see a reason to force people into that content.

> >

> >


> Nobody is being forced into that content. It is 100% optional. Nobody needs the Winters Presence skin. There are many shoulder skins that do not require completion of JPs.


> No matter how easy they make the JP there will still be people who can't complete it. There will always be a minimum level of skill to complete this or any JP, and some portion of the player base will be below that skill level. If ANet were to do what you want and lower the difficulty and rewards for the Quaggan path even further it would allow some players to complete it who currently can't, but it would also nerf the rewards for the larger group of players for whom Quaggan path is well tuned now.




Your argument fails to note that the MKCT and the WD JP are the ONLY instanced JP's in the game. They are the ONLY time gated JP's in the game that I am aware of. Any OTHER JP an individual wants to do is AVAILABLE ALL YEAR ROUND. So you could try it HUNDREDS of times over the course of a year, and still only have to make a few attempts per day. Lastly, ALL open world JP's can be circumvented by mesmers and other means. But since MKCT and WD JP are instanced, even using your brain and asking for HELP is futile.


Which begs the question of WHY any rewards were EVER assigned to the WD JP, or WHY **anything** was EVER gated behind it. Quite frankly, as someone who HATES the VERY existence of the WD JP, it should have ONLY ever been set up as a time trial scenario w/ a title and maybe a couple of gold pieces to the fastest players. That's it. Then all of this hate, angst, discontent, and misery NEVER happens because it's just a silly title and a couple of gold pieces. Then someone like me tries it and goes "whoa, not for me!"... and says ah well, that's a title I'll never get. Just like the dozens I don't have already.


But a cool shiny shoulder piece? That's something really visual, something SHOWY, something SHINY. Not being able to get it, and even worse having to buy the collection to open it up, then working on the collection and THEN realizing that OH BLEEP that completing a JP is PART of the collection and OH BLEEPITY BLEEPITY BLEEP it's the second hardest JP in the game? NOT GOOD. NOT GOOD AT ALL.


In fact, that realization makes the whole Winter's Presence collection pretty bogus for me. What NEEDS to be done is add a second method of success to the JP step of the WP collection. I suggest that a token be added to the end reward of the WD PvP / WvW reward tracks. That is, a token that is one of the reward choices for the capstone gift. Five tokens pays for BYPASSING the WD JP and GIVES you that part of the collection achievement. Bang, done, ANYONE can PvP or WvW, problem solved.

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^ i actually do agree that they should add an alternative method for the winters presence.


I do want to add that it took me 5 hours to beat Quaggan...and a further two to get through snowman.

It's better not to over think the jumps, I've found. .. changing the speed and way I turn the camera helped alot also.


The snowflakes are the hardest part of the jp too.


But if you hate it that much. ..don't do it.


I didn't do it 5 hours in a row...i tried it til I got too frustrated. Did something else for a bit then came back to it.

If you're frustrated. .it's going to make it much harder.

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> @"Nightshade.5924" said:

> > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> > > > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > > > I would like to also add that I wish they took out the freezing on Quaggan path. It's not very scenic.

> > > > >

> > > > > Even if they added an option for "scenic buff", that would last til you leave the instance or finish the jp, and you can only get 1 gift at the end while you have that buff on you.

> > > > >

> > > > > Edit:question.

> > > > >

> > > > > If you reach the fire by the presents jumps, is it possible to respawn there? Or do you have to repeat the snowflakes each time you fail at the gifts?

> > > >

> > > > It's a less than 2min jp, and ofc you can't respawn at the fire.

> > >

> > > A check point would've been nice, specially when the instance refreshes, which happened to me last night.

> > >

> > > And it might be 2 minutes for you, but some of us have a hard time with that. ..and would like to be given a lil more time, to really enjoy the puzzle at more relaxed pace..or there are those that are just unable to aim the cameras and plan their jumps in time as the health trickles away.

> > >

> >

> > One word.

> > Practice.

> >

> > You will eventually find some confidence by doing the JP over and over, and then you will realize that is not that hard at all ( and the time granted is fair ).

> > Also, the last part is the easier ( Danikat here above made a nice post to show how to handle the JP ).

> >

> > I started with the high diff and needed more or less 30 tries to accomplish the first chest.

> > Now is pretty easy though sometimes i miss something ( we are humans and it happens :lol: ).

> >

> > The Quaggan ones has 2 sticks which could be the harder part, and since you can't practice on them but you have to redo all the path it could be frustrating, i do understand.


> "Not hard at all". If this was true, then ANYONE could do this puzzle in say, 100 tries. But no, that's not the case. Last year alone I tried the old version OVER 100 times and never GOT TO THE FIRE. NEVER GOT FARTHER THAN 22 MELTING SNOWFLAKES.


> IS it easier? Yes. Have I made it to the fire yet? NO. I'm about 80 tries again this year, and only FOUR TIMES have I made it to the SECOND set of double candy canes. OUT OF EIGHTY ATTEMPTS. EIGHT ZERO TRIES AND FROZE TO DEATH OR FELL OFF EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

> I really wish I could subject EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU (*^%$ that says that this puzzle is "easy" to something that YOU hate to do. Like say eat liver, eat broccoli, say something Nice about President Trump, get run over by a bike, SOMETHING that would DRIVE it home to you all that there are things that EVERYONE is bad at, that there are things that some of us HATE to do BECAUSE WE ARE BAD AT THEM.


> Serious question.. just HOW many times would ANY of you try something and FAIL badly at before you said... "wow, I just can't do this." It is Important to KEEP in mind that YOU are failing BADLY AND KNOW IT. Whatever the task is, YOU are TOTALLY UNABLE TO COMPLETE EVEN HALF OF IT BEFORE TIME RUNS OUT. OVER AND OVER AGAIN. HOW MANY TIMES WOULD YOU TRY UNTIL YOU SAID "BLEEP THIS"?


> That Is MY personal situation. And in a couple more days I'm going to shake my head again, and say bad things about the WD JP to everyone I know. I WANT to see an ALTERNATE SUCCESS METHOD ADDED To the step of Winter's Presence that currently Is TOTALLY Blocked to me by the Jumping Puzzle. **Suggestion: ** add a token to the end reward of the WD PvP / WvW reward tracks. That is, a token that is one of the reward choices for the capstone gift. Five tokens pays for BYPASSING the WD JP and GIVES you that part of the collection achievement.


> Nuff said.


I hope they dont add an alternate method. Its a prestige item and its meant to be rare. If you cant manage the JP at all then sucks but you didnt achieve it and so shouldnt get it. Idk why people think they are entitled to rewards they dont earn?


