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Does Necro still have a spot in the meta ?


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So im just comeback after a year breaking away from this game and i decide to reroll a fresh new character with out the 80 boost ( cuz i lost touch and dont know what to do so reroll is the choice for me). So does nerco ( reaper i mean ,dont have PoF yet) still have a few good build for end game content or not, cuz my guildmate saild that necro just have a few recent nerf so they are not that useful anymore .Still necro is my first pick cuz suitain for soloing pve and love for schoolar class, any suggestion ? Sorry for my bad english ,its not my first langugue.

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It depends on what your end game is. For raiding, right now condi reaper does only slightly less than scourge, but in my opinion brings less utility and is more difficult to play well. Scourge benchmarks may be somewhat lower than the "meta" classes, but I raid on my scourge weekly and can even top dps sometimes, so they are viable. I haven't raided on reaper since pof, I honestly feel that scourge is just so much better in raids in every way. Now if fractals are your end game, honestly reaper is fine. For open world endgame... reaper is very fine... amazing even.

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Itt: people who dont understand the intricacies of raids but make loud angry statements based on only minute portions of data.


My 2c is that scourge is good as a burst cleave class. Epi to a wall on gors to delete it, epi adds to evaporate them, bounce epis to get silly high burst on boss, etc.


Power reaper is good as a dps with high cc and reasonable cleave. The easiest rotation Ive ever seen outside of power mes, and is nearly indestructible.


Neither are speed clear meta (for most bosses).

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After getting full Legendary Armour on my main (Warrior) I decided to give my pet Necro a spin, and I gotta say that Scourge is downright amazing.


- The AoE Condi cleanse on F2 makes fights like Sloth and Matthias a breeze for both you and your squad.


- Epidemic makes short work of any fight where there are adds or other obstacles (MO pawns, Sama spears, Gorse orbs, Sab bandits and so on). Heck, I don't see why people hate on Scourge when it comes to Keep Construct even - throw Epidemic down on KC while the ghost/spirit is nearby to help damage it greatly.


- Damage is pretty good, with a huuuuuuge **but** attached: Mobile vs. Stationary bosses. Scourge is sub-optimal against bosses that move around because they will just move away from your Shades (AND Plaguelands. RIP Plaguelands...). On Sabetha I've been able to regularly be top DPS simply because of how she never moves, but I'm having a real hard time against something like Sloth or VG that requires constant movement.


- SOOO MANY KEYS! I'm going insane running my fingers all over the keyboard, lol. All those F*-skills in addition to all the weapon and utility skills - and gotta swap weapon every 9 seconds for Geomancy proc, haha. Quite insane.

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you could roll scourges and epi the crap out of skeletons and other stuff in the new raid wing. but for people who don't find scourge useful then they just aren't that useful.

reaper is still viable, hard to play, but still viable in all game modes.


as for my scourge, still top dps in fractals and sometimes in raids thanks to epi. plus, the ability to clear condis for the team on a low cd is super helpful, not to mention give them barrier in situations that would result in a downed state. i'd say hell yea. and i was running him with my wvw gears. lol.


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> @"Hex.2579" said:

> you could roll scourges and epi the crap out of skeletons and other stuff in the new raid wing. but for people who don't find scourge useful then they just aren't that useful.

> reaper is still viable, hard to play, but still viable in all game modes.


> as for my scourge, still top dps in fractals and sometimes in raids thanks to epi. plus, the ability to clear condis for the team on a low cd is super helpful, not to mention give them barrier in situations that would result in a downed state. i'd say hell yea. and i was running him with my wvw gears. lol.



It's a mid-range spec, and a selfish 25might stacking class. In fractals when people dodge, kite, alternate melee/range, when there is no (or sh**** one) druid and no group mights fury, buffs, sustain etc ... yes Scourge can be the top DPS, but IMO it's not relevant and might not be the better choice in theses cases.


edit: still strong for theses reasons, I like Scourge eh.


Reaper on golem might be a better DPS, but in conditions shroud is the only way to DPS, problem is you can't get heal while in shroud, shroud falls too fast if you're taking dmg, life force rises too slow, shroud is the only defensive utility ... reaper viability is limited.


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Condi scourge is competitive dps on the majority of bosses and exceptional on a few where epidemic shines to either increase boss damage and/or let your raid members ignore add mechanics. It also has very useful situation specific utility skills and decent CC. Support scourge is a viable off-healer and is exceptional at Vale Guardian to barrier greens and at Slothasor to cleanse, pull slublings, destroy projectiles, and teleport resurrect if someone goes down. You can argue that it's not min-max best choice, but if you play it well no one should be complaining. The bosses will die and everyone will be happy.

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> @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

> It's a mid-range spec, and a selfish 25might stacking class. In fractals when people dodge, kite, alternate melee/range, when there is no (or sh**** one) druid and no group mights fury, buffs, sustain etc ... yes Scourge can be the top DPS, but IMO it's not relevant and might not be the better choice in theses cases.


> edit: still strong for theses reasons, I like Scourge eh.


