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Wintersday JP


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I wish people would stop holding up little kids as a reason for shaming people who find this sort of thing hard. Children have a much easier time with it because they _have_ to be able to learn fast. Show me a senior citizen doing the same and it'll be so much more impressive -- but still no reason to attack those who struggle.


> @"Dreamy Lu.3865" said:

> My only critic to this JP: Personally, I am enormously disturbed by the other players, especially Charrs and Norns due to their size. Why is it not possible to do like in the Mad Clock Tower JP => Replace other players by little twisters? That's really something I would enjoy.


Snowballs! Little jumping snowballs. Or gingerbread people. Either would crack me up. ;)



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> @"Dreamy Lu.3865" said:

> I did all paths and had fun at them. I find it very good that they created different level of difficulty. Thanks to the easy level, several of my friends now give a try again to this JP, although they had totally abandoned it the previous years.


> My only critic to this JP: Personally, I am enormously disturbed by the other players, especially Charrs and Norns due to their size. Why is it not possible to do like in the Mad Clock Tower JP => Replace other players by little twisters? That's really something I would enjoy.



They should all be mini Foostivoo the Merries.

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> @"Robban.1256" said:

> You know that there's a 5 years old girl who did complete winters day jp last year? (= 1mode=hard) in less than 2min and 30 sec


Congratulations, you have unlocked teabagging level 5, go to the bar and get a free milkshake ^^. You can not relate from one person to others, we are humans, not coconuts. This community has countless of elitists, who let cm fractals and raids look like childsplay. It is easy to find a person who can solo the IMPOSSIBLE in record time, and prove all complaints and nerf-requests to be invalid. But comparisons like this are not reliable in any way. And adding a ridiculous low age, just proves you have special person with greater talent than the average. I can find a 4 year old girl, beating you in a chinese language test, because it is her naitve language and not yours. Sounds fair, huh?


I grew up with platformers in my early teens, for me the wintersday JP is a walk in the park, even on hard mode. But that is not the point. I have seen and heared from friends and guildmembers who have great struggles with the puzzle. People who have never played a platformer in their entire life, people who did competitive for years, only. People who have not the best reflexes. With training it is possible for sure. Quaggan is possible, no doubt. But how many of us have a job, or go to school/university? And how many of us have a RL, family, friends and pets who want attention. All I asked for, was to remove the debuff in the quaggan path with an NPC and a reduction of the loot if done so. For those of you who have already forgotten it, the Winters Presence is locked behind that JP. If you want the shoulder-piece, you have to complete it. And if you cannot, you are screwed.


In this years halloween event, ANet gave us an alternative to the JP. We were able to craft the armor-parts as well. Not the best solution, but imho a good one and one into the right direction. Away from forced content. JPs are a niche at best. The majority of the community only does them for the AP and because they are dailies, and even then most rather wait for a friendly mesmer with his portal. I am a huge fan of JPs, but I do not see a reason to force people into that content.



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> @"HnRkLnXqZ.1870" said:

> > @"Robban.1256" said:

> > You know that there's a 5 years old girl who did complete winters day jp last year? (= 1mode=hard) in less than 2min and 30 sec


> Congratulations, you have unlocked teabagging level 5, go to the bar and get a free milkshake ^^. You can not relate from one person to others, we are humans, not coconuts. This community has countless of elitists, who let cm fractals and raids look like childsplay. It is easy to find a person who can solo the IMPOSSIBLE in record time, and prove all complaints and nerf-requests to be invalid. But comparisons like this are not reliable in any way. And adding a ridiculous low age, just proves you have special person with greater talent than the average. I can find a 4 year old girl, beating you in a chinese language test, because it is her naitve language and not yours. Sounds fair, huh?


