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An Idea For Deadeye Kneeling

Priestes Of Dragons.5287

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I Think it would be kinda nice for the Rifle Skill Kneel that perhaps since your having to park on the ground to be vulnerable, if perhaps dodging took 50% endurance instead of the full 100% since you still are kneeling when dodging, or even a revamp trait line called like "Steady Aim" where if you kneel you get a buff for 5 seconds, rifle skill range is increased by 200. I kinda feel like the rifle kneel mechanic is a neat idea, but not really fleshed out, since most classes have some sort of leap or sprint ability to get out of your range. I mean I dont know I would love to know what people think.

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I know it feels janky for awhile but I think you can get used dodging when you need to and immediately clicking Free Action if needed. Kneeling might get into overpowered territory since that would be double the evades while plugging away with Three Round Burst or something. I'd like the kneeling icons to be more purple or a different color maybe, I sometimes get knocked out of Kneel and think I'm about to use 3RB or DJ and end up Deaths Retreating instead.

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I'd like to see them replace kneel with an "aim down sight" mechanic instead. Basically all normal skills (the non-kneeling ones) would have their range cut down to the 600-750 range, but you'd get a passive +25% move speed bonus, strong sustained damage, and an evade skill on it that granted Superspeed. Kneeling would be replaced by limiting you to walking speed (-66%), but change over your skills to the (mostly) current ones with 1200-1500 range with stronger sustained damage than currently, more control, and a slightly weaker burst.

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I can see a lot of points, its just the hardest thing for me is I feel like they dont know where Rifle should be. An example to me is that it feels like a PvP weapon but im sure they know whats more important than condition or healing, or raw power is Mobility. Its Mobility that allows you to stay in the fights,wrack up your damage or conditions and take your target down. Even the Classic Daredevil D/P is get in the fight, hit them hard and get out and alot of weapons provide it. Rifle's mobility is kinda lack luster and its core design is "Low mobility High Dps reward" and yet, even that doesn't seem to work since a lot of times the profession is heavily reliant on malice, which needs time to rack up which means you must be in the fight long enough to sustain that heavy damage. Kneeling on the other hand is the definition of "no mobility high dps" which I can understand, but if you wish to do this, you have to allow us to do that. Core example to me is why does Deadeye Mark has a cast time? If I am set to kneel and burst my target down it shouldn't have it. example to me is that I see a target, kneel, cast the mark, and they leaped away out of range, which in turn I am forced to stand and re-position, and to be honest, most people die to Deadeye because A. They are not paying attention, or B. They think they can tank the damage or burst them down fast enough.


PvE is really all about AoE, so many weapons provide some sort of AoE damage to clear the mobs quickly, effectively and efficiently,. yet I feel rifle lacks this since none of our skills pierce except one, and its overall not good in damage (this isnt including recent patch as I haven't had time to see it") so I feel like the rifle was ment to be an exciting pvp weapon, but is kinda in limbo on what it should and can be. Honestly I feel like that sums up the entire profession clearly, "An exciting class that doesn't know what it wants to be"


The rifle is ment to be a long range weapon but the rangers are able to shoot farther and still keep their mobility. I mean thats my two cents of it really.



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> @"kash.9213" said:

> I know it feels janky for awhile but I think you can get used dodging when you need to and immediately clicking Free Action if needed. Kneeling might get into overpowered territory since that would be double the evades while plugging away with Three Round Burst or something. I'd like the kneeling icons to be more purple or a different color maybe, I sometimes get knocked out of Kneel and think I'm about to use 3RB or DJ and end up Deaths Retreating instead.


I agree with you that having a more clear indication of when your kneeling or not would be nice. I make that mistake all the time XD

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  • 3 weeks later...

While the Endurance thing would be nice. I would just like a damn audio queue for when I leave kneel. Its annoying to kneel, get knocked out of it, and not realize it because your focused on the legendary in front of you.

As for Range, I feel like, atlest in PVE, range is fine where we're at. Any further, and I wont be able to support my team nearly as much with boons and condition shares.

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