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There is no bigger favor you could have done for Raid sellers than locking Coalescence behind a Raid.

Now someone is going to say it's exactly the same as with Legendary Armour, no it's not there is a huge difference here.

Acquiring the Legendary Armour through buying runs would cost a lot more than for Coalescence and thats the key factor here, which I will explain:

Let's assume we have someone who want's to buy Raids to get the Legendary Armour and he finds sellers who are **very gracious and charge only 50g per wing.**

Obviously not in a million years will anyone charge that cheap, but humor me for now. Well then since you need 125 Legendary Insights to get the armour you would need 42 wings cleared, so that gives 2100g in total. So who actually can afford that? Not to mention in reality it would cost twice as much at the very least.

**However for Coalescence you only need 1 wing clear** (at least for now) so it would only cost 100g on average to get the job done. So obviously a lot more people can afford that, **so the Raid sellers will have a more easy job to find clients for this.**


Not only that but you locked the new stats from LW3 trinckets, but unlocked them on Raid trinckets which only amplifies the problem. **This is a really low blow,** remember how people were unhappy that only Raid trinckets could use Viper stats? Well it seems it we are back at the start again. I know you added the Mist trinckets which have all stats too, but there are no Back items that have PoF stats, except the ones from collections but you cant get duplicates of those.

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> @"Rikimaru.7890" said:

> There is no bigger favor you could have done for Raid sellers than locking Coalescence behind a Raid.

> Now someone is going to say it's exactly the same as with Legendary Armour, no it's not there is a huge difference here.

> Acquiring the Legendary Armour through buying runs would cost a lot more than for Coalescence and thats the key factor here, which I will explain:

> Let's assume we have someone who want's to buy Raids to get the Legendary Armour and he finds sellers who are **very gracious and charge only 50g per wing.**

> Obviously not in a million years will anyone charge that cheap, but humor me for now. Well then since you need 125 Legendary Insights to get the armour you would need 42 wings cleared, so that gives 2100g in total. So who actually can afford that? Not to mention in reality it would cost twice as much at the very least.

> **However for Coalescence you only need 1 wing clear** (at least for now) so it would only cost 100g on average to get the job done. So obviously a lot more people can afford that, **so the Raid sellers will have a more easy job to find clients for this.**


> Not only that but you locked the new stats from LW3 trinckets, but unlocked them on Raid trinckets which only amplifies the problem. **This is a really low blow,** remember how people were unhappy that only Raid trinckets could use Viper stats? Well it seems it we are back at the start again. I know you added the Mist trinckets which have all stats too, but there are no Back items that have PoF stats, except the ones from collections but you cant get duplicates of those.


Question is if you realise how wrong you are with pretty much everything you said?


Here are some of the errors in your post:

1. The first set of armor is 150 LI, not 125

2. Sellers charge about **80-100g per boss. 50g per wing is complete nonsense.** Buying all kills would therefore be 10-15k gold depending on the quantity discounts you get.

3. For Coalescence you need a clear of Hall of Chains, which i can assure you is significantly more than 100g (Dhuum alone is more than 1k afaik). This is **only for the precursor, the next part of the collection is not known and will need more raids**. While we can be sure that the cost will be less than armor, it is way way way more than what you think.


Trinkets with the POF stats are, afaik, available from the open world maps in PoF.

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Anyone who buys 150 raid kills is choosing to use money instead of personal time. Any player in this game can get at least 1 LI a week from w3 escort, and more realistically they can get 3 LI a week easily from escort+trio+mo.


> @"Rikimaru.7890" said:

> Obviously not in a million years will anyone charge that cheap, but humor me for now. Well then since you need 125 Legendary Insights to get the armour you would need 42 wings cleared, so that gives 2100g in total. So who actually can afford that? Not to mention in reality it would cost twice as much at the very least.


I feel like you have no idea how much a set of legendary armor costs...




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So you're upset that people are interacting in a free market providing & buying services. Oh no?


Are you also upset people sell t6 materials? What you're doing each time you buy a powerful blood is saying "I will give you money to go get a powerful blood and send it to me," Dhuum is just a more complex powerful blood.

