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Should Be Nerf Winds of Disenchantment Radius

Jerry CCH.9816

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> @"Caedmon.6798" said:

> > @"Jerry CCH.9816" said:

> > Winds of Disenchantment is Good skill but need Reduce Radius :)

> > look this vid

> >

> >


> Tons of aoe's,tons of condi aoe spamm..But the issue is wod ? Atleast u dont get 20 stacks of torment/burn/bleed/poison on u when u walk through wod !


its funny how in this game you dont even know what u need to hit first all that matters is aoe stack and try to cath more than adversary aoe catch on your side... meanwhile NERF WoD XD...


i would rather first see a reduce in aoe and cleave spamming.. make utilities unique to avoid stacking and then see if WoD needs a readjustment...

WoD imo is still fine **DUE HOW EASY IS TO SACK BOONS** cause everything is boons rather than have its how mechanics like gw1 had.



WoD might be to much, i do as well agree with those players, but its a bad thing to counter another bad thing.

Just like 100% resistance uptime was to counter condi spam and the easy stacking was a way to avoid balance the gameplay.

is awful

Imo the gameplay would be more skilled with less cleave and aoe spam so each class needed to know what they could counter or needed to go for, rather than stack more than enemy has is the way to win.

Lure wars is just a basic tactic, present in any kind of game, being fps, rts, mmo...

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> @"TwilightSoul.9048" said:

> > @"ThunderPanda.1872" said:

> > > @"BassHunteR.7246" said:

> > > Super easy to avoid. 60% warriors waste it to soon or completely miss the enemy group..

> > > Just another circle to avoid on the ocean of red scourges can throw.

> > > Im a main warrior and i didnt even buy the expansion. Not worth it..

> >

> > But it denies a huge place where the enemy group will stand, ofc only useful if your group can recognize and exploit it


> So does a well placed meteor shower or pretty much every strong AoE.

> Biggest differences are:

> a) there aren't many meteor showers because for some reason backline staff weavers aren't popular

> b) most AoE's aren't as visible as WoD which makes WoD more likely to be blamed for problems


> Honestly in my experience, a well placed meteor shower causes a lot more problems than 2-3 average WoD, of course sometimes there's a warrior that gets a really good WoD right inside the enemy blob - that of course is very disruptive. But mostly that can be avoided by good movement and reactions, if a warrior was able to walk straight into your zerg than it's likely you weren't paying attention.


> I still think nerfing Enchantment Collapse to reduce the impact of WoD would easily be enough while keeping the utility of WoD.

> It's been said many times: The impact of WoD can be avoided either entirely or partialy while there is nothing you can do about Enchantment Collapse.


The difference is, I can stand in a meteor shower and ignore it, as the chances of more than one rock hitting me is remote in a group situation, and it takes a long time to cast it. It's not hard as a warrior to time your WoD to stop a push in it's tracks whereas a push will merrily run through a meteor shower without even noticing it. Not only that, regen etc will mitigate almost all the damage from the shower. There is no such mitigation from WoD which strips all boons instantly- which makes that huge patch of ground a death trap.


Maybe they should make it so no conditions can be gained while in the bubble.


Whereas wind is a huge bubble that covers way too much ground and last way too long. null field is one boon, 5 targets, 5 pulses- it's so weak no one even brings it any more.


Not only does it strip boons but it also eats missiles- why? Is boon strip not OP enough??


Hey, maybe the solution is to buff null field to the same as WoD and give mesmers a decent elite?

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this skill is fine,

1. it added relevance to the warrior class

2. It counters the completely boring meta of full boon melee ball

3. it has a long cast time

4. it has a VERY clear animation and a 90 seconds cooldown.


Learn to dodge and stop wearing full glass armor. The skills which are the problem are the ones which usually follow the warrior bubble. 20K spammable Coalescence and other rev things, shittons of un-dodgeable necro unloads and condis, etc.

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When i am playing range class, i think the WOD is fine, cuz the effect is not too big to me.

But when i am playing melee class such as guardian, i have the same experience mentioned above.

Actually, dodge is the only way to fast escape from WOD, i have confident to dodge the 1st and 2nd WOD, but i can't do so for the 3rd and 4th one.

I saw some videos on youtube, and the comp is within 10 spellbreakers, i can't think how the fight is and i wish i won't see them on the map.

One more thing, mentioning the cool down of WOD, 90 sec is not wrong but i saw many people had put the sigil of frenzy on his warrior, so the cool down is rapidly reduced if he continuously finishes the enemy.