I want mini llamas since im a mini collector but suck at pvp and wont ever earn them all. I dont complain about it because its my own fault.


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> @"zombyturtle.5980" said:

> > @"Nightshade.5924" said:

> > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> > > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> > > > > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > > > > I would like to also add that I wish they took out the freezing on Quaggan path. It's not very scenic.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Even if they added an option for "scenic buff", that would last til you leave the instance or finish the jp, and you can only get 1 gift at the end while you have that buff on you.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Edit:question.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > If you reach the fire by the presents jumps, is it possible to respawn there? Or do you have to repeat the snowflakes each time you fail at the gifts?

> > > > >

> > > > > It's a less than 2min jp, and ofc you can't respawn at the fire.

> > > >

> > > > A check point would've been nice, specially when the instance refreshes, which happened to me last night.

> > > >

> > > > And it might be 2 minutes for you, but some of us have a hard time with that. ..and would like to be given a lil more time, to really enjoy the puzzle at more relaxed pace..or there are those that are just unable to aim the cameras and plan their jumps in time as the health trickles away.

> > > >

> > >

> > > One word.

> > > Practice.

> > >

> > > You will eventually find some confidence by doing the JP over and over, and then you will realize that is not that hard at all ( and the time granted is fair ).

> > > Also, the last part is the easier ( Danikat here above made a nice post to show how to handle the JP ).

> > >

> > > I started with the high diff and needed more or less 30 tries to accomplish the first chest.

> > > Now is pretty easy though sometimes i miss something ( we are humans and it happens :lol: ).

> > >

> > > The Quaggan ones has 2 sticks which could be the harder part, and since you can't practice on them but you have to redo all the path it could be frustrating, i do understand.

> >

> > "Not hard at all". If this was true, then ANYONE could do this puzzle in say, 100 tries. But no, that's not the case. Last year alone I tried the old version OVER 100 times and never GOT TO THE FIRE. NEVER GOT FARTHER THAN 22 MELTING SNOWFLAKES.

> >

> > IS it easier? Yes. Have I made it to the fire yet? NO. I'm about 80 tries again this year, and only FOUR TIMES have I made it to the SECOND set of double candy canes. OUT OF EIGHTY ATTEMPTS. EIGHT ZERO TRIES AND FROZE TO DEATH OR FELL OFF EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

> > I really wish I could subject EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU (*^%$ that says that this puzzle is "easy" to something that YOU hate to do. Like say eat liver, eat broccoli, say something Nice about President Trump, get run over by a bike, SOMETHING that would DRIVE it home to you all that there are things that EVERYONE is bad at, that there are things that some of us HATE to do BECAUSE WE ARE BAD AT THEM.

> >

> > Serious question.. just HOW many times would ANY of you try something and FAIL badly at before you said... "wow, I just can't do this." It is Important to KEEP in mind that YOU are failing BADLY AND KNOW IT. Whatever the task is, YOU are TOTALLY UNABLE TO COMPLETE EVEN HALF OF IT BEFORE TIME RUNS OUT. OVER AND OVER AGAIN. HOW MANY TIMES WOULD YOU TRY UNTIL YOU SAID "BLEEP THIS"?

> >

> > That Is MY personal situation. And in a couple more days I'm going to shake my head again, and say bad things about the WD JP to everyone I know. I WANT to see an ALTERNATE SUCCESS METHOD ADDED To the step of Winter's Presence that currently Is TOTALLY Blocked to me by the Jumping Puzzle. **Suggestion: ** add a token to the end reward of the WD PvP / WvW reward tracks. That is, a token that is one of the reward choices for the capstone gift. Five tokens pays for BYPASSING the WD JP and GIVES you that part of the collection achievement.

> >

> > Nuff said.


> I hope they dont add an alternate method. Its a prestige item and its meant to be rare. If you cant manage the JP at all then sucks but you didnt achieve it and so shouldnt get it. Idk why people think they are entitled to rewards they dont earn?


> I want mini llamas since im a mini collector but suck at pvp and wont ever earn them all. I dont complain about it because its my own fault.



I agree. You can't earn it? Too bad really. Just move on and forget about it.


When I see a new shiny item I am interested in, I quickly evaluate the process to obtain it and ask myself a few questions.


Do I have the skill required? Am I willing to practice enough to get the needed skills? Can I ever get the skill needed even with practice?

Do I have the funds? If no, am I willing to spend the time to get the funds?

If I have the funds, is it worth the cost to me?


At this point, I decide to go for it or not. If I decide to go for it, I may dive in and really focus or I may just take my time and let things accumulate. If I decide not, then I pretty much forget about it but will probably re-evaluate at some future time. Nothing, in any game, is worth stressing yourself out. Relax yourself and realize that you will not earn every single shiny that your eyes desire.


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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"RupertAndi.6208" said:

> > I really like the idea of having three different paths with different difficulty. I think it is a nice addition for people who are not very good at jumping puzzles.


> The hardest part (the exploding presents' stairs) remains completely unchanged though. And additionally it's a part where you really, really don't want any other players around (it's too random even when you're alone - with others it becomes really, really bad). I saw it generate a lot of hate at others this year as well.


> So, basically, no change for me.


huh, how is there anything hard in that part?

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I really don't want to be rude, but how the heck you guys have so much problems with completing this JP? I think you are just too lazy and don't want to make it, instead of practice or watching some videos on youtube you just complain how hard is it. And it's not, not at all, even ginger path is ridicolously easy. And I agree, if you can't make it, you don't deserve this skin.

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If you fail- think what you could change-control method , perhaps some hotkeys (one A MUST- disable double-tap dodge and assign a handy hotkey for it) adjust the mouse sensitivity so that you can change the camera in a speed that seems to be the handiest for you (as mouse view rotation is the only way in JP like this one or Cloktower). Find the handiest angle of view to aim the best.

hardest part before blowing gifts were those candy sticks (for me)- kept falling over them till found the interval i need to press forward and how long i need to keep spacebar pressed.. Helps- do not jump on those sticks on shortest route- jump alongside it so that you have longer landing spot.


for the gift part- run through the middle- those are the easiest to jump on and one of the last lines to blow.

A thing that can be used to make the jump less hectic- when you get to the third row of square presents-the space to the next one prevents you from falling down if you run forward-hug it- you can use that present to center yourself and sort of stack your aim up- since after you will need to make 5 jumps without looking to the sides (and mistakes in jump length will just add up)

when first time on gift stairs- just sit there and watch how and when others jump and witch presents tend to blow up faster.