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Besides the amazing amount of info that get wrong...


Why do you assume that Coalescence will only need one clear? The possibility of Coalescence needing more than one wing collections is pretty high. Also the collections give only the precursor. The item will require crafting that could very easily require LIs as well (actually its pretty probable since there does not seem to be any other possible LI sink).


Maybe its wiser to have patience to see how an item is crafted before we start complaining about how an item is crafted.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > Stop crying, markets develope around anything ppl wouldnt want to do

> Markets, yes. Games? Usually no. Not if they want to be succesful.




"Usually no". MMOs are direct replicants of real life. With just well fantasy added in.


Every mmo has it and it hasnt lead to its death. Theres far more importand thing this game suffers from than this dont blow itbout of proportions.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > Stop crying, markets develope around anything ppl wouldnt want to do

> > Markets, yes. Games? Usually no. Not if they want to be succesful.

> >

> >


> "Usually no". MMOs are direct replicants of real life. With just well fantasy added in.


> Every mmo has it and it hasnt lead to its death. Theres far more importand thing this game suffers from than this dont blow itbout of proportions.

You're wrong. Yes. MMOs often do have a number of things that players generally don't like to do, but developing them _around_ things people do not want to do? That's a recipe for disaster.



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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > Stop crying, markets develope around anything ppl wouldnt want to do

> > > Markets, yes. Games? Usually no. Not if they want to be succesful.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > "Usually no". MMOs are direct replicants of real life. With just well fantasy added in.

> >

> > Every mmo has it and it hasnt lead to its death. Theres far more importand thing this game suffers from than this dont blow itbout of proportions.

> You're wrong. Yes. MMOs often do have a number of things that players generally don't like to do, but developing them _around_ things people do not want to do? That's a recipe for disaster.




Nobody is forcing you to do raids though.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > Stop crying, markets develope around anything ppl wouldnt want to do

> > > Markets, yes. Games? Usually no. Not if they want to be succesful.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > "Usually no". MMOs are direct replicants of real life. With just well fantasy added in.

> >

> > Every mmo has it and it hasnt lead to its death. Theres far more importand thing this game suffers from than this dont blow itbout of proportions.

> You're wrong. Yes. MMOs often do have a number of things that players generally don't like to do, but developing them _around_ things people do not want to do? That's a recipe for disaster.




Idk ppl dont like pvp in ff14 or dont buy into it for that. I dont see the game suffer because of updates pvp gets.


Neither do i see wow suffer for updates to useless stuff (in the minds of certain demographics).


Gw2 has alot of things, many of them u can like and dislike. Saying the game suffers because something you dislike gets attention is selfish.


We've been getting lw fractals and raids in a respectable pace idk whats the bad thing raids do here.

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Let me tell you something. This game used to be the most casual-friendly game. Adding raids to it was one of the worst ideas because it destroyed more than only one game aspects: It created the holy-trinity what never existed before, it opened a path for barons (the raid sellers have a lot of gold. It was impossible befor eto see someone with such a big amount of coins), it created a huge hate and toxicity into the community. Anet now is like a communist party who won the elections and the people posting about raids are just the protesters that nobody listens. Of course there are the communist supporters (people who get carried by raiding guild but will always comment with "Look on LFG, use your time"). Since Colin left, Anet was making only stupid decisions and was always going down. The truth is that Anet needs a lot of money because they lost a lot and this thing can be seen in a lot of factors: More expensive gem-store items, ways of influencing people buying gems for gold(raid selling is one of them, that's why they refuse to fix it and keep locking things behind it), refusal of fixing the mystic coins drop (they want to make people buy multiple accounts for daily-login).