> I grew up with platformers in my early teens, for me the wintersday JP is a walk in the park, even on hard mode. But that is not the point. I have seen and heared from friends and guildmembers who have great struggles with the puzzle. People who have never played a platformer in their entire life, people who did competitive for years, only. People who have not the best reflexes. With training it is possible for sure. Quaggan is possible, no doubt. But how many of us have a job, or go to school/university? And how many of us have a RL, family, friends and pets who want attention. All I asked for, was to remove the debuff in the quaggan path with an NPC and a reduction of the loot if done so. For those of you who have already forgotten it, the Winters Presence is locked behind that JP. If you want the shoulder-piece, you have to complete it. And if you cannot, you are screwed.


> In this years halloween event, ANet gave us an alternative to the JP. We were able to craft the armor-parts as well. Not the best solution, but imho a good one and one into the right direction. Away from forced content. JPs are a niche at best. The majority of the community only does them for the AP and because they are dailies, and even then most rather wait for a friendly mesmer with his portal. I am a huge fan of JPs, but I do not see a reason to force people into that content.




Nobody is being forced into that content. It is 100% optional. Nobody needs the Winters Presence skin. There are many shoulder skins that do not require completion of JPs.


No matter how easy they make the JP there will still be people who can't complete it. There will always be a minimum level of skill to complete this or any JP, and some portion of the player base will be below that skill level. If ANet were to do what you want and lower the difficulty and rewards for the Quaggan path even further it would allow some players to complete it who currently can't, but it would also nerf the rewards for the larger group of players for whom Quaggan path is well tuned now.



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> @"Kal Spiro.9745" said:

> For the presents, try to jump past the first row of presents, the long flat ones. Jump for the middle present on that second row

I can not do this. Jumping, dodging, dodge-jumping, doesn't matter. Unless that first row of blue presents is there for me to jump on, I can't make that jump. I've tried. Last year and the year before. I can't.


And since there is a noticeable delay before that last row of presents appears (*) and everyone else seems to be able to make that jump past the first row, thus starting the cascading explosion before I even make it off the candy platform, I have no chance to finish the jumping puzzle unless I happen to land in a very underpopulated instance or there is a rare lull in the near-constant stream of JP farmers whizzing past.


I rather enjoy every other bit in that jumping puzzle both before and after those presents, but the intentionally frustrating design of that staircase of exploding presents means that I won't spend a lot, if any, time there this year.


(*) At least there has been in previous years. I haven't been in there this year so far, but nothing I've heard about the reworked Wintersday Jumping Puzzle has given me any indication that ANET has fixed that particularly frustrating PvP aspect of the jumping puzzle.

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> @"Gudy.3607" said:

> (*) At least there has been in previous years. I haven't been in there this year so far, but nothing I've heard about the reworked Wintersday Jumping Puzzle has given me any indication that ANET has fixed that particularly frustrating PvP aspect of the jumping puzzle.


They've made the blue present row appear at the same time as the other presents this year. Good luck.

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> @"Shard.4791" said:

> > @"Gudy.3607" said:

> > (*) At least there has been in previous years. I haven't been in there this year so far, but nothing I've heard about the reworked Wintersday Jumping Puzzle has given me any indication that ANET has fixed that particularly frustrating PvP aspect of the jumping puzzle.


> They've made the blue present row appear at the same time as the other presents this year. Good luck.


Yep, it wasn't in the patch notes but it another nice change to the puzzle this year. Makes that first jump a lot easier.

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I'm not interested anymore in showing off with things like "Haha I did the hard path 20 times in a row!"

I'm past that now... gone casual. Life and work does this to you yep..

But the 3 difficulties method was BRILLIANT and you can see that by reading the map chat, the guild chat and seeing the newbs in the quaggan path. There's a lot of them.

Finally casual players have a chance to participate and the rewards are also balanced. If you want the shiny then do the hard path. Don't care about the shinies? Easy path for the fun and the achievements.

Now do this for the raids aswell and you'll get even greater results! And perhaps for the Mad King's Clocktower aswell.. I haven't bothered with it in years, I keep falling constantly.

