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What is your general feeling about the activities within Open World PvE content?

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> @"juhani.5361" said:

> > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > @"juhani.5361" said:

> > > HoT maps: 0/10

> > >

> > > I'm never on a populated enough map to get anywhere. My gliding's stuck at level 2, I think. I have the points, but I'll never get the XP to finish unlocking it. I'm stuck forever in the Verdant Brink. The situation was just as miserable a couple of years ago, when trying to deal with the maps drove me from the game.

> >

> > I don't understand this.

> > I bought HoT only like 3 months ago. And I keep ending up in filled meta maps. And if not, there's always a handful of people around.

> >

> > I have almost all the maps mapped out and a few of the masteries.

> >

> > It's also easy enough to traverse the maps solo and I've yet to have to wait long to gather a couple of extra people for the HPs


> Weird that you say that about your map experiences. I've read a few accounts of contrasting experiences on Reddit and a going hypothesis I've read to explain the disparity is that GW2's servers use adaptive machine learning based on your in-game activities to place you in a map instance. I don't know if it's true or not, but it explains a lot.


> My experience is totally different. Two years ago, a couple of months after launch, the maps depopulated heavily as a mass of people left the game. That was about when I'd gotten through the personal story and started in on HoT. I'd find a few players around, but not enough to make a dent in night map events.


> I'm wondering if there's a population resurgence with PoF and mounts. Verdant Brink was _miserable_ to travel on foot. It wasn't hard, exactly, beyond trying to find anything on the maps. But it took forever with low populations, high mob density, and high respawn rates. And that was the good part ;) I suck at jumping and platforming in general. I was constantly slipping and falling to my death trying to dodge things. Or, heck, run down that first hill right out of the gate. I think I died on that ledge 100 times before I got the hang of it. Exploration was utter misery. I've gone back a couple of times to mine or forage a bit for the dailies, but the ugh returns every time I do.


> I loathe those maps. Completely.


I have noticed that most people in the maps, use mounts...so I'm sure that has something to do with it.

I'm EU, not sure if that plays a part.


I'm loving the HoT maps, easily my favourite so far.

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> @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > @"juhani.5361" said:

> > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > > @"juhani.5361" said:

> > > > HoT maps: 0/10

> > > >

> > > > I'm never on a populated enough map to get anywhere. My gliding's stuck at level 2, I think. I have the points, but I'll never get the XP to finish unlocking it. I'm stuck forever in the Verdant Brink. The situation was just as miserable a couple of years ago, when trying to deal with the maps drove me from the game.

> > >

> > > I don't understand this.

> > > I bought HoT only like 3 months ago. And I keep ending up in filled meta maps. And if not, there's always a handful of people around.

> > >

> > > I have almost all the maps mapped out and a few of the masteries.

> > >

> > > It's also easy enough to traverse the maps solo and I've yet to have to wait long to gather a couple of extra people for the HPs

> >

> > Weird that you say that about your map experiences. I've read a few accounts of contrasting experiences on Reddit and a going hypothesis I've read to explain the disparity is that GW2's servers use adaptive machine learning based on your in-game activities to place you in a map instance. I don't know if it's true or not, but it explains a lot.

> >

> > My experience is totally different. Two years ago, a couple of months after launch, the maps depopulated heavily as a mass of people left the game. That was about when I'd gotten through the personal story and started in on HoT. I'd find a few players around, but not enough to make a dent in night map events.

> >

> > I'm wondering if there's a population resurgence with PoF and mounts. Verdant Brink was _miserable_ to travel on foot. It wasn't hard, exactly, beyond trying to find anything on the maps. But it took forever with low populations, high mob density, and high respawn rates. And that was the good part ;) I suck at jumping and platforming in general. I was constantly slipping and falling to my death trying to dodge things. Or, heck, run down that first hill right out of the gate. I think I died on that ledge 100 times before I got the hang of it. Exploration was utter misery. I've gone back a couple of times to mine or forage a bit for the dailies, but the ugh returns every time I do.

> >

> > I loathe those maps. Completely.


> I have noticed that most people in the maps, use mounts...so I'm sure that has something to do with it.

> I'm EU, not sure if that plays a part.


> I'm loving the HoT maps, easily my favourite so far.