Do not jump on them if someone is already past 3rd step unless you know the rhythm well..


(not used to this forum yet so not sure how to post screenshots) And i am sure Dulfy has some useful guide- that one always does have those.


adding training wheel is a curious idea- remove ice damage, but also remove any form of rewards while using those training wheel...

but there is bound to be a person (after such a thing is made) who will complain- why do i not get same presents as the one on the hard route - or anything along those lines...


Not aimed at anyone particular

(regarding reward part here and other threads- like raiding etc)

A thought though- those are meant to be challenges to overcome- is it right to cadge to turn them into some sort of gifts?

And what about those who are working their fingertips off to get those same items that you want to be given to you?

that is just not OK.


My account turned poor several times over before i got those shoulders- and i am telling you- i am sure i would have made a legendary weapon with same resource drain (and the only actual thing i have for it- the sturdy, calming thought that i do not need to do it again)

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> @"cNd.1096" said:

> I really don't want to be rude, but how the heck you guys have so much problems with completing this JP? I think you are just too lazy and don't want to make it, instead of practice or watching some videos on youtube you just complain how hard is it. And it's not, not at all, even ginger path is ridicolously easy.


Please be aware that not everyone has the same capabilities as yourself.


Although I am now able to regurlarly complete the jp (on snowman)...I do not find it easy... and it has taken me many hours to get to this stage. Tho Gingerbread will always be out of my reach as I simply cannot move/aim fast enough. That's ok..I'm not complaining but it is not always as simple as " being lazy".


There are many possible reasons people will struggle with a timed jp. There's no need to insult people because of it.




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> @"Titan.3472" said:

> I also pointed out in chat how kitten people can be that they use max sized toon with trenchcoat to be SURE NOONE see anything on the Platform... I even added that anet removed the backpacks display because they know too well that people are so DUMB that they would put the largest one just to kitten up the above view too and would not even hide it in their set up options... What is difficult is these people who have short-brain connexions...

> I farmed the path for 15 gifts per run and gathered 5000 and durin this time I swear I seen a lot of fat kitten with trenchcoats, like kitten they cant even see their own feet... but everyone have to deal with this mess... Please add a message board near the npc warning huge toons with fat kitten and with trenchcoat are the most hated people in the place and that there is a special place for them in hell. xD


I agree 110%.



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I want to know why anyone's able to use actual attacks in the JP. It's possible for one engineer to troll an entire JP instance (making one path pretty annoying to do) by being allowed to drop a flame turret during the "game's about to begin" phase when a new instance starts. And earlier, someone dropped Plaguelands right as the new instance began, which was a little less annoying because at least it didn't last as long as a turret does.![](https://i.imgur.com/QzwUEGy.jpg "")


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> @"zombyturtle.5980" said:

> > @"Nightshade.5924" said:

> > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> > > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> > > > > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > > > > I would like to also add that I wish they took out the freezing on Quaggan path. It's not very scenic.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Even if they added an option for "scenic buff", that would last til you leave the instance or finish the jp, and you can only get 1 gift at the end while you have that buff on you.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Edit:question.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > If you reach the fire by the presents jumps, is it possible to respawn there? Or do you have to repeat the snowflakes each time you fail at the gifts?

> > > > >

> > > > > It's a less than 2min jp, and ofc you can't respawn at the fire.

> > > >

> > > > A check point would've been nice, specially when the instance refreshes, which happened to me last night.

> > > >

> > > > And it might be 2 minutes for you, but some of us have a hard time with that. ..and would like to be given a lil more time, to really enjoy the puzzle at more relaxed pace..or there are those that are just unable to aim the cameras and plan their jumps in time as the health trickles away.

> > > >

> > >

> > > One word.

> > > Practice.

> > >

> > > You will eventually find some confidence by doing the JP over and over, and then you will realize that is not that hard at all ( and the time granted is fair ).

> > > Also, the last part is the easier ( Danikat here above made a nice post to show how to handle the JP ).

> > >

> > > I started with the high diff and needed more or less 30 tries to accomplish the first chest.

> > > Now is pretty easy though sometimes i miss something ( we are humans and it happens :lol: ).

> > >

> > > The Quaggan ones has 2 sticks which could be the harder part, and since you can't practice on them but you have to redo all the path it could be frustrating, i do understand.

> >

> > "Not hard at all". If this was true, then ANYONE could do this puzzle in say, 100 tries. But no, that's not the case. Last year alone I tried the old version OVER 100 times and never GOT TO THE FIRE. NEVER GOT FARTHER THAN 22 MELTING SNOWFLAKES.

> >

> > IS it easier? Yes. Have I made it to the fire yet? NO. I'm about 80 tries again this year, and only FOUR TIMES have I made it to the SECOND set of double candy canes. OUT OF EIGHTY ATTEMPTS. EIGHT ZERO TRIES AND FROZE TO DEATH OR FELL OFF EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

> > I really wish I could subject EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU (*^%$ that says that this puzzle is "easy" to something that YOU hate to do. Like say eat liver, eat broccoli, say something Nice about President Trump, get run over by a bike, SOMETHING that would DRIVE it home to you all that there are things that EVERYONE is bad at, that there are things that some of us HATE to do BECAUSE WE ARE BAD AT THEM.

> >

> > Serious question.. just HOW many times would ANY of you try something and FAIL badly at before you said... "wow, I just can't do this." It is Important to KEEP in mind that YOU are failing BADLY AND KNOW IT. Whatever the task is, YOU are TOTALLY UNABLE TO COMPLETE EVEN HALF OF IT BEFORE TIME RUNS OUT. OVER AND OVER AGAIN. HOW MANY TIMES WOULD YOU TRY UNTIL YOU SAID "BLEEP THIS"?

> >

> > That Is MY personal situation. And in a couple more days I'm going to shake my head again, and say bad things about the WD JP to everyone I know. I WANT to see an ALTERNATE SUCCESS METHOD ADDED To the step of Winter's Presence that currently Is TOTALLY Blocked to me by the Jumping Puzzle. **Suggestion: ** add a token to the end reward of the WD PvP / WvW reward tracks. That is, a token that is one of the reward choices for the capstone gift. Five tokens pays for BYPASSING the WD JP and GIVES you that part of the collection achievement.

> >

> > Nuff said.


> I hope they dont add an alternate method. Its a prestige item and its meant to be rare. If you cant manage the JP at all then sucks but you didnt achieve it and so shouldnt get it. Idk why people think they are entitled to rewards they dont earn?