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A nice change indeed..

But PLEASEEEEEE make the rest of players into wisps like in cloktower- i am fed up with not seeing where i am because of yet another fat and overgrown norn or charr on steroids- and there is no way to wait till they run past- you will go splat!

The only way around would be to go there with my biggest charr character and simply disregards how my actions are affecting fun for others- not a thing i would want to do :(

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@"Danikat.8537" thanks very much for the walkthrough. This year, for the first time, I made it to the exploding gift checkerboard, so my goal is to get past that. (I don't have high hopes because I always mangle timed jumps, especially with a deadline and no portal). Without the clear, step-by-step description, I'd have no hope at all. (Videos aren't helpful to me because of, well, a sort of learning disability.)

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No to making quaggan easier. Its easy enough. If they nerfed it anymore they would have to remove all achievements and presents from the end. You would get pretty much nothing for completing it because it required no skill to do.


Unfair on players who can only complete quaggan atm but still want to do their achievements. Maybe they could put a easy mode mote at the start of snowman path with disables all achievements and rewards and also the cold buff meaning you can take w.e path you want and experience the content once. People would probably still complain they cant get their winters shoulders collection done on super easy mode though.

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> @"Nightshade.5924" said:

> > @"notebene.3190" said:

> > How easy is the Quaggan? Is it still time gated, or can you take your time? Does it count as 'completing the puzzle' for achievement purposes, like Winter's Presence collection?


> It's still time gated. And that being the case, this JP is still UN doable for me. Very nice effort by the devs, I DO appreciate that after THREE years that you devs FINALLY altered the WD JP so most people have a chance to complete it. Bravo Zulu on your hard work and effort.


> Unfortunately... that does NOT include me. After 20 attempts on Quaggan, I got to the second set of candy cane bars twice... and died from freezing. I simply CANNOT jump fast enough. I CANNOT complete a puzzle like this, or any jumping puzzle for that matter, ON THE CLOCK. If I try to go faster, I inevitably start missing jumps... and having to start all over.


> I'm pretty sure in ALL of my previous posts I said that the TIME element was one of the largest problems that I have had w/ this puzzle. I'm pretty sure that I REPEATEDLY said that I NEEDED a NON timed version in order to have a chance to complete it. So... STILL UNHAPPY. STILL NON COMPLETED. STILL (&^%$$$%&&**# FRUSTATED. STILL PERPLEXED over the heinously EVIL lack of regard of my repeated commentary on this topic.




They could also just make a path where you talk to an NPC and it ports you to the end. :)

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> @"FrouFrou.4958" said:

> Confession time: I have to admit that whenever I get stuck with a charr or a norn doing the same path as I do... I tend to do crazy/wiggly jumps to freak them out and make them fall. I do not appreciate having max sized fashion disasters with massive buttcapes blocking my view, so off they go!


Does that actually work? People have put targets on me to try to make me fall as well, but I just ignore it. I think it actually makes other people fall instead. :)

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> @"Nightshade.5924" said:

> > @"notebene.3190" said:

> > How easy is the Quaggan? Is it still time gated, or can you take your time? Does it count as 'completing the puzzle' for achievement purposes, like Winter's Presence collection?


> It's still time gated. And that being the case, this JP is still UN doable for me. Very nice effort by the devs, I DO appreciate that after THREE years that you devs FINALLY altered the WD JP so most people have a chance to complete it. Bravo Zulu on your hard work and effort.


> Unfortunately... that does NOT include me. After 20 attempts on Quaggan, I got to the second set of candy cane bars twice... and died from freezing. I simply CANNOT jump fast enough. I CANNOT complete a puzzle like this, or any jumping puzzle for that matter, ON THE CLOCK. If I try to go faster, I inevitably start missing jumps... and having to start all over.