Finally, why you guy thinks wearing tanky armor is one of the resolve means? Condit damage ignore all defensive stat. And your resistance must be the first boon to be removed.

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The only people that are unhappy with WoD are pew pewers and Firebrands, for the rest of us, step out and keep cruisin’


Is it strong? Yup

Is it OP? Nope

Is it better than other elites? Yup

Should we nerf it? Nope

Should we buff the other elites up to its level? Yup


My rapping skills are meh at best but yeah...


The problem is that most elites just plain suck, hell there are utility skills that are better than a lot of the elites. Hmmmm maybe they meant to call them “elites” and missed the “” :lol:

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I dont think null fields is so weak that it needs buffing but this is preferable. SB is a 2 trick pony at best if WOD gets nerfed I'll swap it out, probably back to berserker for eternal champion I reckon stab wars will be more of a thing again as we move round to melee balls..

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> @"La Venus.6598" said:

> When i am playing range class, i think the WOD is fine, cuz the effect is not too big to me.

> But when i am playing melee class such as guardian, i have the same experience mentioned above.

> Actually, dodge is the only way to fast escape from WOD, i have confident to dodge the 1st and 2nd WOD, but i can't do so for the 3rd and 4th one.

> I saw some videos on youtube, and the comp is within 10 spellbreakers, i can't think how the fight is and i wish i won't see them on the map.

> One more thing, mentioning the cool down of WOD, 90 sec is not wrong but i saw many people had put the sigil of frenzy on his warrior, so the cool down is rapidly reduced if he continuously finishes the enemy.

> Finally, why you guy thinks wearing tanky armor is one of the resolve means? Condit damage ignore all defensive stat. And your resistance must be the first boon to be removed.


Because vitality

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> @"Baldrick.8967" said:

> > @"TwilightSoul.9048" said:

> > > @"ThunderPanda.1872" said:

> > > > @"BassHunteR.7246" said:

> > > > Super easy to avoid. 60% warriors waste it to soon or completely miss the enemy group..

> > > > Just another circle to avoid on the ocean of red scourges can throw.

> > > > Im a main warrior and i didnt even buy the expansion. Not worth it..

> > >

> > > But it denies a huge place where the enemy group will stand, ofc only useful if your group can recognize and exploit it

> >

> > So does a well placed meteor shower or pretty much every strong AoE.

> > Biggest differences are:

> > a) there aren't many meteor showers because for some reason backline staff weavers aren't popular

> > b) most AoE's aren't as visible as WoD which makes WoD more likely to be blamed for problems

> >

> > Honestly in my experience, a well placed meteor shower causes a lot more problems than 2-3 average WoD, of course sometimes there's a warrior that gets a really good WoD right inside the enemy blob - that of course is very disruptive. But mostly that can be avoided by good movement and reactions, if a warrior was able to walk straight into your zerg than it's likely you weren't paying attention.

> >

> > I still think nerfing Enchantment Collapse to reduce the impact of WoD would easily be enough while keeping the utility of WoD.

> > It's been said many times: The impact of WoD can be avoided either entirely or partialy while there is nothing you can do about Enchantment Collapse.


> The difference is, I can stand in a meteor shower and ignore it, as the chances of more than one rock hitting me is remote in a group situation, and it takes a long time to cast it. It's not hard as a warrior to time your WoD to stop a push in it's tracks whereas a push will merrily run through a meteor shower without even noticing it. Not only that, regen etc will mitigate almost all the damage from the shower. There is no such mitigation from WoD which strips all boons instantly- which makes that huge patch of ground a death trap.


> Maybe they should make it so no conditions can be gained while in the bubble.


> Whereas wind is a huge bubble that covers way too much ground and last way too long. null field is one boon, 5 targets, 5 pulses- it's so weak no one even brings it any more.


> Not only does it strip boons but it also eats missiles- why? Is boon strip not OP enough??


> Hey, maybe the solution is to buff null field to the same as WoD and give mesmers a decent elite?


Well I play Ele as main and I'm glad people like you exist that think tanking one or two meteors is fine, honeslty, I am grateful to you :)

And no, WoD does not strip all boons instantly, Enchantment Collapse does that and it has been mentioned many times that Enchantment Collapse is the real culprit not WoD. I play Spellbreaker myself whenever I don't feel like playing ele and I know the difference between WoD with and without Enchantment Collapse. You should try it yourself ;)

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@TwilightSoul.9048, tks for calling atention for that, maybe that is why i personally dont feel wod that OP has many say...still i dont search to be carried by the noobage of boon stacking... the right boon on the right time is more then enough imo.