> I want mini llamas since im a mini collector but suck at pvp and wont ever earn them all. I dont complain about it because its my own fault.



LEGENDARIES ARE PRESTIGE ITEMS. Anything else is, by default, NOT. Now, how is it that you can't earn mini llamas? I'd have to check, but buying llamas requires pvp league tickets, right? SO if you PvP ENOUGH, even if you are losing EVERY match, you WILL earn enough tickets to buy your llamas. Sure, IF YOU LOSE EVERY MATCH, it's going to take a while. I PvP whenever I can, and funny how you earn those league tickets EVERY time you earn a REWARD chest. EVEN IF you LOSE EVERY GAME, that means you get some tickets after SEVEN games (I think?) for the Very First chest. 20 reward pips I think. Seven losses.

And pardon me, but seeing as I do PvP all the time, LOSING every match is just Bull. Your example is equally Bull. In PvP , you GET progress EVEN if you LOSE. See reward pips. But with the dreaded JP of doom, losing aka dying every time GAINS YOU NO PROGRESS.

So your example is not only totally erroneous and fundamentally flawed... it's worthless.

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> @"CedarDog.9723" said:

> > @"Nightshade.5924" said:

> > > @"notebene.3190" said:

> > > How easy is the Quaggan? Is it still time gated, or can you take your time? Does it count as 'completing the puzzle' for achievement purposes, like Winter's Presence collection?

> >

> > It's still time gated. And that being the case, this JP is still UN doable for me. Very nice effort by the devs, I DO appreciate that after THREE years that you devs FINALLY altered the WD JP so most people have a chance to complete it. Bravo Zulu on your hard work and effort.

> >

> > Unfortunately... that does NOT include me. After 20 attempts on Quaggan, I got to the second set of candy cane bars twice... and died from freezing. I simply CANNOT jump fast enough. I CANNOT complete a puzzle like this, or any jumping puzzle for that matter, ON THE CLOCK. If I try to go faster, I inevitably start missing jumps... and having to start all over.

> >

> > I'm pretty sure in ALL of my previous posts I said that the TIME element was one of the largest problems that I have had w/ this puzzle. I'm pretty sure that I REPEATEDLY said that I NEEDED a NON timed version in order to have a chance to complete it. So... STILL UNHAPPY. STILL NON COMPLETED. STILL (&^%$$$%&&**# FRUSTATED. STILL PERPLEXED over the heinously EVIL lack of regard of my repeated commentary on this topic.

> >



> They could also just make a path where you talk to an NPC and it ports you to the end. :)


Excellent Idea. I get credit for the Winter's Presence, and then never EVER EVER have to go into the WP JP again, right?

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> @"Nightshade.5924" said:

> > @"zombyturtle.5980" said:

> > > @"Nightshade.5924" said:

> > > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> > > > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > > > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> > > > > > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > > > > > I would like to also add that I wish they took out the freezing on Quaggan path. It's not very scenic.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Even if they added an option for "scenic buff", that would last til you leave the instance or finish the jp, and you can only get 1 gift at the end while you have that buff on you.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Edit:question.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > If you reach the fire by the presents jumps, is it possible to respawn there? Or do you have to repeat the snowflakes each time you fail at the gifts?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > It's a less than 2min jp, and ofc you can't respawn at the fire.

> > > > >

> > > > > A check point would've been nice, specially when the instance refreshes, which happened to me last night.

> > > > >

> > > > > And it might be 2 minutes for you, but some of us have a hard time with that. ..and would like to be given a lil more time, to really enjoy the puzzle at more relaxed pace..or there are those that are just unable to aim the cameras and plan their jumps in time as the health trickles away.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > One word.

> > > > Practice.

> > > >

> > > > You will eventually find some confidence by doing the JP over and over, and then you will realize that is not that hard at all ( and the time granted is fair ).

> > > > Also, the last part is the easier ( Danikat here above made a nice post to show how to handle the JP ).

> > > >

> > > > I started with the high diff and needed more or less 30 tries to accomplish the first chest.

> > > > Now is pretty easy though sometimes i miss something ( we are humans and it happens :lol: ).

> > > >

> > > > The Quaggan ones has 2 sticks which could be the harder part, and since you can't practice on them but you have to redo all the path it could be frustrating, i do understand.

> > >

> > > "Not hard at all". If this was true, then ANYONE could do this puzzle in say, 100 tries. But no, that's not the case. Last year alone I tried the old version OVER 100 times and never GOT TO THE FIRE. NEVER GOT FARTHER THAN 22 MELTING SNOWFLAKES.

> > >

> > > IS it easier? Yes. Have I made it to the fire yet? NO. I'm about 80 tries again this year, and only FOUR TIMES have I made it to the SECOND set of double candy canes. OUT OF EIGHTY ATTEMPTS. EIGHT ZERO TRIES AND FROZE TO DEATH OR FELL OFF EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

> > > I really wish I could subject EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU (*^%$ that says that this puzzle is "easy" to something that YOU hate to do. Like say eat liver, eat broccoli, say something Nice about President Trump, get run over by a bike, SOMETHING that would DRIVE it home to you all that there are things that EVERYONE is bad at, that there are things that some of us HATE to do BECAUSE WE ARE BAD AT THEM.

> > >

> > > Serious question.. just HOW many times would ANY of you try something and FAIL badly at before you said... "wow, I just can't do this." It is Important to KEEP in mind that YOU are failing BADLY AND KNOW IT. Whatever the task is, YOU are TOTALLY UNABLE TO COMPLETE EVEN HALF OF IT BEFORE TIME RUNS OUT. OVER AND OVER AGAIN. HOW MANY TIMES WOULD YOU TRY UNTIL YOU SAID "BLEEP THIS"?

> > >

> > > That Is MY personal situation. And in a couple more days I'm going to shake my head again, and say bad things about the WD JP to everyone I know. I WANT to see an ALTERNATE SUCCESS METHOD ADDED To the step of Winter's Presence that currently Is TOTALLY Blocked to me by the Jumping Puzzle. **Suggestion: ** add a token to the end reward of the WD PvP / WvW reward tracks. That is, a token that is one of the reward choices for the capstone gift. Five tokens pays for BYPASSING the WD JP and GIVES you that part of the collection achievement.

> > >

> > > Nuff said.

> >

> > I hope they dont add an alternate method. Its a prestige item and its meant to be rare. If you cant manage the JP at all then sucks but you didnt achieve it and so shouldnt get it. Idk why people think they are entitled to rewards they dont earn?

> >

> > I want mini llamas since im a mini collector but suck at pvp and wont ever earn them all. I dont complain about it because its my own fault.

