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Revenant the only class without a great/meta tier build


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And yet they got nerfed further more in this last balance patch. Over my 80+ games played ive only seen 2-4 revs played and its looking like Anet doesnt give a shit about em.


Edit: Lol metabattle deleted all the bad ratings just o bring it back up to great tier, its still shit tier no matter how much they try to make people think otherwise

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Power shiro is damn good .You dont see people playing reveand cause you cant faceroll over your keyboard and win.You need to know at least 5 of your spells.You see scourges cause you dont need to read the spells ,, just press F1-F2-F3-F4-F5 - 5-4-3-2-F3-F4-3-4-F1-f5 , you cant do that with reveant And yes reveant can 3 shots a scourge

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> @"andrenaline.4286" said:

> Power shiro is kitten good .You dont see people playing reveand cause you cant faceroll over your keyboard and win.You need to know at least 5 of your spells.You see scourges cause you dont need to read the spells ,, just press F1-F2-F3-F4-F5 - 5-4-3-2-F3-F4-3-4-F1-f5 , you cant do that with reveant And yes reveant can 3 shots a scourge


The higher ranking you are, there will be less Scourges running around the map alone. More people know how to peel for their Scourges.


Shiro Herald sustain damage is still ok. Not as good as it was in the past and nowhere as bursty as a condi Mesmer or a Holo. From what I've seen, they're usually fine against most classes right now but the problem lies with the Scourge meta and Condi Mes confusion spam aka Rev cleanse is just so freaking bad. I honestly think when both condi Mes and Scourge gets toned down, we'll eventually see more Heralds running around.



Check again, Avatar weaver's down to a lower tier. And after the nerfs, I'd say it's even worse.

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> @"Alveen.7239" said:

> No rev is not fine, if it was fine threads like this wouldn’t exist in the first place.


The problem with rev is players got used to it being insanely OP & since Anet left it like that they thought that was the norm.


Truth is the players should have realized that Rev would be brought back to earth at some point.

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> @"Jinks.2057" said:

> > @"Alveen.7239" said:

> > No rev is not fine, if it was fine threads like this wouldn’t exist in the first place.


> The problem with rev is players got used to it being insanely OP & since Anet left it like that they thought that was the norm.


> Truth is the players should have realized that Rev would be brought back to earth at some point.


What class do you play

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> @"Coolguy.8702" said:

> > @"Jinks.2057" said:

> > > @"Alveen.7239" said:

> > > No rev is not fine, if it was fine threads like this wouldn’t exist in the first place.

> >

> > The problem with rev is players got used to it being insanely OP & since Anet left it like that they thought that was the norm.

> >

> > Truth is the players should have realized that Rev would be brought back to earth at some point.


> What class do you play


The question is what class don't I play

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> @"Jinks.2057" said:

> > @"Coolguy.8702" said:

> > > @"Jinks.2057" said:

> > > > @"Alveen.7239" said:

> > > > No rev is not fine, if it was fine threads like this wouldn’t exist in the first place.

> > >

> > > The problem with rev is players got used to it being insanely OP & since Anet left it like that they thought that was the norm.

> > >

> > > Truth is the players should have realized that Rev would be brought back to earth at some point.

> >

> > What class do you play


> The question is what class don't I play


Oh i see you're just trolling, carry on then

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> @"Kaizok.7839" said:

> We asked them to finish Revenant... I think they misunderstood the meaning.


Thank you so much! The puns are strong with this one...


Edit: I just played some games as Renegade (and actually won one) and dropped down to gold 3... haha This class is so bad right now. But it can still be saved I believe. The Rev is still a gen 2 profession (assumed to be played only with elite specs in it's design). The herald is strong in some ways, it's just cover condies are too rampant in this meta for Revenant cleanse. If this patch had fixed condies, I think Rev would be viable. I do think it got better somehow since the patch. I can't see why, based on the patch notes, but in-game. I've noticed more teams without Necro or at least without double necro (the bane of rev, if paired with a condi mes) If I see double necro, firebrand, condi mes +X, I may as well just reroll another class. This feels less common lately (maybe it's cause I made it to plat or at least, until I got creative and tempted to make a lifesteal power renegade build; it's actually really fun; but lacks some of the oomth I get on my holo or soulbeast. When I lost 430-500, I knew that that small difference could've been saved with a better character on my end. So I'm done with Renegade again, and probably Herald as well for now. It's fun, but you can't expect to play every match as Rev, but it can work with the right enemy composition.