Quote from skill:

Create an area of calm where **foes cannot receive boons and lose boons every interval**.


Wich means 1 boon per second.




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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> @TwilightSoul.9048, tks for calling atention for that, maybe that is why i personally dont feel wod that OP has many say...still i dont search to be carried by the noobage of boon stacking...


> Quote from skill:

> Create an area of calm where **foes cannot receive boons and lose boons every interval**.


> Wich means 1 boon per second.

> Right?


It's 1 Boon per 1/2s so 2/s on 10 Targets **inside** the bubble and the thing is:

Right now Enchantment collapse will remove 1 Boon from 5 Targets **every** time a boon is beeing removed - this is unblockable and can affect people **outside** of the bubble. Which means there is basically no individual counterplay - if you're close to a bubble and some of your allies walk into it: You get punished for their mistake. That, and the fact that Enchantment Collapse in combination with ONE person inside WoD can remove 10 (+2 from WoD) Boons per second even though only one person is inside the bubble and 5 others are outside, is what makes Enchantment Collapse so incredibly strong.


And obviously you don't see Enchantment Collapse because it's a trait, everyone just sees the evil bubble, that's why we have so many threads about WoD beeing OP while the real culprit hides behind an innocent looking trait.

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> @"TwilightSoul.9048" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @TwilightSoul.9048, tks for calling atention for that, maybe that is why i personally dont feel wod that OP has many say...still i dont search to be carried by the noobage of boon stacking...

> >

> > Quote from skill:

> > Create an area of calm where **foes cannot receive boons and lose boons every interval**.

> >

> > Wich means 1 boon per second.

> > Right?


> It's 1 Boon per 1/2s so 2/s on 10 Targets **inside** the bubble and the thing is:

> Right now Enchantment collapse will remove 1 Boon from 5 Targets **every** time a boon is beeing removed - this is unblockable and can affect people **outside** of the bubble. Which means there is basically no individual counterplay - if you're close to a bubble and some of your allies walk into it: You get punished for their mistake. That, and the fact that Enchantment Collapse in combination with ONE person inside WoD can remove 10 (+2 from WoD) Boons per second even though only one person is inside the bubble and 5 others are outside, is what makes Enchantment Collapse so incredibly strong.


> And obviously you don't see Enchantment Collapse because it's a trait, everyone just sees the evil bubble, that's why we have so many threads about WoD beeing OP while the real culprit hides behind an innocent looking trait.


Ah ok tks for the clarification :), then it is way worse than i was understanding the effects of the skill...


it kinda feels like the Full counter if i know that's a full counter and i stop atacking and something hits (mob hited by SB before activate the FC) and triggers it, every one will get punished.. arround it.


That kinda feels ... class design to carry a players feeling efective, rahter than create something that players need to use... every one can press a key..

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if anyone say no need nerf , big reason is that noob don't know how to do dps


WoD OP is cooperation with high range dps


if enemy have 5~10 WoD warrior with 20~ high ranger dps, no matter what way you are absolutely no way to win


most guy say no need nerf cuz if match high range dps and lose


just will say 'oh they outumber or oh they blob' Whether or not they are map queued or squad full


they just say it for excuse


never to think about the effects of Wod


i think should be buff those guys brain first

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> @"Jerry CCH.9816" said:

> Winds of Disenchantment Radius Should same as Null Field <3 .

> It's still huge Radius at WvW .

> ----------

> from wiki :

> Null Field Radius : 240

> Winds of Disenchantment Radius : 360



yeah its totally broken now.. the full radius of the bubble at the current build is at least 900... they are HUGE in wvw and if they are chained, they are devistating and actually game breaking.. One zerg can wipe out the other with a simple chain of 3-4 bubbles.

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dodge is 300 units, you literally have to be engaged with the sb to not dodge out in one go

if you are engaged given the cast time they are half dead.

the big difference is the wod has visuals so people know they've been hit rather than checking their combat logs.


I like it, it makes the melee train swerve and dodge rather than see and run in which has no skill

not seen 5 bubbles linked and think its unicorn salt, if you run through 5 of anything aoe you're dead not stripped of boons anyway.

and if your blob strectches that far, you're dead before you start.


wod can also help break the stalemate of pirateship although is risky as its on caster, but can be done.

enchantment collapse is op, a bit like how the burning grandmaster on berserker was, why people not engaged in the combat are affected is anyone's guess.



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