> >


> LEGENDARIES ARE PRESTIGE ITEMS. Anything else is, by default, NOT. Now, how is it that you can't earn mini llamas? I'd have to check, but buying llamas requires pvp league tickets, right? SO if you PvP ENOUGH, even if you are losing EVERY match, you WILL earn enough tickets to buy your llamas. Sure, IF YOU LOSE EVERY MATCH, it's going to take a while. I PvP whenever I can, and funny how you earn those league tickets EVERY time you earn a REWARD chest. EVEN IF you LOSE EVERY GAME, that means you get some tickets after SEVEN games (I think?) for the Very First chest. 20 reward pips I think. Seven losses.

> And pardon me, but seeing as I do PvP all the time, LOSING every match is just Bull. Your example is equally Bull. In PvP , you GET progress EVEN if you LOSE. See reward pips. But with the dreaded JP of doom, losing aka dying every time GAINS YOU NO PROGRESS.

> So your example is not only totally erroneous and fundamentally flawed... it's worthless.


legendaries are prestiege items and so are rare skins, especially auras. you are entitled in this game to any item which gives you an advantage. you should be able to aquire these items from any conrent in game to play how you want. so :

exotic and ascended gear

sigils and runes

experience points

hero points

possibly mastery points


you are not entitled to any skins, auras or convenience items. you are expected to earn these.


the newest llamas require you to place 1st or 2nd in monthly tournaments (silver and gold llama).

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> @"Nightblade.8295" said:

> Nightshade.5924


> If you fail- think what you could change-control method , perhaps some hotkeys (one A MUST- disable double-tap dodge and assign a handy hotkey for it) adjust the mouse sensitivity so that you can change the camera in a speed that seems to be the handiest for you (as mouse view rotation is the only way in JP like this one or Cloktower). Find the handiest angle of view to aim the best.

> hardest part before blowing gifts were those candy sticks (for me)- kept falling over them till found the interval i need to press forward and how long i need to keep spacebar pressed.. Helps- do not jump on those sticks on shortest route- jump alongside it so that you have longer landing spot.


> for the gift part- run through the middle- those are the easiest to jump on and one of the last lines to blow.

> A thing that can be used to make the jump less hectic- when you get to the third row of square presents-the space to the next one prevents you from falling down if you run forward-hug it- you can use that present to center yourself and sort of stack your aim up- since after you will need to make 5 jumps without looking to the sides (and mistakes in jump length will just add up)

> when first time on gift stairs- just sit there and watch how and when others jump and witch presents tend to blow up faster.

> Do not jump on them if someone is already past 3rd step unless you know the rhythm well..


> (not used to this forum yet so not sure how to post screenshots) And i am sure Dulfy has some useful guide- that one always does have those.


> adding training wheel is a curious idea- remove ice damage, but also remove any form of rewards while using those training wheel...

> but there is bound to be a person (after such a thing is made) who will complain- why do i not get same presents as the one on the hard route - or anything along those lines...


> Not aimed at anyone particular

> (regarding reward part here and other threads- like raiding etc)

> A thought though- those are meant to be challenges to overcome- is it right to cadge to turn them into some sort of gifts?

> And what about those who are working their fingertips off to get those same items that you want to be given to you?

> that is just not OK.


> My account turned poor several times over before i got those shoulders- and i am telling you- i am sure i would have made a legendary weapon with same resource drain (and the only actual thing i have for it- the sturdy, calming thought that i do not need to do it again)


Nightblade.. Maybe you missed this in my previous posts. I haven't EVER made it to the gift boxes. EVER. 80 tries and counting this year, over 100 tries last year, don't have records for the year before that, and the first two years I went in a couple of times and said No Way. I think that Winter's Presence is only three years old at that, but I may be in error.

The big change this year is that I die by freezing every now and then instead of having the snowflake disappear from under my feet like all the previous years. Four times in eighty tries I've made it to the second set of canes on Quaggan. Froze to death about two jumps past that Every SINGLE TIME.


I hate people like you who say I want a "freebie". I have made much effort for exactly NO return. I flatly don't want to HAVE to DO something I CANNOT to earn something that SHOULD be easy. I have provided an alternative in posts this year that is, if anything, harder than the WD JP, in time spent/consumed if for no other reason. Barring that alternative, I will never get the shoulder because I just plain SUCK at JP's.


Why should that be? Why does Arena Net continue to punish me for being a pathetic jumper? The only content in the game that I don't routinely do are jumping puzzles and group stuff like raids and PvP tournaments. You need guildies that are into raids to do them. But to have the WP gated behind the JP, when I FINISHED SEVEN legs of the collection the FIRST YEAR WP WAS AVAILABLE, and THEN ran smack blam bang into the JP of doom... B O G U S.

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> @"Nightshade.5924" said:

> > @"zombyturtle.5980" said:

> > > @"Nightshade.5924" said:

> > > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> > > > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > > > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> > > > > > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > > > > > I would like to also add that I wish they took out the freezing on Quaggan path. It's not very scenic.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Even if they added an option for "scenic buff", that would last til you leave the instance or finish the jp, and you can only get 1 gift at the end while you have that buff on you.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Edit:question.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > If you reach the fire by the presents jumps, is it possible to respawn there? Or do you have to repeat the snowflakes each time you fail at the gifts?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > It's a less than 2min jp, and ofc you can't respawn at the fire.

> > > > >

> > > > > A check point would've been nice, specially when the instance refreshes, which happened to me last night.

> > > > >

> > > > > And it might be 2 minutes for you, but some of us have a hard time with that. ..and would like to be given a lil more time, to really enjoy the puzzle at more relaxed pace..or there are those that are just unable to aim the cameras and plan their jumps in time as the health trickles away.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > One word.

> > > > Practice.

> > > >

> > > > You will eventually find some confidence by doing the JP over and over, and then you will realize that is not that hard at all ( and the time granted is fair ).

> > > > Also, the last part is the easier ( Danikat here above made a nice post to show how to handle the JP ).

> > > >

> > > > I started with the high diff and needed more or less 30 tries to accomplish the first chest.

> > > > Now is pretty easy though sometimes i miss something ( we are humans and it happens :lol: ).

> > > >

> > > > The Quaggan ones has 2 sticks which could be the harder part, and since you can't practice on them but you have to redo all the path it could be frustrating, i do understand.

> > >

> > > "Not hard at all". If this was true, then ANYONE could do this puzzle in say, 100 tries. But no, that's not the case. Last year alone I tried the old version OVER 100 times and never GOT TO THE FIRE. NEVER GOT FARTHER THAN 22 MELTING SNOWFLAKES.

