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How many characters do you have World Completion on?


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7 (one for every class, except for engi and revenant). I tried to do the completion for newer maps as well, but ultimately i haven't done a complete set of HoT on any single character (or at least i don't think i do) - i have all of the maps (for the gifts for Nevermore), but on different chars. I just disliked those maps way too much to go through with it. And that caused my desire to have completion on any subsequent maps and characters to go down significantly.

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I think 6? Not sure at this point...

I did my first ~1 month into the game, maybe two...

Of all those only two were 100% explored before they removed WvW from the exploration, my ranger and guard (my second and first character to 80 respectively).

My engi was like half way done to complete WvW when they removed it, so that was a instant 100%. My necro was also clsoe and was my 4th character to 100%.

After that i stopped doing world explore, and pretty much only lveled up one char without boosts (my revenant), lvled up my warr with boosts (i basically only played warr in pvp before that).

After PoF launched, i finally lvled up my last two chars to 80 (thief and ele - yes it took me over 5 years to get one of each to 80, sue me), and after mounts i finished Ele and Rev (which i'd already leveled up through map completions) explores, and am working on my mesmer now. Which will leave only my thief and warr (both were lvl boosted to clear out the shared slots) to finish map explore. And i don't plan on having any more lvl 80 characters so that'll be it.

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I have done it 17 times already, out of which 3 as WvW was part of it. I have 2 toons on it currently. I always keep world completion on going as a side activity (low priority) with one or more toons. It is never an objective. It is more something that I combine with whatever my target is, by doing the few pois, hearts and vistas around where I am. Eventually, with time passing, when I reach about 80% done, I then increase a bit the priority to finish it.

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I've got Tyria core map completion on 8 characters (one of each profession except Revenant).


By comparison, I only have LS & HoT map completion on only 1 character, and I still haven't finished up all the PoF maps yet. I'd be more inclined to finish non-city maps on additional characters if it was guaranteed to give a black lion key. Everytime I get a lousy transmutation charge instead it feels like a kick in the teeth.

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I have one character with 100% completion of all maps except the new guild hall and the raid maps, and I've even unfogged all of the raid areas and soloed my way to the first PoI in a couple. That character and one other completed Core Tyria to 100% when WvW was still required for that, and the second one has completed all of the HoT & Season 3 maps, plus Istan, and she's making headway into the PoF maps.


My third Core Tyria to 100% was spared the WvW requirement, but I have a fourth character to 80% that did all the WvW maps before that changed. I have three more characters somewhere in the 70-79% completion range, and one more with around 60% for Core Tyria.

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I recently completed it on my first toon. I have a few that aren't too far off, but do you get the rewards more than once? I thought only the first completion was rewarded. If not, it might be worth doing I guess, but frankly it's a lot of time for not much payoff. I'll get there eventually just through day-to-day playing without making it a goal.

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> @"Biff.5312" said:

> I recently completed it on my first toon. I have a few that aren't too far off, but do you get the rewards more than once? I thought only the first completion was rewarded. If not, it might be worth doing I guess, but frankly it's a lot of time for not much payoff. I'll get there eventually just through day-to-day playing without making it a goal.


You still get all the normal rewards for completing a map, two Gifts of Exploration, and a gold star for your character's name plate each time. The only one-off reward is the "Been There, Done That" title.

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With so much to do in this game, my inability to focus on one character I don't think Ill ever get 100% world completion. Do you still have to have the WvW maps for 100% world completion?


With a 1 year break between release and HoT, then nearly another year break between HoT and PoF, my 'Main' (guardian) only has 63% map completion. I need to find an active guild lol. Course I dont game as much as I used to either.

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I did it twice, back when I had to go to WvW to complete it. One on my main character, then again on my sylvari whose entire thing was about searching the whole world for the most beautiful place(s) to add to the Dream. It seemed churlish of me to deny her actually getting the gold star.


But I burned out on it thanks to the WvW stuff. I may at some point do it again but since legendaries are not a thing I typically work on, there's no overall carrot to induce me to it. Instead I follow Lulle's guide ( https://oopsy.enjin.com/forum/m/41271713/viewthread/28848825-law-lulles-advanced-worldcompletion-guide ) for occasional map clearing with friends and at some point will de facto get completion on my Holosmith as she's the one I've been doing that on.

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