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What am I even supposed to do in WvW?


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I am on Riverside [DE]. Pretty good ranking. No idea how it got there. Currently getting destroyed by Jade Sea [FR] 3 ranks below.


The zergs are a joke. The only success I had in a squad was taking undefended forts. The zergs I took part in generally slowly back away from the enemy zergs without even trying to fight while slowly dieing. It is absolutely laughable seeing a 40-45 man squad (with about 20 warmaster backs) not even trying to fight. Never won a single zerg fight yesterday in a few hours. Only managed to get in one zerg fight today. Same result. Also commander rage quitted after that "fight".


Am I supposed to run around on my own capturing camps and other minor objectives? I can't find a single active commander in any of the 4 maps. During peak hours on a sunday.

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> @"Klipso.8653" said:

> Your best bet may be to try commanding. Sounds like you got the people but lack commanders. give it a try, you might enjoy it.


I barely understand how WvW works. I don't think I would make a great commander. Especially when so many people (with legendary warmaster backs) don't even try to fight, preffering to slowly back away while dieing. And I don't feel like dropping so much gold for a commander tag.


I ended up following dolyaks near the main base because it gives participation. This sure is exciting WvW action.

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> @"Godfather.9058" said:

> I am on Riverside [DE]. Pretty good ranking. No idea how it got there. Currently getting destroyed by Jade Sea [FR] 3 ranks below.


> The zergs are a joke. The only success I had in a squad was taking undefended forts. The zergs I took part in generally slowly back away from the enemy zergs without even trying to fight while slowly dieing. It is absolutely laughable seeing a 40-45 man squad (with about 20 warmaster backs) not even trying to fight. Never won a single zerg fight yesterday in a few hours. Only managed to get in one zerg fight today. Same result. Also commander rage quitted after that "fight".


> Am I supposed to run around on my own capturing camps and other minor objectives? I can't find a single active commander in any of the 4 maps. During peak hours on a sunday.


thats germans :D


germans dont fight, they make forts as u call them with 100 arrow carts

they take undeffended stuff and when shit get tuff they change maps.


this why im always saying remove all servers let people choose new servers and do not make a german/spanish/france only servers anymore because all 3 of em have shitty problems.

germans dont really fight

spanish people dont even play during prime time

france show white flag so fast its not even funny u need to let em cap stuff or else they are non existance.

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> @"Godfather.9058" said:

> > @"Klipso.8653" said:

> > Your best bet may be to try commanding. Sounds like you got the people but lack commanders. give it a try, you might enjoy it.


> I barely understand how WvW works. I don't think I would make a great commander. Especially when so many people (with legendary warmaster backs) don't even try to fight, preffering to slowly back away while dieing. And I don't feel like dropping so much gold for a commander tag.


> I ended up following dolyaks near the main base because it gives participation. This sure is exciting WvW action.


Every commander starts somewhere, and you just get better the more you do it.


How it works:

3-way fight over 4 maps that lasts for 7 days.



Your server gains points every 5 minutes based on how many objectives you own, and for killing enemy players.

Bigger objectives are worth more points

Every 2 hours those points will earn your server skirmish badges based on 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place (1st place being worth more, 3rd place being worth less) and resets back to 0 for the next 2-hour period.

At the end of the week, the server with the most badges moves up to a higher tier, and the server with the least badges moves down to a lower tier



Towers/Keeps/Castle get upgraded based on how many dolyaks successfully deliver supplies to it (Tier 0 & 1 are 'paper', Tier 2 is a bit stronger, and Tier 3 is fully upgraded)

Camps get upgraded based on how many dolyaks they successfully deliver to other objectives.

Guilds can 'claim' objectives which places certain bonuses on the objective that helps you defend it, such as passive upgrades and tactivator bonuses

'Bloodlust' is a buff that your server receives from capturing at least 3 of the middle ruins, this buff grants bonus points for using finishers on enemy players.

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Riverside was fine, we had to fight them last week, and had many happy blob vs blob fights. The Vizu was the terrible one, only doing PPT and taking empty stuff.


I don't think RS is really being destroyed by Jade Sea, the Victory Points look equal so far. The rankings are meaningless, they changed the WvW matchup some time ago. Now the winner of each match will go ALWAYS one tier up and third goes 1 tier down. So as we (SFR+FoW) will probably lose current match in Tier 3 agains Vabbi and Kodash, we will drop down one tier, and if Riverside wins current match, they go up into T3.