> > >

> > > IS it easier? Yes. Have I made it to the fire yet? NO. I'm about 80 tries again this year, and only FOUR TIMES have I made it to the SECOND set of double candy canes. OUT OF EIGHTY ATTEMPTS. EIGHT ZERO TRIES AND FROZE TO DEATH OR FELL OFF EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

> > > I really wish I could subject EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU (*^%$ that says that this puzzle is "easy" to something that YOU hate to do. Like say eat liver, eat broccoli, say something Nice about President Trump, get run over by a bike, SOMETHING that would DRIVE it home to you all that there are things that EVERYONE is bad at, that there are things that some of us HATE to do BECAUSE WE ARE BAD AT THEM.

> > >

> > > Serious question.. just HOW many times would ANY of you try something and FAIL badly at before you said... "wow, I just can't do this." It is Important to KEEP in mind that YOU are failing BADLY AND KNOW IT. Whatever the task is, YOU are TOTALLY UNABLE TO COMPLETE EVEN HALF OF IT BEFORE TIME RUNS OUT. OVER AND OVER AGAIN. HOW MANY TIMES WOULD YOU TRY UNTIL YOU SAID "BLEEP THIS"?

> > >

> > > That Is MY personal situation. And in a couple more days I'm going to shake my head again, and say bad things about the WD JP to everyone I know. I WANT to see an ALTERNATE SUCCESS METHOD ADDED To the step of Winter's Presence that currently Is TOTALLY Blocked to me by the Jumping Puzzle. **Suggestion: ** add a token to the end reward of the WD PvP / WvW reward tracks. That is, a token that is one of the reward choices for the capstone gift. Five tokens pays for BYPASSING the WD JP and GIVES you that part of the collection achievement.

> > >

> > > Nuff said.

> >

> > I hope they dont add an alternate method. Its a prestige item and its meant to be rare. If you cant manage the JP at all then sucks but you didnt achieve it and so shouldnt get it. Idk why people think they are entitled to rewards they dont earn?

> >

> > I want mini llamas since im a mini collector but suck at pvp and wont ever earn them all. I dont complain about it because its my own fault.

> >


> LEGENDARIES ARE PRESTIGE ITEMS. Anything else is, by default, NOT. Now, how is it that you can't earn mini llamas? I'd have to check, but buying llamas requires pvp league tickets, right? SO if you PvP ENOUGH, even if you are losing EVERY match, you WILL earn enough tickets to buy your llamas. Sure, IF YOU LOSE EVERY MATCH, it's going to take a while. I PvP whenever I can, and funny how you earn those league tickets EVERY time you earn a REWARD chest. EVEN IF you LOSE EVERY GAME, that means you get some tickets after SEVEN games (I think?) for the Very First chest. 20 reward pips I think. Seven losses.

> And pardon me, but seeing as I do PvP all the time, LOSING every match is just Bull. Your example is equally Bull. In PvP , you GET progress EVEN if you LOSE. See reward pips. But with the dreaded JP of doom, losing aka dying every time GAINS YOU NO PROGRESS.

> So your example is not only totally erroneous and fundamentally flawed... it's worthless.


you gain personal progress in jps, so your statement is false

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> @"zombyturtle.5980" said:

> > @"Nightshade.5924" said:

> > > @"zombyturtle.5980" said:

> > > > @"Nightshade.5924" said:

> > > > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> > > > > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > > > > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > > > > > > I would like to also add that I wish they took out the freezing on Quaggan path. It's not very scenic.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Even if they added an option for "scenic buff", that would last til you leave the instance or finish the jp, and you can only get 1 gift at the end while you have that buff on you.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Edit:question.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > If you reach the fire by the presents jumps, is it possible to respawn there? Or do you have to repeat the snowflakes each time you fail at the gifts?

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > It's a less than 2min jp, and ofc you can't respawn at the fire.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > A check point would've been nice, specially when the instance refreshes, which happened to me last night.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > And it might be 2 minutes for you, but some of us have a hard time with that. ..and would like to be given a lil more time, to really enjoy the puzzle at more relaxed pace..or there are those that are just unable to aim the cameras and plan their jumps in time as the health trickles away.

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > One word.

> > > > > Practice.

> > > > >

> > > > > You will eventually find some confidence by doing the JP over and over, and then you will realize that is not that hard at all ( and the time granted is fair ).

> > > > > Also, the last part is the easier ( Danikat here above made a nice post to show how to handle the JP ).

> > > > >

> > > > > I started with the high diff and needed more or less 30 tries to accomplish the first chest.

> > > > > Now is pretty easy though sometimes i miss something ( we are humans and it happens :lol: ).

> > > > >

> > > > > The Quaggan ones has 2 sticks which could be the harder part, and since you can't practice on them but you have to redo all the path it could be frustrating, i do understand.

> > > >

> > > > "Not hard at all". If this was true, then ANYONE could do this puzzle in say, 100 tries. But no, that's not the case. Last year alone I tried the old version OVER 100 times and never GOT TO THE FIRE. NEVER GOT FARTHER THAN 22 MELTING SNOWFLAKES.

> > > >

> > > > IS it easier? Yes. Have I made it to the fire yet? NO. I'm about 80 tries again this year, and only FOUR TIMES have I made it to the SECOND set of double candy canes. OUT OF EIGHTY ATTEMPTS. EIGHT ZERO TRIES AND FROZE TO DEATH OR FELL OFF EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

> > > > I really wish I could subject EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU (*^%$ that says that this puzzle is "easy" to something that YOU hate to do. Like say eat liver, eat broccoli, say something Nice about President Trump, get run over by a bike, SOMETHING that would DRIVE it home to you all that there are things that EVERYONE is bad at, that there are things that some of us HATE to do BECAUSE WE ARE BAD AT THEM.

> > > >

> > > > Serious question.. just HOW many times would ANY of you try something and FAIL badly at before you said... "wow, I just can't do this." It is Important to KEEP in mind that YOU are failing BADLY AND KNOW IT. Whatever the task is, YOU are TOTALLY UNABLE TO COMPLETE EVEN HALF OF IT BEFORE TIME RUNS OUT. OVER AND OVER AGAIN. HOW MANY TIMES WOULD YOU TRY UNTIL YOU SAID "BLEEP THIS"?