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> @"Daniel.5428" said:

> Let me tell you something. This game used to be the most casual-friendly game. Adding raids to it was one of the worst ideas because it destroyed more than only one game aspects: It created the holy-trinity what never existed before, it opened a path for barons (the raid sellers have a lot of gold. It was impossible befor eto see someone with such a big amount of coins), it created a huge hate and toxicity into the community. Anet now is like a communist party who won the elections and the people posting about raids are just the protesters that nobody listens. Of course there are the communist supporters (people who get carried by raiding guild but will always comment with "Look on LFG, use your time"). Since Colin left, Anet was making only stupid decisions and was always going down. The truth is that Anet needs a lot of money because they lost a lot and this thing can be seen in a lot of factors: More expensive gem-store items, ways of influencing people buying gems for gold(raid selling is one of them, that's why they refuse to fix it and keep locking things behind it), refusal of fixing the mystic coins drop (they want to make people buy multiple accounts for daily-login).


There were always TP barons since day 1. Raid sellers are poor in comparison. People who buy raids also have more gold than the sellers.

Colin leaving was one of the best things that happend to Guild Wars in the last years. His path was really questionable. Looks like you forgot HoT release.

The game is still the most casual-friendly game in the market. A small part for people who like challenges don't change that.

Most mount skins cost the same amout of gems as gliders. There are some outliners but the majority is 400-500 gems. The gemstore prices are pretty stable the last 3 years.


ArenaNet doesn't fix raid selling so people buy more gems with gold? Really? The gem price is stable since HoT release. PoF release was an outliner where the price dropped for some time.

Because ArenaNet wants to lock things behind raids they added legendary armor to WvW and sPvP. Seems logic. There where always skins locked behind certain content. Raids didn't change that. We don't know what their plan for the rest of the legendary trinkets is. If the other ring, accessoire and amulett get put into raid wings you can complain, otherwise no.


Mystic coins are used as a material for premium skins. Their price is fine. You can get more coins with fractal dailies, daily cm and anomaly events. ArenaNet certainly doesn't want you to buy multiple accounts for login rewards. They even added a method to buy Mystic clovers directy, reducing the amount of coins you need for a legendary for a time gate.


You are more than delusional about a conspiracy from ArenaNet against the players.



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> There were always TP barons since day 1. Raid sellers are poor in comparison.

Insert (X) Doubt meme.


> People who buy raids also have more gold than the sellers.

No, they just farm for hours to get money, but they are not richer. Is like you're saying "People who go buy things from a supermarket got more money than the supermarket."


> Colin leaving was one of the best things that happend to Guild Wars in the last years. His path was really questionable. Looks like you forgot HoT release.

Yes, I forgot because the PoF release was just too good. Repeating the first instance 10 times was definitely the best experience ever. At least the HoT story worked since day 1.


> The game is still the most casual-friendly game in the market. A small part for people who like challenges don't change that.

GW2 stayed the most-casual because the RPG genre is dying slowly. Most devs now focus on MMOFPS or MOBAs.


> Most mount skins cost the same amout of gems as gliders. There are some outliners but the majority is 400-500 gems. The gemstore prices are pretty stable the last 3 years.

One counter-example.....that ugly raptor skin.


> Because ArenaNet wants to lock things behind raids they added legendary armor to WvW and sPvP. Seems logic. There where always skins locked behind certain content. Raids didn't change that. We don't know what their plan for the rest of the legendary trinkets is. If the other ring, accessoire and amulett get put into raid wings you can complain, otherwise no.

The only reason they added legendary armor to WvW and Pvp is because people complained about armor being locked behind raids. PvP and WvW are seen like a mercy box by Anet anyway. "Hey, look, they complain about backpiece being locked behind fractals. No problem, throw one in PvP too." Same for armor. I still wait for the way when Anet will introduce a legendary and put it directly in PvP or WvW.


> Mystic coins are used as a material for premium skins. Their price is fine. You can get more coins with fractal dailies, daily cm and anomaly events. ArenaNet certainly doesn't want you to buy multiple accounts for login rewards. They even added a method to buy Mystic clovers directy, reducing the amount of coins you need for a legendary for a time gate.

As I said, they introduced the Mystic Clover direct buy after long complains on forum.


> You are more than delusional about a conspiracy from ArenaNet against the players.

Is not a conspiracy, is just bad management.



