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How is the new balance patch guys and gals?

Reaper Alim.4176

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> @"Genesis.5169" said:

> Inb4 condition still OP posts from people who refuse to run any form of condition removal.



Ok, I run a power Herald with Cleansing Channel; I have access to a cleansing in staff #4 (Renewing Wave) and sigil of cleansing; three sources provide breakstuns and Riposting Shadows cures chilled/immobilized/cripple. That's not even enough to deal with what a single condi class can spam in 5 seconds, so (aside from avoiding being hit), tell me what choices in gear, legend and traits you would make to run the class making the condi meta tractable.

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> @"Buran.3796" said:

> > @"Genesis.5169" said:

> > Inb4 condition still OP posts from people who refuse to run any form of condition removal.

> >


> Ok, I run a power Herald with Cleansing Channel; I have access to a cleansing in staff #4 (Renewing Wave) and sigil of cleansing; three sources provide breakstuns and Riposting Shadows cures chilled/immobilized/cripple. That's not even enough to deal with what a single condi class can spam in 5 seconds, so (aside from avoiding being hit), tell me what choices in gear, legend and traits you would make to run the class making the condi meta tractable.


Define condition spam for me really quick like child i'm not following.

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> @"Genesis.5169" said:


> Define condition spam for me really quick like child i'm not following.


Necro's Corrupt boon.

Mirage's F1, F2, F3, F4, F5 (properly traited).

Necro's Staff.

Thief's Unload (properly traited).

Scourge's Shades rotations...

... You known, when in matter of three seconds you end flooded by condis and even if you blast all your cleans dealing with them just doesn't matter because seconds later the same guy can barrage an astonishing amount of condis again. So, what would be your choices?



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> @"Buran.3796" said:

> > @"Genesis.5169" said:


> > Define condition spam for me really quick like child i'm not following.


> Necro's Corrupt boon.

> Mirage's F1, F2, F3, F4, F5 (properly traited).

> Necro's Staff.

> Thief's Unload (properly traited).

> Scourge's Shades rotations...


> You known, when in matter of three seconds you end flooded by condis and even if you blast all your cleans dealing with them just doesn't matter because seconds later the same guy can barrage an astonishing mean amount of condis again. So, what would be your choices?




So spam is using your cd's some of which are very long and cannot be used for 10+ seconds.




So can i say anyone in power who uses more then 2 skills in succession is also spaming?

Cause you basically just explained how one plays the game in general, is there some unwritten rule some where that only power skills can be used in quick succession of each other regardless of how long the cds are?


Can you show me where or give me a little detail i'm having trouble following this chain of thought work with me i'm a little slow when it comes to this.

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> @"Genesis.5169" said:


> So spam is using your cd's some of which are very long and cannot be used for 10+ seconds.

> Huh.

> Okay.


> So can i say anyone in power who uses more then 2 skills in succession is also spaming?


> Can you show me where or give me a little detail i'm having trouble following this chain of thought work with me i'm a little slow when it comes to this.


As a general rule I have no ethical problems with classes being able to put stacks of the same condition or even different conditions as long as those condis are mere damage (outside confusion). But I do have problems if the conditions are cc related, and for that case my definition of span is: "I put cc on you, you use one of your scarce skills to cure it, and doesn't matter because I can repeat the proccess eight times in a row in the next ten seconds and you won't be able to prevent most of those effects".


So, if you are not able to notice a discrepance in the game between the amount of debuffs some classes are able to chain, and the means that most of clases can use to deal with those debuffs I would say, yes, you're a bit slow. Still: what would be your advice? Because I have no problems with Warriors or Engies or Guardians or Rangers or Thieves spamming tons and tons of skills whith physical damage (some of those classes with a fair amount of soft and hard cc, also), but when it comes to deal with condi spammers as Necros and Mesmers (well, mostly Mesmer variants: I've measured the Necros fairly well) the only word it comes to my mind is "abuse".

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> @"Buran.3796" said:

> > @"Genesis.5169" said:


> > So spam is using your cd's some of which are very long and cannot be used for 10+ seconds.

> > Huh.

> > Okay.

> >

> > So can i say anyone in power who uses more then 2 skills in succession is also spaming?


> > Can you show me where or give me a little detail i'm having trouble following this chain of thought work with me i'm a little slow when it comes to this.


> As a general rule I have no ethical problems with classes being able to put stacks of the same condition or even different conditions as long as those condis are mere damage (outside confusion). But I do have problems if the conditions are cc related, and for that case my definition of span is: "I put cc on you, you use one of your scarce skills to cure it, and doesn't matter because I can repeat the proccess eight times in a row in the next ten seconds and you won't be able to prevent most of those effects".


> So, if you are not able to notice a discrepance in the game between the amount of debuffs some classes are able to chain, and the means that most of clases can use to deal with those debuffs I would say, yes, you're a bit slow. Still: what would be your advice? Because I have no problems with Warriors or Engies or Guardians or Rangers or Thieves spamming tons and tons of skills whith physical damage (some of those classes with a fair amount of soft and hard cc, also), but when it comes to deal with condi spammers as Necros and Mesmers (well, mostly Mesmer variants: I've measured the Necros fairly well) the only word it comes to my mind is "abuse".


So you don't have an issue with conditions you have and issue with necros and mesmers.

I still don't get what you mean by spamming if half the skills your talking about have a minimum of a 6second cd, but thanks for clearing that up gw2 lingo these days is a bit much.