You know, your timing might have a lot to do with it. I play on NA servers usually at APAC hours. I went "exploring" a little more, now that I have a maxed-out springer. Some of the scenery's quite nice. Tarir's beautiful! It's still not at all fun to explore. But I can now, fortunately, since I finally found my way out of Verdant Brink. Updating my rating to 4/10, for terrible navigation, useless maps, but nice scenery.

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The number of people with really high MP numbers dying in a very visible field of the chack potentate and the even greater number of people trying to raise them in a field that grows every few ticks tells you everything you need to know about the skill of the player base of GW2. This includes both the "I can do a rotation, I am SO skilled" crowd and the "Hm, I don´t know why my character blinks now" people. The first group lacks the imagination, the second group lacks the experience. But both lack something called situational awareness.


HoT was, is and will be terrible for people who are bad at exploring and minigames disguised as skill and reaction tests.

PoF was, is and will be terrible for people who look for encounters that can wipe larger numbers and people who find rather flat and accessible maps boring.

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The game was MUCH more robust at release. Now, the only things that are important are map completion, Hero Points, and Mastery Points.

Completing maps just for the sake of completing maps really detracts from anything even vaguely resembling fun. And, personally, I think the whole Mastery Point system is poorly implemented. Getting the points is hard enough, but then it is necessary to get XP in order to apply them. Beyond that, the HoT maps can be a nightmare because there are far too few waypoints (and you're forever getting killed because of Mob-density and the way they spawn right on top of you) and it's very difficult to get the Hero Points and Mastery Points without a group. Having to glide to locations you can't even see with no reference to how far down the canyons the location might be and often no intermediate landing spots you can use makes the Hero Point/Mastery Point situation nothing more than gambling -- it's all based on luck -- and then you're going to die and have to re-spawn a long distance away because there are no waypoints anywhere nearby.

Maybe the masochists out there like that, but I only find it frustrating, not fun.

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By Activities, I guess you mean the adventures. Otherwise it would have been nice to know what you call an activity. However, the adventures are good, mostly well made minigames that let you experience something besides killing mobs and doing events. I still voted average, as there is noreplay value in them once you got what you wanted, be that getting a chest for a collection or getting gold for the AP. So while the content itself is good and sometimes great, I'd rather have ANet put their ressources into something else with more replay value like open world maps, new fractals/raids/dungeons, event chains/meta-events et. al.

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> @"Lord Kreegan.8123" said:

> The game was MUCH more robust at release. Now, the only things that are important are map completion, Hero Points, and Mastery Points.

> Completing maps just for the sake of completing maps really detracts from anything even vaguely resembling fun. And, personally, I think the whole Mastery Point system is poorly implemented. Getting the points is hard enough, but then it is necessary to get XP in order to apply them. Beyond that, the HoT maps can be a nightmare because there are far too few waypoints (and you're forever getting killed because of Mob-density and the way they spawn right on top of you) and it's very difficult to get the Hero Points and Mastery Points without a group. Having to glide to locations you can't even see with no reference to how far down the canyons the location might be and often no intermediate landing spots you can use makes the Hero Point/Mastery Point situation nothing more than gambling -- it's all based on luck -- and then you're going to die and have to re-spawn a long distance away because there are no waypoints anywhere nearby.

> Maybe the masochists out there like that, but I only find it frustrating, not fun.


You exaggerate. A lot.


There are enough WPs and safe travel-possibilities in those maps. You've got Nuhoch Wallows and various gliding-possibilities. Also, the monster-density is far weaker than it is/was on the Orr-maps. I think that they implemented the mastery system just fine. Needing XP and MP actually forces you to play the content for a while - PoF was quite the opposite: was finished there within a week, 'cause you get spammed with mastery points and literally don't need XP to level those masteries. You also get more than enough HoT-XP though map-metas. The only thing I can agree with is the need to group up for Hero Points, 'cause the Hero Challenges are all Champions. On the other hand, you're playing a MMORPG (which people tend to forget nowadays) and not a single-player-game, so that should be fine; at least it is for me.


Well, maybe I'm biased. The HoT-maps are actually my most favorite maps in the game (well, maybe not TD so much...) and I do think, that they are well designed.

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> @"Genesis.5169" said:

> Would have rated higher but PoF is boring. Says a lot when players like me who have what they need go back to HoT for fun and gold. Anet you shouldn't have gone backwards with map difficulty. I understand you guys were afraid of the backlash you go after HoT launch but that was manly because you priced it absurdly, i'm quite positive you didn't need to tone down difficulty and teamwork for the few that complained.