> > > >

> > > > That Is MY personal situation. And in a couple more days I'm going to shake my head again, and say bad things about the WD JP to everyone I know. I WANT to see an ALTERNATE SUCCESS METHOD ADDED To the step of Winter's Presence that currently Is TOTALLY Blocked to me by the Jumping Puzzle. **Suggestion: ** add a token to the end reward of the WD PvP / WvW reward tracks. That is, a token that is one of the reward choices for the capstone gift. Five tokens pays for BYPASSING the WD JP and GIVES you that part of the collection achievement.

> > > >

> > > > Nuff said.

> > >

> > > I hope they dont add an alternate method. Its a prestige item and its meant to be rare. If you cant manage the JP at all then sucks but you didnt achieve it and so shouldnt get it. Idk why people think they are entitled to rewards they dont earn?

> > >

> > > I want mini llamas since im a mini collector but suck at pvp and wont ever earn them all. I dont complain about it because its my own fault.

> > >

> >

> > LEGENDARIES ARE PRESTIGE ITEMS. Anything else is, by default, NOT. Now, how is it that you can't earn mini llamas? I'd have to check, but buying llamas requires pvp league tickets, right? SO if you PvP ENOUGH, even if you are losing EVERY match, you WILL earn enough tickets to buy your llamas. Sure, IF YOU LOSE EVERY MATCH, it's going to take a while. I PvP whenever I can, and funny how you earn those league tickets EVERY time you earn a REWARD chest. EVEN IF you LOSE EVERY GAME, that means you get some tickets after SEVEN games (I think?) for the Very First chest. 20 reward pips I think. Seven losses.

> > And pardon me, but seeing as I do PvP all the time, LOSING every match is just Bull. Your example is equally Bull. In PvP , you GET progress EVEN if you LOSE. See reward pips. But with the dreaded JP of doom, losing aka dying every time GAINS YOU NO PROGRESS.

> > So your example is not only totally erroneous and fundamentally flawed... it's worthless.


> legendaries are prestiege items and so are rare skins, especially auras. you are entitled in this game to any item which gives you an advantage. you should be able to aquire these items from any conrent in game to play how you want. so :

> exotic and ascended gear

> sigils and runes

> experience points

> hero points

> possibly mastery points


> you are not entitled to any skins, auras or convenience items. you are expected to earn these.


> the newest llamas require you to place 1st or 2nd in monthly tournaments (silver and gold llama).


You can buy most convenience items. Ditto for most skins. I've been working on getting a legendary, just need to study/go thru the precursor crafting cycle in Tyria. Sorry bout the lllamas, but again, you can BUY most minis. The only skin I can think of that has been repeatedly barred behind a JP is Winter's Presence, especially since the devs offered an alternate method to earn the boots for Halloween vice completing the MKCT. An alternate method... where have I heard that idea before?

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> @"Nightshade.5924" said:

> > @"zombyturtle.5980" said:

> > > @"Nightshade.5924" said:

> > > > @"zombyturtle.5980" said:

> > > > > @"Nightshade.5924" said:

> > > > > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> > > > > > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > > > > > > > I would like to also add that I wish they took out the freezing on Quaggan path. It's not very scenic.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > Even if they added an option for "scenic buff", that would last til you leave the instance or finish the jp, and you can only get 1 gift at the end while you have that buff on you.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > Edit:question.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > If you reach the fire by the presents jumps, is it possible to respawn there? Or do you have to repeat the snowflakes each time you fail at the gifts?

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > It's a less than 2min jp, and ofc you can't respawn at the fire.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > A check point would've been nice, specially when the instance refreshes, which happened to me last night.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > And it might be 2 minutes for you, but some of us have a hard time with that. ..and would like to be given a lil more time, to really enjoy the puzzle at more relaxed pace..or there are those that are just unable to aim the cameras and plan their jumps in time as the health trickles away.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > One word.

> > > > > > Practice.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > You will eventually find some confidence by doing the JP over and over, and then you will realize that is not that hard at all ( and the time granted is fair ).

> > > > > > Also, the last part is the easier ( Danikat here above made a nice post to show how to handle the JP ).

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I started with the high diff and needed more or less 30 tries to accomplish the first chest.

> > > > > > Now is pretty easy though sometimes i miss something ( we are humans and it happens :lol: ).

> > > > > >

> > > > > > The Quaggan ones has 2 sticks which could be the harder part, and since you can't practice on them but you have to redo all the path it could be frustrating, i do understand.

> > > > >

> > > > > "Not hard at all". If this was true, then ANYONE could do this puzzle in say, 100 tries. But no, that's not the case. Last year alone I tried the old version OVER 100 times and never GOT TO THE FIRE. NEVER GOT FARTHER THAN 22 MELTING SNOWFLAKES.

> > > > >

> > > > > IS it easier? Yes. Have I made it to the fire yet? NO. I'm about 80 tries again this year, and only FOUR TIMES have I made it to the SECOND set of double candy canes. OUT OF EIGHTY ATTEMPTS. EIGHT ZERO TRIES AND FROZE TO DEATH OR FELL OFF EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

> > > > > I really wish I could subject EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU (*^%$ that says that this puzzle is "easy" to something that YOU hate to do. Like say eat liver, eat broccoli, say something Nice about President Trump, get run over by a bike, SOMETHING that would DRIVE it home to you all that there are things that EVERYONE is bad at, that there are things that some of us HATE to do BECAUSE WE ARE BAD AT THEM.

> > > > >

> > > > > Serious question.. just HOW many times would ANY of you try something and FAIL badly at before you said... "wow, I just can't do this." It is Important to KEEP in mind that YOU are failing BADLY AND KNOW IT. Whatever the task is, YOU are TOTALLY UNABLE TO COMPLETE EVEN HALF OF IT BEFORE TIME RUNS OUT. OVER AND OVER AGAIN. HOW MANY TIMES WOULD YOU TRY UNTIL YOU SAID "BLEEP THIS"?

> > > > >

> > > > > That Is MY personal situation. And in a couple more days I'm going to shake my head again, and say bad things about the WD JP to everyone I know. I WANT to see an ALTERNATE SUCCESS METHOD ADDED To the step of Winter's Presence that currently Is TOTALLY Blocked to me by the Jumping Puzzle. **Suggestion: ** add a token to the end reward of the WD PvP / WvW reward tracks. That is, a token that is one of the reward choices for the capstone gift. Five tokens pays for BYPASSING the WD JP and GIVES you that part of the collection achievement.

> > > > >

> > > > > Nuff said.

> > > >

> > > > I hope they dont add an alternate method. Its a prestige item and its meant to be rare. If you cant manage the JP at all then sucks but you didnt achieve it and so shouldnt get it. Idk why people think they are entitled to rewards they dont earn?