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> @"Daniel.5428" said:

> Insert (X) Doubt meme.


See, you have no clue. TP barons make 5-10 times the gold a raid seller can achieve per day. Look at the prices: Bosses cost about 80-100g. You have to divide this by 8-9 so we are around 10g per boss per player. Of course, if you want to have Dhuum down you pay a skritload of gold but why would you at the moment? Even casual raiders slowly progress towards the final boss of W5. There is no need to be in a hurry and pay the actual price - only if you are so dedicated and so fixated on having the achievement. But that's a personal issue then and doesn't reflect the overall playerbase in the slightest.


> No, they just farm for hours to get money, but they are not richer. Is like you're saying "People who go buy things from a supermarket got more money than the supermarket."


It's highly debatable that people "farm" their gold for buying raids. That would be very stupid. For the main part buyers are either TP barons with thousands of gold or people that buy their gold via credit card (real money).


> Yes, I forgot because the PoF release was just too good. Repeating the first instance 10 times was definitely the best experience ever. At least the HoT story worked since day 1.


Never play on patch day. They fixed all of it and well, HoT had issues too. Some really heavy bugs still exist or were fixed in the last months, for example the Mordremoth fight in the last instance.


> As I said, they introduced the Mystic Clover direct buy after long complains on forum.


Haven't seen those complaints in the appropriate forum section namely this one here! Players must still be ranting because they are only obtainable via fractals.


All in all, your post is just an unreflected rant, sry to say!

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> @"Daniel.5428" said:

> > There were always TP barons since day 1. Raid sellers are poor in comparison.

> Insert (X) Doubt meme.


Yet it's true.

> > People who buy raids also have more gold than the sellers.

> No, they just farm for hours to get money, but they are not richer. Is like you're saying "People who go buy things from a supermarket got more money than the supermarket."


People that buy raids constantly have more gold. You need to divide the amout they pay through the people that play for them. Mostly 8-9.

> > Colin leaving was one of the best things that happend to Guild Wars in the last years. His path was really questionable. Looks like you forgot HoT release.

> Yes, I forgot because the PoF release was just too good. Repeating the first instance 10 times was definitely the best experience ever. At least the HoT story worked since day 1.


Software bugs have nothing to do with game systems or a general direction. They changed the direction and marketing after HoT release.

> > The game is still the most casual-friendly game in the market. A small part for people who like challenges don't change that.

> GW2 stayed the most-casual because the RPG genre is dying slowly. Most devs now focus on MMOFPS or MOBAs.


> > Most mount skins cost the same amout of gems as gliders. There are some outliners but the majority is 400-500 gems. The gemstore prices are pretty stable the last 3 years.

> One counter-example.....that ugly raptor skin.


That's why I said there are some outliners. You proofed my point.

> > Because ArenaNet wants to lock things behind raids they added legendary armor to WvW and sPvP. Seems logic. There where always skins locked behind certain content. Raids didn't change that. We don't know what their plan for the rest of the legendary trinkets is. If the other ring, accessoire and amulett get put into raid wings you can complain, otherwise no.

> The only reason they added legendary armor to WvW and Pvp is because people complained about armor being locked behind raids. PvP and WvW are seen like a mercy box by Anet anyway. "Hey, look, they complain about backpiece being locked behind fractals. No problem, throw one in PvP too." Same for armor. I still wait for the way when Anet will introduce a legendary and put it directly in PvP or WvW.


The PvP backpiece was obtainable before the fractal backpiece.

Maybe they underestimated the demand for legendary armor or didn't thought about introducing it to other game modes? If they wanted it to be locked behind raids they wouldn't have changed it.

> > Mystic coins are used as a material for premium skins. Their price is fine. You can get more coins with fractal dailies, daily cm and anomaly events. ArenaNet certainly doesn't want you to buy multiple accounts for login rewards. They even added a method to buy Mystic clovers directy, reducing the amount of coins you need for a legendary for a time gate.

> As I said, they introduced the Mystic Clover direct buy after long complains on forum.


