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"Aw, What's his name?" Pet Name Thread


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  • 2 weeks later...

Arctodus ~ Bjorn

Siamoth ~ Simon

Warthog ~ Blitzkrieg

Boar ~ Boris

Pig ~ Silvia

Eagle ~ Spooky

Owl ~ Screech

Raven ~ Nevermore

River Drake ~ Korg

Ice Drake ~ Subzero

Marsh Drake ~ Sid

Fern Hound ~ Bracken

Drake Hound ~ Jake

Wolf ~ Wolf in Exile

Lynx ~ Katika

White Moa ~ Moa Constricta

Brown Bear ~ Paddington

Jungle Spider ~ Legs

Shark ~ Bull

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  • 4 weeks later...

The thread continues!

I'm still stymied on what to name my Warthog. I merge with him a lot in raids but nothing seems to fit.

I did use Jakaranda seriously for the first time. Her name is now "Rosemary".

My named menagerie is now large enough that I'll forget who I've named and do a double-take when switching pets lol.

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I called my Jungle Stalker Leeroy (obvious reference) because he's a jerk who never listens to commands and often times runs into combat and annoys everything or abandons me to attack something completely irrelevant while I get mobbed and die.


He's earned the name for all the years he's had it and has been a great source of frustration and amusement because of it.


Some of my guildmates are more familiar with Leeroy than they are with my own character names XD

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I named my Lynx pet Buttered Toast, because if you strap a piece of toast butter side up on a cat's back, you have an anti-gravity device.

One of my other rangers was named Pan Fried Asparagus. The pet's name was Butter.

Yet another of my rangers was named Eaten By A Bear. The bear pet was named A Bear.

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My wolf is named Hrólfr. It's a Scandinavian name that's somewhat loosely derived from the name Hrodulf, which is in turn derived from the elements *hrod* "fame" and *wulf* "wolf." He was going to be named Ráðúlfr, but I would've had one heck of a time trying to type that in-game...


Other pets also have Scandinavian/Old Norse names...

Tiger = Brandr (means "sword" or "fire")

Raven = Hrafn (yes, I named him "raven")

Snow leopard = Sigrún (derived from the Old Norse elements *sigr* "victory" and *rún* "secret")

Arctodus = Gunnvör (Old Norse name meaning "cautious in war")

Aaaaand I forget others because it's been a while since I went through my pets list.


Yes, my ranger is a norn, why do you ask? :tongue:

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