> People prefer to work together believe it or not even if they aren't talking, if they didn't they wouldn't be playing mmo they'd be playing single player games like bayonetta and dark souls, farcry etc.


> Bring back team based map meta's.


talk about out of touch with the real world much . myself i like pof hardly see any one at all the way i like it . and not only that when i pve i do not have time or need to be bothered by other people in the game that just only get in my way with foolish so called map meta events . and team based map meta events really make the game a problem to deal with in pve . and i am not the only one that has to deal with this problem of the meta kitten junk maps . that is why a lot of my friends did not buy hot when it came out was too much meta kitten junk based pof on the other hand tho we love it with no meta kitten junk or people in our way !!! :# :# :#

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This is the problem with polls on forums....

People can't even phrase a proper question, but here they go happily posting polls...

The question is to vague and ambiguous, even the wording of it doesn't fit the meaning the OP wants. And he's too busy fishing for replies and thumbs (i guess) to actually edit his original post after having to clarify mid topic what he wants.


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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> This is the problem with polls on forums....

> People can't even phrase a proper question, but here they go happily posting polls...

> The question is to vague and ambiguous, even the wording of it doesn't fit the meaning the OP wants. And he's too busy fishing for replies and thumbs (i guess) to actually edit his original post after having to clarify mid topic what he wants.



It's true. I am too busy amping up for EU reset, and can only occasionally gaze over at the second monitor. Also I am surprised people are still responding to this poll after this long. I am also monitoring the time until it can't be bumped anymore.

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Everyone has their own PERSONAL opinion of what PvE should be like, there fore your poll is irrelevant as there are as many answers as there are players, so until a poll can have unlimited answers or the two other missing options: All of the Above or None of the Above, no vote will be forthcoming.

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The minigames in GW2 are lacking polish, if nothing else. I've mentioned this before but I'll say it yet again...


The difference between GW2 activities/minigames and games like Gwent can be summed up as LOVE.



Keg brawl has tonnes of potential - Add "Queue as a Group" and it becomes THE team sport of Tyria and a leveller for people who are sick of being destroyed by better classes in PvP modes.

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I would give it a "good" to "well above average". One of the cooler things I'm enjoying as a new player is just how relevant Anet keeps older zones and thus, giving players a reason to populate older zones. Wow had serious issues with this and nearly everyone was funneled into brand new stuff with no real reason to go back.

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I love it. There is so much variety that I can do so many different things!

I can META if I want to in HoT, I can META if I want to in LS4, I can META if I want in some of the LS3.

I can JP if I want to do that pretty much anywhere (Except the super glitchy LS3 one...)

I can do stories on multiple characters (Most of the classes that didn't have good story builds now have good story builds!)

I can bounty hunt if I want, granted I don't see much in it.

Gryphon collection is fun. Aurora is fun.

Exploration, HP's, etc are all great.

I think as a whole it's perfect. There are still things that could be worked on/fixed, but overall it satisfies me.

I don't have to play content I don't want to. I despise aggro range on all of PoF but I don't have to play PoF content if I don't want to since there's so much to do!

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> @"Raizel.8175" said:

> The argument seems to be valid though? HoT-maps are still decently populated and you always find people for meta-events through LFG. PoF-maps on the other hand feel dead. So Anet probably did something right in creating those HoT-maps.

Yes. The thing Anet did right in HoT and failed horribly in PoF is the _reward structure_. Bounties are a clear example - legendary ones are being done for mosaics, but normal ones are generally considered not worth the trouble (especially considering how painful some combinations of boss skills and random bounty buffs can be).

Same with Serpent's ire - metaevent that is really difficult for a openworld pug, while being not rewarding at all.


In future they should probably aim at something in-between. More big metas (but not all maps revolving around a single mapwide meta), that happen to be rewarding enough so people will keep doing them long after the novelty wears off, but also many small-scale events (with decent rewards) so solo players and small groups have something to do as well.


Map currencies and chest+ key system from HoT seem like a good option as well - people do the small-scale events to earn currency/get keys, and the bigger ones to spawn chests they could open with those keys.

Think Auric Basin/Tangled Depths with their map metas being a little bit scaled down (and perhaps with more than one such meta on the map), and with those metas not disabling/resetting other event chains (or locking out access to parts of the map).