In these low tiers very few players are left in WvW so there are no actual zergs anymore, who know how to fight properly, which builds to use or anything much. The pugs simply come into some area of the map and randomly brawl against enemy pugs, without comms or TS or much point other then having fun. Or attack and defend some objective, for fun. Most times it ends with one side having too many pugs and other side backs off.


If you want proper zerg builds and commanders, there are few servers to pick from. Vabbi and FSP are the ones which everyone who plays WvW for fights, transfered to. I also think you can find more players in Piken or Gandara. But thats all in EU, every other server is pretty low population and has no commanders or very few fighting guilds.


Notice that if you plan to transfer to Vabbi or FSP too, there is probably relinking of smaller servers happening within few weeks and this may cause another huge movement between servers when whole guilds abandon current ones and move to new servers. Also notice that because all the fighting guilds are currently gathered up only into 2 servers, they have usually nobody to fight against (unless they happen to be in same tier for one week). The Vabbi in T3 is currently so overstacked against both opponents, even when half of their population went on holiday break, they are happily chasing up 5 enemies with their 50 man blobs because that is only fight they can find for several hours.

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<3 RS u can whisper me and we´re gonna kill ém all !!! Unfortunately RS ´s got the WORST WvW activity since MONTHS and still full .. so no one can join up .. so we will have to live with every other server running us over @ offtime :) maybe there´s something wrong with anets maths about this all .. ?

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I've been on Jade Sea since 5 years now, mostly roaming, but sometimes zerging (core power warrior playing focus party). I don't feel that Jade Sea is unstoppable, quite the opposite actually. In the past we did have dedicated commanders and people who wanted to up and defend structures, we also had guilds which used to GvG and knew how to handle fighting, and we reached 3rd place consistently. However, hectic transfers from other French servers led to a loss of server identity and many frictions among players, and lots of original Jade Sea players left the server and/or the game. The current Jade Sea (ranked 10/15) is IMHO nothing terrifying, mostly players who zerg and want to reset opponent's structures, not really playing the game on a strategic layer.


Of course, there are some nice exceptions out there. Some roamers do a very fine job, and some commanders have a good tactical sense, and know how to fight in outnumbered situations (shoutout to guilds [TLG] and [suka] who do pretty well in that regard these days).


About zergs running from fights: I think that's a problem in all servers, including Jade Sea. The ability to understand and seize momentum is not common in commanders, and must be nourished over time, possibly trained with GvG. Plus commanders have to quickly analyze and understand the capability of their zerg, not overestimating it, devising a proper strategy, which requires a special kind of insight.


Also, current WvW players (all servers) have in general less fighting experience than in the past, probably because there's a new batch of players who have come with the xpacs, and are slowly learning the ropes. Most of them cannot handle 1v1 or 1vX fights, lacking mechanical skills, class/build knowledge, and tactical vision within a fight. It feels like they never practice, either in PvP or guild training. Well, I don't dislike this because as a solo roamer, I face lots of them, hehe :)

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> @"primatos.5413" said:

> <3 RS u can whisper me and we´re gonna kill ém all !!! Unfortunately RS ´s got the WORST WvW activity since MONTHS and still full .. so no one can join up .. so we will have to live with every other server running us over @ offtime :) maybe there´s something wrong with anets maths about this all .. ?


First of all: Elona got the worst WvW activity since years but yeah.



>If you want proper zerg builds and commanders, there are few servers to pick from. Vabbi and FSP are the ones which everyone who plays WvW for fights, transfered to. I also think you can find more players in Piken or Gandara. But thats all in EU, every other server is pretty low population and has no commanders or very few fighting guilds.


Not really. There are a lot more quite decent but not as fight focused. For Germans it would have been Kodash to Transfer to but ist closed already.






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You are supposed to just Player vs Door and server stack on the server ANet is turning into the Server of the Month. That's what RvR looks when the PvP has been replaced by PvE. Other then that you are supposed to just go PvP on the forums. Because ANet completely roots out any decent PvP in their game to replace it with shet tier'ed PvE.


If you brought this game for any type of decent Player versus Player interaction. I'm sorry you brought the wrong game.

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