You said nothing about the direct buy method, you said they don't do anything about mystic coins. That's a lie.

> > You are more than delusional about a conspiracy from ArenaNet against the players.

> Is not a conspiracy, is just bad management.



And bad management implies things like wanting players to buy more accounts? You are spreading lies and conspiracies and paddle backwards when you get called out.


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> @"Miellyn.6847" said:

> And bad management implies things like wanting players to buy more accounts? You are spreading lies and conspiracies and paddle backwards when you get called out.

I know at least 5 people who bought additional accounts because they needed tons of mystic coins for HoT gifts. 250 coins + around 100(if you were lucky) to get the needed clovers. I understand that legendaries should be harder to get, but making materials time-gated is not a way to make things complex.



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> @"Daniel.5428" said:

> > @"Miellyn.6847" said:

> > And bad management implies things like wanting players to buy more accounts? You are spreading lies and conspiracies and paddle backwards when you get called out.

> I know at least 5 people who bought additional accounts because they needed tons of mystic coins for HoT gifts. 250 coins + around 100(if you were lucky) to get the needed clovers. I understand that legendaries should be harder to get, but making materials time-gated is not a way to make things complex.




And it's ArenaNet's fault that they bought additional accounts instead of mystic coins from the TP? It even would have been cheaper if you convert gems to gold and buy the coins.

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> @"Miellyn.6847" said:

> And it's ArenaNet's fault that they bought additional accounts instead of mystic coins from the TP? It even would have been cheaper if you convert gems to gold and buy the coins.


There was a time when the coins valued around 50 coppers and you had nothing to do with them. When they finally added an use for them, they removed the ways of getting them. This is called bad management



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> @"Daniel.5428" said:

> Let me tell you something. This game used to be the most casual-friendly game. Adding raids to it was one of the worst ideas because it destroyed more than only one game aspects: It created the holy-trinity what never existed before, it opened a path for barons (the raid sellers have a lot of gold. It was impossible befor eto see someone with such a big amount of coins), it created a huge hate and toxicity into the community. Anet now is like a communist party who won the elections and the people posting about raids are just the protesters that nobody listens. Of course there are the communist supporters (people who get carried by raiding guild but will always comment with "Look on LFG, use your time"). Since Colin left, Anet was making only stupid decisions and was always going down. The truth is that Anet needs a lot of money because they lost a lot and this thing can be seen in a lot of factors: More expensive gem-store items, ways of influencing people buying gems for gold(raid selling is one of them, that's why they refuse to fix it and keep locking things behind it), refusal of fixing the mystic coins drop (they want to make people buy multiple accounts for daily-login).


When I started as early as 3 days ahead of launch thanks to per-order, getting to a couple of gold took ages. Yet 1 week in a friend joined who came over from EvE Online started trading on the TP, took him a couple of hours to make 5 gold (which back then was like 500 gold now or even more) off of TP trading. Suffice to say I was even sub 1 gold at that point and hadn't even hit 80.


If you think TP Barons haven't existed since the beginning, you are mistaken.


Most of the other things you mentioned can be explained via way different reasoning which is based a lot more in realism and fact (like the game being 5 years old). I'd even go this far and state that more content (more stable Living World releases since the post HoT drought), more challenging content and more flexibility in acquiring gear are the main reasons why the game is doing well (or doing at all).

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> @"Daniel.5428" said:

> > @"Miellyn.6847" said:

> > And it's ArenaNet's fault that they bought additional accounts instead of mystic coins from the TP? It even would have been cheaper if you convert gems to gold and buy the coins.


> There was a time when the coins valued around 50 coppers and you had nothing to do with them. When they finally added an use for them, they removed the ways of getting them. This is called bad management




Most people didn't care about legendaries back then. The potential number of coins per month is higher than before. You get 20 coins from login rewards every 28 days + 28 coins if you do the anomaly daily + fractal dailies and daily 99/100. Before login rewards you got 1 per daily + 20 from the monthly. It just takes some more effort. You get the same amount guaranteed, can earn more through fractals and they reduced the coins you need for legendaries.

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