> I'm pretty sure in ALL of my previous posts I said that the TIME element was one of the largest problems that I have had w/ this puzzle. I'm pretty sure that I REPEATEDLY said that I NEEDED a NON timed version in order to have a chance to complete it. So... STILL UNHAPPY. STILL NON COMPLETED. STILL (&^%$$$%&&**# FRUSTATED. STILL PERPLEXED over the heinously EVIL lack of regard of my repeated commentary on this topic.




Not all content is designed for everyone. If you cant even do basic video game stuff as running and jumping then sorry.. i guess you never played Nintendo 64/ps1 era jump and run games. And if you dont try and improve but instead come to a forum to complain then it is your fault. Patience,determination,improvement

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> @"FrouFrou.4958" said:

> Confession time: I have to admit that whenever I get stuck with a charr or a norn doing the same path as I do... I tend to do crazy/wiggly jumps to freak them out and make them fall. I do not appreciate having max sized fashion disasters with massive buttcapes blocking my view, so off they go!


It's the samem people who bring umbrellas to a football stadium. Norn or Charr with trenchcoats covering the whole platform, seriously guys? In a stadium, you can politely ask them to fold the umbrella so you can see the game, and if they don't comply, there's always the beer shower option. Here, you can just make room for them and hope to find a rhythm where you don't meet them.


Yesterday I got into an instance for myself, no other player on the path, no 30 minutes timer. I rarely failed a jump, it's the other players that make the difficulty of the JP. I think I did the JP for an hour before leaving my instance ^^

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> @"FrouFrou.4958" said:

> Confession time: I have to admit that whenever I get stuck with a charr or a norn doing the same path as I do... I tend to do crazy/wiggly jumps to freak them out and make them fall. I do not appreciate having max sized fashion disasters with massive buttcapes blocking my view, so off they go!

There is no greater joy than to see one of those trenchcoated abominations miss a jump. It's better than finishing the course for the umpteenth time. The reward of a few presents can't compete with the satisfaction of seeing an eyesore slowly fade fade from sight as they descend into the depths of failure.


That's my sincere sentiment. And let's face it, there's something definitely wrong when seeing people fail is the best part of a GW2 activity.

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> @"CedarDog.9723" said:

> > @"FrouFrou.4958" said:

> > Confession time: I have to admit that whenever I get stuck with a charr or a norn doing the same path as I do... I tend to do crazy/wiggly jumps to freak them out and make them fall. I do not appreciate having max sized fashion disasters with massive buttcapes blocking my view, so off they go!


> Does that actually work? People have put targets on me to try to make me fall as well, but I just ignore it. I think it actually makes other people fall instead. :)


It doesn't always work, but more often than not it does. I never put targets on though :x

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> @"zombyturtle.5980" said:

> No to making quaggan easier. Its easy enough. If they nerfed it anymore they would have to remove all achievements and presents from the end. You would get pretty much nothing for completing it because it required no skill to do.


> Unfair on players who can only complete quaggan atm but still want to do their achievements. Maybe they could put a easy mode mote at the start of snowman path with disables all achievements and rewards and also the cold buff meaning you can take w.e path you want and experience the content once. People would probably still complain they cant get their winters shoulders collection done on super easy mode though.


I actually like that idea. Have an NPC or a challenge mote or something you can speak to at the start which will completely disable the cold damage, but also means if you get to the end you get no gifts, no karma and it doesn't count for any of the achievements.


It could be really useful as a practice mode, but also a nice opportunity to actually look at the scenery and explore the course a bit more. I know there's probably not much to it (at least not since they fixed the bug where you could drop to the ground and run around down there) but it would be nice to get to see it.


But most importantly a practice mode could be really useful. Like if I'm having trouble with a particular course in a racing game I'll often do it on Time Trial mode to learn the course, before attempting it properly with all the other people around. Then I look like some kind of evil wizard who is amazing at Rainbow Road because no one knows how many times I've actually done it.

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