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GW2 has recently started to eat GPU alive

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As the title says, I've noticed that after thirty or so minutes of playing or more, the GPU use just keeps going up and up once I've gone past character select even once. So clearly, there is a data leak in the game somewhere, which I know has been an issue for a while, but it was always small before and could take hours to have a serious effect. Now it takes less than an hour. The wintersday patch seems to have put the last nail into the coffin so to speak. I was just curious if the source of it is known and being looked into, because I can literally hear it as my towers fans kick it up to deal with the stress being put on the computer. Obviously I close the game whenever it does, but that shouldn't be the only real solution.

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> @"sweetrules.8359" said:

> Well, to clarify, I think I mixed them up again. It still slolwy eats CPU, but the issues with the game seem to be mainly on Anet's end, considering it's up in flames again tonight. As for GPU, I might need to do some maintenance, I think that one is on my end.


Have you got numbers? If it slowly "eats your cpu", can you show it? What cpu do you have?


GW2 strongly uses the CPU, but that is expected. .most high end games do. But making full use of it...doesn't mean it's too much.


AFAIK, most leaks of power/memory would eventually cause the computer to crash. Has you're computer crashed recently?

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