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Can we have more of Rox please?


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I think the reason people like her is exactly because she isn't much of anything, as silly as that may be. Marjory and kasmeer are tumbling down generic lover's quarrel lane, Rytlock and Canach (while fun) are an endless stream of snark and sarcasm, Taimi is a plot device that always somehow gets herself in trouble, and Braham is still taking out grief on almost everyone around him. The game's current story is like a rusty, dilapidated engine that's still forcing itself to fire on all cylinders while backfiring out the tailpipe. People like Rox because she's relaxed and works actively to calm the scene down around her and give the player some breathing room. That's not exactly praise of her character, but rather she hasn't done anything for people to be annoyed with her yet, and unfortunately the state of affairs around her makes her more tolerable by default.

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> @"Cuon Alpinus.7645" said:

> I think the reason people like her is exactly because she isn't much of anything, as silly as that may be. Marjory and kasmeer are tumbling down generic lover's quarrel lane, Rytlock and Canach (while fun) are an endless stream of snark and sarcasm, Taimi is a plot device that always somehow gets herself in trouble, and Braham is still taking out grief on almost everyone around him. The game's current story is like a rusty, dilapidated engine that's still forcing itself to fire on all cylinders while backfiring out the tailpipe. People like Rox because she's relaxed and works actively to calm the scene down around her and give the player some breathing room. That's not exactly praise of her character, but rather she hasn't done anything for people to be annoyed with her yet, and unfortunately the state of affairs around her makes her more tolerable by default.


Exactly this. If I had to choose between eating a bland poptart vs a wad of tinfoil, I'd probably go with the bland poptart.

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Definitely agree. First, Rox is charr, and we need more charr and less whiny boring humans in our story. Especially since the Commander is behaving more and more like a human no matter what race your character is. That alone earns her +500 awesomepoints.


And anyone who got to play Season 1 knows: Rox definitely does have personality. She's suffered the loss of her entire warband (essentially what she considers family) in a mining accident, and as a gladium is an outcast and a disrepute in charr society. But Rox is steadfast - she's ready to do what it takes to earn her place back into charr society, which is what impressed Tribune Brimstone. He ran her through the paces, and she still persevered despite everything should could angst over. But she wasn't willing to sacrifice her friends (like she lost her warband) for the mission - that makes her a less than ideal charr, and she knew it'd cost her the chance to reenter charr society. She is loyal. Steadfast. And cool-headed.


In a lot of ways, her personal loss of her family and the opposite reaction she really had to it compared to Braham makes her the perfect foil for Braham. It explains why she feels she can guide him, despite his emotionalness. She'll spit for luck, despite not having found a lot of it for herself. And she cares for others, whether for her pet, Frostbite, or her comrades, like Braham.


I dig when Rox is part of the story, if only because she's the least whiny NPC we've had around in ages. And she's certainly the most mentally stable of all the potential members of Dragon's Watch.

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> @"Altion.9576" said:

> I like her Because shes not a Snobbi little ugly ear pointed Elf eeerr I mean Asura, Shes not a Bald baby throwing Tantrums, shes not a stupid lesbian with a weak plot for fanservice, shes calm, she lost a lot and despite that Rox keeps walking forward.


You didn't say anything about Jory, tho.


And had you said anything about Canach, I'd have some choice words for you.

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> @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > @"Altion.9576" said:

> > I like her Because shes not a Snobbi little ugly ear pointed Elf eeerr I mean Asura, Shes not a Bald baby throwing Tantrums, shes not a stupid lesbian with a weak plot for fanservice, shes calm, she lost a lot and despite that Rox keeps walking forward.


> You didn't say anything about Jory, tho.


> And had you said anything about Canach, I'd have some choice words for you.


Canach is cool so no complains there.

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first off, as an Asura. we not pesky, you just ignorant.


2nd...yeah i'd like more Rox...but as long as she's following Mr. Moody Emo Suicide Future. I don't want her. If she leaves him. then sure.

but i'd rather not have her near me and constantly asking me "how do you think he's doing"


Braham has a future with my greatsword's tip if Jormag doesn't eat him first. the less i have to be reminded of him, the better. if that means no rox. then so be it.



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I haven't touched this game for a long time, but I was there when they introduced Rox. As I can remember Rox and Braham have great synergy going on. Rox background is that she lost her crew and trying to get into Rytlock's gang. However in the mix of battle during S1 she and Braham teamed up to defeat the troublemakers. They succeeded and started enjoying each other company. Thanks to Rox company Braham was able to move on from his rejection a girl he used to like. Rox eventually stopped going to Rytlock's gang meetings because she started to enjoy Braham's company more. At this point the two are practically a tight duo until more allies joined their group.


If she hasn't gotten any good development after that then they need to rekindle what made her important in the first place.

1. Braham and Rox have great synergy so it needs to be stronger.

2. She should become more reliable for the team and comes up with great strategy plans. Since she's a ranger she can be the trapping strategy type that can sometimes lead to an perfect ambush giving the team the advantage.

3. She should develop some personality traits so she can be recognize for who she is such as being very supportive for Braham, charming, fierce, clever, charismatic, adaptable, articulate, good-natured, passionate, confident, skillful, sociable, calm and collective.

4. She should have some counters that could give her a challenge which builds character development.

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  • 5 months later...

Personally, I think due to some dialogue with Botticca during "A Kindness returned", where Rox mentions that she doesn't have Warband, plus the fact she fights with distinction with the Olmakhan, that she will choose to join them and will be elected to replace Elder Narn on the Olmakhan Council.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> I have to ask, since I see this written a lot. What makes her so likeable to everyone? She has very little personality and almost no character development since LS1. Any other character who appears with those traits seems to get slammed by the community, but Rox seems to have bucked that trend


> I assume she's so bland as to be utterly inoffensive, but I am genuinely curious as to why so many people like her


I think the reason she lacks a back story and personality is because it might be slightly twined with another charr we know but sense that charr went missing for a long period of time then came back at a point where we kind of didnt have time to worry about growing personalities as there was a dragon trying to turn everyone's brains/bodies into plant food. Rox never really got the screen time along side rytlock to have that personality.


I have a feeling unless Rytlock suddenly gets more screen time along with Rox then we wont see her personality build. She cant really build it along side the Grumpy norn because he is too focused on being a grump and even if they chose to build it in twined with such a grumpy norn it would be one that not many players like or approve of.


People like probably her because unlike most charr character anet shells out into the stories she has a heart and compassion even in the most grim situations its possibly her lack of a personality that allows her to always stand tall and offer empathy when other characters cant or are too distressed to do so and even with under developed personality its the one thing she has that most charr dont show because they are born and raised not to.


Rytlock for example expresses some empathy but he often smart mouths it and was not always like that and has changed a good bit over the living stories. Even now he refuses to show his soft spots often or anyway near the same as Rox does. He shows it to the player character but thats only because he has grown to respect/like the player character more over the years. Rox respected and showed compassion right away without smart mouthing or hiding it.

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