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> @"Jinks.2057" said:

> > @"Alveen.7239" said:

> > No rev is not fine, if it was fine threads like this wouldn’t exist in the first place.


> The problem with rev is players got used to it being insanely OP & since Anet left it like that they thought that was the norm.


> Truth is the players should have realized that Rev would be brought back to earth at some point.


Clearly revenant is only massively underrepresented because everyone who plays it is on average worse then for the other classes and if skilled players actually played it then it would be well represented. Do you actually believe the crap you say?


Also Data: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/13166/monthly-at-class-representation/p1

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> @"Coolguy.8702" said:

> > @"Jinks.2057" said:

> > > @"Coolguy.8702" said:

> > > > @"Jinks.2057" said:

> > > > > @"Alveen.7239" said:

> > > > > No rev is not fine, if it was fine threads like this wouldn’t exist in the first place.

> > > >

> > > > The problem with rev is players got used to it being insanely OP & since Anet left it like that they thought that was the norm.

> > > >

> > > > Truth is the players should have realized that Rev would be brought back to earth at some point.

> > >

> > > What class do you play

> >

> > The question is what class don't I play


> Oh i see you play them all and know what you're talking about


There's no trolling just someone who plays em all

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> @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> > @"Jinks.2057" said:

> > > @"Alveen.7239" said:

> > > No rev is not fine, if it was fine threads like this wouldn’t exist in the first place.

> >

> > The problem with rev is players got used to it being insanely OP & since Anet left it like that they thought that was the norm.

> >

> > Truth is the players should have realized that Rev would be brought back to earth at some point.


> Clearly revenant is only massively underrepresented because everyone who plays it is on average worse then for the other classes and if skilled players actually played it then it would be well represented. Do you actually believe the crap you say?


> Also Data: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/13166/monthly-at-class-representation/p1


What would happen if Mirage & Scourge were put in check?

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> @"Jinks.2057" said:

> > @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> > > @"Jinks.2057" said:

> > > > @"Alveen.7239" said:

> > > > No rev is not fine, if it was fine threads like this wouldn’t exist in the first place.

> > >

> > > The problem with rev is players got used to it being insanely OP & since Anet left it like that they thought that was the norm.

> > >

> > > Truth is the players should have realized that Rev would be brought back to earth at some point.

> >

> > Clearly revenant is only massively underrepresented because everyone who plays it is on average worse then for the other classes and if skilled players actually played it then it would be well represented. Do you actually believe the crap you say?

> >

> > Also Data: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/13166/monthly-at-class-representation/p1


> What would happen if Mirage & Scourge were put in check?


Depending on by how much, representation would obviously improve, best case scenario (from a rev perspective) those builds are completely removed from competitive play and herald becomes a poor man's tools holosmith. Though none of that matters for now because balance is all relative, you can say that rev is great it is just bad in this meta, but the meta is what defines what is good in the first place, not some arbitrary standard of good or bad, therefore because rev is bad in this meta it is bad overall. Rev is bad in this meta because it is hard countered by several top tier threats (scourge, mirage, thief) while not in turn being a counter to anything relevant and not having a niche role that it excels at, like thief has mobility.

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I don't think the problem is that rev is weak, so much as other things, many if which hard counter us, are overturned as fuck. If scourge, mirage, and firebrand get nerfed I think we'd see rev in a lot healthier spot.


I would like to see them make the class actually feel complete though. And renegade needs a lot of work, it is hilariously terrible. Short bow even more. Other feel of play fixes like increasing the cast speed or completely reworking the animation on sword 5 so it doesn't miss if your target just walks in a different direction after cast would be nice.

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> @"andrenaline.4286" said:

> Power shiro is kitten good .You dont see people playing reveand cause you cant faceroll over your keyboard and win.You need to know at least 5 of your spells.You see scourges cause you dont need to read the spells ,, just press F1-F2-F3-F4-F5 - 5-4-3-2-F3-F4-3-4-F1-f5 , you cant do that with reveant And yes reveant can 3 shots a scourge


Yeah, I pretty much farm terribad scourges which plague platinum. Too bad I'd still die after a single mistake and it's not like it's possible to 1v1 any somewhat good scourge either.

> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> Power rev's damage is insane. I was running a menders druid with 21k health and a revenant using s/s hit me 3 times when I was at full health and I died.


Wooow...mender druid has guts to say it's fine? Didn't you tell us you were top 4 druid or something?


Dayum, NA ranked standards are really low.

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