> > > >

> > > > I want mini llamas since im a mini collector but suck at pvp and wont ever earn them all. I dont complain about it because its my own fault.

> > > >

> > >

> > > LEGENDARIES ARE PRESTIGE ITEMS. Anything else is, by default, NOT. Now, how is it that you can't earn mini llamas? I'd have to check, but buying llamas requires pvp league tickets, right? SO if you PvP ENOUGH, even if you are losing EVERY match, you WILL earn enough tickets to buy your llamas. Sure, IF YOU LOSE EVERY MATCH, it's going to take a while. I PvP whenever I can, and funny how you earn those league tickets EVERY time you earn a REWARD chest. EVEN IF you LOSE EVERY GAME, that means you get some tickets after SEVEN games (I think?) for the Very First chest. 20 reward pips I think. Seven losses.

> > > And pardon me, but seeing as I do PvP all the time, LOSING every match is just Bull. Your example is equally Bull. In PvP , you GET progress EVEN if you LOSE. See reward pips. But with the dreaded JP of doom, losing aka dying every time GAINS YOU NO PROGRESS.

> > > So your example is not only totally erroneous and fundamentally flawed... it's worthless.

> >

> > legendaries are prestiege items and so are rare skins, especially auras. you are entitled in this game to any item which gives you an advantage. you should be able to aquire these items from any conrent in game to play how you want. so :

> > exotic and ascended gear

> > sigils and runes

> > experience points

> > hero points

> > possibly mastery points

> >

> > you are not entitled to any skins, auras or convenience items. you are expected to earn these.

> >

> > the newest llamas require you to place 1st or 2nd in monthly tournaments (silver and gold llama).


> You can buy most convenience items. Ditto for most skins. I've been working on getting a legendary, just need to study/go thru the precursor crafting cycle in Tyria. Sorry bout the lllamas, but again, you can BUY most minis. The only skin I can think of that has been repeatedly barred behind a JP is Winter's Presence, especially since the devs offered an alternate method to earn the boots for Halloween vice completing the MKCT. An alternate method... where have I heard that idea before?


Its true you can buy most convenience and skins, doesnt mean ALL skins have to be able to be bought, since you arent entitled to them. I want to make it clear that im not hoping you fail in getting your skin, nor do I care about items prestige. I honestly wouldnt care if anet gave you personally the skin for free. What I do care about is lack of incentive to repeat content, which occurs from content either being made far too easy to cater to even the most unskilled players, or more convenient alternatives being offered.


Like most people in this game (not all but the majority) I play this game to earn rewards. Its fun to play content once or twice for the experience but after that there needs to be additional motivation to go back and replay it over. I get this movitavtion from the fun of setting a goal to gain a reward, and making progress towards that reward by completing collections, earning gold ect. By removing the necessity of the JP in the collection, theres now no motivation to go back and play it ever again since its lost its unique reward. This means JP content is devalued significantly and I think thats a bad thing and something I dont want to see happen in gw2. If it was just this once instance, I wouldn't mind but if they do it for this JP, people will expect them to do it for all. Like whats happened with mad kings clock tower.


You can argue that this is the only skin locked behind a JP (its not, legendaries require JP too) but whats to stop me saying I hate bell choire, I cant hit the notes and I want it removed or alternatives given, same for toypocalypose because I might not want to play in a group. If we cater to everyones personal preference on content, we end up with a situation where the unique wintersday aura can be obtained without doing a single wintersday activity, and it becomes pointless to repeat wintersday activities more than once. So for this reason I think its a good thing to lock cosmetic items behind specific content, but ofc not items that provide an advantage.

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> @"Nightshade.5924" said:


> "Not hard at all". If this was true, then ANYONE could do this puzzle in say, 100 tries. But no, that's not the case. Last year alone I tried the old version OVER 100 times and never GOT TO THE FIRE. NEVER GOT FARTHER THAN 22 MELTING SNOWFLAKES.


> IS it easier? Yes. Have I made it to the fire yet? NO. I'm about 80 tries again this year, and only FOUR TIMES have I made it to the SECOND set of double candy canes. OUT OF EIGHTY ATTEMPTS. EIGHT ZERO TRIES AND FROZE TO DEATH OR FELL OFF EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.


It's really sad that you were not able to do the JP yet... and I understand your problem and your frustration. I have poor motor skills and because of that most JPs are extremely difficult for me. I hate them so much! In my opinion you came really far, I think it took me many more attempts to reach the second set of candy cane bars. After I practised the JP for a long time, I finally made it to the end, and now I can even do the Snowman path 9 times in a row. So please don't give up with the JP, I'm sure you can do it, too... but just like me you need more practise in such things than other players. Try to be patient, listen to some music while you do the JP and make short brakes after 15 minutes of jumping. It can also be helpful to practise it shortly before you go to bed, because your brain will learn sequences of movement while you sleep.


Do you hold the right mouse button to control your camera?

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> @"Kal Spiro.9745" said:

> > @"Gudy.3607" said:

> > > @"Kal Spiro.9745" said:

> > > For the presents, try to jump past the first row of presents, the long flat ones. Jump for the middle present on that second row

> > I can not do this. Jumping, dodging, dodge-jumping, doesn't matter. Unless that first row of blue presents is there for me to jump on, I can't make that jump. I've tried. Last year and the year before. I can't.

> This actually works very differently this year. The snowflakes refresh faster so there's is no waiting for them, and the presents all pop simultaneously. If you can't make it to the second row you're not out of luck, as long as you jump with everyone else. You'll still want to hussle, though, since you'll be a jump behind.

The presents all coming in simultaneously is the key change that - for me - transformed the Wintersday JP from "I'm never going to touch this thing again" to "Oh, the JP is part of the Dailies today? OK, let's hop in and do this instead of finding 15 orphans in DR." I haven't yet tried the gingerbread path, but I'm fairly comfortable on the snowman path.


So thanks, ANET, for the very welcome changes to the Winter Wonderland JP, and thanks to everyone here who pointed out the undocumented changes!

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I'm one of the worst jpers in the game, it took me a couple years to do the puzzle and now even the ginger bread path is not bad. The puzzle is objectively easy, it's the mental aspect of being timed that freaks people out. Unless you have severe disabilities you _can_ make the jumps because _I_ can and I'm awful, so just get comfortable with the pressure until it's not pressure anymore, the same way you got used to merging into traffic despite dangerous time pressure.


Or don't, it really doesn't matter if you can't do the puzzle. =)

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