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Is it 2015 again?


Since condition types are standardized across classes and skills, and are lumped together, conditions will pretty much always be at the top of the death's breakdown. If conditions on the death breakdown where split based on the skill that applied them, then you would not see so many condis on your death breakdown.


Besides the Death Breakdown is rarely accurate. For example yesterday I was playing my ele and was fighting a far node 1v1 against a warrior, and was easily able to sustain through all of the warrior stuff. Then a thief came in and instantly vaporized me. Did any of the thief's skills show on my death breakdown? Nope.


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> @"breno.5423" said:

> > @"choovanski.5462" said:

> > everything is fine

> >

> > reroll firebrand


> This burn came from a dragonhunter in the first picture.


I'm joking around dude


I'm suggesting you reroll to firebrand because it's the only thing that lives vs condi spam in current meta.




as an aside, those post death logs are actually a terrible way to evaluate what's OP.


regardless, both of the classes that run condi in the current meta, scourge and mirage are both OP.


but on the other hand, burn guard wasn't that good pre patch- and was nerfed heavily in the patch. so if burn guard is giving you issues, and you're not playing rev you have issues my dude.

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> @"Genesis.5169" said:

> Hey, OP can you show us your utility bar for those games?


Well he is definitely a thief, and judging from where he died he is probably using a melee weaponset. Most likely a typical d/p setup, possibly s/d.


In the second picture he downed the necro he was fighting, but then was downed himself by the necro's downstate and then lost the downstate fight.

In the first pic he died to a x/sh + x/Torch burn DH. I'm not sure how a thief managed to get hit by Zealot's Fire in the first pic. Zealot's Fire struggles to hit any kind of moving target, let alone a target as mobile a s a thief.


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> @"Crinn.7864" said:

> In the first pic he died to a x/sh + x/Torch burn DH. I'm not sure how a thief managed to get hit by Zealot's Fire in the first pic. Zealot's Fire struggles to hit any kind of moving target, let alone a target as mobile a s a thief.



Maybe Judge's Intervention while throwing Zealot's Fire. Paired with Focus n°5 (Shield of Wrath) is a good burst combo.

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Not sure why you are dying with Shadowstep, Signet, IS and EA for cleanse. I have seen a surprising number of thieves with signet on their bar simply fail to use it.


Also not sure why you are trying to 1v1 a DH as a Daredevil. Probably a waste of time given that two of your team were dead/about to die.

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LOL.... you realize that what you posted is basically all the damage of that type (burning, bleed, etc.) lumped up together, right? So from all sources.


Ok so.. before dying, in your first screenshot, OP, you took 60 hits of burning. **_SIXTY HITS!!!!!!!!!!!_**

*calms down * okay. So the average damage per hit is, yes-you-guessed-it 780 damage per hit. Wow such damage.

Now imagine you take 60 hits of power damage from a power spec. How much damage would that amount to? 70,000? 100,000? You're basically dead.


I'm not even gonna mention your second screenshot (ok maybe I will), where you also take 60 hits from burns and 66 hits from torment.... and the average burn damage is 600 per hit, and average torment damage is 250 per hit. Now once again, imagine being hit 126 times (60+66) with power damage skills. Would you be dead? Of course you would :)




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