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100 CM is no longer fun

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I should have clarified, I was frustrated when I wrote that. I'm not one to first say "broken" because something is hard, it's just the history of this fight that leads me to believe it's broken again. I'm familiar with CMs, been doing both daily for awhile, and I agree having many things going on at once is part of what makes them fun. What seems off specifically to me is Anomaly timing. The condi ramp changes may be playing a role in killing Anomaly but it still seems off as our group wasn't using a build that was really affected at all by those changes.


My issues are two fold:


1) The time between the Anomaly spawning and the red skull detonating feels very short. Comparing with old YouTube clears (back the last time this mechanic worked at all) it seems to be a lot shorter now.

2) There are multiple scenarios where there can be simultaneous fail condition timers. This is exacerbated by (1) above because there's very little time now to kill Anomaly so the timers are unforgiving. Simultaneous timers would be okay if you had time for both. If Anomaly spawns with blooms or breakbar, you have to be doing two mechanics simultaneously with unforgiving timers and a group wipe if failed.


I would be curious to hear from Ben if he is happy with how Arkk plays right now on CM. If he is and it's finally tuned how he wants it to be, then I'm wrong and so be it that's how the fight is meant to be we'll have to figure it out. The history of this fight however leads me to believe it's just broken again.

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You are having an issue because this should literally be the only actually time that this mechanics is working as intended. The mechanics has also been fixed in normal 100 with the LS patch and it is exactly the same just without having to kill the anomaly. It is annoying but give it time to learn it and get used to it.

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I think due to the difficulty and annoyance of many of the mechanics many people just avoid this challenge mode all together and stick to Nightmare. I know I do. But the toxicity when you try to get a group for 100 cm is unbelievable. Granted it's partially warranted because of the difficulty, but in general it highlights a particular behavior I specifically switched to this game to avoid.


I honestly wouldn't mind it getting another pass to make it a bit easier. Or at least a bit of a damage reduction for certain abilities. Vinastra has a lot going on, and there's a lot of damage to try and avoid. Ark is relatively fine until about 30%.


I just don't even bother with 100 cm anymore though. You're either stuck creating your own group and getting a bunch of people that have never stepped foot in it, or joining a group and being the weakest link because you don't have 1003030200320 essences and 53 titles proving how amazing you are.

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> @"Adamantium.3682" said:

> I should have clarified, I was frustrated when I wrote that. I'm not one to first say "broken" because something is hard, it's just the history of this fight that leads me to believe it's broken again. I'm familiar with CMs, been doing both daily for awhile, and I agree having many things going on at once is part of what makes them fun. What seems off specifically to me is Anomaly timing. The condi ramp changes may be playing a role in killing Anomaly but it still seems off as our group wasn't using a build that was really affected at all by those changes.


> My issues are two fold:


> 1) The time between the Anomaly spawning and the red skull detonating feels very short. Comparing with old YouTube clears (back the last time this mechanic worked at all) it seems to be a lot shorter now.

> 2) There are multiple scenarios where there can be simultaneous fail condition timers. This is exacerbated by (1) above because there's very little time now to kill Anomaly so the timers are unforgiving. Simultaneous timers would be okay if you had time for both. If Anomaly spawns with blooms or breakbar, you have to be doing two mechanics simultaneously with unforgiving timers and a group wipe if failed.


> I would be curious to hear from Ben if he is happy with how Arkk plays right now on CM. If he is and it's finally tuned how he wants it to be, then I'm wrong and so be it that's how the fight is meant to be we'll have to figure it out. The history of this fight however leads me to believe it's just broken again.


Mesmers can do the breakbar alone.

There is more than enough time during the solar bloom phase to do the anomaly and the solar blooms. You are just used to the fact that the mechanic was absent.

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> @"Miellyn.6847" said:

> There is more than enough time during the solar bloom phase to do the anomaly and the solar blooms. You are just used to the fact that the mechanic was absent.


I'm not sure about this. The anomaly is on a timer. The two mechanics can overlap pretty horribly now due to anomaly spawning and orbs already linked to players and floor timer around half to wipe. Don't think it's intended because in this case neither orbs first-anomaly after nor anomaly first-orbs after works. We had this issue yesterday and no chance at all when it happened.

Safe strat can be dmg stop before the phasing but in my opinion this is a lame design.


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> @"Turin.6921" said:

> You are having an issue because this should literally be the only actually time that this mechanics is working as intended. The mechanics has also been fixed in normal 100 with the LS patch and it is exactly the same just without having to kill the anomaly. It is annoying but give it time to learn it and get used to it.


I think this is part of the problem tbh, if you don’t do 100 CM every day then you may have had very different encounters, from the snooze fest before the patch to the kittenshow of a mess it was at release or just after. This is probably the most inconsistent fractal if only because it changes almost every major patch when something breaks.

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> @"Talindra.4958" said:

> XD i hvent tried the CM after the patch. .. i actually fear to enter hahahaha................................


Takes some time to get used to the changes. Both the anomalies were made relevant again and we lost the distorts on red orbs. My group wiped a few times yesterday because of these, but people will adjust soon enough.