> Reaper on golem might be a better DPS, but in conditions shroud is the only way to DPS, problem is you can't get heal while in shroud, shroud falls too fast if you're taking dmg, life force rises too slow, shroud is the only defensive utility ... reaper viability is limited.



here we go again, selfish 25 might stack. every class has the ability to stack might, so effortless on the necro with the right spec. let's not talk about might stack since it's not their job. i still do top dps with pugs whereas i have no might and only 5s fury every time i enter shroud. with the pugs who deal about 13.5k dps on an average, not the normal type 2k dps pugs. i'm answering to OP that reaper is still good since i main a necro, but they're hard to play cuz of short shroud. irrelevant or not, it's for OP to decide.

if you say you like scourge, gotta elaborate why too since it's a "selfish 25 might stacking class".


you could re-read again what i said above." reaper is still viable, hard to play, but still viable in all game modes." by all game modes, i mean spvp and wvw as well. i rarely test dps on a golemn so i don't know what's with you people that do. standing in one spot and deal amazing dps, but when apply in real situation and dps drop like flies.

you can heal while in shroud, with the right spec, and that's too much sustain needed for pve. so all pve builds won't have that fancy sustain. there are tons of ways to get LF. shroud is not defensive utility, it's an offensive one. i roll in reaper in wvw and sometimes switch to scourge, back and forth. can do just fine but again, reaper is hard to play now, still viable.


edit: the reason i find scourge better than reaper is because of an easier rotation, barrier and aoe condi cleanse every 5s. if trait right, the same skill that cleanse everyone's condis is also corrupt boons. it's so deadly in spvp and wvw. reaper is no good with people who doesn't know how to play it since its shroud is now on a super short cd. and if you just enter shroud and hope to spam to win, it's not going to happen.

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> @"Capicorp.1537" said:

> Condi scourge is competitive dps on the majority of bosses and exceptional on a few where epidemic shines to either increase boss damage and/or let your raid members ignore add mechanics. It also has very useful situation specific utility skills and decent CC. Support scourge is a viable off-healer and is exceptional at Vale Guardian to barrier greens and at Slothasor to cleanse, pull slublings, destroy projectiles, and teleport resurrect if someone goes down. You can argue that it's not min-max best choice, but if you play it well no one should be complaining. The bosses will die and everyone will be happy.


^ this. every single word is true. they don't find necros any useful but if only they see a squad with 1-2 necros know what they're doing, you're able to ignore most of the important mechanics at bosses.

i love how people always trash a class and then say something along the line "ooh i like scourge too". cuz they probably secretly roll it in fractals for easy life but barely get to the bottom of the class and just throw shades.

i want to build a support scourge just to try out new stuff. gotta figure out bank space and bag space first xD

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> @"Hex.2579" said:

> > @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

> > It's a mid-range spec, and a selfish 25might stacking class. In fractals when people dodge, kite, alternate melee/range, when there is no (or sh**** one) druid and no group mights fury, buffs, sustain etc ... yes Scourge can be the top DPS, but IMO it's not relevant and might not be the better choice in theses cases.

> >

> > edit: still strong for theses reasons, I like Scourge eh.

> >

> > Reaper on golem might be a better DPS, but in conditions shroud is the only way to DPS, problem is you can't get heal while in shroud, shroud falls too fast if you're taking dmg, life force rises too slow, shroud is the only defensive utility ... reaper viability is limited.

> >


> here we go again, selfish 25 might stack. every class has the ability to stack might, so effortless on the necro with the right spec. let's not talk about might stack since it's not their job. i still do top dps with pugs whereas i have no might and only 5s fury every time i enter shroud. with the pugs who deal about 13.5k dps on an average, not the normal type 2k dps pugs. i'm answering to OP that reaper is still good since i main a necro, but they're hard to play cuz of short shroud. irrelevant or not, it's for OP to decide.

> if you say you like scourge, gotta elaborate why too since it's a "selfish 25 might stacking class".


> you could re-read again what i said above." reaper is still viable, hard to play, but still viable in all game modes." by all game modes, i mean spvp and wvw as well. i rarely test dps on a golemn so i don't know what's with you people that do. standing in one spot and deal amazing dps, but when apply in real situation and dps drop like flies.

> you can heal while in shroud, with the right spec, and that's too much sustain needed for pve. so all pve builds won't have that fancy sustain. there are tons of ways to get LF. shroud is not defensive utility, it's an offensive one. i roll in reaper in wvw and sometimes switch to scourge, back and forth. can do just fine but again, reaper is hard to play now, still viable.


> edit: the reason i find scourge better than reaper is because of an easier rotation, barrier and aoe condi cleanse every 5s. if trait right, the same skill that cleanse everyone's condis is also corrupt boons. it's so deadly in spvp and wvw. reaper is no good with people who doesn't know how to play it since its shroud is now on a super short cd. and if you just enter shroud and hope to spam to win, it's not going to happen.



So you just join bad PUG and you know it by playing handy build. Still not relevant.


>shroud is not defensive utility, it's an offensive one.

It's both.

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lol re-read fam. i joined good pugs. they deal average 13.5k dps and i'm on top of theirs.

edit: wouldn't call them bad pugs since normal pugs only deal about 7k dps max. and i already round up for them to 7k, they don't even reach 7k. only 6k something.

not "handy" build. i could still play the meta build and still deal better dps than other meta build classes, even on my wvw gears. it's just how fractals work out that way. same in raids depend on bosses and encounters.

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> @"Vlad Morbius.1759" said:

> I can't even begin to understand how Anet justifies keeping the balance team they have. Necro has spent years being in the basement and no matter how much evidence is given they just continue to deny there are issues, it's pathetically unprofessional.


They justify it because there are no consequences to making bad decisions. In fact, there aren't even indicators of whether a decision is bad or not. They can make any random changes they like (and have a track record of doing so).


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> @"Vlad Morbius.1759" said:

> I just cannot understand how there can be any justification for one build doing a full 27% more DPS; Weaver Air Staff LH 45.715 top DPS and 44.800 average vs. top Necro build which is a Scourge Condition Renegade 30.400 top DPS. How is it numbers like this don't jump out and scream unbalanced to people working on the builds?


Theyll just change slant on the commentary and mention pvp..skew the discussion, sidetrack. Thats with major hlp from the other classes goin off about it. Everyone prefers it when necro is at its sub par status. Just check twitch streamers having a sook about it..the tears are pathetic.

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