Here's my advice and view on the matter, power damage directly kills you and immediate and if you fail to defend against it, It's permanent and only can be undone using a heal which tend to have large cds. Where as condition damage can be avoided on application like power, and avoided after activation as well, and given that it takes longer for damage to come at now you every second that damage ticks is an opportunity for counterplay again power does not suffer from this not only that but you have the opportunity to remove the benefits of using multiple skills that apply the same condition with 1 skill, where as in power that is impossible unless the attacker willingly hits you while your invul or blocking etc which again condition also suffers from.


I advise you if you don't run condition removal run it, and if you do, don't immediately cleanse you should wait for stacks of 3 or higher of damaging conditions to cleanse, and use your stun breakers to break stuns and not your condition removal and if your one of the classes where you stun breaker and your condition removal is the same skill i suggest you trait some sort of condition removal.


As a mirage player i run Elusive, runes of the sunless, arcane trickery and the trait that reduces condition duration by 20% which gives me -35% condition duration on me 2 cleanses (although locked behind dodge which comes at a greater cost then just using a skill) and condition transfer. Other classes have the ability to do the same albeit or worse or better at condition control then others but the tools are there you just need to use them.

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> @"Genesis.5169" said:


> As a mirage player i run Elusive, runes of the sunless, arcane trickery and the trait that reduces condition duration by 20% which gives me -35% condition duration on me 2 cleanses (although locked behind dodge which comes at a greater cost then just using a skill) and condition transfer. Other classes have the ability to do the same albeit or worse or better at condition control then others but the tools are there you just need to use them.


Yo should try to play a Herald against yourself, or just against another Mirages (jus to gain some perspective, probably won't hurt that much). I do think that confusion as a concept is a mistake, because turns around forcing the other player to not use its skills, and as happens with all the passives the skills and traits designed to not be actively used are an error and should be ditched from the game. Stealth and confusion (in that order) are imo the worst stains in the combat system this game has.

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I liked the ele and revenant nerf. It was a nice touch. I will always respect a nerf. The game needs a kittenton of it.

FB's buff was funny. It's always good to laugh. So I give this patch a thumbs up.


Balance patchs are so entertaining, I will check back in 2 months for sure.

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The patch did nothing, condi bombing is still the way to go.


Conditions need to be NORMALIZED.


Each condition from a single player needs to stack by duration and not intensity, intensity being stacked by multiple players appliying the same condition. Then they need to balance the expected condition damage and rework from there.


Pve wise, this patch literally did NOTHING, viper is still the way to go.


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> @"Ara.4569" said:

> I liked the ele and revenant nerf. It was a nice touch. I will always respect a nerf. The game needs a kittenton of it.


ANet outdone themselves this time; if you run a Herald and use shield #4 with Expose Defenses out of cooldown it puts 5 stacks of vulnerability in the Herald. Must test if also affects your team mates.


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> @"Buran.3796" said:

> > @"Ara.4569" said:

> > I liked the ele and revenant nerf. It was a nice touch. I will always respect a nerf. The game needs a kittenton of it.


> ANet outdone themselves this time; if you run a Herald and use shield #4 with Expose Defenses out of cooldown it puts 5 stacks of vulnerability in the Herald. Must test if also affects your team mates.






/10 chars


UPD Checked ingame and it didn't apply 5 stacks on me?

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> @"Genesis.5169" said:

> Inb4 condition still OP posts from people who refuse to run any form of condition removal.



Because if the confusion isn't cleansed (which is isn't half the time), you take damage for using a cleanse. Complaints about confusion are legitimate. Nothing should stack confusion as quickly and frequently as Mirage does.

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> @"Genesis.5169" said:

> > @"Buran.3796" said:

> > > @"Genesis.5169" said:

> > > Inb4 condition still OP posts from people who refuse to run any form of condition removal.

> > >

> >

> > Ok, I run a power Herald with Cleansing Channel; I have access to a cleansing in staff #4 (Renewing Wave) and sigil of cleansing; three sources provide breakstuns and Riposting Shadows cures chilled/immobilized/cripple. That's not even enough to deal with what a single condi class can spam in 5 seconds, so (aside from avoiding being hit), tell me what choices in gear, legend and traits you would make to run the class making the condi meta tractable.


> Define condition spam for me really quick like child i'm not following.


You're a scourge and you press all your buttons

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> @"Genesis.5169" said:


> I still don't get what you mean by spamming if half the skills your talking about have a minimum of a 6second cd, but thanks for clearing that up gw2 lingo these days is a bit much.


When 90-95% of your skills remove a boon, apply a condition, or in most cases, both, that is spam.


Are you being intentionally obtuse? The very fact that you stated you're basing your build around avoiding condition damage proves there's a problem. You shouldn't have to do that to even manage competence when facing a condition build.

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The moment they added boon corrupt to an auto-attack. We probably should've seen this as a sign the developers had lost it... I'm not saying it was the beginning, but everything since then has been under the same mentality.


It used to be you used abilities to gain boons, or remove them, now there things are so passive... Passives, and spam are gw2 pvp now... There are some exceptions, but meta doesn't let it exist. Just too much powercreep to the point you can aoe a point and kill everyone on it.... To kill people, you used to need to focus them down.... Shame, I loved this games pvp, but this patch didn't do enough, and it never will I think. The design is the problem, not the balance per se. (at least, based on how gw2 operates)

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