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I stopped playing fractals altogether when they introduced CM modes. I dislike the direction fractals have taken becoming more like 5 man raids than fun content, if I wanted to raid I would, I don't for a reason, I came to GW2 because it had no raids (at the time), I raided in WoW for many many years and quite frankly if I never do another raid again I will be happy. Now that even fractals have become like mini raids I don't care if I never do them again either.


TLDR fractals are now like 5 man raids, and I'm done with raiding.

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> @"Vavume.8065" said:

> I stopped playing fractals altogether when they introduced CM modes. I dislike the direction fractals have taken becoming more like 5 man raids than fun content, if I wanted to raid I would, I don't for a reason, I came to GW2 because it had no raids (at the time), I raided in WoW for many many years and quite frankly if I never do another raid again I will be happy. Now that even fractals have become like mini raids I don't care if I never do them again either.


> TLDR fractals are now like 5 man raids, and I'm done with raiding.


No one is forcing you to do CM though. If you don;t like them, then don't play CM. I fail to see any logic that would lead from not enjoying CM to quitting fractals entirely.

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Was quite refreshing to see which players played through the original iteration of Arkk and which players only encountered the bugged Arkk. Felt exactly like the it did at the beginning but there is indeed a small difference: Green, Anomaly and Bomb did spawn a little staggered and now they appear at the very same moment. Not too much of a hassle though if your group knows what to do. :)

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> @"Vavume.8065" said:

> > @"OriOri.8724" said:


> > I fail to see any logic that would lead from not enjoying CM to quitting fractals entirely.


> Pinciple of not liking the direction, therefore I'm not supporting the mode by playing it.



Despite the fact that the devs literally said that was only the direction for those 3 fractals, and explicitly telling us that is not the direction fractals are headed? You just sound like you are making excuses

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> @"Benjamin Arnold.3457" said:

> I ran 100CM yesterday, it seems to be working fine! We wiped once on aartsariiv and arkk but were able to clear it



I appreciate the response and confirmation that it's working as intended. It must have been difficult wrangling this fight into submission from a design side.


I think the Anomalies are too fast and that's really it. 1 or 2 more seconds on them would fix what I considered to be "broken" in the OP. When I did it with a group who has been doing CM's for awhile with 4 dps builds it was 50/50 whether we killed it in time. I'm sure part of it is needing practice with what is essentially the first time this fight is working properly. I just think part of it is also the Anomalies are so fast.

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> @"Miellyn.6847" said:

> > @"Adamantium.3682" said:

> > I should have clarified, I was frustrated when I wrote that. I'm not one to first say "broken" because something is hard, it's just the history of this fight that leads me to believe it's broken again. I'm familiar with CMs, been doing both daily for awhile, and I agree having many things going on at once is part of what makes them fun. What seems off specifically to me is Anomaly timing. The condi ramp changes may be playing a role in killing Anomaly but it still seems off as our group wasn't using a build that was really affected at all by those changes.

> >

> > My issues are two fold:

> >

> > 1) The time between the Anomaly spawning and the red skull detonating feels very short. Comparing with old YouTube clears (back the last time this mechanic worked at all) it seems to be a lot shorter now.

> > 2) There are multiple scenarios where there can be simultaneous fail condition timers. This is exacerbated by (1) above because there's very little time now to kill Anomaly so the timers are unforgiving. Simultaneous timers would be okay if you had time for both. If Anomaly spawns with blooms or breakbar, you have to be doing two mechanics simultaneously with unforgiving timers and a group wipe if failed.

> >

> > I would be curious to hear from Ben if he is happy with how Arkk plays right now on CM. If he is and it's finally tuned how he wants it to be, then I'm wrong and so be it that's how the fight is meant to be we'll have to figure it out. The history of this fight however leads me to believe it's just broken again.


> Mesmers can do the breakbar alone.

> There is more than enough time during the solar bloom phase to do the anomaly and the solar blooms. You are just used to the fact that the mechanic was absent.


More than enough meaning it's possible? I agree, because we were able to do it 50/50. I just think it's too fast.


Of course I was used to the fact the mechanic was absent, so were you and everyone else haha... There's really no question left that this is how it's supposed to be, my experience wasn't great last night but it is what it is. I hope I'm the only one and it's just a matter of getting used to it, I don't want the fight nerfed I just think the Anomaly is 1 or 2 seconds too fast.

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> @"OriOri.8724" said:


> Despite the fact that the devs literally said that was only the direction for those 3 fractals, and explicitly telling us that is not the direction fractals are headed? You just sound like you are making excuses


Devs say one thing and do another, talk is cheap, you sound like you believe what you are told, I don't.

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> @"Vavume.8065" said:

> > @"OriOri.8724" said:


> > Despite the fact that the devs literally said that was only the direction for those 3 fractals, and explicitly telling us that is not the direction fractals are headed? You just sound like you are making excuses


> Devs say one thing and do another, talk is cheap, you sound like you believe what you are told, I don't.


They said they were done with introducing fractals that are meant to be hardest ever after shattered observatory. They said they are done with CM for hte time being. Lo and behold, new fractal is not a new 100 fractal, its not the new hardest, and it comes without a CM.


I believe Ben because when he tells us he's going todo something, he does it.

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