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axe offhand still better then sword offhand


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> @"Flauvious.6195" said:

> Sword does way more damage though. Although who cares, they clearly want rev to be garbage so what does it really matter which bad weapon you use. I'm going to go make a mirage so I can be one of the dev's favorites and not feel sad after every balance patch.


Whats the point? Better to.. play another game. SOmething ive decided mid s2 and i dont regret that decision at all.

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> @"Burtnik.5218" said:

> > @"Flauvious.6195" said:

> > Sword does way more damage though. Although who cares, they clearly want rev to be garbage so what does it really matter which bad weapon you use. I'm going to go make a mirage so I can be one of the dev's favorites and not feel sad after every balance patch.


> Whats the point? Better to.. play another game. SOmething ive decided mid s2 and i dont regret that decision at all.


What other game? So tired of mobas. This game would be great if the balance just wasn't terrible.

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> @"Flauvious.6195" said:

> > @"Burtnik.5218" said:

> > > @"Flauvious.6195" said:

> > > Sword does way more damage though. Although who cares, they clearly want rev to be garbage so what does it really matter which bad weapon you use. I'm going to go make a mirage so I can be one of the dev's favorites and not feel sad after every balance patch.

> >

> > Whats the point? Better to.. play another game. SOmething ive decided mid s2 and i dont regret that decision at all.


> What other game? So tired of mobas. This game would be great if the balance just wasn't terrible.


Well i play Smite for pvp which.. well its a bit similiar to gw2 combat due to camera position but yeah.. its moba after all, i plan to join SPL for season 5 there. Then theres relaxing Path of Exile for pve.

Upcoming Ashes of Creation looks promising tho.

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> @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

> Sword has more damage potential but axe is more reliable and useful.


I would say sword is more reliable since the gap closer still works if dodged and sword 4 is much harder to dodge than axe 5. Though neglecting enemy dodges, axe definitely has more utility with both a gap closer and an aoe hard cc vs. a gap closer and aoe soft cc.

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> @"Vasdamas Anklast.1607" said:

> > @"thebatman.6250" said:

> > Just gonna throw this out there for you lads:

> >

> > Each off hand has a place in pvp. Also shield > axe/sword.

> Can I board on that time machine too plz?


He's right. In a conformed team with a FB support cleansing conditions a Herald using sw + shield + staff just won't die: sword evade, staff evade, shield block, Glint block, multiple blinds, multiple access to protection, tons of cc... Axe is better in solo games because no one is gonna cleanse the wells the Scourge is going to put under your feet once you use Crystal Hybernation, so Frigid Blitz and Temporal Rift at least will keep te enemy busy spending evades (or eating cc + burst). Yes, off hand sword does more damage and lets you to kill more, at the exchange of being killed more (which in a game mode based on controlling points lends to a defeat).

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I just miss Duelist's Preparation and cc on sword so much :disappointed:, sure the animation was bugged and nobody bothered to fix it, but it really gave Revenant that assasin vibe. I don't understand why cant be both flip over skills. Let us have all 4 four skills. Duelist's Preparation to Shackling Wave and Deathstrike first part to Grasping Shadow. All with 10 energy cost and 15 sec CD and let us decide when we need to use them.


Deathstrike and Shackling Wave have no synergy. It just doesnt make sense, at least with Grasping shadow you imobilizzed enemy so you can pull him, but now ....

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Whilst axe offhand is more reliable, I never went back to it after trying new offhand sword just for the sword 4, speaks for itself. Sword 5 is a cheap gap closer and even more so now that they've reduced energy and cd, and if you can flash in some quickness it helps to land the chain skill a lot more.


Saw a couple of posts here a few weeks ago talking about hammer instead or staff, so I tried it and have to say it is a lot better. You have sword/sword for bursting at close range and hammer for bursting/pressuring from afar and the combination works surprisingly well, and I feel it adds some much needed variety to the otherwise clunky and extremely predictable melee-based playstyle with staff. Also, you'd be surprised at how much burst hammer can put out if you never played it in WvW.

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> @"Buran.3796" said:

> > @"Vasdamas Anklast.1607" said:

> > > @"thebatman.6250" said:

> > > Just gonna throw this out there for you lads:

> > >

> > > Each off hand has a place in pvp. Also shield > axe/sword.

> > Can I board on that time machine too plz?


> He's right. In a conformed team with a FB support cleansing conditions a Herald using sw + shield + staff just won't die:

won't die and won't do damage for the most part. you can even pick retri if you got at it


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> @"Miles Smiles.8951" said:


> won't die and won't do damage for the most part. you can even pick retri if you got at it



Retribution line does nothing. I used it in condi builds until got butchered circa October 2016 and then became useless. Then I got used to play power without access to stab and now for me is one of those traitlines I never need to check due I known that has no use in the game, as when played Guard I knew that spiritual weapons and signets were hot garbage. Shield is not for tanking, is for having sustain under the help of allies. If you PvP solo or roam alone, I find the axe better. Shield also is bad in WvW raids due it roots you and in zerg vs zerg immobility kills you. But fighting with friends in a small 5-6 team or in a conformed team at PvP the shield works very well.

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> @"thebatman.6250" said:

> > @"Vasdamas Anklast.1607" said:

> > > @"thebatman.6250" said:

> > > Just gonna throw this out there for you lads:

> > >

> > > Each off hand has a place in pvp. Also shield > axe/sword.

> > Can I board on that time machine too plz?


> sarcasm won't make you any better at this class :^)


Ready to stand for that sarcasm any time. Despite I wasn't even being sarcastic lol

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