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Town clothes Dye jobs

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Let me start off with saying Thank you Anet and to the person/persons responsible for making the Town clothes once again useable.

My only concern or complaint is minimal at that. The 3 dye channels ? Tops and bottoms dyeing together ? It is making it hard to dye them. Was it difficult to give a fourth dye channel ?

Happy Wintersday everyone :3

Country Lace, Khaki, the Hoodies are some that only have 3 channels. The common has 4 channels but the 4th channel doesn't seem to even work there.

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  • 8 months later...

Ugh just got the designer hoodie from the lion statue guy and its just so stupid that the shoes, pants, AND shirt are the same color?? Please fix this, it cant be that hard since the default clearly has different dyes for all of these three, and the 4th dye channel does not serve a purpose.

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The hoodies a while back USED to have all 4 working, but now it's just 3 dyes and one that doesn't do anything. I've never seen the common clothing have the 4th slot working but it would be nice if they fixed it.


(I wish the pants and shirt could be dyed separately as well but I doubt that's ever going to happen. :c )

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> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> The clothing outfits really need a pass because having the pants on some share a color on the shirt is really ugly.


Pants, belt and boots are not adequately dyeable in any way. And what's even worse is that the ones with four dye channels are even more screwed up when it comes to dying all elements properly (_the fourth channel isn't even working at all_).

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FYI you can preview dyes on outfits before buying them, although it's a bit complicated.


First, go to the Black Lion vendor and preview the outfit you want to see. Now, WIThOUT CLOSING THE PREVIEW WINDOW, open up the TP and search for the dyes you want. It has to be on the TP (or your inventory, I guess) because you need the actual dye item. Right click on the dye from the TP and preview you it. It will go into one of 4 slots in the preview window. You can also dismiss them from those slots to try another one.


The Ornate and Country have decent dye patterns, at least the human variants. Some of them are really very fugly though - these outfits are ancient. On the upside, you can get looks that aren't available anywhere else in the game- like FRIKKEN PANTS. Definately preview them carefully before buying though.

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> @"Rhyse.8179" said:

> FYI you can preview dyes on outfits before buying them, although it's a bit complicated.


> First, go to the Black Lion vendor and preview the outfit you want to see. Now, WIThOUT CLOSING THE PREVIEW WINDOW, open up the TP and search for the dyes you want. It has to be on the TP (or your inventory, I guess) because you need the actual dye item. Right click on the dye from the TP and preview you it. It will go into one of 4 slots in the preview window. You can also dismiss them from those slots to try another one.


> The Ornate and Country have decent dye patterns, at least the human variants. Some of them are really very fugly though - these outfits are ancient. On the upside, you can get looks that aren't available anywhere else in the game- like FRIKKEN PANTS. Definately preview them carefully before buying though.


That doesn't help solving the issue with the completely messed up dye channels for the town clothing that was added last December. All those outfits' dye channels are **very** obviously _broken_ and inadequate and haven't been fixed to date. No other outfits act this messy regarding dye channels.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> That doesn't help solving the issue with the completely messed up dye channels for the town clothing that was added last December. All those outfits' dye channels are **very** obviously _broken_ and inadequate and haven't been fixed to date. No other outfits act this messy regarding dye channels.


It's not obvious to me that they are broken. It just looks like a weird design decision, which is entirely consistent with, oh, nearly every other outfit in the game. (And also many armor sets and more than a few mounts and gliders.) I hate that saddles on mounts are dyeable (usually) and that half of the glider colors are fixed, limiting the possible dyes we can use. I wish there was some consistency, with adornments (e.g. buttons) always getting a separate channel from primary materials, and both of those separate from trim.


I'd like for ANet to change this, but I don't think it helps to call it a bug when it's just a (major) difference of opinion about what looks good.

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