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> @"Gabbynot.2654" said:

> > @"Genesis.5169" said:

> > Would have rated higher but PoF is boring. Says a lot when players like me who have what they need go back to HoT for fun and gold. Anet you shouldn't have gone backwards with map difficulty. I understand you guys were afraid of the backlash you go after HoT launch but that was manly because you priced it absurdly, i'm quite positive you didn't need to tone down difficulty and teamwork for the few that complained.

> >

> > People prefer to work together believe it or not even if they aren't talking, if they didn't they wouldn't be playing mmo they'd be playing single player games like bayonetta and dark souls, farcry etc.

> >

> > Bring back team based map meta's.


> talk about out of touch with the real world much . myself i like pof hardly see any one at all the way i like it . and not only that when i pve i do not have time or need to be bothered by other people in the game that just only get in my way with foolish so called map meta events . and team based map meta events really make the game a problem to deal with in pve . and i am not the only one that has to deal with this problem of the meta kitten junk maps . that is why a lot of my friends did not buy hot when it came out was too much meta kitten junk based pof on the other hand tho we love it with no meta kitten junk or people in our way !!! :# :# :#


I have yet to find a full PoF map, but everyday during primetime, TD,AB,DS and VB have two or 3 completely full maps for metas.


If that doesn't tell you, your the one whose alone hear you just don't want to see it.

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> @"finkle.9513" said:

> I dont understand the question, everything is good the first time, however pve content is repetitive so its boring ... whats the point in this question?


**Presumptions and assumptions is what happened.** I presumed that players would understand what I meant by "activities" while failing to remember that ANET has a specific category for "[Activity](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Activity "Activity")." You can also make semantic arguments if you were wanting a more concise poll. Such as "Perfect" and "Worst" require previous experiences in order to compare to, or "Incomplete" unnecessary if some form of "Bad" response is present. Or keep to simple ideas like color choice...


Which brings us to your response. I have to assume you don't actually mean everything, for it would be silly to say being murdered the first time is good. So I presume it is in regards to vidya games, which is still untrue...there are bad games out there. So I then must assume you mean in the context of GW2, which is also untrue. I don't consider waiting for things "good" such as dead time zones in WvW or any form of Queues. Subjective of course, because maybe some people like waiting for a group to form. Idk.


You then state repetitive as boring without getting into examples. While I must say all games are repetitive in nature, so I then must jump into another assumption that you mean scripted events with rudimentary AI. Which I'd agree, but I don't know if that's what you intend...because even SPVP and WvW fall under "repetitive."


So, what is the point of this response? I don't know, I'd prefer if you elaborated so there is a "point."


Also I wonder if this message bumps this poll so I can at least verify that.


P.S. And so it did, so maybe after the 7th day, responses won't bump polls.

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> @"Genesis.5169" said:

> > @"Gabbynot.2654" said:

> > > @"Genesis.5169" said:

> > > Would have rated higher but PoF is boring. Says a lot when players like me who have what they need go back to HoT for fun and gold. Anet you shouldn't have gone backwards with map difficulty. I understand you guys were afraid of the backlash you go after HoT launch but that was manly because you priced it absurdly, i'm quite positive you didn't need to tone down difficulty and teamwork for the few that complained.

> > >

> > > People prefer to work together believe it or not even if they aren't talking, if they didn't they wouldn't be playing mmo they'd be playing single player games like bayonetta and dark souls, farcry etc.

> > >

> > > Bring back team based map meta's.

> >

> > talk about out of touch with the real world much . myself i like pof hardly see any one at all the way i like it . and not only that when i pve i do not have time or need to be bothered by other people in the game that just only get in my way with foolish so called map meta events . and team based map meta events really make the game a problem to deal with in pve . and i am not the only one that has to deal with this problem of the meta kitten junk maps . that is why a lot of my friends did not buy hot when it came out was too much meta kitten junk based pof on the other hand tho we love it with no meta kitten junk or people in our way !!! :# :# :#


> I have yet to find a full PoF map, but everyday during primetime, TD,AB,DS and VB have two or 3 completely full maps for metas.


> If that doesn't tell you, your the one whose alone hear you just don't want to see it.


put it like this no one cares about full maps at all given the fact of mega servers so your points mean noting at all !! as well as hot is not worth bothering with at all. meta events is another one of the problems with this dead 5 year old out of date game . :# :# :#

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